Warning …
This article is in no way meant to promote pirating!
Verify what the legal limitations are in your country before proceeding!
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Differences between SickBeard and SickRage
SickRage, also known as SickBeard-TVRage, has a few advantages over SickBeard:
– Much better support and integration of Torrents
– Great support for automatic downloading of subtitles
– Easier to work with when it comes to Back Log and Daily Searches
– Fallback to download entire Seasons (if available)
– Optional Copy, Link or Move new downloads
– Set the file date to the actual air date of an episode
– etc.
Migrating from SickBeard
Like I said before: I wrote this article after I had migrated from SickBeard to SickRage.
For this article, having SickBeard installed is not a requirement.
Since quite a few folks will consider migration to SickRage, here some pointers before you begin:
You can install SickRage next to SickBeard since it’s installed in a different directory (/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage
and for SickBeard /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard
Running SickRage and SickBeard at the same time is a bad idea, but not impossible. You will have duplicate downloads and you will possibly run into configuration issues in SABnzbd (if you use it).
It’s probably a good idea to disable SickBeard during the installation process, but before you do so, it might be an idea to copy/print the settings of SickBeard first as it might save you time during configuration of SickRage.
It is said that you can use the config file of SickBeard for SickRage. I preferred to reconfigure from scratch.
You can use a copy of your SickBeard database for SickRage, but it is not recommended by the developers, and you should add shows manually and start from scratch.
SickRage installation path …
It can happen that your QNAP installs it’s QPKGs in a different location than the often seen ” /share/MDO_DATA/.qpkg/
” path. Some users report: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/
A tip from Dustin (below) is to use this: cat /etc/config/qpkg.conf
where the content of the file refers a few ties to the QPKG path, for example::
1 2 3 4
| ...
Shell = /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/update_qpkg_conf.sh
... |
(in this example: /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/update_qpkg_conf.sh)
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Installing SickRage
To install SickRage on your QNAP, we can go two routes.
Using the direct source code from GitHub
Git (GitHub tool) allows you to clone the files of the latest version directly from GitHub. The advantage obviously being that you right away have the latest and greatest. Downside would be less integration with the QNAP Web interface and more manual labor to get it done right.
A description how to do this can be found in the QNAP Forums.
Using a QPKG file
One method, often the easiest, is using a QPKG file. It really is just a matter of a few clicks and SickRage is installed.
A downside of QPKG files is that they are sometime lagging a little behind with the most recent version.
Most applications however, like SickBeard and SickRage, have a build in update mechanism which update to the latest version on GitHub, which usually works just fine.
We will use the QPKG method …
Download and installation of the SickRage QPKG
First we will need to get the QPKG file, and according to the SickRage FAQ, a QPKG can be found here.
Unfortunately it’s on DropBox and I have the bad experience that files there disappear unannounced, so we’re offering the QPKG at Tweaking4All as well. Just keep in mind that by the time you read this, this QPKG might be horribly outdated and one or more update checks might be needed at first start.
I recommend checking the DropBox QPKG first, but you can also download the file below.
Installing the QPKG
Note : Keep in mind to at least disable an existing SickBeard app before proceeding – this is not required but recommended!
In case your QNAP is running QTS older that version 4: please read this article on how to install a QPKG.
If your QNAP is running QTS 4.x (recommended!) follow these steps:
Open the QNAP web-interface and click the “App Center” icon.
Next click the “Install Manually” button in the upper right corner.
Use the “Browse…” button to locate the QPKG you just downloaded and click “Open“.
After that click the “Install” button.
That’s pretty much all there is to it. SickRage is now installed.

QNAP SickRage button
First Launch of SickRage
If you click the “My Apps” link on the left, you should now see “SickBear-TVRage” in the list of installed apps, and if everything went well, it should be active (ON).
Click the “Launch” button to open the SickRage web-interface (the default direct link to the web-interface is http://<ip of your NAS>:7073).
Migrating an existing SickBeard Database (optional)
If you have a rather large list of shows, then migrating your SickBeard database might make sense.
SickRage developers however recommend starting with a fresh database, so if you can: start fresh and add each show.
Before we start copying the database:
– Go to your SickBeard web-interface and write down the number of shows and episodes (bottom left of the page that lists all shows).
– Make sure that both SickBeard and SickRage are disabled. Switch them to OFF in your QNAP App Center.
Next we need to start an SSH session to our QNAP so we can copy some files.
Path to the installed QPKG’s
Most QNAP users will find that QPKG’s are installed in:
This is the path we will assume throughout this article. Replace it with the path your QNAP uses, in case it’s not the same.
First thing I did was create a backup of the existing SickRage database, by moving the database files into a backup directory. Just in case something went wrong and we’d have to go back.
1 2 3
| cd /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage
mkdir databackup
mv sickbeard.db* databackup/ |
This first brings you to the SickRage directory (cd), creates a “databackup” directory (mkdir) and moves all database files there (mv).
If we need to go back, then remove all “sickbeard.db*” files from the SickBeard-TVRage directory and move the files from “databackup” back here.
Next step is to copy the database from your old SickBeard setup. Execute this while still being in the SickBeard-TVRage directory.
| cp ../SickBeard/sickbeard.db* . |
IF you’re not sure where you are, the same statement with full paths would look like such:
cp /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg//SickBeard/sickbeard.db* /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/
Now it’s time to start SickRage again in your QNAP’s App Center.
Please be aware that SickRage will do a database migration, which will take a little while. During this process the SickRage web-interface will not be reachable – do not be alarmed, just be patient and try again in a few minutes.
If you’re getting concerned that SickRage might have crashed, which happened to me, try:
If this returns multiple lines, like something like shown below, SickRage is still running:
1 2 3 4 5
| 29613 admin
1040 S < sh -c /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard-tvrage.sh start 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null
29614 admin 1300 S < /bin/sh /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard-tvrage.sh start
29664 admin 32996 D < /opt/bin/python2.7 SickBeard.py --daemon --pidfile /tmp/SickBeard-TVRage.pid
30077 admin 544 S grep ick |
If you only see the following, then SickRage indeed crashed:
18040 admin 544 S grep ick
In that case try to toggle SickRage OFF and ON again in the QNAP App Center again, and keep an eye on it by using the “ps” statement again.
Eventually, when all is migrated, the “ps” statement should produce something like this:
1 2 3
| 30833 admin
31100 S < /opt/bin/python2.7 SickBeard.py --daemon --pidfile /tmp/SickBeard-TVRage.pid
30915 admin 544 S grep ick |
When opening the SickRage web-interface, look again at the total number of shows and episodes (bottom left of the shows list page).
It might take a few minutes to show the correct (or close) number, so if the number seems too low, refresh the web-interface. It took me 3 refreshes to see the correct number (actually showed only a few more episodes than I originally had).
The shows from the old database will have subtitles disabled by default, which kind-a sucks, but can be fixed with a few clicks and some patience.
Go to the “Manage” menu and select “Mass Update“.
In the appearing list, check the “Edit” option in the titlebar so all shows will be selected.
Next, scroll all the way down and click the “Edit Selected” button.
In the newly loaded page, set “Subtitles” to “Enable” and finally click the “Submit” button.
Processing all shows will take quite a while, but SickRage will now at least try to find missing subtitles.
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Configuring SickRage
Now that we have a running SickRage, time to do some configuration steps.
p.s. I’m skipping the Anime settings button – I have no experience with Anime when it comes to TV shows.
Click the Configuration icon in the upper right corner (left of the blue “Support” button), and choose “General” from the drop-down menu.

SickRage Config
The General Configuration page will open, where you will see multiple buttons for specific section and several tabs for sub-sections – we will go through all of them and I’ll show you the setting I’ve used.
Tip : You can enable your old SickBeard temporary, if you’d like to copy the settings (like those long API key’s and such).

SickRage – General Configuration
General Configuration – Misc Options
The following options have been checked or set – all options that I have not mentioned are not checked or have no value set.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
General – Misc Options
Option |
Value |
Purpose/Notes |
Check for Update |
Check for SickRage updates automatically. |
Update Frequency |
24 |
Check for updates every 24 hours. |
Notify on Update |
Optional: Sends notification after update.
Requires notification handler to be set (later). |
Default Indexer |
All |
Use both TheTVDB and TVRage for show and episode info. |
Indexer Timeout |
10 |
Give an indexer 10 seconds before it times out. |
Logging directory |
Logs |
Directory for dumping log file(s).
In this case: a subdirectory of SickRage’s QPKG directory. |
General Configuration – Web Interface Options
The only values that has been entered here are:
- The IP port SickRage’s web-interface will use. Default this is “7073” for the field “HTTP Port“.
- Username and Password – just to make sure nobody is tampering with your stuff.
I have set NONE of the other options …
You can however choose settings you prefer, for example for logging HTTP access, IPv6, HTTPS, etc. Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Note : Normally, making changes in these options require a restart. For our initial setup we will first complete all settings before restarting SickRage.
General Configuration – Date and Time Settings
Here we set our date and time options, which I’ll leave up to you to decide.
I left my settings to their default values: Date Style (Use System default), Time Style (11:13:41 AM), and Timezones (Network Timezone).
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
General Configuration – Advanced Settings (optional)
The only settings I’ve changed here is checking the option to “Enable API” and generate an API key. You will need to enable this if you’d like to use 3rd party tools, for example SickBeardConnect (an extension for Google Chrome) or one or the other smartphone application (iOS, Android, etc).
If you’re running a 3rd party app: update in that app the URL (port number) and the API Key, so it connects to SickRage.
Keep in mind that this is optional, so if you don’t use such a 3rd party app, then you will not need this.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
You can skip this tab ….
This tab is only used for making a backup of the database and your config file, which we will not need at this point.
It may however be very practical to use in the future. For example, just after we finished the initial configuration, or each time after adding a show, or just before doing some dangerous modification or migration.
Search Settings – Episode Search
These are my settings:
Search Settings – Episode Search
Option |
Value |
Purpose/Notes |
Download Propers |
Download “Proper” or “Repack” version of episodes to replace episodes that have been marked as “nuked”.
In other words: replace a bad version with an improved version, if available. |
Check Propers Every |
24 |
Check for proper versions once a day. |
Backlog Search Frequency |
10800 |
Frequency in minutes on how often the backlog should be processed.
Default value is 10800 (weekly) and you most certainly should avoid using short times to prevent getting blocked or overloading services that help find episodes. Stick to weekly if you can.
FYI: 60 = 1 hour, 1440 = daily, 4320 = every 3 days, 10800 = weekly. |
Daily Search Frequency |
60 |
Frequency in minutes for a daily episode search.
I use once an hour, and here also the recommendation to not set this time too low (see Backlog Search Frequency). |
Usenet Retention |
1000 |
The age limit (number of days) of the retention your Usenet provider claims.
Mine claims 2000+, but I have found that most files >1000 days appear corrupted in some way. |
Ignore Words |
custom |
This is a comma separated list of words you do not wish to see in the files SickRage finds.
For example: german,french,core2hd,dutch,swedish,reenc,MrLss
Which means that I don’t want anything german, french, swedisch or dutch (I only want the english episodes), and I had bad experiences with files that had reenc, mrlss or core2hd in it.
So if any of these words appear in a filename, then SickRage will ignore those. |
Allow High Priority |
This gives a higher priority to recently aired episodes. |
Daily Search on startup |
After (re)start: do Daily Search right away. |
Process Backlog on startup |
After (re)start: process the backlog right away.
So restarting SickRage will trigger a backlog search, no matter when that was done the last time. |
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Search Settings – NZB Search (optional)
With it’s SickBeard background, NZB (Usenet) search is pretty much a must, but not a requirement, and a suitable Usenet account is needed when you enable this option. SickBeard users will most likely want to use this.
On this tab we enable NZB searches and we also link it to our application that downloads NZB’s from your Usenet provider.
On a QNAP I recommend SABnzbd which has worked wonderful for me.
For instructions on how to link SABnzbd, please read the first chapters of “QNAP, Sick Beard & SABnzbd – Download TV Series automatically” where this is explained for SickBeard, which works the same way for SickRage.
You can also use NZBget or a Black Hole, but on a QNAP SABnzbd works excellent …
A Black Hole is a directory where NZB files will be dumped, and whatever application you use for downloading from Usenet groups will have to monitor this directory. Once a file is found, your NZB download application will have to use it to download the found episode.
My settings, based on using SABnzbd, if you do not have a suitable Usenet account, then leave “Search NZBs” uncheck and move on to the next tab.
Search Settings – NZB Search (SABnzbd)
Field |
Value |
Purpose/Notes |
Search NZBs |
SickRage should search for NZB’s.
Note : You WILL need a Usenet account to download episodes! |
NZB Method |
SABnzbd |
Use SABnzbd for downloading episodes found on Usenet. |
SABnzbd URL |
custom |
Here you enter the link to the web-interface of your SABnzbd.
For a QNAP this could be for example http://localhost:8080/ (if it’s on the same QNAP).
Make sure you use the right IP port (8080 might be the default). |
SABnzbd Username |
your SABnzbd username |
Your username to access SABnzbd. |
SABnzbd Password |
your SABnzbd password |
Your password to access SABnzbd. |
SABnzbd API Key |
API key of you SABnzbd |
The API key your SABnzbd generated to allow access (unique for your setup!).
For example: f89363ab7a94b78aea5bed51232db7e2 |
SABnzbd Category |
tv |
The category used in SABnzbd for TV episode downloads. Default is “tv”. |
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Search Settings – Torrent Search (optional)
This is one of those options where SickRage improves over SickBeard – a better support for Torrents.
Note that SickBeard DOES support Torrents, just a lot more limited.
To enable Torrent support, you will need to check the “Search Torrents” option and define how to handle torrents.
Next you will have to define what Torrent application you’d like to use to download Torrents.
Since most providers frown upon the use of Torrents, using a Black Hole and downloading Torrents with Put.IO might be the best option.
A Black Hole, as explained earlier, is a directory where SickRage will dump (torrent) files. You or your Torrent application will have to handle the torrent files yourself. If you have a desktop Torrent client, then this will be the best approach as well.
I know, this is not the first tab, but we need to complete the last 2 tabs first before we can work fully with the first tab.
In other words: we have to define some search providers before we can give them a priority on the first tab.
On this tab we define, if desired, specific NZB search services – most of the free ones are crappy or dead or you need an invite, or you use a commercial one and have to pay a small fee.
For example, let’s assume we use the pretty good NZBPlanet. To be able to use this, we will need enter the:
– “Provider Name” (NZBPlanet),
– “Site URL” (http://nzbplanet.net),
– and “API Key” (a long hexadecimal number).
An example API Key would look something like this: 7791dfb12345678238f1abed66b829ff (this is not a real API key number).
The API Key number, is where things become interesting, since you will need to go to the site of the NZB search provider and have one generated.
Click the “Add” button to add your new provider – which will now appear in the list of the priority tab and in the drop down list to add custom providers.
After adding the service, selecting one from the drop down menu, changes the “Add” button to a “Delete” button so you can remove a provider if you wish to, unless of course you selected “– add new provider –” of course.
Here we do not really need to do anything, since SickRage comes with a nice list of preconfigured providers – all the big ones are there (PirateBay, KickAssTorrents, etc). If you have a very specific provider (a private one for example) then you can add your provider here.
The method works the same as adding NZB search providers (previous section).
Search Providers – Provider Priorities
On this tab we can define what the search priority will be for the search providers by using drag and drop.
For example, you could shove an NZB provider on top, so SickRage will first look for NZB’s.
When you enable (check) a provider, an extra section will appear on the right showing you details, like API keys (good indicator that you MUST be a member, often not free), username and password (if needed), seed ratio requirements, etc.
Once that I really like is the fallback option to full seasons for the backlog. This option allows SickRage to grab a full season when there is a full season missing in the back log.
The most common providers will probably be:
- KickAssTorrents
- TVTorrents
- Womble’s Index
- SickBeard Index
And maybe ThePirateBay … but it all depends on your location, desired languages, which ones are blocked, etc.
As you can see; most free search providers are for Torrents … most (good) NZB search providers are not free, but often very cheap. For example $10/year for NZBPlanet.net.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Subtitles – Search Subtitles
Now this is yet another cool featured when comparing SickRage to SickBeard. It allows for automatically downloading of subtitles, even for multiple languages!
If you want to use this option, you will first need to check “Search Subtitles“.
The next step is to indicate the desired language(s).
In the “Subtitle Languages” box, you will need to type the name of the language you’re looking for. While typing a list of available languages appears, which you can select. For example: English, Dutch, Flemish, German, Brazilian Portuguese, etc.
You can define where those subtitles go, but I prefer them stored directly with the episode. In that case leave the “Subtitle Directory” empty. If you prefer a specific location, then you will need to enter a path here.
You can define how often a subtitle should to be searched for, the default value is once every hour, and it’s set in the field “Subtitle Find Frequency“.
Keep in mind that English subtitles are quite often almost instantly there, other languages (depending on the native language of the TV Show) will lag behind a little bit. Considering the amount of work that needs to be done to create subtitles, totally understandable, and hereby my gratitude to all these folks putting so much of their spare time in maintaining and translating all these subtitles.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Subtitles – Subtitle Plugins
This tab is used to define what Subtitle providers we’d like to use and in what priority.
I’ve had good experiences with Opensubtitles, so that would be my top provider. All the other providers kind-a depend on your preferred language.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Post Processing
On the first tab, also called “Post Processing”, we can set all kinds of goodies …
“TV Download Dir” is a directory used to dump our downloads in, for example from our Torrent Client, or manual downloads. This directory should be somewhere on your QNAP, for example a sub-directory of your Downloads share.
This is NOT the download directory of SABnzbd!! For SABnzbd we will be using a script which works directly with SickRage.
“Process Episode Method” is to indicate what to do with the original files,… Move, Copy or Link the original downloads? I use MOVE since I want to keep a clean download directory.
I left “Skip Remove Detection” unchecked, mainly because it’s not very clear what this is supposed to be doing.
I also left “Extra Scripts” empty.
I did however check the “Move Associated Files” option, so additional files are being moved as well (like subtitle and NFO files).
To avoid conflict, you might want to check the “Rename .nfo file” option.
The option “Rename Episodes” is something you most certainly want to check, well, that is if you’d like to keep your filenames nice and clean.
A cool option is to check the “Change File Date“, which modifies the date of the episode file to the actual air date. Slick!
If you dump your own (or Torrent) downloads in your download directory, you’ll need to check the “Scan and Process” option. If you use only SABnzbd, then you can leave this unchecked.
To set how often your Download Directory should be checked, set “Auto Post-Processing Frequency” to how often you’d like that to happen – 10 means very 10 minutes.
The “Unpack” option is unchecked and used to decompress/unpack files that have been zipped, 7zipped or RARed. You will however need the unrar binary, which by default does not come with SickRage. The unrar executable must be copied in the “SickRage/lib/unrar2/” directory. No matter what I tried – I did not get this to work, and it does not seem to like the unrar that came with OptWare. Since SABnzbd unrar’s by itself and Torrents are often unrarred as well, I didn’t have a need for it in the end so I didn’t put much more effort in getting this to work.
I left the option “Use Failed Downloads” unchecked … failed downloads are exactly that: failed.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Post Processing – Episode Renaming
This section is rather important, as it renames your downloads to a much nicer and cleaner filename.
For SickBeard users: you can start by copying the settings of SickBeard, after all we’d like to remain consistent with our filenames.
For who read the SickBeard article; this will look familiar …

SickRage – Episode Renaming Scheme
I’ll pass you my settings, but you can completely customize this to your own needs and preferences.
SickRage – Episode Naming
Field |
Value |
Purpose/Notes |
Name Pattern |
Custom |
(you can select a predefined pattern here) |
Season %0S/%SN – %0Sx%0E – %EN |
Pattern for my preferred filenames:
(see below for more info)
Season 02/Show Name – 02×03 – Ep Name.ext |
Absolute Number |
No absolute Number |
(only applicable for Anime) |
Strip Show Year |
(not checked) |
This option, if checked, would remove the year if a show title has a year in it.
This would potential cause conflict if you have 2 shows with the same name but with different years. |
Custom Air By Date |
Checked – Custom |
Pick the pattern you prefer. |
%Y/%SN – %A-D – %EN |
This is the pattern I used, which results in:
2011/Show Name – 2011-03-09 – Ep Name.ext |
Custom Sports |
Checked – Custom |
Pick your pattern for Sports episodes: |
%Y/%0M/%SN – %A-D – %EN |
My pattern, which results in:
2011/03/Show Name – 2011 03 09 – Ep Name.ext |
Below a list of the string codes you can use in your patterns:

SickRage – String codes for episode names
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Post Processing – Metadata
Here we can set what kind of metadata (data of the data, or in other words: additional show or episode information and pictures).
Since I use XBMC, I’ve set this to “XBMC 12+“, and checked all options. Up to you and your setup what you would like here.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Under this section we can set notifications to our media devices, smartphones, computers, or even Twitter or email.
Since I use XBMC, and I have one XBMC Box running 24/7, I’d like to notify this box for sure, so my shared MySQL databases get updated when needed.
For notifications on your iPhone, I’ve found BoxCar (free) to work pretty good.
I’ve played with Growl in the past, and this works pretty good as well for Desktop (Windows and MacOS X), iOS and Android.
Trakt.tv and Adding Recommended Shows …
Please note that when you’d like to use the “Add Recommended Show” option (on the “Add Show” page), you will need to enable Trakt.tv notification here. Effectively this means that you need to sign up with Trakt.tv and enter username, password and API key from Trakt.tv.
Click “Save Changes” (at the bottom of the tab) to save your changes.
Once you’ve completed all settings, click the “restart” link (bottom right of the web-interface) to restart SickRage!
Adding existing TV Shows to SickRage (optional)
When migrating from SickBeard, you’d want to rebuild your database, if you didn’t copy the old SickBeard database (!).
To do this we will need to re-add the existing shows we have,
Click the “Add Show” button. In the newly loaded window, click “Add Existing Shows“.
This would be a good time to disable you old SickBeard setup – if you had that installed and running on your QNAP.
The window reloads and here we click the “New” button to add our TV-Show directory (which kan hold multiple TV shows).
SickRage will now scan all the NFO files in the directory you’ve just added. Depending on the number of TV Shows you have, this can take a little bit.
Once it scanned all directories, it will show a list of the found TV Shows.
I’ve found that SickRage failed with 99% of my shows, bummer.
Click “Submit” to proceed – for each unknown TV Show, SickRage will ask you which one to pick.
Might be time consuming, for each show click the correct show and click “Add Show“.
Note : Sometimes SickRage can not find a show. For example “Star Trek Enterprise”. Correct the name in the search field to for example “Enterprise” and click the “Search” button again and it will be found – do NOT press the ENTER key. Optionally switch to another indexer (All Indexers, TVRage or TheTVDB).
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Connecting to SABnzbd to SickRage
Now that we have our settings done and TV Shows added, SABnzbd will download found episodes, however it will not process them yet.
Open the SABnzbd web-interface and go to “Config” “Folders” “Post-Processing Scripts Folder” and point it to the “autoProcessTV” directory of SickRage ( /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/autoProcessTV
) and click “Save Changes“.
Next thing is creating a proper “autoProcessTV.cfg” file so the script will actually work (again using SSH).
nano /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/autoProcessTV/autoProcessTV.cfg
The file content should look something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| [SickBeard]
ssl=0 |
You will need to change a few of these lines to what its relevant for your setup of course. For example username and password.
If you use a non default IP port, then change “7073” for the port number you use.
If your SickRage is not on the same machine, then “host” needs to be updated.
If you’re using “https” then set “ssl=1”.
When done entering, press CTRL+X, press the Y key, and press the ENTER key.
SickRage should now be running … and you’re ready to test and monitor the first few downloads.
Make sure to test both NZB and Torrent downloads.
In case you used any of the “Black Hole” methods: do not forget to copy the downloaded files into the directory you’ve set for SickRage to monitor, otherwise new downloads will not be processed.
There are 66 comments. You can read them below.
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Is this definitely the path to where sickrage is installed? I don’t have an MD0_DATA folder within my share folder. I cannot seem to figure out where that folder is..
The path to the SickRage install (absolute) is:
Some QNAP’s might have a different beginning of the path where the “/share/MD0_DATA/” path might be slightly different.
In “/share/MD0_DATA/” you should see the names of your QNAP shares.
I found it..not sure why, but mine resides here:
Yep, that’s what I meant with that some QNAP’s have a slightly different path.
What model QNAP do you have?
TS-470 – Running 4.1.0
Not sure I would have found it without running this command. Might be a good note for your tutorial. Thanks for the quick responses though.
Is than an ARM based QNAP?
No, Intel based.
Interesting … I heard a guy explain that he had the same path after he upgraded to 4.x from 3.x …
Here is one of the explanations I found online.
[quote]MD0 .. is the name for mounting Raid … for previous firmware version with “standard” storage management
CACHExxx … is the name of the storage pool with the new (coming with S.M.B. firmware ) storage management …
If you upgrade from SOHO to SMB you keep the MD0 name until you rebuild all using storage pool
in SMB storage management … you can create ALIAS name to CACHExxx … to return to any name you want (or have before)
perhaps, depend of beta version … QNAP create or not the alias to
keep the “old” structure … like they do with Qweb now Web, Qdownload
now Download etc. etc.[/quote]
Thanks again Dustin – I did not know that.
I have one QNAP that started out with 3.x and RAID-6 from day one.
The other QNAP I have started out with 4.x and RAID-5 from day one.
Both use /shares/MD0_DATA …
I added your tip – thanks Dustin!
On a side note, any clue how to dump sample files that are downloaded?
Not sure what you mean with sample files?
So for whatever reason I cannot get the post processing script to work. Everything downloads fine, but the files never get moved and categorized. I tried using the categorize option in sab but I get a “Exit(1) ImportError: No module name configparser. I did configure the autoProcessTV.cfg. Just not sure why its not working, I never had this problem with sickbeard before.
Here’s the error it throws:
Hi Dustin,
I have not run into this problem (yet?) … anyhow …
After reading this post (not SickRage related), it might be Python version related.
When I try this on my QNAP (Intel):
and then
I see that “configparser” is indeed unknown, but “ConfigParser” is there (as suggested based on different Python versions).
Now, when looking at the “autoProcessTV.py” file, I see that (in my version) it tries to import the old Python files … not sure if yours does this as well:
I get the same results, I’m running the same version of python as well. What do you think the issue is?
Hmm,… that’s weird. I’m not a Python expert, and since you get the same results, I’m even more confused.
If I understand things right, then “import ConfigParser as configparser” should already cover the differences in Python version (if applicable).
Searching with Google didn’t give me any results (except the page you’re reading now).
I’ll give the sickrage forums a try.
I’m assuming you have OptWare QPKG installed as well?
Yes I do. When I look at pythons webpage, there is a newer version out, 2.7.8, any clue how to update?
I tried the SickRage forums as well – didn’t find a solution there either
As for updating Python: I’m quite hesitant about that since so many QPKG’s depend on it, causing possibly even more trouble with other apps.
You could check the QNAP forums, but I think you’ll see the same response: don’t do it, since other apps might break.
Then again; someone out there might have found a way around that.
Need this for my android :D
I suppose you technically could install SickRage or SickBeard on your Android – just not sure if it’s such a good idea.
You can however access SickRage/SickBeard through the web interface …
[…] Tracker Privado – QNAP NAS + Transmission + SickRage […]
Hi, I installed the qpkg on my NAS, but it doesn’t work. It says it’s enabled, but when I check via putty I see it’s not started and when I try to start it I get these errors:
Starting SickBeard-TVRage
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “SickBeard.py”, line 59, in <module>
import sickbeard
File “/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard/__init__.py”, line 33, in <module>
from sickbeard import providers, metadata, config, webserveInit
File “/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard/providers/__init__.py”, line 45, in <module>
import generic
File “/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard/providers/generic.py”, line 29, in <module>
from sickbeard import helpers, classes, logger, db
File “/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard/helpers.py”, line 62, i n <module>
from sickbeard import notifiers
File “/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/sickbeard/notifiers/__init__.py”, line 21, in <module>
import kodi
ImportError: No module named kodi
Hi Andre,
unfortunately I’m not anywhere near my QNAP (I’ve been traveling the past few months). This error indicates that the module “kodi” (the new name of XBMC) appears to be missing. Did this happen after an update or right away after installation? I have not seen this error, since XBMC was still XBMC before I started my traveling.
I do notice that this is a known issue with SickRage (see SickRage link) – although this is not helping for the moment. Maybe an update of SickRage might be needed.
Hi Hans,
Thanks! I haven’t installed xbmc/kodi on my qnap as I’m not using xbmc. I’ll check if I can install kodi some other way. I’ll check the SickRage link to see if I can find some answers there.
Thanks again!
Ah that could contribute tot the issue. I run XBMC/Kodi on a separate machine (HTPC) and not on my QNAP.
Please let us know when you find a fix – I’m sure you’re not alone with this particular problem …
hey guys, just something I have found, the config file on my Qnap 4 bay for some reason was residing in the below directory, maybe someone can answer why.
Hi Terreboo!
That’s interesting, seems SickBeard-TVRage has an additional encapsulation folder with the same name … where did you get the qpkg? Maybe there is an installation bug in the install script (the one I use did not produce this “mistake”).
All, i have been having the same problem with the Sickbeard and Sickbeard-TVRage.
I can’t see why it is putting files in a second encapsulated folder. I actually duplicated all the encapusated files in the 1st level folder.. hope that does not break it..
Also in the git was not working as by default under : General Advanced settings : Git executable path : /apps/bin/git/
This was preventing it from finding my git executable…
Hi CheekyChester!
Strange … could this be a specific issue with your QNAP or the QPKG you’ve used?
Maybe the GitHub files have a config that assume this?
I really have no idea what I’m doing but as far as I can tell I’ve done everything right, up until the ssh.
I finally found the directory after looking up some commands on the internet.
I can’t seem to find autoProcessTV.cfg
Heres a list of whats in the folder:
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/SickBeard-TVRage/SickBeard-TVRage/autoProcessTV] # ls -l
-rw-r–r– 1 admin administ 72 Jan 29 11:14 autoProcessTV.cfg.sample
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin administ 4400 Jan 29 11:14 autoProcessTV.py*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin administ 972 Jan 29 11:14 hellaToSickBeard.py*
drwxr-xr-x 3 admin administ 4096 Jan 29 11:14 lib/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin administ 7285 Jan 29 11:14 mediaToSickbeard.py*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin administ 1138 Jan 29 11:14 sabToSickBeard.py*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin administ 374 Jan 29 11:14 setup.py*
I have no idea how I’m supposed to open or edit files and would appreciate a step by step walkthrough of the whole ssh process including commands if its not too much trouble :)
Not Telling :)
Hi Not Telling
I do not have access to my QNAP at the moment, so it’s a bit difficult to compare notes.
It seems the autoProcessTV.cfg is missing in your case.
You’ll have to rename or copy the autoProcessTV.cfg.sample to autoProcessTV.cfg. For example:
Which should make a copy.
Next step is to edit the file using nano or vi or an editor like that (if available, I’d recmmend “nano”):
For the content (see also the paragraph “Connecting to SABnzbd to SickRage“), this should look something like this:
Where you will need to enter your own username and password of course.
Hope this helps you on your way
Thanks :)
I figured it out and now everything is working fine except post processing.
The only setting I couldn’t do from either tutorial is the sabnzbd/config/categories/ step.
When I select the script dropdown there are no options.
Any ideas?
Not Telling :)
Hi Not Telling
I’d love to help, but I’m unfortunately nowhere near my QNAP to run through this.
However, I have discussed this setting for SickBeard and for SickRage this should be identical or similar. See the chapter “Use of Categories” in the article “Automatically Download Movies with QNAP & Couch Potato“, if you haven’t already.
I have to admit that the category thing is a little daunting. You need to create a category in SABnzbd and assign the defined category (for example “tvshows”) in SickRage as well, as far as I remember.
Also note that I wrote a small article with some tips and tricks for SickBeard, some of which may be applicable for SickRage as well (not relevant for your Category question though).
Hope this helps, I do apologize if the info is rather limited …
This has been very useful. I’m not sure if my autoprocessTV script is working but I’ll come to that later. I am using both Transmission AND SABnzbd to download (some nzb, some torrents) so I have two download folders. Currently I have “/share/Download/transmission/completed” in the Post-Processing TV Download Dir but SAB is downloading to “/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Download/sabnzbd/complete/tv”, so if I want to use the script do I leave the Post-Processing folder blank? Or do I change the SAB download folder to the same as Transmission.
As you can tell I’m a complete newbie at all this so please be gentle.
And sorry to appear to be spamming but SAB is giving the following error:
Any ideas what this could be? Thanks again by the way… This is a fingertip saver
Hi OblivionGuest
Don’t worry about asking these questions, I’ll try to help as good as I can (keep in mind: I’m traveling so I do not have access to my QNAP right now) …
As far as I remember, in SickBeard and SAB you can indicate a category – the Sickbeard article is a good read for that.
Your error message seems to suggest that your config file misses the [SickBeard] line … did you maybe make a typo there?
It worked! I had the [SickBeard] line but i guess it’s case sensitive (I had [sickbeard])… All good! Fantabulous tutorial along with the Sickbeard article (I was missing the CHMOD=777 step also)… My fingertips and I are very happy! Thanks again
Awesome! Glad to hear you’ve got it working!
Hi there! Thank you for a great guide! I setup my QNAP 459 from zero to everything :)
I installed transmission, sickrage and sabnzbd, and everything works great with my x86-based OPENELEC (kodi) …
I got stuck on the same problem with postprocessing … whatever was downloaded from torrents was processed OK, but whatever was downloaded by sabnzbd was not (but was, if in sickrage i manually started post-processing on sabnzbd’s complete folder)… Then I noticed the message in sabnzbd’s download screen:
so in config/categories I changed name of script from autoProcessTV.py to sabToSickBeard.py – and everything started working perfectly!
so that’s my 5 cents to help this great community!
Awesome Jack!
Thanks for posting your solution, it’s much appreciated!
did you see novaroma? It is useful digital media agenda and download tv shows, movies and subtitles automatically or manually. you can download novaroma from http://www.novaroma.net
Thanks Torr for the tip!
If so; could you post some of your findings … ?
When they change this, what changes must we do to existing QNAP installation?
Mr. Johnsen
1) If you did frequent updates of SickRage, then on that end I would not expect issues.
2) If you’re using NZBGet (much better and faster than SABNzbd), then you should be fine too, mine runs those new scripts for quite a while already.
3) If you’re running SABNzbd, then check that the settings are updated to the new scripts or (recommended) switch to NZBGet.
I would really like a tutorial how to change from Sickbeard to NZBGet.
Great tutorials by the way. My Qnap is running with SickRage, SABNzbd, CouchPotato, did that by one of you earlier tut’s.
Mr. Johnsen
Thanks Mr. Johnsen!
Well, perfect timing I guess … I just did that: QNAP – Automatic TV-Series download with Sonarr (NZBDrone).
Before you begin with that article, after installing and doing some of the basic settings, but before adding new or existing shows, stop SickBeard/SickRage in “App Center”.
Great ! Thanks, but i guess my problem is setting up NZBGet, and the settings vs SABNzbd.
I would love to try Sonar, but i’m not sure about the settings in NzbGet.
Mr. Johnsen
Ah I see what you mean.
I should probably write an NZBGet article as well, just didn’t know there was added value to that, as it’s pretty straight forward. Anyhow … the settings for SABnzbd are similar to those for NZBGet, but I can image the post-processing might be a bit different. My apologies for underestimating this.
Great article any many thanks – just caught on the first step – the dropbox link is no longer available. Ideas?
Thanks Daniel!
Bummer that the DropBox link is no longer working. I did find this link in the QNAP Community.
Hope this helps …
Downloaded the qpkg from this site, however install fails as it needs Optware – does anyone have a link to that as it simply does not exist anywhere any more.
Hi Daniel,
Sorry to hear about OptWare, I did not know it was no longer available.
I’m unable to test any of this, but I did find this Optware post on the QNAP Wiki – not sure if it still works though.
The link in the script at the bottom still seems to work.
Hi, I have followed your instructions and installed successfully sickrage on my Qnap TS-210.
I am currently building my database.
However, every little while I get an error message which reads “This webpage has a redirect loop. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”
“The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.”
So I have cleared my cookies but still the problem persists.
Can you help?
Hi John,
first off: Merry Christmas
You already deleted cookies (and I assume browsing data and history as well), which would have been one of my attempts as well. If you have another browser available, then I’d give that one a try as well.
Another thing I’d check is updating SickRage, silly, but this might be a known issue which might be resolved in the latest version.
Sorry if these do not sound very helpful and “too obvious” …
Hi guys,
Happy New Year and best of wishes. I really love Sickrage. I have been using it without issues until last.
I have an issue like John. Ever since the last major update Sickrage isn’t running properly on my QNAP 419P+.
I even reinstalled the NAS with the latest firmware. I reinstalled from scratch to make sure it wasn’t me.
I still get disconnect or page not reachable. On my iPad, I get to many redirects. And the website completely crashes and I have to restart or reboot the entire NAS.
Also I had to recreate my database. I got completely corrupted, I doesn’t give the proper layout in the schedule and some other reason I can only add 1 serie at a time. Before I could do a complete folder with 30 series in them.
Is it possible to revert to before the update from November? I try to update as much as a can to have the latest firmware or latest software version. But now I’m blocked.
I’m running firmware 4.2.0 with date 18/11/2015 on my QNAP 419p+. The SickBeard-TVrage version is 140428.
Hi Thierry!
A happy New Year to you too!
This sounds like a major bug,…
Trying to find an answer, there appears to be issues with the repository used … (see this link), hopefully this helps resolve the issue.
I’m not sure what is going on with the GitHub Repo of SickRage – I did read about some misleading posts, trying to get you to use the wrong repo, but I’m not in the loop about the fine details on that one, so you might need to do some reading up.
Thanks for the link, but i’m to big of a newbie to know to update it. Also they refer to Synology, so…?
I have found a link to version Sickbeard-TVRage_141223.qpkg. But it won’t install. [App Center] App install failed due to file format error.
qpkg is what the NAS needs to install stuff manually. I hope there will be a good version soon.
Synology would be the competitor for QNAP, nothing to worry about.
But … I did find this one: QNAP Community Apps. Maybe you’d want to give that one a try?
That is for Intel version. I have an ARM version.
The good news is, I found a post that works. I had to figure it out. I’m not a linux guy!
But Sickrage is working and my issue of adding series is gone.
Here is the link I used. [GUIDE] New SickRage QPKG working with Python 2.7.10
So in the end installed following apps.
* Entware-ng_0.96.gz and performed the commands from the link.
(* I already had installed python 2.7.10)
*SickBeard-TVRage_151227.qpkg –> Select Sickrage as the link says.
Now it is working.
I’m a happy man.
Thank you guys for the assist. You put me on the right track. Trial and error will help you to find a solution.
IT is not an exact science when it comes to troubleshooting; :p
Glad to hear that!
And … thanks for posting the link! Awesome!
So, just to complete all this:
Entware can be found here (for Arm, Mipsel and Intel),
and the mentioned SickRage version can be found here.
I used this link for the Entware because i need the ARM version and didn’t know which I had.
This package will detect which you need and only install that version.
***Apologies for the double post*** I meant to reply to Thierry (not create a new comment)
Hey there… I’ve had some issues with Sickrage recently. There is a split in the developers, it seems, and there are now two repos (I think the original repo has some inflammatory remarks to scare people off the switch however I will leave others to judge). So, there IS an update using an alternative repo but this involves upgrading Python to 2.7.10 which (as a newbie myself) was a little scary – but, it worked and it actually fixed a lot of the issues I was having. This version is SickBeard-TVRage_151227.qpkg
Anyway, the link to explain how to install the very latest version of Sickrage is here
And the (official?) QNAP Sickbeard/Sickrage post with the QPKG is here – this contains for both Sickbeard AND Sickrage with the previous version being; SickBeard-TVRage_141223.qpkg. However this post also contains some “historical” releases – Sickrage version being; SickBeard-TVRage_141109.qpkg
Not sure if there will help you but they ARE QNAP QPKGs.
I upgraded to the SickBeard-TVRage_151227.qpkg and solved a lot of issues but do be sure to follow the instructions otherwise try the other version on the post. Good luck!
No problem Hunter! I removed the duplicate …
Did you mean to post links? If so: they didn’t come through somehow …
For the record: I’ve used SickBeard, and later SickRage, and really liked both of them … but … currently I’m using Sonarr … took a little effort to switch, but it seems cleaner. Missing subtitles though. But that is a planned feature … so we will see.