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Mac OS X – BootCamp CD Eject for Windows

Mac OS X – BootCamp CD Eject for Windows

When running Windows on your Mac through BootCamp, you might be searching for the CD/DVD Eject button every now and then, and back in the day (2009) I wrote a little application for that for my own use: BootCamp CD Eject.
This application works with all Windows version as of Windows XP – and you can use this without BootCamp as well.

This little application lives in the Windows Systray and allows you to eject a CD/DVD from a menu or through a key combination. There is also a key combination to quickly put your Windows in standby.

I’m posting the application (free!) since I recently ran into some users that actually had a use for it even 7 years after developing it.

BootCamp CD Eject

Back in 2009, I wrote this little application, because at the time there was no quick and easy way to eject a CD or DVD from one of those slot-loading CD/DVD-ROMs that one would find in Mac’s and MacBook’s.
It’s basically a substitute for the missing Eject button on CD/DVD-ROM drives in Mac’s.

Further Development and Use 

Since this program is written in Delphi, of which I no longer have a license available, development will no longer continue. Well, unless someone would give me a full license of Delphi of course, then I’d be happy to look into change requests.

I did write this program for my own personal use, so please use at your own risk and you might or might not find support here when you run into problems. BootCamp CD Eject has been tested and used with several Windows version from Windows XP to Windows 10, and Windows 10 even in the 64 bit version.

BootCamp CD Eject Features

This is really a very simply little program, written in Delphi, with the following features:

  1. It auto detects CD/DVD/BluRay drives and adds their drive letters to the menu, so you can eject from there,
  2. It detects if the tray is open, and if there is a disk inside the CD/DVD/BluRay player or not,
  3. It offers keyboard shortcuts to eject disks,
    4. You can get Windows to go into standby with a keyboard shortcut as well.


Download BootCamp CD Eject

The download of BootCamp CD Eject is free and includes the BootCamp CD Eject executable and an example registry file to auto start BootCamp CD Eject on Windows boot. Read below how to modify this registry file if needed.

Download - BootCamp-CD-Eject 

Platform:  Microsoft Windows
Version:  1.2
File size:  248.3 kB
Date:  2009-04-12
 Download Now  Send me a cup of Coffee    

Installation of BootCamp CD Eject

Installation is straight forward:

  • Unzip the downloaded file
  • Place the executable in a location you like, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\BootCamp CD Eject


To auto start BootCamp CD Eject, depending on your Windows version, you either add a shortcut it to the startup folder used by the Windows version you’re using, or you apply the following to your registry (recommended).

This example assumes you’ve placed the executable in C:\Program Files (x86)\BootCamp CD Eject , in case you’ve used a different location, then please modify this registry file accordingly (don’t forget the double “\” as a directory separator!).

If you’ve used the same directory, then you can simply double click the .reg file, to add it to your Windows’ startup.
If you’ve used a different directory, then first edit the .reg file with Notepad before double clicking it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"BootCampCDEject"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BootCamp CD Eject\\BootCampCDEject.exe"

As mentioned before, an example registry file (with this example content) is included in the ZIP file.

Using BootCamp CD Eject

The usage is straight forward. Once BootCamp CD Eject has started, a small icon will be visible in the systray of your Windows setup (bottom, far right, next to the Windows clock):  BootCamp CD Eject Tray Icon

Right clicking that icon will popup the menu to eject disks:

BootCamp CD Eject - menu

BootCamp CD Eject – menu

When connection another CD/DVD/BluRay drive, an icon will automatically be added for the newly added drive.

As you can see, a little icon is placed in front of the “Eject D:” line, which indicates if there is a disk in the CD/DVD/BluRay drive or not.

Disk in drive is indicated with:  BootCamp CD Eject - Disk in drive
Empty drive is indicated with:   BootCamp CD Eject - Empty drive

Disks can be opened with a keyboard shortcut: SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + <drive letter>,
and Windows can be send into StandBy with: SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + F12.

Clicking the “About” option in the menu brings up a brief explanation:

BootCamp CD Eject - About

BootCamp CD Eject – About

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