You have an iPad, iPod, iPhone … now how do I make a screenshot?
While writing my first articles for tweaking4ll I had the need for making screenshots of my iPad, which made me go on a search on how to do this.
Back when I started using my first iPhone, a special screenshot app was needed. In those days it would require a jailbreak and an install of that app. Seems however that since iOS 2.x a screenshot tool has been build-in the OS.
This works on the iPhone, iPad, and I suspect also on the iPod Touch.
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Simple steps
I tried this trick on my iPhone and my iPad and on both it works the same way:

Taking a screenshot with just 2 buttons
- Press the “Power” (or sleep) button and keep it pressed.
- Press the “Home” button once and let go of the “Power” button.
Your display will now briefly flash (white) and a screenshot has been made.
The screenshot has now been saved in the “Photos” under the category “Camera Roll” as a PNG formatted image.
- This trick works even when the screen of your iDevice is locked!
- You can do the same procedure with keeping the “Home” button pressed while pressing the “Power” button. However; I noticed that with procedure certain options disappear (like the top bar with options in certain apps).
Bringing it to your computer
You will have two basic options (yes, I know there are more options):
1) Synchronize with iTunes.
If you’re familiar with synchronizing pictures using iTunes, then it should not be a problem for you.
For those unfamiliar with this process: don’t bother, it’s much more cumbersome than option 2 or 3.
2) eMail the picture to yourself.
When looking at the screenshot – tap the screen once so that the upper bar appears with some options.

Forward your screenshot by email
Click the “Email Photo” option, and a new email will open where you can enter your email address, subject line, and … press “Send“.
3) Utilize iCloud.
Specially for MacOS X user this can be very easy.
If you have iCloud synchronization enabled, and you use iPhoto, then your picture should be on your Mac in a matter of seconds. More information can be found on the Apple Website.
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thanks, really help.
Thanks Lily!