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Forum Account Activation issue has been resolved!

Forum Account Activation issue has been resolved!

Unfortunately, the registration at our forum didn’t quite work as hoped.
A small bug made it that new users would not get an activation email – which makes it hard to complete registration of course.

I did manage to find what caused this issue; a minor bug in the forum software.
The issue should now be resolved, and the fix has been shared with the developers of the forum plugin.

For those that have tried to register before: Feel free to contact me, mentioning the email address you used to register.
I can then either activate your account, or remove the account so you can register with the same email address again.

Apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks to all that reported this issue.

MacOS X Image Resizer – Big Sur Update

MacOS X Image Resizer – Big Sur Update

My little script to resize images straight from Finder, and optionally attach them right away to a new email, has been updated to fix some issues that surfaced with the release of Big Sur.

This version provides a fix for the “Image Events got an error: image “<imagename>” doesn’t understand the “save” message” error message, and resolves the issue with Apple Mail freezing up when trying to attach images to a new email.

You can find the download, and ask questions, with the original article: MacOS X Image Resizer – Right click images to resize and/or email.


ConnectMeNow v3.0.7 released

ConnectMeNow v3.0.7 released

A new version (3.0.7) of ConnectMeNow, a tool designed to make mounting network shares easier under MacOS, has been released today.

In this new version, you will find features like:

  • Improved Wake On LAN (improvements specifically for certain NAS devices)
  • Mount on appear – which mounts a share once a server becomes available in the network (optional)
  • Mount on Network change – when changing network, ConnectMeNow will try to find your server automatically
  • Improved support for NFS and SSH

This version includes all change and updates found in the beta versions (3.0.6 build 146).

You can find the new version in the original “ConnectMeNow v3 – Mount Network Shares Quick and Easy on a Mac”  article.

ApplePi-Baker v2.2.0 release for Catalina

ApplePi-Baker v2.2.0 release for Catalina

We have just released ApplePi-Baker v2.2.0.
This version was released with macOS Catalina in mind.

The first release of macOS Catalina (10.15) came with some serious problems for applications like ApplePi-Baker and the likes (Etcher etc).
The “Full Disk Access” security setting seemed to have a bug, preventing reliable access to external disks.

After Apple released its first update (10.15.1) this bug seems to be resolved in a way.
Accessing external disks still comes with a few challenges, so when a disk is being selected, ApplePi-Baker will verify  if “Full Disk Access” works.
If not, a notification and explanation will be shown how to enable “Full Disk Access” for ApplePi-Baker.

Additionally, a small bug (leaving a temp file behind after a backup or restore in ~/tmp) has been resolved.
If partition resizing was used when restoring an image, the resized IMG will still remain, saving you the time to restore the same image again.

For downloads and comments:
Please go to the original article: ApplePi-Baker v2 – Backup & Restore SD cards, USB drives, etc. or look at the Downloads page.

ApplePi-Baker 2.1.6 Update – Bug fix release

ApplePi-Baker 2.1.6 Update – Bug fix release

ApplePi-Baker is build specifically for MacOS, to make backups or restore images (IMG).
Initially intended for Raspberry Pi users, this tool can be used for plenty other applications as well.
For example flashing LibreElec or disk for ODroid, making backups of photography SD cards, etc.
All this is done in the same format as used by the command line tool “dd”.

ApplePi-Baker supports a nice list of compression formats.
For making backups: 7Zip, tbz, tgz, tlz, txz and Zip.
For doing restores: 7Zip, bzip, gzip, ISO, Jar, lzip, rar, tar, tbz, tgz, tlz, txz,xz and Zip.

Besides supporting compression, ApplePi-Baker can also resize a Linux partition to make it fit on your target disk (depending on the amount of used data in the partition of course) or minimize your backup to what is really used on the disk.
Note: Resizing only works for regular MBR disks with a standard partition table.

After some major changes in ApplePi-Baker 2.1.x, I’ve released version 2.1.6 today which fixes some minor issues.

To list a few:

  • Access Violation error when showing advanced view when there were no supported drives available
  • During resize (shrink or expand partition), ApplePi-Baker couldn’t find the temporary file on occasion (thanks Loe and Wolfgang!)
  • ODroid resize issue resolved (thanks Götz!)
  • Improved stability for partition resize (shrink/expand)

At this moment one bug remains open, and that is when there is not enough disk space on your Mac to do a backup and/or resize.

Download the latest version of ApplePi-Baker from the original article: ApplePi-Baker v2 – Backup & Restore SD cards, USB drives, etc.

If you run into any issues, bug, or errors using ApplePi-Baker, then please report these with the original article as well.

ApplePi-Baker v2.1 Update – Faster and Expand or Shrink IMG

ApplePi-Baker v2.1 Update – Faster and Expand or Shrink IMG

I’m very excited to announce that ApplePi-Baker now supports shrinking and expanding of Ext2, Ext3 or Ext4 Linux partitions on a Mac!!
This is something I wasn’t able to do before and is commonly seen as a challenge on a Mac (since MacOS does not support these Linux File Systems).

This update can only shrink or expand Linux partitions on a MBR partitioned disks (very common format used for the Raspberry Pi).

Keep in mind: I’ve done quite a lot of successful tests, but by lack of beta testers, I’m still marking it as experimental.

During backup, if the option has been enabled, ApplePi-Baker will locate a Linux partition and if found shrink it to it’s minimal size, and update the IMG file and it’s partition table (the source will not be affected). This will result in a much more compact IMG file, and offers a restore to a device of a different capacity.

On Restore, this same option will expand that Linux partition to the maximum available size on the target disk.
Obviously, the target device needs to be able to accommodate at least the minimum size of the IMG file.

Since quite a bit needs to be done (find partition, check file system integrity, resize partition, etc), this will naturally slow down the backup and restore process, but it will help restoring to different sized target disks/SD-card.

Not only that, version 2.1.0 is much faster than 2.0.0 – I’ve seen speed increases up to 300% during backup.

You can find the latest version of ApplePi-Baker in the original article (please place comments there).


Tweaking4All more secure with SSL …

Tweaking4All more secure with SSL …

Outfits like Google, Let’s EncryptcPanel and Comodo are pushing for a more secure Internet.
Obviously there is nothing wrong with that, and I commend them (and others) for pushing and supporting for this.

In this case we are talking about adding a so called SSL certificate to websites, allowing encryption, which can be identified by the url starting with “https”. In other words making the good old and regular “http” protocol secure.

In the past one would have to pay yearly to keep the SSL certificate valid, for every single domain, or pay even more for so called wildcard certificates. But, for basic purposes, this is no longer the case (for commercial use one still will have to pay for a certificate) – thank you Let’s Encrypt and Comodo for providing those free certificates.

Now keep in mind though that we have nothing critical here at Tweaking4All that would need encryption. However, in the push for website owners to start using encryption, Google has seemed to have gone the route where their browser will display messages that may look misleading to the end-user, for those website that do not support encryption. Not even mentioning the possible negative Google ranking impact for websites that are not encrypted.

So I’ve spend the better part of this weekend to implement SSL/HTTPS on Tweaking4All as well – it has caused some problems, and possible downtime and odd behavior of the website in the past 2 days. My apologies for that … you should now see a green “Secure” message near the address-bar of your browser.

Please feel free to report issues, or moments where this does not show a green “Secure” indicator – it’s not impossible that I overlooked one or the other small piece. 

miniWOL v1.2 available!

miniWOL v1.2 available!

Previous miniWOL versions proved that just reading the specifications of Wake on LAN and testing with your own equipment is not going to result in a 100% perfect application, as it seems that certain machines prefer to see a broadcast over the network instead of a specific IP address.

In this new version, you can still retrieve the Mac Address based on IP address, and use a broadcast mask ( is the default). This should help with certain setups like Synology devices.

This update applies to Windows and MacOS versions of miniWOL.

Note: I have just uploaded a revised v1.2 (Friday Dec. 9 2016) which fixes sending a WOL when miniWOL starts for those servers that have been tagged as such.

Read the original MiniWOL article. Comments, bugs, question etc, can be posted there as well.
You can also download it from our Downloads page.

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.4 update for MacOS Sierra (beta 2)

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.4 update for MacOS Sierra (beta 2)

ApplePi-Baker has been updated again – this time fixing a small bug for macOS Sierra users (beta 2 tested).

The disk/SD card size was not displaying. This has been fixed in 1.9.4.

Please report any issues you might run into when running MacOS Sierra, at the original ApplePi-Baker article where you can also download the latest version.

Special thanks to Barry for reporting .

ConnectMeNow – Version 1.7.9 available …

ConnectMeNow – Version 1.7.9 available …

ConnectMeNow, a small application for Mac OS X to quickly mount network shares, has been updated to version 1.7.9 – yes i’ts an odd version number, but this has to do with a lot of testing by Steffen and others.

Some of the changes include:

Support for separator lines in the menu, buttons to move items up and down in the list, support to save the config file anywhere you’d like (they can even be shared with other computers, for example through DropBox etc.), option to backup/restore your config file, “Execute AutoMount” function, menubar fix for macOS Sierra, fixed bug which would reset the number or shares to zero (= loosing all settings!), standard preferences are now stored per Apple Guidelines, and a minor bug in WOL has been fixed.

For  download of the latest version, please read the original article (Quickly connect Network shares on a Mac with ConnectMeNow), where you can also ask questions or report issues. Or … find the application on our Downloads Page.

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.3 update for MacOS Sierra (beta 2)

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.3 update for MacOS Sierra (beta 2)

ApplePi-Baker has been updated again.

This version addresses a minor issue with MacOS Sierra (beta 2) causing an index out of bound error.
Please report any issues you might run into when running MacOS Sierra, at the original ApplePi-Baker article where you can also download the latest version.

Special thanks to Manuel for testing and sending me the log file .

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.2 update for MacOS Sierra

ApplePi-Baker v1.9.2 update for MacOS Sierra

ApplePi-Baker has been updated again.

This version addresses a minor issue with MacOS Sierra (beta) concerning proper device detection.
Please report any issues you might run into when running MacOS Sierra, at the original ApplePi-Baker article where you can also download the latest version.

MacOS Sierra – miniWOL update (v1.1.1)

MacOS Sierra – miniWOL update (v1.1.1)

With the arrival of the new MacOS Sierra, a user (Steffen – thanks man!) discovered a small bug with the icon in the menubar.

This version/update fixes this issue for Mac users.

Read the original MiniWOL article. Comments, bugs, question etc, can be posted there as well.
You can also download it from our Downloads page.

Name My TV Series v1.8.0 available …

Name My TV Series v1.8.0 available …

A new version of Name My TV Series is available, version 1.8.0, with quite a few new features.

For those who followed the comments and forum posts, you will have seen some new features popup. This is the main reason why I ended up skipping the 1.7.x version numbers – thank you Collin for taking the time to test and thank you CDRSteve for the motivational beers!

Some of the new features include folders, setting airdate for folders, detection of video resolution (720p, 1080p, etc), video codec, and audio codec, and history drop-downs for file-naming, directory naming, and previously loaded shows.

For the most recent version, go to the original Name My TV Series article, or our Download-page.

Name My TV Series v1.6.1 available …

Name My TV Series v1.6.1 available …

As of today, version 1.6.1 of Name My TV Series has become available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux (32- and 64-bit).

This release fixes a bug with the import and export feature – which I overlooked when implementing AirDate.

Feel free leave a comment at the Rename your TV Series Files article, where you can also download the latest version.

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