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Carmageddon Reincarnated

Carmageddon Reincarnated

For those who don’t know Carmageddon; this was a very popular (and often baned) racing game for the PC (and later PowerPC).

The main goal of the game: race a track within a given time frame. The time frame offered was super short though. To “buy” extra time you’d try to trash your racing opponents or … (as political wrong as it can be) run over pedestrians and/or cows.

After about 15 years it’s now available again! Woohoo!

The first released version is for iOS (Apple devices) but a Windows version is expected early 2013. MacOS, Linux, and Android versions are expected as well.

Carmageddon …

The reincarnation of Carmageddon was possible through a so called crowd source service

The iOS version plays very well on both iPhone and iPad (I tried it on an iPhone 4S and a 3rd gen iPad), some screenshots of my iPhone can be found below.

The old game was controlled by simple keys like the arrow keys and the space bar (and some extra keys for extra fun). On the iOS devices paddles are displayed to control your car (left bottom: steer left or right, right bottom: handbrake, accelerate or brake).

More info: Carmageddon Wikia, Wiki page.

Carmageddon - Ready to rumble!

Carmageddon – Ready to rumble!

Carmageddon - Count down!

Carmageddon – Count down!

Carmageddon - Our first victims!

Carmageddon – Our first victims!

Carmageddon - Checkpoint insight!

Carmageddon – Checkpoint insight!

Carmageddon - Recognize this track?

Carmageddon – Recognize this track?

Carmageddon - Nice Bonus!

Carmageddon – Nice Bonus!

Carmageddon - Woopsie!

Carmageddon – Woopsie!

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There are 3 comments. You can read them below.
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  • Jul 15, 2013 - 3:26 PM - hans Comment Link
  • Mar 31, 2023 - 5:35 PM - laptopleon Comment Link

    The Mac version of Carmageddon:Reincarnation was a strech goal of a Kickstarter project. The developper kept stalling and stalling the Mac release date and then chose to do an Android version instead.

    The Mac version was never released. ‘Mac’ backers didn’t get their money back or even an excuse.

    After that I never backed any Kickstarter project again.

    If they would’ve simply gone bankrupt, I would have accepted that as a risk that was part of crowdfunding, but this is simply fraud.



    • Apr 1, 2023 - 6:57 AM - Hans - Author: Comment Link

      Hi LaptopLeon,

      you’re totally right – at the time that I posted this (2013), I was optimistic, since I grew up with the original Carmageddon games. Used to love those.

      The Reincarnated version did feel like a serious money grab indeed, the iPad version wasn’t terrible though.
      I did participate in this Kickstarter project as well and felt ripped off afterwards.
      The Windows version was terrible, and as a Mac user I was disappointed as well.

      So yes, I too stopped supporting Kickstarter projects because of projects like this.



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