For those of you who use their computer for watching TV-Series, the following problem must sound familiar:
Filenames are inconsistent, odd characters in the filenames, missing titles, weird numbering, etc… Finding the correct names and renaming them all manually can be quite labor intense.
Thats is one of the reasons why I wrote: “Name My TV Series”.
It’s available for free for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.
The main information source it uses is which offers the data for free. The only thing they ask, is that, if you’re up for it, you help in maintaining the database with TV Series information.
Note: Name My TV Series can now also be found on, and the Lazarus Application Gallery …
This version is outdated and replaced by a newer version …
This version is still working but outdated.
A new version is available: Rename My TV Series 2.
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First reason for me to write this program was to do an experiment:
How easy (or complicated) is it to develop with Lazarus a program that directly can be compiled for the following platforms: Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS X, and Linux?
Lazarus is a free (Open Source) application development environment that shows similarities to Delphi. If you’re interested in developing applications, specially when you have Delphi experience, then I can highly recommend taking it for a spin!
This exercise did proof (for me) that it’s actually easier than expected to write the same program for 3 platforms. Sure it’s a little bit more limited than a platform dedicated IDE like Delphi, but it sure works darn good for a free IDE.
I developed this for personal use, which means:
No warranties, no support, and if you goof up – you’re screwed.
This program renames files – be careful what you do!
This application is FREE, so don’t get fooled by anyone that is trying to charge money for it.
The “manual” below is very very limited, but I’m sure most of you will figure it out.
Basic Use
Keep in mind that this is not a full fledge manual.
First you’ll need to download the application:
Download - Name My TV Series Windows (32 bits)
Download - Name My TV Series MacOSX
Download - Name My TV Series Linux 32bit
Download - Name My TV Series Linux 64bit
SoftPedia reviewed Name My TV Series and confirmed it to be safe.
After downloading the file, unpack it with you favorite tool, for example WinRar (mijn favoriet), WinZip, 7-Zip (free), or unzippers build into Windows, Linux of MacOS.
Linux users might have to change permission.
Retina support for Mac OS X users
Name My TV Series can be adjusted for Retina to display a much clearer interface. Unfortunately, I have yet to find the proper way to do this in code. In the meanwhile execute the following on the command line (Terminal) and the application will look much better on a Retina screen:
defaults write com.Tweaking4All.NameMyTVSeries AppleMagnifiedMode NO
Start the application.
Screenshots below are based on version 1.4 and shows that the application looks pretty similar on all 3 platforms.
Name My TV Series – Opened and found my TV Show
In the above picture, you will see that the window is divided in two parts; on the left Find TV Series) and on the right Rename Scheme). Each has two sub tabs;
Left (what you’re looking for):
Find TV Series
Select Episodes
Right (file renaming and show info):
Series Details
Rename Scheme
The first step is to enter the TV Show you’re looking for (for example: stargate), enter the name or part of the name in “What are you looking for?“. You can press the ENTER key after that or click the button next to the field to start the search.
If only one show was found, the program will automatically select it and download episode numbers and titles.
If more than 1 show was found, then a list is shown.
Click a title once to see show details, double click it to select it. (only shows images)
At the bottom an indicator will show download progress and once completed the screen will switch to the other tabs so you now see individual episodes and filenames.
Next step is to add your files – they can be in multiple directories. Name My TV Series supports most video formats (that I know of).
On the “Rename Scheme” part of the window you can use the “Add” (under “Files:”) to add files.
Windows users can also use drag and drop – this can be a file, multiple files, multiple folders, multiple files and folders – Name My TV Series will figure it out for you.
MacOS user can use drag and drop as well, with the only difference that they need to drop on the icon in the dock. Dropping on the application window itself unfortunately does not work (Lazarus limitation).
After adding the files, you can sort them using the “Guess Sort” button.
Next select the needed episodes on the left (“Select Episodes“) and double click or use the “Add” button (under “Episodes:”) to add them to the list on the right.
Verify that the episode titles and files line up just fine and click “Rename Files“.
Name My TV Series – Renaming screen (MacOS X)
Name My TV Series – Renaming screen (Windows)
Name My TV Series – Renaming screen (Ubuntu)
Extra Options and Settings
As you might have noticed; there appear to be a lot more options – play with them and see how well it works – like dragging files to change the order, import of lists, export of lists, etc.
Don’t forget to take a peek at the preferences. Windows and Linux users will find it under the File menu and MacOS X will find it in the usual place.
Changes will be saved for the next time you start Name My TV Series.
A few key topics in Preferences you should look at:
Overall Settings
Name My TV Series – Preference tab 1
The source of information: or EPGuide.
I prefer but EPGuide is a good backup for unfound shows of when is down (haven’t seen that happening yet).
Other options on this first tab involve what to display, renaming similar named files, warnings, hints, window sizes, and proxy use (experimental).
Filenaming Settings
Name My TV Series – Preference tab 2
Users of previous version will notice a big jump in options here. Since version 1.4 you can use format string and quite a few are already predefined (click the dropdown button next to the “Format String” field). Whatever you change; the blue example text on top will show the effect right away.
Play a little with the strings and you’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly.
There are 611 comments. You can read them below.
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[…] Name My TV Series (Outil multiplateforme pour renommer facilement les épisodes de séries TV). Lien de téléchargement […]
Software that do what it is supposed to but don’t manage spécial letter as é ê @ ç. Maybe a problem on the UTF8 format.
This software don’t manage apostrophe ( ‘ ) and that it is a very big issue. For all other word is it possible to rewrite all the not managed letters but when the apostrophe is deleted it’s very hard to read.
So bad
If you looking for a software that search for you the name of the tv show I suggest you
Did you verify the preferences where you can indicate what character to use as a replacement?
Could you give me an exmample TV-Show and language (I’m assuming French, based on your other comment) so I can look into this.
I know UTF8 comes with its problems, but the app should actually be able to support the most common characters.
Great software ! Unlike Cortx I find it handles correctly the French special caracters but when I add them for a replacement this is not saved and first column on the replacement dialog box return to “space” on the lines I added…
So each time I have to re-specify the caracters I want to replace.
Feel free to contact me by email if you need screenshots.
Thanks Howell!
That’s information I can do something with!
Let me look into that and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Oh which operating system does this involve? Windows? Mac? Linux?
Hello i just discover this wonderful app and have the same isssue.For exemple in the app (v1.4.0) > name of the ep : frères des loupsAfter the rename on windows(8.1) > Frères des loups.avi
same issue for Une vérité sous le masque
Thanks Sholvakree for the feedback.
Glad to hear that it’s Windows related, well, not glad of course that the problem exists.
I’ve made plans to address the issue pretty soon …
Problem still there in Win 8.1 for “ä ö ü ß”. If i could get a penny for every free/open software that doesn’t support anything besides letters found in latin.. :P
I’m surprised to hear that …
The latest version should work with those German characters, I’ve tested it on Windows 8.1 (US) for both French and German TV series.
Do you have an example TV show I can try?
The problem occured when i tried to rename files like “006 – Der Glanz der Juwelen”. The Show-ID was 78500 on tvdb.
First error appeared on S01EP06.
P.S.:Man this is emberassing! I swear it was a request by my girlfriend! ;)
I’ll try to take a look today and see what I can do …
And don’t feel embarrassed …
Hanning: Can you verify the version you’re running? The latest version should be v1.4.2.
Catch up to that Umlaute thrad I yust noticed some strange behaviour.
If I’m going to pull in individual files everything works as supposed, but If I pull in a complete folder all the special characters are shown as ? and wont renaim.
Hi Nikolai!
Yeah, it seems an issue under Windows only.
I’m trying to find time to fix the issue, and am not sure where to start since TheTVDB has introduced a new format for retrieving data as well.
Maybe I’ll try to find a quick fix and develop a new version of the application, implementing the new TVDB protocol.
Unfortunately, I have a regular full time job as well … so I do run short on time argh.
Thanks for confirming.
Anyway this is a minor issue. So no need to rush.
The tool really helps a lot, so it would by great if you could keep it working.
It’s on the “to do” list …
I have approximately 3000 TV series playable files on a WD Personal Cloud (4-TB)and a second WD Personal Cloud (2-TB) full of Movies. I have purchased most of the movies and TV series but there are a great deal that are torrent movies I got from my son-in-law. They are named everything possible except what they really are. I began using this software 2 days ago and in an hour properly named more than 10% of the files. I programmed for years and appreciate software that works properly. I must complement you on an exceptional job in your programming and layout. It is simple and works exceptionally well. Con grads on an excellent piece of software. Thanks for providing it for free to folks like me that probably could not afford to bug software of this caliber.
Jack Sprat
Thanks Jack!
It’s always nice to hear back from users when they appreciate what I’ve done, glad it is of good use to you …
All files have now been renamed properly. I’m really a big fan of this software. After all were properly named, I began a visual sweep for missing TV shows. I found this task to be nearly impossible as they are almost impossible to spot in this mass of file names. I began looking for software that would find the missing TV shows for me. TV Rename 2.2.4 was located and I was very pleased to see that it located missing shows. I ran it on one (1) TV Series “Bones” that I knew had 3 entire years missing and many single shows also missing. It produced an XML document with dozens of shows and info about the shows. It could not be opened because it produced so much junk, it locked up the software. All that I wanted was a simple list that could be opened with Note Pad or Word Pad with the shows listed one after the other. Similar to “Bones S04E12 – The Corpse in The Well” then I could search for that show. I got 38 pages of unrelated junk information that I did not need. Plus the software wrote tons of junk to the folder that I did not like. Now for my proposal. Would it be possible to program your software to print out a simple list of shows that are missing? A simple .txt file or something similar that could be printed out and then folks would know what to go find. It does not need the 200 word description of the show, actors, TV ratings and all this other junk. If someone need that information, its online. Just a simple list used to know what to search for. Just a thought Hans. Perhaps offered as an alternative package that could be purchased for a small sum. I know of 3 that would buy it at once. Keep up the great work
Jack Sprat
Thanks Jack!
As for your proposal (proposals are always welcome!) ….
Searching for missing shows/episodes:
Creating a simple list is not that hard, I’m just wondering how to determine which ones are missing.
What is your current work flow?
For example:
Would you throw a directory on the app, and then have it figure out which episodes of a show exist, then basically eliminate them from what’s found in online resource and produce a TXT list from what’s left?
I finally got time to try that and it does not work. When a fairly large number are removed from the left list, all comparing becomes more than difficult. If there were the ability to choose and mark a file in the left column with a different color by right clicking on the name, that would be good. Then have your software only print the files marked with red?????? Also another way would be to do a line per line compare and remove the line that matches leaving only missing files in the list. Then print the missing files with the current button. However it is accomplished, the person doing the search for missing programs must have a standard setup for file renaming and have completed the renaming of all files present. Comparing different naming protocols would not work. When I programmed a simple statement would be (IF A2=B2 THEN “DELETE” A2+B2) but that was a few 100 years ago. I know if anyone can do it, you can. Thanks Hans for listening.
Jack Sprat
Hi Jack,…
I’ll admit that the current grid is not working the way I’d like it to work, or at least: it’s not perfect. I will take your suggestion to the “To Do” list and see what I can do.
If I understand you correctly; you add a large list of files, and when cleaning the list out you simple want to remove a row from both columns? Or am I misunderstanding this option?
Hi Hans, after years of using this software, I find myself in a deep problem. I have 3 new computers recently built and running fresh installs of Linux Mint Cinnimon. I have installed the latest version of your software on each one of them. Yet, not one of them will run properly. Today, I installed it on a fresh build of 17.3 and the first time I ran it to test the install, it ran great. Then an hour later, I attempted to run it again. I searches, loads the listing, and when I click on the list of shows to add the names to the left column, nothing appears. It will place a 1 in the row and then no matter what you do, it will not allow additional show names to be added. Strangely, I have another system with a fresh install of Linux Mint 18, so I tried installing it to that computers newly loaded system and get the same results. Both are AMD A-series CPU’s one running Linux 17.3 and the other 18.1 which just came out. Both block any entries from being placed in the rows. I sell these systems with Mint installed and pre-configured for friends and a few resales. New systems, new fresh install, all doing the same thing. But my computer, the one I just built with Mint 17.3 did work the first use. Now it displays nothing. I have no idea on this one.
Jack Sprat
Hi Jack,
well that’s weird indeed …
I have to admit that my Linux experience is rather limited when it comes to application development en deploying applications. I wish the Linux community would come with an easier and more consistent mechanism (and tools to use that mechanism) for which I would not need to do tons of reading hahah … but it seems a trend to make deploying applications more and more complicated (ditto for MacOS and Windows).
Having said that … I would not mind trying to install the latest Mint version to see what is happening.
For me to reproduce, which version of Mint exactly are you running – I see on their website that there are a few version and editions. You are referring to (not sure where to download 17.3) 18.1 Cinnamon edition, and I assume it’s the 64 bit version?
I’d like to reproduce step by step so i can try to do some debugging.
Hi Jack,
I just did a clean install of Mint 18.1 64 bit on a virtual machine (VMWare Fusion). I didn’t even install anything else, just went to download Name My TV Series (64-bit Linux) and ran it. I did notice it to be super slow … but it did work (with the occasional network time-out).
I tested the application 3 times (open the app, test, close the app, open again, test again, close, reboot system, open again, test again), but have not been able to run into issues.
After that I installed the Open VM Tools (the open source version of VMWare Tools, which mainly provides drivers for video and network etc), I repeated the same steps and things worked as it should: blistering fast and reliable.
Keep in mind: I did a “sudo apt-get update” before installing the VM Tools. I assume the “standard” network drivers aren’t the best, and the ones that come with the open VM tools perform MUCH better. Now, the open VM Tools are obviously not useful for you, since you’re not using virtual machines. And it does not test AMD CPU’s either, since I’m running it on an Intel Mac.
I’m not sure how to reproduce the problem you’re running into.
note: You kept “ffprobe” in the same directory as the application, right?
Han’s, thanks for the reply. This is the most unusual problem I have solved with Mint in years of use. I was so upset that everything failed that I formatted the HDD and reinstalled Mint 17.3 which is my favorite. 18.1 has lots of problems at least from my view. I installed all drivers including the Nvidia drivers for the dual monitors. I setup very little, then installed RMTVS and ran it. It would make an entry in the row, but it was blank. I noticed that some of the graphics were funny, so I decided to un-install the Nvidia driver. I have had better success with the generic video driver Mint has written. Rebooted, ran the RMTVS and guess what? It worked like a dream. It is still working as I used it last night. I am simply stunned, that the Nvidia driver would effect input into a data entry field. But I have no other answer for this one. I went to the second computer that I had the same problem with, un-installed the Nvidia driver and it worked as well, but not without some problems. I will re-install that system as well omitting the driver for the video card. I have no idea of how this one works. My degree in computers is worthless at this point. Thanks for your answers and time. This one is a little strange.
Jack Sprat (LaMar)
Jack Sprat
Oh wow … I would not have expected that either.
Maybe test an older nVidia driver?
Could it be that it actually does populate, but that the driver is not displaying it correctly?
As to the item being blank, I thought about that as well. I took some snapshots of the process and I have to say no, The data entry is blocked somehow. I tried adding just one entry, then doing a rename file process. The software warned me with “your fields are blank” or something like that. It placed a 1 and showed the field as being active, but it was blank. I am simply amazed. I am certain that it is a data flow process that some part of the Nvidia driver and other items like drivers, data entry processes, combo of several things are at fault. Oh, the other computer I mentioned is the same Motherboard, processor, and video card. These are units that I build and they are the same system and drivers. Both had Nvidia removed and both now work. I have no idea on this one.
Jack Sprat
One other thing. These are AMD A4 3400 processors. The Linux Mint is 17.3 64 Bit complete install. If I use the 64 Bit version of your software, it will not even run. Only the 386 version 32 Bit will work. Another strange event. ??????? crazy
Jack Sprat
Oh wow, are you sure there is no voodoo or some kind of jinx going on there?
I actually tried Mint 18.1 64 bit with the 64bit version of the application.
Ran just fine out of the box (Virtual Machine though), and ran very fast after I installed Video and Network drives (versus the generic ones).
If I only could find a way to test it, then I’d have the ability to debug.
Just a strange thought (since everything that is happening is strange anyway);
How is the network performance?
Can you test with another Internet connection?
Hi, This may be unrelated as OP has found the driver issue. But I’m also running Mint and had the same issues, but no NVIDIA drivers. owever my issue had a different work around. For some reason under Mint I have to run the program as root. Either form the CLI using sudo or by elevating permissions on the folder before running from X.
hope this helps others.
I love this program by the way – and as a linux user so grateful you produce it cross-platfirm.
Thanks Ali!
Sounds like you may be looking at a access right issue with the files you’re trying to rename.
I’ve encountered this in the past as well with files on my NAS. Make sure you have proper access (chmod 755 <files>).
Let me know if that resolved the issue
As for cross platform developing; I find it interesting and I like my apps to be available to everybody (as much as I can anyway).
It sure does come with challenges, since I’m not a Linux expert and since there are so many variants, not to mention issues with 32 vs 64bit, etc. I’ve almost finished v2 for example, and I’m running into problems with OpenSSL (since the data retrieved from now requires https) under Linux.
But … I’ll keep working on it until I have it resolved
I found a little annoying bug. You can’t import .rmvb files to be autorenamed. If you get add this to the list of file types that you can open the program with that would be great!
Aaron G
Excellent find, I will add it with the next release!
first of all, sorry for my English, i am French
I try to use the software but the following message always occurs :
“File skipped. I was unable to rename <File Name>”
Any idea ?
Hi Crs74,
Sounds like you might a access right issue with your files. Are they on a NAS or server?
For some reason the program isn’t allowed to rename the files. You can try to run the program with elevated rights (Admin under Windows), or double check the file access rights on your server/NAS/share/folder?
Thank you, it runs well now : my files were on an external Hard Drive.
So now, is it possible to rename files with special characters suche as é, è and à ?
Special characters should work, but I’ve found that Windows isn’t always doing such a great job with it.
The lack of a file system that is not English also makes it a little bit more of a challenge … but please feel free to send me feedback if you run into situations where it doesn’t work – at least I’d have real examples to test with
Hi, here is a case of dysfunction :
Serie Name : Borgen Episode 1×01, software find the correct writing but it run into :
Borgen, une femme au pouvoir – 01×01 – La dignité du centre
Hope can help
Thanks for the example – I will look into it, hopefully today!
i have the same problem, i can only rename 1 file at a time, other wise i get the same error. Im running the app elavated as admin, and the files are local on my laptop hard drive, same location as your app. any idea?
I’m just doing random guesses, since I cannot reproduce the issue,…
Do you have something in the background accessing the files, for example for creating thumbnails, indexing, etc?
Anything weird in the original filenames?
Are new names potential duplicate names?
Owner/Access Rights issues?
Thanks for this great little app. I’ve tried half a dozen ways to get my files named and even with it’s interface issues, this is the best workflow I’ve come across. I’m running on OS X, 10.9.
I’d love to see it improved a bit for ripping from DVD/Blu-Ray. MakeMKV labels everything title1, title2, etc, so there are multiple episodes with the same file name. Guess Sort for some reason, doesn’t automatically list them alphabetically, and drag and drop support is a bit funky.
The part of the workflow that makes this better than the others I’ve seen is that it starts by giving the full list of episodes rather than trying to be smart about picking the right subset and hiding the rest. What I’d like to be able to do is grab a full set of folders from ripped disks, drag them into the application (dock icon is fine, I understand the limitation), sort alphabetically on file name, and then drag and drop episode to file.
Anyway, whether you get to this or not, thanks for the app.
Hi Greg,
Thanks for the positive feedback!
I’ll admit that I originally tried to do it the “smart” way, but I found myself spending more time undoing the “smart” mistakes. So that’s how I ended up with this approach and I’m glad to hear that others, like yourself, like it as well.
Unfortunately some of the interface limitations or funky behavior is partially due to the fact that I use Lazarus Pascal – so far the only cross platform development tool I like, but it’s not perfect either. No disrespect intended to the wonderful people that make Lazarus possible – I greatly respect the ginormous amount of good work they have done.
The “Guess Sort” option can act a little weird, and sometime you’ll have to click it 2 or 3 times … oddly enough …
Your idea to drag multiple folders into the app is a good one, and I have experimented with that as well.
I did abandon that idea after noticing how certain TV Show files are named inconsistently which made it harder for the user to identify which is which.
It would open additional possibilities for mistakes.
Once Lazarus has improved on some of the UI aspects, or when I find another tool to develop cross platform, I will most certainly revisit your suggestions.
Thanks again for your feedback and have a great 2014!
Hi Greg,
I’m making some modifications and was re-reading your message again, just to make sure I’m not forgetting anything.
Did you know that at the bottom of the screen there are 2 additional sort buttons? One is alphabetic and the other is guess sort.
In the meanwhile I’ll be trying to get a better drag and drop and a more Mac/Modern look … which is not easy is Lazarus Pascal, but I’m not prepared yet to switch to something like Xojo (RealBasic), which (besides the language) comes with it’s won issues.
Hi Greg,
I’m trying to finish up the first beta for v2 and I’m looking for some help in an attempt to address your question;
Would you be able to provide a list with filenames, or how these files are typically being ripped?
I’m trying to find a way to add ripped DVDs/BluRays correctly sorted, but since I have no examples myself some help would be appreciated.
Stumbled upon this wonderful program whilst browsing the supporting projects. Working beautifully on Linux Mint 16. Thank you so much for making the boring part of file naming easy.
Hi Dave,
Thank you very much for the nice feedback and I’m glad you’re enjoying. Also good to know it works fine on Linux Mint 16.
I didn’t even know about the support pages, thanks for letting me know .
The 1.4.1 update resolves some renaming issues, specially under Windows, concerning special characters like accent etc.
And by request the .rmvb file type has been added as well.
The update is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X.
You can download it from this page (scroll up) or from the Downloads Page.
[…] j’ai envie de vous présenter une application que j’utilise régulièrement sur Mac : Name My TV Series. Si comme moi vous aimez regarder des séries TV, lorsque vous les télécharger (légalement hein […]
Oh, man, this is a great piece of software, thanks!
Eduardo G.
Thanks Eduardo for the positive feedback
One question… Does it also manage the subs?
I’m spanish but I follow many american series, each with their subtitle (sometimes english AND spanish subtitles. The filename is the same, but there is a “.eng” or “.spa” just before the extension.)
German Socias
I’m assuming you mean the renaming.
The renaming does support subtitles.
For example: will be renamed.
In the current version, episodename, and will all be renamed as well, but you’ll loose the “.eng” and “.spa” … which is probably not what you’d want. I’ll add it to the “to do” list though … shouldn’t be too difficult to add that option
Exactly. Thank you!
German Socias
Just uploaded v1.4.2 which addresses this issue.
Files that are similar named will be renamed correctly for different language subs.
As an example, let’s say we have:
and we want to rename it to newname.mp4, then this will result in:
Program do not work on 64bit Linux distributions as its onlye 32bit compiled.
Will you please try to build a 64bit version?
Hi Marco,
I’m sorry to hear that – I was told that 32 bit Linux apps should work just fine under 64 bit unless it uses special libraries (which is not the case with this application).
After some more searching (I’m not a Linux expert), I found that installing the “missing” 32 bit libraries is an option (Example articles: Run 32 bit on 64 bit, Debian story, 32 bit repo’s). All of this does not sound user friendly to me, so in the next few days I’ll setup a 64 bit virtual machine to make a 64 bit build.
I’ll post the update here when it’s done,… sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi, Hans and thanks for your reply.
Installing 32bit libraries is possible but you need ALL the dependencies list; I’ve tried to install some of them but still the program refuses to start due to missing dependencies. I think it needs all the graphic system (GTK and whatsoever…).
I’m not a Delphi expert but if you want I can build your program as I’ve got Lazarus installed.
Hi Marco,
Yeah, I agree that installing the 32 bit dependencies can be a pain … far from user friendly.
I’m in the process of building a virtual machine, trying to get the absolute minimal 64 (and 32) bit system running, just for compiling Lazarus Pascal stuff – that’s basically what I use Linux for on my laptop. It’s quite a pain actually to get a minimalistic setup going, which surprises me. And not being a Linux expert it can be difficult to choose what parts you do and do not need. I’ll keep plugging away with the VM I’m building, since I suspect that I’ll need it in the near future for other apps as well.
As a Linux fan, let me tell you that installing dependencies is a pain if you have not put your program in a public repository, otherwise apt-get or synaptic or what else install dependencies painless :-D
Yeah, putting my app(s) in a public repository will take some time to figure out how to do it and such, wish they’d make that a little easier.
I’ll have to do some homework on the ins- and outs of putting my stuff in such a repository.
Just added a Linux 64 bit version …
Just downloaded and tried.
It runs smoothly.
Great program, thank you very much.
May I suggest to make it Open Source to let other user improve it even more?
Thanks Marco for letting me know that the 64 bit version runs well!
I’ll consider making it open source,…
I just found this great program along with Filebot, but I seem to using this one more. Regardless of my very minor issues, listed below, I think you have done an excellent job in creating this program and making it available for everyone to use.
Minor issue #1: I “installed” this on Windows 7 64-bit in the Program Files x86 folder, but everytime I run it to find a TV series it comes back with an error message “Unable to open file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Name My TV Series\NameMyTVSeries_Temp_Banner.jpg” with the error box options OK to ignore or CANCEL to kill the program. I just hit ok and continue.
Minor issue #2: I use your provided format string that is PLEX compatible “%N – S%S2E%E2 – %T” When I was renaming Mystery Science Theater 3000 specials (they have 248 specials), it only provides the first two numbers of the episode (e.g. if it is E132, it shows E13). So I tried using “S%S2E%E3”, but all it did there was give me E013 instead of E132.
A nice fix for PLEX might be to have a episode formatting option that uses at least 2 characters and up to 4 for episode numbers – as this might help with some very long anime absolute naming. (e.g. 1 ep would be E01 not E1, ep 12 would be E12 not E012 or E0012, ep 132 would be E132, etc).
Anyway, fixes, feature enhancements or not I will still be using this program for a long time to keep my PLEX library organized and thanking you for a very useful utility.
Hi Steve,
thanks for the positive feedback …
I compiled the application under Windows XP only to find (with some of my other applications) that after Windows XP (Win 7,8 etc) have changed the access rights to the application folder in c:\program files (x86) … an application can no longer write in their won directory unless you start the program with elevated access rights. I’ll add fixing this to the “to do” list.
I’ll also take note of the issue #2 … never ran into a show with that many episodes …
Great program but personally I miss a variable that counts the episode number continously. For example you have a total of 17 episodes in season 1. Then season 2 start with episode 01 again, but it is the 18th episode of the series in total. A variable would be great that takes this into account. My files are labeled in that way:
Total Episode Number – Episode Title [SeasonnumberEpisodenumber].mkv.
At the moment I have to add “Total Episode Number” for myself. Any chance of getting this feature in a future version?
Regards and keep up the great work
Hi Knilch,
thanks for the compliment and the suggestion.
I will add your request to the “to-do” list … I’m completing another project in the next few days and hope to have some time to implement your (and others) request(s) …
Hi Knilch,
I’m working on fixing a little bug and wanted to see if I could build in your request.
With the total numbering, does that number include the special episodes as well (the ’00’ episode or specials)?
I would assume not, …? Ie. only count the “real” episodes?
Did you ever decide if you would add this feature? It would be really helpful!
Hi Jasmine,
this feature has been added in the latest version … hope this was what you were looking for.
Hi Jasmine,
this feature is on the list of things to do. Unfortunately, I’ll be traveling until mid December (I have not been home since August). After that I can spend time implementing features like this.
Glad to hear a second request!
Thanks for this great app, the best out of all the tv naming apps I’ve tried so far.
Thanks Ryan!
Always nice to hear such positive feedback …
Thank you for a simply fantastic utility. Over a 2 day period, I was able to quickly and painlessly rename all of my TV series episodes. I had put off renaming them for ages due to the amount of time required to fix them all. Your utility made it a breeze!! Thanks again for a great piece of software…. one I would gladly pay to use!
Thanks CDRSteve for the feedback, glad to hear that it worked well for you too – I always love to hear that folks enjoy the little tools I create for fun!
Oh and there is a PayPal donate button (upper left corner) haha … but it’s definitely not required.
hi – just downloaded and unzipped on Linux Mint and get message Data Retrieval failed etc..every time I try to use the app.
I know the net connection is fine and not using proxy. Cannot see any other internet settings in the app to play with. Tried both TVDB and EPguide which are ok in a browser.
Just had a thought re last post – does this program need port forwarding in my router?
There are no special requirements …
Do you have a firewall running that blocks certain apps, or do you use a proxy?
Those are the only things I can think of …
Are you running Windows, MacOS X or Linux …?
Stupid me: Read over the “Linux Mint” part …
I’m not a Linux expert, and have tested it only under Ubuntu and Kubuntu …
Since nobody complained so far … app. 600 times downloaded for Linux (32 and 64 bit versions combined) ….
Oh and no port forwarding need on your router … (sorry, it’s getting late in the evening, one “oops!” after the other)
Thanks for your replies. Still unable to access TVDB etc. even after rebooting. Strange as two other new apps I installed have no problems accessing websites.
Just to make sure, I’ve tested the 32- and 64-bit version under Ubuntu 14.04 again, and there is just works.
I found this discussion at Unix StackExchange: Logging outgoing connections as they happen.
Maybe this helps debugging/logging?
The connection to TheTVDB and EPGuide are a little different.
TheTVDB uses and API key, if that key would be refused then only TheTVDB would fail.
EPGuide is just scraping a regular webpage.
Did you use the right version? A 32 bits app is said to run under 64 bit as well, if the proper libraries exist.
So if your system is 64 bit, try the 64 bit version?
Thanks again Hans. I used 32bit version as I am using 32bit Linux Mint. I also have a 32bit Ubuntu Linux installed so I will install and try the program on that. Also my system will support 64bit OS and as I am looking at installing and testing 64bit Linux Mint shortly if needs be I can try the 64bit version on that as well. Will let you know the outcome of these.
Thanks Roger – let me know if you get it to work or not.
Otherwise I’ll create a virtual machine with Mint Linux with the version you’re using to test/debug it here.
Thanks for this great app. I would know if you could make the source code available as free software?
Thanks Monteiro …
I’m not always proud about my coding style, so I’m hesitant to make the source code available.
The software however is already free … or did you mean Open Source?
I meant open source. If you change your mind or could share with me by e-mail, please let me know. Thanks again.
I’ll let you know when I decide to do that – thanks for asking …
Did you have any changes in mind?
I’m having an issue when trying to rename the show “Tom and Jerry”. When I search the show and go to list the episodes it tells me that
” ” is an invalid Integer
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption
press Cancel to kill the program
It worked awsomely on another show that I had
Hi Drew,
I’ve noticed this error under Windows, but was not able to reproduce the error yet.
In a next release I hope to resolve this issue.
What version of Windows and the App are you using?
I’m using 1.4.2 and Windows 7 64bit
Thanks Drew!
Can you describe the steps you followed to reproduce this error?
I’m not a Windows user myself, and I’m interested to find in what area to look.
This error indicates that my code tries to convert a string (empty in this case) to an integer and I failed to catched that.
Do you have the exact name of the show?
How many files did you try to rename?
Did you rename 1 or more files?
(your help is very much appreciated!)
Open the program
Seach for “Tom and Jerry”
Selected the correct show and clicked on get episodes
Encountered error message.
I have yet to load my shows into the program for renaming as I cant load the shows from theTVDB
I love this program, after using it for a few weeks, all of the sudden im also getting the invalid interger error.
any suggestions?
Hi Kenneth,
Under Windows, the preferences are supposed to be stored in the registry under
Deleting that key and it’s content (with regedit) will cause the application to create new registry entries.
You can dot his by opening regedit, selecting the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NameMyTVSeries\Preferences” path in the left colum, right clicking “NameMyTVSeries” or “Preferences” and choosing the option “Delete”.
After that restart the application.
It is unfortunate that this happens, but so far only you and Drew have reported this issue.
In the next release I’ll try to catch that error.
Excellent info!!
This is the first time that I have been able to reproduce the error!
Cool! I’ll try to fix it as soon as I can now that I know where to look!
Sweet! Glad you were able to reproduce it. Look forward to the next release.
Top notch program!
Thanks Drew!
I really appreciate the quick info that helped me catch the error.
I already found that it’s related to “1940” as the the season number (which usually is 01, 02, etc).
I will be traveling in the next few days, but I will try to make some time, either before or during, to come up with a fix.
The fix will be to work with season number larger than just 2 digits, which is not desired for those where season numbers never exceed 2 digits. But I’ll try to find an elegant solution …
Awesome program but I’m also having this issue with Tom and Jerry :'(
Chris H
Hi Chris,
I apologize for the inconvenience,… it’s added to the to-do list – unfortunately, I have been traveling a lot these past months and have not been able to access my own sources. As soon as I can, I’ll take care of it.
Hi there , great app !
Can I add the shows ‘ The Sky At Night ‘ and ‘ Horizon ‘ to the list of ones you can test ?
Hi Dalek!
Sure, I added them to the list. What problem/issue should I be looking for?
“Name My TV Series” is the best! I only wish i had found it sooner. I can do in minutes which used to take me hours. It also makes it easy to get the names into Plex format.
Thanks John!
Glad to hear that you like my little app, I very much appreciate your positive feedback!
Hello. Great piece of software. Any chance on changing the language for the titles? Instead of ENGLISH I would need GERMAN titles?
I found the Dropdown list for the language. Thanks anyway. Great tool for renaming series files.
Thanks Klaus! Hope you like this little application
Thanks for an outstanding utility. This is one program that I would definitely pay for without question. A real time saver! Keep up the great work. BTW, I have a significant number of OTA TV shows in TS/TP format that I don’t desire to convert to another format for retention. Is there a way to get NameMyTV to recognize the TS/TP format for renaming? Thanks again for a great program!
Hi CDRSteve,
Thank you for the kind words!
Interesting question … I have not ran into this particular situation …
I could consider adding this as an option, just not sure how to recognize TS/TP (I’m assuming this is an MPEG2 stream?).
To recognize the format I could either look for a character combination (for example TSTP) or use ffmpeg to detect the specific format.
I’m not sure though how many people would actually use this option …?
I have tried 5 or 6 of these tv renamers and yours is the best I have tried so far.
Only one issue, why are files not showing up in alphabetical order automatically? The user must press the “guess sort” button. I forgot to press it a few times and screwed up episodes order.
Hi MfU,
Thanks for the nice compliment! Always appreciated!
There are 2 reasons concerning your sorting question …
– Sorting original filenames alphabetically does not always result in what we’d like to see … thanks to the inconsistent naming.
– There seems to be a minor bug in the alphabetical sorting which does not always result in really correct sorting.
I will however look into it again, and see if I can improve on the sorting.
The bug seem more numerical than alphabetical
I will give you a pointer that might help you reproduce what I am getting as original/uncorrected sorting.
In a single folder, 10 files named just: 101.mp4, 102.mp4, 103.mp4 and so on up to 110.mp4
I drag them over to the original filename side and they invariably appear with highest number as the first, offsetting all the others by one value.
Even with as little as 3 numbered filename, 103 will come out on top, followed by 101 and 102
Thanks for looking into it, and great software neverthless !
Thanks for the good info!
I’ll be back home after Dec 11th, and will put it right away on my list of things to do …
I pinpointed the issue to using drag & drop along with specific user behaviour.
Once I have highlighted or selected any numbers of sequential numeric episodes, the actual episode being selected to drag in your program will always be the one on top of the list, no matter its file name/number/order. The actual reason the last episode in my source folder was always showing up as first inside the program is simply that I naturally SHIFT-SELECT from top to bottom, then, being already at the bottom of my source list, grabbing the last episode to drag-drop them all to the program side. If instead of using the last episode as handle, I use any other one, the 5th for instance, then that 5th episode will appear first in the program list side.
If I use drag and drop method AND make sure I select first episode as handle, all episodes shows up in proper sequence; AFAIK, It shouldn’t normally matter which specific episode is selected as “handle” to drag over multiple items, but it seems it does in this case.
BTW, If instead of drag & drop, I use the “Add” button, the program sort numerical episodes perfectly first time around too.
PS: Just in case this would be OS-dependent, I use Win7x64
Hi MfU,
thanks for the extensive info! Very helpful!
I have been experimenting (when I wrote the program) with the drag-and-drop behavior. It’s not quite perfect, on all 3 OS’s. I suspect that it’s related to the way things are implemented in Lazarus Pascal, or because this is actually how the user interface (Mac, Win, Linux) is supposed to work (in contrast to the user expectations).
I’ll dig into this a little more and see what I can come up with. The drag and drop functionality within the grid isn’t working the way I’d like it either, so there is room for improvement …
i have a problem since yesterday. when l start name my series, there is an error message : failed to set data for value data last used ok to ignore and risk data correption or press cancel to kill the program.
can you help me?
i’m running windows 8
That’s interesting … hmm. You could try to reset the preferences to default values. The INI file might be corrupted, for unclear reasons.
Please let me know if this helps …
I have the same problem, so that the software worked very well
Now not on Started
an idea
I have windows 7
Curious to see if the reset helped either of you. Almost sounds like a possible Windows update caused this?
Unfortunately, I do not have a Windows computer nearby to test and see what’s going wrong.
FYI: Under Windows, the preferences are supposed to be stored in the registry under
Deleting that key and it’s content (with regedit) will cause the application to create new registry entries.
You can dot his by opening regedit, selecting the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NameMyTVSeries\Preferences” path in the left colum, right clicking “NameMyTVSeries” or “Preferences” and choosing the option “Delete”.
After that restart the application.
It works perfect again yeeeeeeeeeeeees
hank you for your time
Did you reset the settings in the application, or clear the registry?
I clear the registry, I delete the folder ” Preferences” from
Thanks Guiz!
I’ll incorporate this in a new version of the application …
I had the same problem but I didn’t want to lose my setting so I looked at the registry key you mentionned.
In fact the “Data_LastUsedLanguage” only was corrupted. I replaced with correct value (in my case “Français”) and voilà ! All is ok.
The only thing you should add to your software is to check if this registry key has a normal value and if not reset to a correct one ;)
Thanks BrunoCr for confirming!
I’ll have to look and see why this would get corrupted in the registry.
I’ll try to add the “double check” to see if a value is legit – as far as I recall, the default language will be selected if the value doesn’t exist in the language list retrieved from TheTVDB.
So it will take a little bit before I release a new version, which incorporates this and using the new TheTVDB API.
Found this great app after RenameIT had an issue with one of my series and there seems to be no support for it anymore. Very impressed as its got things right but how do I get to the settings screens on an iMac?
Sussed it :)
Have you thought about extending the app for working on renaming movies from I think that would make it one of the best (if not the best) renaming apps out there for mac (and there are not many that I can find).
Hi Stephen,
thanks for the nice comment!
I have considered that yes … it’s a little more cumbersome to implement though, but I’ve toyed with the idea to combine RenameMyTVSeries with MovieScanner. But the attempts I did in the past never finished – either because of other projects, complexity, or simply because life came in the way … …. it’s still on my to-do list though.
In the meanwhile, you might want to look a ViMediaManager, I’ve found it a very good tool for Movies on a Mac.
I’m not sure if I can even compete with that …
I appreciate the work you do, especially considering its a free app. I purely use this to rename tv series files as I rip them for my Mede8er which streams from my nas. I was purely thinking last night that if I was to do the same with my film collection, how would I rename them? I found another app that I was using that did both but as it had an issue with a TV Series last night, I swapped over to your app and so far I’m impressed with what I see. I’m new to mac’s (always used windows) and I noticed that there isn’t a lot of similar apps that can do the job so if you were able to extend to movies as well, you’d have a niche in the market for this sort of thing. :)
Thanks Stephen!
Like I said: I still have it on the to-do list …
And … I’m a former Windows user as well … facing the same things you’re facing. Another reason why I decided to have as many apps as possible work under Windows, MacOS X and Linux. These OS limitations should be part of the past.
Thanks so much for creating this software, I’m loving it!
However I have noticed an issue that the program does not properly save the settings about special characters when exiting then re-opening the program. Specifically, I am running ZFS on Linux (Xubuntu 64-bit) which can handle almost any character in fielnames just fine, so I don’t need to replace characters such as apostrophes (‘). When I untick the option to replace these characters in the preferences, the program behaves correctly at first but then later when I open the program again, it starts replacing the characters, even though the preferences don’t appear to have changed. I have to tick and then un-tick the relevant box in preferences to get the correct behaviour again.
Hope you can come up with a fix because otherwise it works perfectly for me.
Thanks Ali!
It’s always nice to get positive feedback, and receive a proper description of a potential bug which is added to the to-do list! I have 2 programs to finish before I’ll get to it, but I most certainly will take a good look at this.
Hi there. I am using Rename your TV Series Files (V. 1.4.2) and I am not able to add .mp4 files in order to rename them.
After a quick search on the internet I did not found anything about this. Do I have to enable something or is it just that .mp4 files cannot be renamed at all?
Thank you.
Andrea Zuccone
(Inb4 sorry for the double post): What I meant is that I am not able to add them via “Add file”, but they’re normally added if I choose “Add folder”.
Andrea Zuccone
Hi Andrea!
MP4 files are supported, so that should work.
However, I think you might have stumbled on a bug … I tried it with “Add File” and it indeed is not selectable. I’m surprised that others (incl. myself) have not noticed this – I will add it to the “todo” list …
You could use drag-and-drop for the time being.
Windows (and I think Linux as well): Drag the file and drop it on the application.
MacOS X: Drag and drop the file on the Doc icon of the application.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
I am seeing the same ” ” is an invalid integer , pop up in version 1.4.2 for windows. It seems to related to the way tvdb et al are returning the results with the occasional un-printable character getting through. Using ‘The Sky at Night’ as an example , you can see that episode 1957×01 Arend-Roland Coment has a lovely SQUARE symbol sitting next to it.
Most shows that throw this error will have this in the windows version.
Hope this helps
Hi Da1ek,
Good info indeed!
Looks like a character issue (ASCI vs Unicode etc) in Windows – which I have seen before, but I thought I had fixed that.
I’ll add this to my to-do list, once I’m settled in my new home.
I hope to release this upcoming week a new version (1.4.4), with several bugs addressed.
Before doing so I’d like to ask for any other issues any of you might have run into, so I can try to address those as well.
So far I (hope) addressed these:
– Bug fix: episodes >99 are now correctly formatted (010 instead of 001 for episode 1 – for example)
– Improvement: Added %E2 to auto grow leading zero’s when episode count >99 (next to %E3 which forces 3 positions in the episode numbers)
– Update TheTVDB logo
– Mac: Drag and Drop on Application window works now as well (versus just on the dock).
– Bug fix: Drag and Drop RMVB files allowed again
– Bug fix: Clear after rename now functional
– Registry data format changed to reflect new options
– Bug fix in Preferences: Update example string working again.
– Request: Alternating Season colors in the complete episode list
– Request: Alternating Season colors in Rename Scheme
– Bug fix: Windows storing temp images in application directory causes errors
– Bug Fix: German/French (non-Latin) Characters under Windows (I found that a UTF8 function under Windows does not work correctly)
– Bug Fix: Weird characters causing invalid integer error (only under Windows, see previous bug)
* I could not reproduce this issue: special chars not saved in preferences, it just works under WinXP, Mac and Linux (Ubuntu). More input appreciated.
* I could not fix this sorting issue: The provided example just works fin under Windows, Mac and Linux. I did however manage to reproduce a similar sorting issue, but for unknown reasons this only happens under Windows (ie. 1.mp4, 99.mp4, 100.mp4, 101.mp4 sort weird at times).
I will still look into these 2 “problems”, and test some more, but any examples (show name, episodes, language, etc) would be helpful for testing.
Please let me know if you’re interested in testing the new application, I could email you a copy.
The request to monitor a folder is something I have under consideration. So far it looks like a lot of work, with a lot of moments where I wonder if it will work right. But … I’m trying to see what can be done.
The request to support movies as well; well, this one I feel fits better in another application. Either a new project or by using tools that provide this functionality already. Unfortunately, my time is limited as well, somehow society wants me to have a job too to have an income …
Bug: crashes when renaming to a 4 digit season. eg: 1964
I would be willing to help test it.
Thanks Drew!
Do you have a scenario where this would happen? Ie. did you have a particular TV show in mind?
For testing: what OS are you running? (Win/Linux/Mac?)
Yes, Tom and Jerry is one that I have issues with.
see: //
I also run Windows
Thanks Drew!
Sorry for not catching you’re earlier posts – there are so many comments that I couldn’t see the trees through the forrest anymore.
Specially attention to your bug!
Thanks Drew!
I’ll start testing and make sure the 1964 problem gets fixed.
I’ll send you a test version by email, hopefully today. If I don’t make it by today then it will be more likely by the end of the week. I have to unload a container with all my stuff (moving from US -> Europe), so that might take a lot of time.
I think I might have solved the sorting issue. If anyone would like to provide a list of filenames that do not sort properly; please do so as a comment below.
Testers: please mention the Operating System you’re using (Windows/MacOSX/Linux32bit/Linux64bit)!
Hi Hans,
Great programme.
I have a request.
I would like to see the located show episodes listed in “aired order” or “dvd order” as in the tvdb website if possible.
This will help me correctly name the episode name off the dvd as some times the aired order is not the same as the dvd order.
Does that make sense?
Is it achievable?
Tony B
Tony Birznieks
Hi Tony,
I will add it to the “ToDo” list … not sure how easy or difficult this will be.
Is this something you set only once (ie. in the preference screen) or something you’d like to toggle?
With the latter you’d have to keep in mind that it would need to reload the data of course.
Hi Hans,
Thank you for looking at my request.
I think the toggle would be more practical. If the return gives the right results then a data refresh/reload would be no problem.
Anyway you have inspired me to try Lazarus. I have done a bit of programming in MS Access/VB years ago but have got lazy.
So thank you for the kick start
Tony Birznieks
Thanks Tony!
I’ll see what I can do – Apple doesn’t always make it easy to work with when you’re not using “their” tools haha. But … I’m a Lazarus fan, no matter how often Apple tries to break things …
And … it’s so cool to develop an application that you can just compile under Windows and Linux as well. All 3 systems have their strengths so why leave users of “the other system” out in the cold?
Let me know if you made something with Lazarus – also take a look at the Lazarus Forum, you’ll find a lot of info there and helpful people. If you have questions, give me a shout in our forum!
Thanks Hans,
Already started but having problems getting used to how the different attributes/syntax’s work but i suppose I will learn it as I go.
I will definitely be checking out the forum.
I was thinking of building something that lists episodes that I may no have yet to complete a season (an archival and current look) as compared to my library but (only for personal use) I need to find out more about how to access the tvdb within the code… anyway I should not get too far ahead of myself just yet. Baby steps for me!
Tony Birznieks
Hi Tony,
Getting used to the syntax can be a challenge when coming from another language like VB.
I’ve worked with Turbo Pascal (DOS days) and Delphi (Windows), so I already was used to the Pascal language.
I do prefer it very much over languages like C, C++, Objective C, etc.
Hang in there! I’ve found it very rewarding to build my own little tools – and that’s how some of my small tools end up on my website haha … they ALL have been built just for personal purposes.
See ya in the forums!
Well that helped me a lot to rename my tv series however I suggest BatchRenameFiles Tool as well as it has good features. Thanks
Thanks Garik, and thanks for the BatchRenameFiles tip!
Hey Hans,
I have been looking over the comments for this post and I have noticed that you seem to still be working on this application which is good news, but the last available version for download is 1.4.2 and is over a year old so I was wondering if this was indeed the latest public version available for download? Also, I was hoping that there might be a closed beta or something like that which I could apply for, because the application is great however there are a few issues with the currently available version which I am hoping may be fixed in a newer (albeit not yet publicly available) version.
Dave K
Hi Dave!
Yes I’m still working on improving the application.
I’m currently not running any kind of beta program, but I wouldn’t mind sending you a compiled beta.
I’m very close to releasing a new version, but extra testing is most welcome.
What platform are you running? (Windows/Mac/Linux)
I develop on a Mac so that would be the easiest for me, but I’m aware that Mac OS X is not the only one out there – which is why I always try to compile my application for Windows and Linux as well.
Are there any specific wishes/bugs you’re referring to?
Hey Hans,
I run Windows 7 Professional 64bit and so I would only be able to test under that platform. The added bonus is that I am a Delphi developer so I might be able to offer you some assistance if you ever need it since Delphi and Lazarus code is fairly similar. Anyway, since you stated that you are close to another release I will just wait for that and offer any input I have at that time.
Dave K
Thanks Dave!
I just released 1.5.0 … hope you like it!
And I’ll keep in mind that you’re Delphi experienced – that might come in handy one of these days – thanks for offering the help, please let me know what you think of the new version.
i keep on getting the error ” ” is and invalid integer, i have had it a few times and seems to be on tv shows with alot of episodes, latest show is looney tunes, it happens when you try to load the episodes,i have tried removing the registry entries and no success i am running windows 10, other wise software is awesome and has saved me a lot of time
Hi Mathew,
I think I have this fixed in the upcoming version.
Just so i can test this, could you let me know
– what Operating System you’re running (Windows, Mac, Linux and what OS version),
– which exact show you’re looking for (“looney tunes”? Exactly like that?),
– what language you have selected (default is “en” for Enlish).
I hope to be able to release a new version soon.
Hi Hans
i am running windows 10, i type in looney tunes, should give 4 choices and is the 3rd choice and its in english
Hi Matthew,
Under Windows 8.1, with the version I’m working on right now, this particular issue should be resolved .
I doubt Windows 10 will act any different, but I’m in the process of upgrading my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, so I’ll give it a shot!
Thanks for the info!
As of today, version 1.5.0 of Name My TV Series has become available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux (32- and 64-bit).
This release adds a few new features and bug fixes.
– Bug fix for episodes >99 (bug 010 instead of 001)
– Added %E2 to auto grow leading zero’s when episode count >99
– Update TheTVDB logo
– Mac: Drag and Drop on Application works now as well.
– Bug fix: Drag and Drop RMVB files allowed
– Bug fix: Clear after rename now functional
– Registry data format changed to reflect new options
– Bug fix in Preferences: Update example string working again.
– Alternating Season colors in the complete episode list
– Alternating Season colors in Rename Scheme
– Bug fix: Windows storing temp images in application directory causes errors
– Bug Fix: German/French (non-Latin) Characters under Windows
– Bug Fix: Weird characters causing invalid integer error
– Bug fix: Shows that count with years now work properly
– Bug Fix: odd sorting, rewritten sorting routine from scratch
– Added %EC for using a total/sequential count of episodes.
– Default sort order is Airdate. Optional “DVD” sort order (check “DVD” and click “Get Episodes”)
– Broken Google search EPGuide fixed
– Handle 403 error from TheTVDB
I’m aware that more bugs/feature requests might be out there, feel free leave a comment
Not sure if anyone got to testing this new version … feedback would be appreciated.
[…] Rename your TV Series Files […]
how do i change the settings so it comes up as
Doctor Who – 02×01 – Planet of Giants
not Doctor Who – 02×001 – Planet of Giants
that extra zero is anyoying and wont go away
Hi Rowan,
I think you found a bug – nice catch, and woops on my end!
I’ll try to have a new version available today!
Hi Rowan!
I found what causes this.
For %E2 it looks for the highest episode count in a season.
Season “00” (extras) actually goes way beyond 100, and therefor it automatically goes to 3 digits.
This might be an undesired side effect, so in counting the max episodes in a season I will exclude season “00” in the next version. Hopefully I have it available today.
Thanks again for reporting!
Should be fixed now, just released v1.5.1.
Please test and let me know if it work as expected.
Again: thanks for reporting the bug.
UPDATE: Version 1.5.1 available
Rowan found a tiny annoyance in the v1.5.0 version, when using %E2, the counter will use as many digits as needed for the season with the highest episode count. For “Dr. Who” this was the extras season (“00”), and cause all episodes to be displayed with 3 digits, where as this would have been needed only for the extras.
This bug has been fixed, season “00” (extras) will no longer be taken into account when determining how many digits are needed for episode numbers.
thanks for this, great program really suits my needs
Awesome! Glad it works as it should!
Hey, I’ve been using this program for a long time now on my media server. Just wanted to say thanks for the hard work and thanks for the great program :)
Thanks Harley!
I very much appreciate that you’re leaving me a “thank you” note … makes it all worthwhile
Hey .. found this little program .. been using “therenamer” for some time now, but the problem there is that it doesn’t do dvd order anymore.
But first show I try to get the dvd order I get an error.
Show is Batman animated series
error I get when I select dvd is :
“15.0” is an invalid float.
I can click ok then to ignore .. but nothing happens.
Thanks Steve for reporting.
I’ll look into that this afternoon, hopefully find what the culprit might be.
Are you running under Windows, Mac or Linux, and are you retrieving the series in English?
hi, tnx for the quick reply :)
yes running under windows 7 64bit
& yes retrieving it in English
Hi Steve,
do you have any particular regional settings for your Windows? Ie. Dutch, German, French … anything non-English?
let ‘s see ..
windows is in english
keyboard is set to dutch(belgium)
format also dutch (belgium)
decimal symbol =: ,
maybe some conflict there ?
Yep, that’s exactly why it went wrong …
TheTVDB uses a period as a decimal separator, but your Windows says it uses a comma.
I’ve ran into this problem before with another app. I’ll see if I can create a fix for it.
indeed you are right .. just changed the , to . and it loads.
nice ..
It’s no issue for me .. I can work around it when needed :)
But if you’re bored and want to fix it … be my guest.
Now to use it .. and give feedback on the actual app
Als je de “Language (TVDB)” of “Nederlands (nl)” zet, zou alles goed moeten werken.
Kun je dat testen?
Ik zie dat de (meeste?) series dan toch nog gewoon terug komen met de Engelse titels.
dat lukt inderdaad voor sommige series.
Leuke app .. 1 vraag wel dat ik direct zie.
als je dus gewoon inlaadt krijg je
season episode
1 1
1 2
1 3 .. and so on
but .. when loading dvd, the ep names remain in the same order so we get for instance
season episode
1 2
1 7
1 1 .. and so on
Mijn dvdrips staan al juist genaamd op dvd order S01E01, S01E02, … maar ik kan nu niet gewoon alles ineens aanduiden links en renamen .. moet nu ep per ep de juiste naam renamen
dus mijn vraag is eigenlijk dat als je dvd order kiest, je ook op season , episode kan sorteren
heb blijkbaar te vroeg geklaagd ..
heb ergens geklikt in het rename scheme veld en nu staat het goed.
echt geweldig
Geweldig! Mooi om te horen dat het programma handig voor je is …
Ook leuk om te horen dat het probleem zich opgelost heeft zonder dat ik wist dat er een probleem was (lees ze net alle twee).
Bedankt voor dit zeer nuttige programma :)
Het zou geweldig zijn als ik ook ondetitel bestanden (.SRT) kan hernoemen met Name My TV Series, zodat ik deze kan afspelen door ze in dezelfde map te plaatsen als het hernoemde MKV bestand.
Immers, het is vereist dat de SRT’s dan dezelfde bestandsnamen hebben als de MKV’s.
Name My TV Series zou daarvoor ideaal zijn.
william berzoff
Hallo William,
Dank je wel voor het compliment .
Ondertitels worden ook hernoemt … mits ze dezelfde naam hebben als het geselecteerde video bestand.
Je moet daarvoor in de Preferences wel de optie “Rename similar-named files” aanvinken.
Met deze optie worden alle bestanden met dezelfde naam (maar andere extensie) ook hernoemt.
Dus als het origineel b.v. 1.mkv heet, en je deze hernoemt naar b.v. epside1.mkv dan worden met deze optie alle bestanden die a.* heten, hernoemt naar episode1.*.
Dus b.v., a.sub, a.idx, a.nfo, etc. worden hernoemt naar, episode1.sub, episode1.idx, episode1.nfo, etc.
Hopelijk helpt dit …
since I’ve discovered your fine program, I have been using it on a daily basis and wish to thank you again for your great work.
Of the 300+ series I have in my collection, I just discovered an issue with one, called: “Ici Louis-José Houde“
It does come up on (
when I put the title in the search box, I get this warning:
I have no idea what it means but if I press OK, Name my TV Series never give any results and show (in red) under search result box: Analyzing Data.
Is there a workaround that could lend me results ?
Thanks in advance
Hi DocJL!
Thanks for the compliment and glad to hear you’ve had a good use for it.
Your image upload failed (images cannot be uploaded/pasted in the comments), so I decoded the base64 PNG and added it here:
I’ll take a look and see what causes this error. Looks like a malformed content coming back from TheTVDB. But I’ll take a closer look.
Could it be that you’re using Windows?
And at first glance it seems that the stream handler under Windows isn’t enjoying the data coming from TheTVDB.
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this issue on my Mac, so I will have to do some testing under Windows (if you’re using Windows).
Oh and I forgot to ask: Did you set the language to French?
Which Windows version, or what Operating System are you using?
(just trying to get all the facts before I continue testing)
Thanks for your prompt reply,
yes I am using Windows7 x64. I am getting the same non-result wether I choose french or english.
As you pointed out, it looks like its caused by the way tvdb returns the info back to the program.
Oups, I feel bad, I was reading the rest of the comments above, when I noticed a new version announcement.
I just checked mine and I am not up-to-date using v1.4.2
I will update and try again…
Sure enough, with the latest version, no error message
I am so sorry to have wasted your time
No worries DocJL!
You didn’t waste my time! I’m just glad it all works now.
While I wait for my question to be published, I caught this typo (modertion)
Your comment is awaiting modertion by the Admin.
Hi DocJL,
thanks for catching the typo! I just fixed it!
just found this app , brilliant , specifically i hope it will help me populate the library in kodi from my server with a network share , i am having problems finding thr correct way to name tv show files so that kodi will allow them to be added to the library. tx for app.
joe reid
Thanks Joe!
Keep the following structure in mind:
So a folder for all your shows, a sub-folder for each show, in that a folder for each season, and in that the video file for each episode.
Hi There
Found this awesome app a while ago and been using it to assist sorting out my plex media server for a while.
Using windows 10 64bit now fyi and still working ok.
However, whenever I try to load episodes after a serach for the series from the EPGuide instead of the TVDB (in this instance the TVDB is wrong for batman animated series) I’m constantly getting an error:-
Warning Data Retrieval Failed
I was unable to read the file
Checked everything I can think of region wise (UK fyi) and PC / firewall and can’t come up with an answer was hoping you might have some insight? Tried on multiple other TV Shows too using the EPGuide only and getting the same problem each time.
Any help would be appreicated
Carl RObinson
Thanks Carl for the compliment,
I rarely use epguide myself, since I only included it as a “backup”.
I did some tests and it seems that epguide is indeed no longer working.
Since it’s a scraper, it might have to do with a format change – I will look into it.
Just out of curiosity: TheTVDB is not catching your series?
Hey Hans
Glad it’s not just a random bug I’m experiencing…
It’s picking up the series, however on this particular series (Batman the Animated series) there’s a lot of discrepancies as to episode order etc… After some internet searches it appears there’s some genuine controversy over how it should be viewed. As the DVD released episodes aren’t in the same order as they were originally aired etc
It is genuinely a rarity that TheTVDB is wrong even partially but I have had to manually redo things a few times :)
So 99% of the time I’m still using this program to organise / rename everything I acquire without issue
Carl RObinson
Oh Boy, yeah I have seen that with certain series as well. But like you said; it’s rare.
I’m debating if I should try to fix epguide or just remove it.
Looks like it might not be worth tackling for something so rare.
My thoughts exactly – I’ll just take a quick peek. If it’s easy and quickly done, I’ll modify it. Otherwise I’ll drop it.
What a wonderful program. I wish I’d found this years ago (my poor fingers). I’ve noticed that %S1 and %S2 both add a leading zero, no matter which you use:
Example 1:
%S1%E2 – %T_s%S2e%E2
= 0107 – Cold lazarus_s01e07.avi
Example 2:
%S2%E2 – %T_s%S2e%E2
= 0107 – Cold lazarus_s01e07.avi (same thing)
Am I missing something? Thanks again for this wonderful project!!
Hi Steve,
thanks for the compliment! And I think you found an interesting bug …
%S1 should indeed produce “1” and %S2 should produce “01“.
I just tested this and it only seems to go wrong when the first parameter is “%S1” ….
When using “%N – %S1x%E2 – %T“, it works as expected: “Stargate SG-1 – 1×07 – Cold Lazarus“, and
when using “%N – %S2x%E2 – %T” produces “Stargate SG-1 – 01×07 – Cold Lazarus” – which works correct.
However it fails when using “%S1x%E2 – %T” …
I will have to look into that, hopefully soon
Ahh, interesting! My reason for having the numbering at the start is to sort my files by air date (as opposed to alphabetically by title). The leading “0” isn’t the end of the world, but if it’s something that could be fixed, it’d make the software perfect for my uses.
Thanks again for sharing your skills with the rest of us!
Now you’ve given me an idea for something else: optionally set the creation date of the files to airdate
Anyhoo, thanks again for finding this little bug.
I’ve added it to the “ToDo” list, and as soon as I get to it I’ll release a new version.
EPGuide no longer seems to work either, so maybe in the next few days I’ll get to it.
Glad to hear you like my little program
p.s. cool Gravatar!
Hello, I have a problem, when I launch the program, I have an error message : Failed to set data for value “Data_LastUsedLanguage”.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program
Hi Samuel!
Did the application run just fine before? Or right away at first run generated this error?
Since you didn’t mention it, I assume you’re Windows.
If that is the case then a registry entry somehow got corrupted.
Under Windows, the preferences are supposed to be stored in the registry under
Deleting that key and it’s content (with regedit) will cause the application to create new registry entries after restarting it.
I tried your solution and it worked! Thank you so much !!
Awesome! Glad to hear that.
Version 1.6 is available.
A bug with the “%S1” parameter has been resolved (Thanks Steve for finding the bug!), and a new parameter has been added (“%AD” which allows you to add the AirDate in filenames).
Additionally, you have the option now to set the creation/modification date of a file to the original AirDate as well. Both new additions can for example be useful for sorting your files.
EPGuide support has been dropped, due to constant changes in EPGuide, parsing for information has become unreliable and unmaintainable. The good thing is that TheTVDB offers more and usually better information anyway. (thanks Carl for reporting this)
Hans –
Your program just keeps getting better and better. Not sure where I would turn if it didn’t exist. Guess it’s time for another donation. I’m sure you could use a beer! Folks, if you haven’t sent up a donation yet, do so and recognize Hans’ hard work in providing, and more importantly – maintaining, this great utility!
Thanks CDRSteve for the awesome and very motivating words!
That does put a big smile on my face! If travel would be cheaper, I’d say we all go for a drink!
My pleasure! There are not many software products I comment on and this one is indeed an exception. It has saved me countless man-hours over the past few years! Beer money is in your Paypal……… enjoy! CDRSteve
You’re the best Steve!
Thanks! I better not spend that all in one night haha …
Could not agree more!
Thanks Hans for the ongoing efforts!
Awesome! From all the Steves to you, thank you very much!
Thanks to all Steves
for me, the app does not work on mac
I get the message at startup:
Data retrieval failed!
I Was Unable to retrieve the list from TheTVDB languages
I will use the default language list INSTEAD.
Note: An Internet connected is needed
But I have no problem on Windows 7
Hi Romain,
this means that retrieving data from the Internet is either failing or slow.
Failing could be for example;
– The application has been blocked in the firewall (LittleSnitch for example)
– Your location has been blocked to access (which is not the case since Windows 7 works)
thank you for the answer
I have no problem accessing usually tvdb ( I am in France )
my internet connection is very fast ( 1GB/s)
and I have no firewall enabled
Interesting … hmm, would have been easier if that would have been the problem …
Did you set allowing apps downloaded from anywhere? (not sure if this is related)
“System Preferences” -> “Security & Privacy” -> “Allow Apps downloaded from” -> “Anywhere”
I just enable this option and I still have the same problem.
the message instantly appears at the opening
Shoot … that sucks …
When the app starts, it right away retrieves the available languages at to populate the dropdown list so users can select a language. So that would be correct. Does looking for a series work?
after the error message at startup, the software starts, but the series search does not work and shows me another error message:
“Data retrieval failed! I Was Unable to retrieve data from TheTVDB”
sorry for my english (google translation)
For some reason your Mac is completely blocking Internet Access for Name My TV Series.
Since you have no 3rd party firewall; Did you check if the standard Firewall that comes with MacOS X is enabled or not? (link)
If so, check under “Firewall Options” if it is blocked? Or maybe it needs to be added as “allowed”?
Everything is off
Screenshot :
Are you running Windows on a separate computer or a virtual machine (on the same Mac)?
How about Parental controls? (I have zero experience with Parental Controls – but did find this though, suggesting it can be used for blocking)
Windows is installed on the same computer but on another partition.
But I can try to open the software in a Windows virtual machine on the mac partition to do the test.
You’re the first one reporting this issue, so I would assume “something” or “some setting” is blocking Internet access for Name My TV Series.
Not sure if testing a virtual machine would tell us anything though, since it might bypass MacOSX completely for Internet Access.
It is however Application specific. I assume you’re running the latest version (1.6.0 at this time).
I’m a Mac user myself, so that’s where I use this application all the time without issues.
Would be great to figure out what might be causing this though.
it works !!!!!
I do not use DHCP.
but I tried to reactivate and deactivate, and everything works.
I still do not understand why.
Oh wow! Glad it works now, but definitely weird that it didn’t work before.
Would have been nice if we had figured out what caused this issue, but … it works now, so I’m already happy to hear that
HI Hans,
Hi, love this program but version 1.6 (only one I’ve used) has SERIOUS bugs and really is totally broken as far as import/export of custom CSV. Even a simple “export” of an episode list, doing a fresh immediate “import” of it’s own file results in an error that 0 is not a valid int because of how it appears to be parsing differently on import than export (quotes).
However, even when I form a legal csv with everything double-quoted, which is then the only successful import into this app without immediate error, it shows the custom episodes in the list. Then, when you actually need to USE that list and click ADD, it again produces the access error with OK to risk data corruption or cancel to quit the app.
I really need to be able to customize the episode list. Any idea when these bugs can be addressed and fixed?
Collin Chaffin
Hi Collin,
I’m very sorry to hear that. I’m traveling at the moment, so I’m not quite sure how fast I can address this issue – but it’s right at the top of my to-do list. As soon as I get some hotel time, I’ll try to see what might be going wrong there. Since import/export is rarely used, it might be that this bug snuck it’s way in there a while ago. But it does not sound like a complicated issue. I’ll get back at you, as soon as I can!
Thanks for reporting!
Excellent and thanks Hans! If there is anything I can do to help you test etc just let me know – like I said I love the app and with a working import/export and perhaps a few more small future enhancements, I think it really can’t be beaten by any other simple solution I have seen out there.
Like I said, seems like it exports with the 2 internal numeric columns non-quoted, yet only accepts an input CSV at all if all columns quoted. But, then the usage breaks if you try to use the data that appears to successfully import. Also, when selecting the CSV to import, it actually incorrectly filters the file/open window to actual VIDEO files, not CSVs so one must actually type *.csv and hit enter to even show the CSV to import. That is minor but wanted to mention it.
I don’t code in this language or I’d offer to help, and you’re right if it were dotnet I can almost envision how the code might just be miswritten right now given the current behavior and you’re right especially for you, this probably will be a quick fix.
Collin Chaffin
Thanks Collin!
Yeah, it is probably some silly mistake in my code. I’m trying to look at it as soon as I can. It should not be complicated.
I’m kind-a stuck right now for work, but when I find some time I’ll try to see if I can fix this …
Managed to find the issue … but have not had time yet to create a fix.
In one of the previous versions, the airdate has been introduced for formatting a file name and/or setting the creation date/time of files. Since I use objects internally, this was never a problem … well, until you use it for import and export and forget to include those dates.
So … I’ll try to find time this week or next week to add the airdate to the export and read it on import.
It’s going to be a busy week (this week) and an even busier weekend (traveling etc) … if I do not find time, then I know that I will find time next week …
I apologize for the inconvenience Collin … hope to get this rectified as soon as possible …
Hi Hans,
Excellent work finding the issue so quickly! I am really actively using it and love it, so can I ask, given your code is there any magic “workaround” I could use until you update? I could not find a combination of quotes and formatting for an import csv, but didn’t try to add any columns from the export. Is there a column I can add perhaps in the current state of the app that will allow me to successfully use an imported (fixed) list, just until you publish the final update?
Thanks again!!
Collin Chaffin
I do not know of a quick work around. The issue is that the objects I’ve defined expected an AirDate, but … I forgot to add those with the export, and there is no reading it on import. I will try to get a fix this week, but I’m doing some consulting in Houston, so that has priority since it pays the bills ….
Import and Export should be fixed now
How can I update the database? When I search for a series with the program it does not show. When I go to thetvdb it is there.
There is no db it queries the movie sites directly per usage. Double-check your syntax in the app vs on the site.
Collin Chaffin
Collin is right …
Which series are you looking for? (so I can test and see if I can replicate the issue)
Got it sorted. I was looking for The Ranch 2016 from netflix. But the only show that would shop up was a French cartoon called the ranch. So I tried searching for ranch 2016 and it showed up.
the show is called The Ranch and it came out in 2016.
Cool! Glad to hear that it worked out for you
Thanks for the fantastic software.
You can insert bookmarks for the series?
If you mean: remember previously loaded shows, kind-a like a quick dropdown,… then I do like that idea!
Let me see what I can do, I still have to fix a minor issue with import/export of lists. Once I have fixed that issue, I will look into adding such an option.
I agree and also a suggestion along the same lines which would be awesome would be under preferences (or maybe later even a separate “profile” function) to be able to quickly toggle save/select from a list of prior naming strings and settings. I find myself copying/pasting to a separate cheatsheet today as some episodes may be 1080p vs some at 720p, vs. some may be a source of bluray vs a source of HDTV recording, etc. so the ability to save and quickly select somehow (today I go all way into prefs each time to paste in settings for a couple on the list, run the rename, clear the list, add the remaining episodes but go back into prefs change the naming to the new resolution/source and re-execute the 2nd/3rd…etc. renames) whether just by the naming syntax or by actually calling it a “profile” etc. would be really cool.
Also, I am working on a powershell module I already use but it not yet polished that takes care of a few things after this app rename which would also be awesome if ever could be added. Those are to rename the containing source folder to match the new MKV filename and then touch that folder to match the datetime of the MKV. On top of working that workflow into a ffmpeg list of functions to backup source MKV and then remove foreign tracks, convert DTS by adding a converted AC3 (and leaving the original DTS), etc. I run those folder/timedate functions now after a rename with this app and the end result is a nice, pretty list of episode folders matching the MKV proper episode name and having the proper air date on the folder. So, what you already do with the file rename and datetime touching would be awesome to someday work into an <optional> folder function as well.
Collin Chaffin
Hi Collin!
Having worked with ffProbe before to scan files and determine 720/1080p/etc; this can be done, automatically, just takes a little bit more time and effort (to build and during use to rename). It’s something I could look into as soon as I get some time.
As for removing foreign tracks and such, I think it would be better to create a separate application that can do this in bulk (it’s on my idea list actually, to additionally also grab subtitles and such). Do you place each episode in a separate folder?
Yes, sorry I wasn’t clearer. I actually didn’t expect any ffmpeg functions in your app, just the missing “folder” functions to match the file ones.
1. You currently rename the FILES even in subfolders like this:
But doesn’t change the folders.
So, today, I script out a couple things:
For the above, after running your app in my workflow, my script produces this:
Newname.s01\Newname.s01e01.mkv (and folder gets touched with the datetime set to the episode mkv by your app)
Newname.s01\Newname.s01e02.mkv (and folder gets touched with the datetime set to the episode mkv by your app)
2. In cases where I run your app against this:
For the above, after running your app in my workflow, my script produces this:
ContainerFolder\Newname.e01\Newname.e01.mkv (and folder gets touched with the datetime set to the episode mkv by your app)
ContainerFolder\Newname.e02\Newname.e02.mkv (and folder gets touched with the datetime set to the episode mkv by your app)
Hope this helps explain it better. Although, pulling the ACTUAL resolution and info from ffprobe etc. with your app would also be INCREDIBLE in the future, but the above would be MUCH easier since it’s really just adding the folder functions to match the the existing file rename functions.
Also, testing the new 1.6.1 build now and initial tests look GREAT on a quick export to CSV, change some episode #s, and the import and add them – no errors on my 1st test!!! Thanks so much for getting to it so quickly!!!
Collin Chaffin
No problem – now I get where you’re going with that!
I never thought about that since I follow this structure:
Mostly because that’s kind-a what most media-center like applications, including Kodi, would like to see (with the exception of how I name each episode of course).
I’ll have to carefully think about that one though … can’t rename a folder, before renaming the file, unless I update all select paths appropriately (when doing a batch).
So the “problem” to think about would be the following;
Say you have these files:
Then the desired result should be:
However after doing that for the first one, file 2 and 3 no longer exist in the given path. I suppose I could try to catch that by modifying the list right after each rename.
Touching the folder is another interesting one, since (my Mac anyway) seems to use the most recent recent activity date/time. So if I set the date for a file, before the current date/time of the folder, and move the file into that folder, then the date/time would actually reflect today.
Would you like to reflect the most recent episode’s airdate? Or the date/time a new file has been added?
(I have not checked this out under Windows by the way)
Haha almost forgot; Glad to hear the import/export is working!
As for using ffmpeg or ffprobe; I’ve done it before with MovieScanner (a little dinky toy I created a while ago).
It might slow things down, but then again, one would probably not rename thousands of episodes at once anyway … I hope haha.
Since the resolution seems an option that would be used more commonly (than what I expected), I’ll definitely add this to the “to-do” list as well.
While thinking about your folder request, I guess I made a wrong assumption.
So when the original file is:
Then after renaming you’d like to see:
Is that correct?
Hi Hans, sorry didn’t see your message until now. Thanks for getting back so quickly!!
Yes, you are correct. In my case, I actually follow almost exactly as you do (that Kodi and others want to see) as:
Show\Season 1\Episode 1\Episode 1.mkv
….but, note that last folder level. I do that so that those with subs, etc. are encapsulated in their own episode folder. Also, what I do is partially because in the past when I’ve ripped, my “standards” were not there, so currently I may have:
So when I run the app against the above, it fixes the “Different-old-bad-show-naming_episode1.mkv”. Because it doesn’t do anything with folders, yes, I am left with the “Old-bad-show-naming_episode1” folder now holding the perfectly named and datetime mkv. My script basically then reads those new MKV names recursively, and renames the parent folder and also touches the modified timestamp of the folder to match the MKV. If your app would ever just maybe have a checkbox to say “rename (or create) parent folder to match renamed MKV). Then, it would have 2 options – either do what I do and do the rename/touch, or what my other script function does which is for directories more similar to what you said (all MKVs in one source folder together), my 2nd script just creates a new folder in the source for each MKV, moves the MKV into it, and touches it resulting in the same outcome – a folder for each MKV with the same name and datetime.
As far as I’m concnered, any FFmpeg/FFprobe info you may ever add is 100% a bonus. I will say, however, that having to make multiple runs if for whatever reason some of my seasons have some episodes at 720p, and others at 1080p, and manually going into settings and changing the naming template so that the end resulting MKVs have the correct resolution in the name (my preference), would actually go away entirely if you ever could have a checkbox to use a “probed” resolution value as a naming variable. Perhaps, then, if one uses the probed res variable and for whatever reason it does not return properly, just handle it like other tools do and place a “NA” in instead. I’d be totally thrilled with that solution!
Thanks again and I can’t say it enough that it really is growing to become a mainstream go-to utility so kudos!
Collin Chaffin
Hey Hans,
After a bit more testing, I wanted to point out a couple bugs still present in the import/export routine.
Here is steps to reproduce:
1. Open series (ie. Star wars rebels)
2. Export to CSV.
3. CSV contains columns in this format – Series (Quoted), Season (NON-QUOTED), Episode (NON-QUOTED), Title (QUOTED), Airdate (NON-QUOTED)
(Herein lies the issue)
4. Open in any app to edit (Excel, etc.) and it either consistently will double-quote columns (technically correct), or no columns.
5. Import CSV – Your import routine crashes the app if any form of quoting other than the inconsistent kind of non-standard above is present with the same dreaded (OK, cancel click ok to risk data corruption).
So, as of now since no app I can find that manipulates CSV files other than raw notepad can edit to re-import. I used Star wars rebels as a good example, because the list online is just incorrect.
Ep1 is actually labeled as one of the s00, which then throws off the entire list where s01ep1 really = s01ep2 etc. which in Excel is a quick edit to cascade renumber – in notepad, one line at a time, not so quick. :)
However, the good news is that if the non-standard combination of quoted and non is followed using notepad – the re-import is finally successful and totally usable, which is the most important part!
If you ever get a chance to maybe change both the CSV export and expected import to double-quoted for ALL columns (or non-quoted for all), then any CSV editing app can be used.
I have not done testing on changing or removing any of the datetime (Airdate) column data as of yet, but I will and report any other issues I find.
Thanks again for such quick fixes!!
Collin Chaffin
Thanks for the heads up on the import/export – I’ll look into that, and I hope it’s not going to be a big deal.
As for the folders; so far I managed to implement the “Season 01” folder, which actually could serve as a “folder per episode” function as well – since it can use all the parameters used in the filenaming as well. So if someone would use “Season %S2” it effectively would created the “usual” season folder. If the user would use some thing like “Episode %E2” then it would actually create a directory for each episode. Just before creation it will check if the directory exists though.
Still working on moving the extra files along as well.
The part where ffProbe is being used, works now as well, supporting Audio Codec (AC3,MP3,etc), Audio Channel Count (2, 5, 6 etc), Video Codec (XVID, H264, etc) and Video Resolution (720p, 1080p, etc). ffProbe will detect all that when a file gets added.
I will need to do some more coding though, since I just introduced a new bug – it’s not ideal to travel and try to code haha.
Wow, awesome work and I love the new features! Hey one last tiny bug I just noticed – purely cosmetic but can kinda cause issues – 1.6.1 suddenly is no longer showing on my taskbar! Even if I kill it off, what’s worse is multiple copies can run and I don’t know it, because if I click minimize – they are GONE! LOL! Since it’s not minimizing to the tray or anything, literally can only be found in taskmgr.
Not sure if anyone else also seeing this but I just wanted to mention it since it sounds like you’re actively coding now.
Thanks again and can’t wait to test the new features/fixes!!!
Collin Chaffin
Update, sorry the no taskbar bug seems to only apply if DisplayFusion manipulates/moves the app window to another monitor, so definitely not a big deal and only seems to impact something to do with displayfusion so I wouldn’t even look at it unless others also report issues. Sorry!
Collin Chaffin
No problem Collin – thank you for posting it here anyway. Others might be using DisplayFusion as well (I do not really use Windows, so DisplayFusion is something I have to Google and maybe install first haha).
@Collin and CDRSteve;
What OS are you guys running and would you like to test some of these new features?
I have a Mac OS X version up and running, but I carefully assume you guys are running Windows?
(not a problem either, I just need to recompile it and find a suitable ffprobe.exe for Windows)
I run 64-bit versions of Win 7, 8.1, and 10. I also run OS X Yosemite. About to “upgrade” that machine to El Capitan. Can also run just about anything you need in VMWare 12 so happy to give any beta a test whirl as needed.
Thanks CDRSteve!
I guess I’ll upload a beta for Mac OS X then, I’m pretty sure it works for Yosemite as well (even though I can no longer test this – it’s not using any goofy stuff that might not work under Yosemite).
The advantage of Mac OS X is that ffprobe is just included in the package, so easy to install.
Under Windows you’ll ned up with 2 executables, which might confuse the user.
I’ll try to upload the test version somewhere today and post the link here. Thanks!
Just uploaded a beta version (v1.7.0 for MacOSX), which includes ffProbe and the features I’ve mention. Feel free to test it. You can download it through this link.
For who would like to give it a try …
Hey Hans,
Sorry just saw your message. I also run Win7-x64 on all my media boxes so if at all possible I’d love to test for Windows! Unfortunately, I actually don’t even have OSX capability right now so can’t even test the new beta unless you can also build for Windows. :(
Collin Chaffin
No problem Collin …
I’ll try to build a Windows beta version in the next few days. I’ll post a link here when it’s available.
I’ve just uploaded a Windows version here.
Awesome! Testing the windows version now!
Collin Chaffin
Initial testing – LOVE the folder creation option! After a couple tests looks like it works GREAT and exactly what I do with my collection, the only small thing that perhaps you could add since you already have the code for the MKV file is the datetime touch – I’d suggest IF someone uses the new create folder option – to automatically just touch that new folder datetime to the episode datetime being set on the MKV. That way, the list of folders at a glance also shows the origiinal air dates (what my scripts/workflow does today). Just a small suggestion but so far it’s awesome!
Still working on testing the media ffprobe info and will post results later!
Collin Chaffin
Ok found kind of a big issue (for one use case) using the new codec/res detection. One use case (for me) may be that over time I did RIPS at different resolutions for diff seasons and even mult rips. One thing you currently CANNOT do is add the SAME episode from the downloaded ep list mult times. So, if I have 2 versions of episode 1 – one in 720p, one in 1080p, and I want to utilize the new detect function, I <should> be able to add the downloaded Episode1 TWICE, so that when I load my local list on the right pane, I can align the 2 versions to the identical Episode1 desc on the left. Using the new detect template, it would then detect one is 720p and one is 1080p, and automagically label them accordingly even though the downloaded left list theoretically made it look in preview as though (prior to proper detection) that the names would be identical.
Make sense? Only when adding the automatic tagging of resolution/codec does it really introduce the need to add as many duplicate episodes into the list to then rely on the detection.
Still testing but love the new features and will have to donate as well!
Collin Chaffin
After more testing – the detect seems to be working great.
Couple bugs I’ve caught:
UI: Typing in the show name after retrieval resulting in “out of bounds, click ok to risk corrpution or cancel to kill” error frequently (seems new from 1.6.1). I am able to click OK and continue for now without apparent impact but if that txt box gets blanked out, cannot type more than single char because of this error.
Bug carried forward from 1.6.1 – the “Clear after renaming” option checkbox does not get saved. Upon opening app it is always set to false and must be re-checked.
Not sure if a bug – the “history” of the naming template does not seem to save any history and just shows the stock examples. I thought you had said this was now a “history” or “profile” type of method for saving diff templates? Are the settings and history stored in the registry? I have not yet investigated but would be nice to be able to backup/restore the history and settings from the registry.
Another small suggestion (with all the testing we are doing) is perhaps on next build change the “backup” NameMyTVSeries.txt file to include a runtime datetime to make it unique and avoid the issue of multiple renames currently results in losing any naming history as this static named file gets overwritten without prompting.
Also, specifically the CODEC part of the naming, another small observation is that many use “x264” instead of “H264”, so at least for me, to keep a consistent naming, I’d love a way to choose (maybe it’s just a one or the other) format for the “h26x” formats to either be “h” based or “x” based convention. Again – just throwing out what I could see impacting users with large collections and an established convention to continue.
Collin Chaffin
Hi Hans,
I found the registry data. It appears maybe the code to commit the clear after rename just isn’t firing, because if I manually set the Data_ClearAllAfterRename value to 1, the setting is read properly upon re-open, honored, and persists – so it’s just getting the GUI to write the value of 1 that first time.
Still working on testing and I did find the other “history” dropdown for the shows (not the template “profile”), and it’s AWESOME addition!!!
Collin Chaffin
Hi Collin!
Excellent testing and very good info.
However, since the comments seem to become a little much, I’ve started a forum topic here.
Thanks for extensive testing Collin! (wow this comment list is becoming huge)
Thanks for the bug list;
– Touching the directory for Airdate;
I’ll look into that, but I doubt it will work under MacOS X (untested under Windows/Linux).
– Multiple resolutions, same episodes;
Ouch that might be a problem, I totally understand where you’re going with that. I’ll have to see if it would break something fundamentally in the app. I’ve always assumed just one episode file per episode. Personally I’d only keep the highest quality file (no use for a 480p file when I have a 1080p file as well), but with the resolution/codec etc detection, having multiple the files for one episode could make sense.
I’ll have to do some testing.
– UI bug;
I’ll try to see if I can reproduce this issue.
– “Clear after renaming” bug
I must have goofed up on that one – will try to find the issue as well.
– “history” of the naming template
Oh boy, I must have explained that wrong; I did not implement a history for that.
I’ll look into adding that option, after fixing the other issues.
– NameMyTVSeries.txt file
I almost removed that option, you’re the first one I know of that actually uses it.
I can include date/time in the filename, but I’m sure the addition of folders is not implemented in that file.
– “x264” instead of “H264”
The name of the codec is handled by ffProbe, what it finds in the video file.
As far as I could find (source); H264 is video encoding method, an alias name for MPEG-4 AVC.
x264 however, is an open source library, implementing H264 video compression and producing a H264 compatible stream.
So I’m not sure why folks would use the x264 instead of the correct H264.
Naturally, I could consider an option to always write x264/x265 instead of H264/H265 – but I’ll put it lower on the priority list if that’s OK …
I’m glad to hear you’re excited about some of the new functions – I’ll go see what I can do about the issues you’ve found.
One issue I have not been able to debug is the “index out of bounds” when renaming. It happens very rarely, and I have no idea what’s causing this.
I’ll keep you guys posted!
Just a quick observation, while trying to address these issue;
Directory touch to set date time – Which date/time should I use when multiple files are list?
Initially I was thinking: grab the most recent renamed file (while renaming).
But … that would cause issues if you’re adding an older episode, it would take the wrong date.
I suppose the best would be to take the most recent file date of all files in the folder – which would require a whole new function to parse all files in the folders. I’ll see what I can do …
As far as I can see; I’ve fixed all the bugs/issues you’ve mentioned, with one exception: the file naming format “history” – not sure how critical that one is, but it comes with some minor complications.
Currently the dropdown list is showing examples, and then populates the matching format string, for example, it shows:
but populates the edit box with:
I’ll tinker a little bit and see if I can make that work as well, but I’m running low on time today.
Please let me know if this is critical or not …
Hi Hans,
Wow thanks for getting back so quickly! After I posted I realized too that the ffprobe was generating the h264, so you’re right it’s best just to pass on whatever codec is being used.
As for the rename backup file, you’re right it doesn’t look like it catches any of the “new” directory actions for restoring, but in my mind that’s ok the main thing really is safety of the FILE renaming, which is being caught. I would think even if not posted, others have make a foobar and had to rely on them so I’d recoomend unless it’s causing other issues to leave it in there and maybe just append a datetime to the filename with HHMMSS, that way every run is guaranteed to produce a unique backout file.
Without any debug logging it’s hard for me to tell you what is causing the index out of bounds, but in my experience, it seems most easily reproduced when typing a single char, then deleting which puts the list index to NULL – perhaps that is the exception that needs to be caught? Let me know how I could try to test it more for you.
For the directory touching – in my case far as I know, when i’ve tested that feature, it always places the single episode files (and perhaps other “associated similar named” files) into the “new” directory, right? In that case, there’s either only one MKV, or a MKV and let’s say SUB file which already share the same timestamp with the rename. So, in every csae I’ve tested there would be only one possible datetime to touch that new parent folder with, which is the datetime from the downloaded episode. That’s also BTW how my script does it, let your app do the rename (and now also create the new parent folder) and then I just read the MKV in each new parent folder, and touch the new parent folder with that datetime. Sorry, hope that makes sense and helps as to how I’ve tested it and think it could work.
Also agree the way you implemented the naming template dropdown being “examples”, it probably would be kind of major on the code side I’m guessing, but the direction I was going – I may have series rips some bluray, some HDTV as example. Whether in that list, or maybe at a later date somewhere else as a separate “naming profile”, my idea was in a session I may have to go back in to that naming template and paste in a string with HDTV vs Bluray vs something else and it would just be really cool to have the “naming profiles” to quickly switch between templates.
Some of these suggestions would be cool if you could do a “vote” on this page somehow just as a sanity check as to how many users may click to vote for any of these feature enhancements that maybe won’t commit right now to chiming in with a full comment – I certainly don’t expect or want you bending over backwards for features that others won’t utilize (even if I would). If you ever decide to open source any of the code, I’d certainly try my best to help you in any way I could I would have to ramp up on this language vs csharp but would be happy to help.
I’ll try to check and test more tomorrow – I have 2 little ones been sick so my hours right now are kind of screwed up – hopefully tomorrow be better!
Collin Chaffin
Hi Collin!
You’re welcome, whenever I ahve time to respond, I always try to do that as fast as possible …
As for H264 vs x264 – I already made a preference setting doing exactly that for you …
As for the “undo” file, it actually does seem to pickup the use of folders correctly, so that should be fixed too. I’ve added YYYY-MM-DD HH.MM to the NameMyTVSeries.txt filename. I could still add seconds of course.
As for the out-of-index error you’ve mention; I was able to reproduce and fix that one …
Directory touching has been implemented as well, and the date/time is set to the most recent file in the directory. If the directory only holds one episode, then it would of course take the AirDate of that one.
As for the history on the formatting strings (filename and directory): I’m trying to implement this today, if I get to it. it’s a busy day … I like the idea of having a few “templates” in store that have been used before and I can see it to be beneficial.
I’ll try to post a new version for you to test, hopefully by the end of today.
Hope the little ones feel better soon ..
All righty then … I have a new beta (1.7.1) available for MacOS X and Windows.
Find them here: Windows, MaxOS X.
Fixed a few bugs from the previous beta and a few things I talked about with Collin.
History for file and folder name is now available, each time you select or create a new one, it’s added on top. For now I limited the length to the 10 most recent ones.
Wow! So, initial testing v1.7.1 looks AMAZING! I absolutely LOVE the history for naming templates, even 10 is great! Also, the addition of the “processing” popup when adding local sources is very intuitive addition! It also helps bridge the gap one little thing is if you add episodes obviously before adding local source, if relying on CODEC or RESOLUTION, the left pane “will be new name” is now a bit misleading because until the right pane is filled in and local media files analyzed, just be aware more for new users of the app moving forward that they may not (with the history) really understand that the “new name” on the left is SUPPOSED to have a double period and basically missing a field until they first analyze the media based on their using the ffprobe fields.
But, for me since I understand the above, I have yet to find a single issue. I’ll keep testing through paces and update again tomorrow. Nice work!
Collin Chaffin
Thanks Collin!
I’m glad to hear that you’re liking the improvements and new features …
I have been thinking about the “new name” column when data is missing. I could use “..” or some dummy data or abbreviations (ie. 123p, VID, AUD, CH) … though “…” would be fine as well I assume. I’ll look into that. If anyone has suggestions: they are most welcome.
Let me know if you run into any issues. I’m eager to post the new release .
Hey Hans,
One small but kind of annoying bug I’ve found is again to do with the import routine of the import/export. The parsing is so strict, it again kind of has one area you may want to just write an extra line of code to perhaps trim the whitespace. Here’s how to reproduce:
“Ancient Aliens”, 01,01,”The Evidence”,2010-04-20
Note after “Ancient Aliens”,_
Underscore represents space.
Remove that space (which the issue is that again, no app or utility would ever write that leading zero even if I want it, and it generates an exception that “Ancient Aliens is not a valid integer”.
Simply adding that leading whitespace ONLY in that 1st numeric column (not the Episode only the Season), and the error goes away and import is successful. Right now, luckily that 1st name column is there to allow an easy search/replace on the 1st name column to just tack on a space, but that’s the only way I’ve gotten it to work.
Not a huge code change, but it would be really cool to just trim and then any (or none) leading/trailing zeros or whitespace becomes irrelevant.
Other than that, have not yet run into any other major issues but still testing!
Thanks again!
Collin Chaffin
Sorry not trying to annoy but trying to help rigourously test for you. Found another weird bug.
Upon 1st open of app, even if the “remembered” naming template (all of mine do) are set to add periods instead of spaces, the show and episode name wrongfully is missing the periods and instead has spaces. I know because I didn’t realize until 10 big seasons done, and am going back now to redo them all. :(
Anyway, as long as I go into prefs, even reselect the same template and THEN add episodes and proceed, I get the correct names with periods. Again, weird and I’m sure you’ll find it in the code I cannot really explain where it’s going wrong.
As long as I take that extra step, no matter what saved template I use, the periods are present and correct.
Collin Chaffin
Ok 2 more small bugs along same lines as prior ones:
1. Populate both lists, click “clear” on right list. Then click “remove” and it generates instant access violation. Just another null list issue.
2. This one took while for me to figure out I thought I had a file locking issue and is actually something I’ve had to code around in the past: If ANY of the files/episodes added are set to the same name as current, the entire list fails with “unable to rename XXXX, do you wish to continue”. I’m guessing depending on how you’re calling rename since I’ve seen this. In my code, I’ve always now go back to pinvoking using the following windows API for rename (MoveFileW), as it is literally the ONLY rename call I’ve used that will allow you to rename to the exact same name and not generate any error (and actually will perform the redundant rename):
“kernel32.dll”, EntryPoint=”MoveFileW”, SetLastError=true,
CharSet=CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling=true,
Just trying to help, not familiar with the language you’re using, but like I said I have changed many of my utils in the past to use this API call to avoid what may be happening with this bug, the inability to successfully rename a file like this: Rename “oldfile.txt” “OldFile.txt”. This will BTW fail in almost every case I’ve tried but will success (and properly change case) using the MoveFileW.
Anyway, my workaround became quick once I ran filemonitor to see what was happening, which was to quckly change my names append a bogus char and sure enough, the rename (changing case/setting filedate) worked for the entire list.
Collin Chaffin
Ok one more I somehow missed before. To reproduce:
1. Using the new “history” dropdown for shows, add 4 diff episodes – one from each show
2. Add one local folder with 4 shows single episodes to match
Now, upon the new popup for ffprobe, when it completes probing, it has incorrectly changed the left list of 4 episodes from 4 shows to actually read as the same 4 unique ep names, but now all from the last single SHOW name selected.
So instead of:
Show1.pilot part 1
Show2.super cool episode
After the probe, it reads:
Show1.pilot part 1
Show1.super cool episode
If I can somehow post a pic later here it will make sense if my description of it doesn’t. This one is prob the biggest one yet and lot more dangerous, since it appears to then potentially incorrectly name episodes to actually read a totally wrong series name.
Let me know if you need me to try to get a screenshot posted of it.
Collin Chaffin
Collin, great work, I posted some of your findings in the forum (see this topic).
There you can post pictures as well. I’ll go read all your findings in a minute
Hey Hans,
Not sure if you saw, but I have been offline and finally did get a chance to re-test and post some videos of the couple remaining bugs. I posted that info in that forum topic you started so let me know if you need any more info and can view it okay.
I had something come up that is really been high priority so have not been able to do as much testing as I wanted, but hopefully in the next day or two that will change and I can spend a bit more time on it.
Hi Collin!
No worries, I did see the message, but had not yet have time to respond. The past 2 days have been quite busy (job offer, dental issues, nephews visiting, etc). I’ll try to reply later today … thank you for taking the time and do some testing!
If you indeed find a way to add a drop-down for previously added shows……… it just might be time for some more “beer”!! Seriously, where else do we get this kind of support?!! Keep up the great work…. it is appreciated!
Hi CDRSteve!
A beer is always a good thing … Thanks man! I very much appreciate it! Truly wish I could do this full time,…
I added the idea to the to-do list – I’m thinking of making the edit box (where one enters a show name) a dropdown box, and store selected shows in the list. Just wondering at what point I should add a show to the list. Probably best when a user actually starts working with a show …
Concur. I would add it to the drop down when the user enters a “new” show search. I don’t see this as a “needed” function but something that would greatly enhance usability. r/Steve
I would agree – it’s a nice to have.
In the next round of making modifications, I will add this feature. Doesn’t seem like it’s too complicated.
Just need to remember the name and the TVDB ID.
Alright; the “history” drop down has been implemented,… it works pretty slick.
Since there are a few more changes, I’ll release all of that at the same time – probably next week when I’m home again.
Thanks again for your generous donation!
It’s users like you that keep me going …
p.s. you might have already read this, but I’m adding support for folders and reading codecs and resolution which can be used in the filenames as well.
FYI, not sure if you’re getting the messages for Collin as well; your request has been implemented
You can, if you’d like, test the Windows and/or MacOS X version. Enjoy!
I just posted another beta version in the forum, for those interested.
Version 1.6.1 is available, which addresses the import/export issue for lists.
[…] (episode) adını da içeren düzenli bir isimlendir ve numaralandırma yapmak istiyorsanız Name My TV Series isimli uygulama tam size […]
This program has potential, but it doesn’t work well. The sort function takes an extremely long time, if there is a list of any reasonable size (in my case, it’s about 450 files), and even when everything is working right, it is a very manual process, to make sure that things are named properly. It’s no fun looking over a list of 400+ entries. Actually, the way this program works, is braindead. It simply gets a list of episodes, and a list of your files, and hope they line up. If they don’t line up, then it’s a very manual process to remove the files from the list, to make everything line up. And worst of all, it’s not open source, so I have no opportunity to fix it, or make it better. I give it 2 out of 5 stars. I will not be using it again.
Hi WormFood,
I’m sorry it didn’t work for you and that you didn’t like the way it works. Other users seem to enjoy it in their workflow.
But then again, I wrote it with the intent of personal use, and as an experiment to write an application cross platform. It was never intended for large quantities of shows either, rather intended for a small number of episodes at a time.
p.s. in the next version, the sort should work better, but I never tested it with 400+ entries.
Obviously not for everyone (or you it seems) but there are many of us who find it extremely useful especially for a project that the author originally put together for personal use. Why not take the time to help Hans make his program even better through constructive review and input? I doubt you will find a developer who is more open and responsive to user input. Just my 2 cents!
Thanks CDRSteve!
Version 1.8.0 was released today.
Read about the changes in this announcement.
Hello… EXCELLENT JOB on this little application!!! Very useful and very easy to use. I wrote an app similar to this for MP3 music files that would fetch the CD cover and renamed the CD-ripped files to the Song Titles found on CDDB and other online resources, so I know and appreciate how much effort goes into something like this. I’ve been using your program for a few months now and… I just love it! You have done an awesome job. THANKS.
I have only one suggestion… I noticed that after I rename a list of episodes I will drag-drop those episode files into VLC (to create a playlist) and what happens is, VLC will look to the metadata tag to display THAT instead of the properly named episode (filename) titles that your program creates. In order to have the titles display nicely in VLC I have to go into the “Media Information” dialog of VLC for each file and change the title there, then save it. (There might be a setting in VLC I could change to make it use the filename instead, but then that would change how it behaves for everything else I use it for.) I’m sure there’s other applications I could use to bulk rename the meta tags based on the filename but wondered if this would be something you might be interested in looking into for a later update, perhaps?
Again… great job. Lovin’ this program. Thanks!
Thank you so much for the very nice compliment, especially from a fellow enthusiast!
Looking into writing meta tags is most certainly interesting, and would make things even better.
I’d have to play a little with that, and do a lot of reading up to see if and how this can be done efficiently.
A quick look at the ffmpeg wiki on meta tags gives me a few hints, I’m just not sure how much effort it will take and how “slow” it will be.
Which fields do you fill in VLC?
I only fill out the Title field, then press the Save Metadata button and that updates the displayed title text in VLC to the filename the NMTVS program created. (I just copy & paste it in from the same dialog) The rest of the fields are unnecessary for TV episodes as they are related to music (Artist, Album, Genre, etc).
If it does behave “slowly” you might make an option?
Hey, Thanks for taking a look into this.
I’ll do some experiments, hopefully today, to see how “fast” this goes …
It’s probably not difficult to do, I’m only worried about speed and about how “big” NMTVs will become to distribute (ffmpeg is not small).
Yeah I know ffmpeg is bloat… I might be way off-base, but would something like “Jaudiotagger” or “mp4parser” libraries be of any help? Since you’re working cross-platform, these libs are Java based (I think) but I don’t know at all if they would be of any help to you.
The advantage of ffMPEG would be that all of the formats (mov, mp4, avi, mkv, etc etc) will be supported (if the format supports tags).
Simply execute and ffmpeg will apply the tag, if supported, right away the correct way …
OK the HUGE downside is that it takes forever to do this – it copies video and audio stream to a new file which then holds the new meta tag
I’ll go look for other libraries …
VLC doesn’t seem to be very fast either, probably inherent to the fact that data is inserted into the file.
Hi Hans
Really liking all the new options you’ve added recently.
Just one quick question as I’ve just encountered a minor issue when renaming some of my older cartoon series.
Pokémon for example, the “é” is coming up as “Pok?mon” in the show found list and subsequently removes the character upon renaming so I’m left with “Pokmon” which my plex doesn’t like too much
I’m assuming this is down to “é” not being recognised. Is there any way I can rectify this?
Carl RObinson
Hi Carl,
Thank you very much for the nice complement!
This could be a unicode/UTF8 problem, I’m guessing.
Are you running Windows, Mac or Windows?
Which version of the application are you using?
Hi Hans
Windows 10, 64bit. Running with the latest copy of the program :) (1.8.0)
Carl RObinson
Thanks Carl – I’ll try to do some testing and see if I can fix this issue.
Quick test reproduces your problem … I’ll see if I can fix that
Fixed it!
Seems that I have overlooked something when reading XML files, which in the past didn’t cause any issues.
Phew, that was a quick fix.
Since this only affects Windows users, no big announcement, just released 1.8.1 with the fix … hope this works …
Ah awesome sauce.
Cheers for that. My weirdly named TV shows and I thank you :)
Carl RObinson
Hope the new version works well for you
Minor fix for Windows users. Proper support for special characters has been fixed in v1.8.1.
Since this does NOT affect Mac or Linux users, an update for those systems was not needed.
Hello, I’m using v1.8.1 for renaming french series, but there is still a problem with “é”, “‘ ” etc :
“Les mystérieuses cités dor – 01×03 – L’effroyable tornade” and not “Les mystérieuses cités dor – 01×03 – L’effroyable tornade”
“Les mystérieuses cités dor – 01×04 – Dérive dans la mer infernale” and not “Les mystérieuses cités dor – 01×04 – Dérive dans la mer infernale”
Note that Title is ok for accents, except ‘ which is removed “Les mystérieuses cités dor”
Version 1.3.1 has no problem with accents and ‘, but some bugs on large series filenames.
Thank you for all your work.
Hi Eric,
thank you for reporting these issues. I assume you’re running Windows.
As for replacing the single quote ‘ you should verify the settings in “Preferences” – “Filename Settings”. Uncheck those you do not want to have replaced, if I’m not mistaken the single quote is by default replaced. So switching that (and maybe others) off might fix that problem for you.
I’ll see what I can do to resolve the other character problems – thanks for providing a series where I can check it with (Les mystérieuses cités dor) …
Hi Eric,
I just uploaded v1.8.2, which should address the problem you ran into.
For some reason Windows is not liking unicode characters too much, but I did find a fix.
I did fix another issue as well. When selecting a previously used TV Show, it would not honor the language setting the first time. In your case, having the language set to French, would result in English titles anyway. So that should be fixed now.
UPDATE (for Window users only):
Just uploaded v1.8.2 which should address special character issues under Windows.
This version also addresses a small bug in which the language setting was not honored when pulling up previously used show.
All ïs now OK : Thànk yôù véry müch !!!
Hi – just discovered your software to make PLEX read my movie files correctly which is a mess right now). However all my collected series (like e.g. Bonanza) and file names are in German. So – I just can’t figure out how to use the imported English file names from The to match my German file names. Is there a source to import German series names? With over a thousand files I would really appreciate to be able to use this great software.
Heinz H.Voje
Hello Heinz!
My application allows you to select “German” as a language. This should, if TheTVDB has the titles in German, result in German show names and titles.
Now, for PLEX to recognize the German names, you’d have to make sure PLEX is set to go find German titles. How this is done in PLEX is unknown to me, since I do not use PLEX.
Maybe this forum tread helps, where you’d need to give it the TheTVDB ID.
To find this ID, open the show my application and find the show you’re looking for (in German).
On the “Series details” tab, in the lower right corner, you should find a link called “TheTVDB”. Click this link (for example for Bonanza) and you’ll be able to read the ID (id=73378).
Maybe this helps …
Hi Hans,
sure appreciate your quick response. If you could give me a hint for WHERE do I find the button in your application to change to German? Checking everywhere but to no avail so far.
Thank you again,
Heinz H.Voje
Hello again,
sure appreciate your quick response. Would be great to get the files in German – but somehow I just can’t find a button to switch your application to German. Any additional help is highly appreciated.
Heinz H.Voje
To search for shows in German:
On the tab “Find TV Series“,
Just above the box where you’d normally type the show name, there is the option “Language (TVDB)“.
There you can select “Deutsch (de)”.
If TheTVDB has German titles available then those will be used.
If there are no German titles then this will result in English titles.
Hope this helps
Thank you again for your help. I had an older version of your program – and there was no language choice…
For “Bonanza” – unfortunately it doesn’t make any difference if I choose English or German – the result ist still all the time in English. Tough luck. Guess I have to continue to change all names manually :-)
Heinz H.Voje
Hallo Heinz!
Found the problem. TheTVDB API is not returning the correct episode titles.
When calling the API directly and asking for German, it will have a summary in German but none of the titles in German (English instead). Kind-a strange, considering that Bonanza is completely available in German on their website.
I’m using API v1 and recently a move has started to API v2 – so I’ll explore the new, but very different API, and see what I can do.
Hello Heinz!
Well, I just tested it as well, and it is indeed not showing the German titles, even though Bonanza is listed in German on TheTVDB (see this link). I will try to investigate this issue as soon as I can (probably this weekend, or if you’re lucky tonight). It should actually pull the German listing.
Hi Hans,
just for your info concerning what I found to meet my challenge (there are no problems :-)). I got the program “WinFR FileRenamer”. This way I can change “en block” all files within a folder anyway I want.. Folks at Plex told me how to manipulate each file to meet the requirement for Plex. And – low and behold – Plex recognizes all files and puts them in the correct order. And the best – if I choose “German” as a language , Plex indeed gets all the correct German tags, discriptions, pictures etc. So – I guess it would be worthwile the check which data bank they take the the information from.
Thanks for any trouble you may have taken to find a solution – maybe this hint helps a little.
Heinz H.Voje
I tested the old and the new API, and both return the same set of episodes (english).
I’ll see and look what else I can try.
Thanks for looking with me to solve this issue …!
Allright, I think I found the solution … The documentation on the v2 API is rather limited and it took me a while to figure out that the POST header needed to have the parameter for the desired language to be one of the last for it to work.
This however does not seem to apply to API v1, which still gives me the English text (unlike certain shows I have tested for some of the French users).
This means that I have to completely rewrite the routines to pickup the data. Where v1 uses XML and direct and simple links, v2 uses JSON and REST. It might take a few days before I get time to do this, but since TheTVDB recommends API v2 now as well, it will be something that I’ll have to do at some point in the future anyway.
Hi Hans,
mighty glad you found the reason of the problem. Happily waiting for your new version.
Good luck!
Heinz H.Voje
Thanks Heinz!! And thank you for noticing and reporting the issue!
Hans, sounds like it is time for some more coffee!! Okay guys, load him up. We need to recognize all his hard work in keeping this excellent utility up-to-date. I for one could not survive without it!!
Thanks Steve!
You’re the best – coffee would be great right about now (breakfast!!)
I hope to release v2 in the next few weeks, utilizing the new API.
During testing, I noticed that the new API might be slower, so that worries me a little bit. I’ll keep you guys posted!
p.s. for those who would like to:
please share this page on social media, like FaceBook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc … that helps as well
Well, it won’t wake me up in the morning haha, but it will help build traffic to
this morning as usual, I fire up Name my TV series, noticed it took longer than normal to appear.
I type a series name and hit search and again, instead of getting show results, it shows in red (under show found box) “downloading data” for 30 secs, then no results, aalso the red text in bottom left changes to: “Analyzing data”, and a popup error message:
I had second to last version of your program running, and was getting slightly different error (about line 1 pos 15 expecting an empty space, or something like that
I grabbed the latest but error
The serie title is irrelevant
Here is the last error I am consistently getting
In stream:’ (line 47 pos 3): Unmatching element end tag (expected “</meta>”). Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press cancel to kill the program
There are OK and Cancel button, the OK seems to resume searching, but ends up back to error.
OK, The is down right now
when I try to browse to it, here’s the message that appears on top
This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare’s Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by CloudFlare
I guess CloudFare isn’t a good way of doing things haha …
Thank you for the heads up!!
Great software and very useful. I found one problem and thought you might like to know about it. If I have an extension like .avi there is no problem however .AVI (all caps or even any Capitals like Avi or aVi) causes a problem (at least in windows 10) and it wont recognize drag and drop of those files. I had some directories where there were a mix of lower case and uppercase extensions.
Also I wanted to ask how likely it would be to add a feature where you could combine 2 episodes into 1 file name. Some tv shows have 2 shows in 1 or multi part episodes have been recorded as 1 file and so those files would need names like “Some_Show_S01E01-E02_Title_01;_Title_02” maybe a checkbox that can be used to mark episodes that are linked to the previous episode or an extra column for episodes you can drag the second episode name into.
Hi Bruce,
thank you for taking the time to report this – I will look at as soon as possible (traveling right now) and try to fix it. Shouldn’t be a big deal to fix.
As for your feature request;
At this moment I cannot see in the TheTVDB data if two episodes should be “merged”. So I cannot automate this (by the best of my knowledge). In case I’d allow this to be done manually, I’d have to see how to do this in the user interface/tabel. Right now I do not have a good solution for that. I’m open to suggestions and ideas though …
I think I’ve stumbled upon another crazy bug! :) When renaming a series using the following format string, %S1%E2 – %Ts%S2%e%E2, which typically produces: 107 – Cold lazarus_s01e07.avi, I find that something goes terribly wrong with episodes 30-39 of every series I rename. All other episodes are produced fine, but in the 30’s range, those episodes look like this (using the demo file name): 137 – Cold lazarus_s01377.avi”
Very strange, right? It removes my middle “e” and adds a repeating digit at the episode number. This error existed in 1.6+ and is confirmed in 1.82. Any ideas why Name My TV Series curses episodes between 30 and 39? :)
Hi Steve,
first of all: Thanks for reporting this bug.
Unfortunately, I’m in the middle of moving from Europe to the US, so I have none of tools anywhere nearby to investigate this issue. Theoretically my stuff should arrive here in about 2 weeks, and then I will most certainly start looking into this weird bug. I might be able to work with the limited number of files I have on my laptop – I’ll see what I can find.
Do you have a particular show as an example?
Thank you, Hans. Good luck with your move! Having gone through several myself, I know how difficult it can be, and mine were only domestic moves.
Just for the sake of one specific example (of many that could be named), try the format string: “%S1%E2 – %Ts%S2%e%E2” with “The Trapp Family Story” anime series. You’ll note that everything looks normal when you’ve added all of the episodes to the left episodes column, except for episodes 30-39. Those episodes say: “130 – Marriage_s01300” and so on. When the list reaches episode 40, things are back to normal: “140 – Good-bye to the mother Country_s01e40”.
Interesting, huh? :) Thanks again for all you do and best wishes again with your move.
Hi Steve!
Well, I’m tinkering with this bug … and I was wondering about the formatting string:
Shouldn’t this be:
(removed the “%” in front of the lowercase “e”)
It took me a while to see it as well hahah … number seems to work correctly now.
And seeing your last example, I think the formatting string should be:
Hope this works as expected/hoped for … and if it does: apologies for not seeing this earlier on …
Oh Hans, I’m so ashamed for not having spotted that myself. Please forgive me. Oddly enough, it only caused me grief on the 30-39 episodes, so I just assumed it was something to do with the software. Of course, instead, it had everything to do with the user who somehow added that errant “%” in the formatting string. So sorry to take any of your time. You’re always so patient and kind in these comments, and it encourages me to be the same.
Thank you for the great software, your many sacrificed hours, and your gentle disposition!
No worries Steve – I’m actually embarrassed that I didn’t see it either until just now.
You’re most welcome Steve, we are all just users and we all (me included) goof up at times
I could use a lot more users like you.
Hope you have a smooth and uneventful move Hans!!
Thanks Steve!
Yeah, this isn’t my first rodeo either … moved in ’03 to Minneapolis, in ’15 to the Netherlands, and now in ’16 to Houston Texas … Oh well. It’s hard to choose where one wants to live … I love the US, but I also love the Netherlands (and especially my family there of course).
Thanks for the example! I’ll look at it as soon as I can.
Interesting catch too … hahah, weird.
Hope the move went ok? Just checking in to see if there was any update on this particular bug. Just renamed another series with 30+ episodes and had to manually adjust everything in the 30’s. How strange! :)
Hi Steve,
well, Thanksgiving is coming up this week – so I hope to find time to finally get to my apps again …
4 days “off” should make it possible to find some time to work a little …
Sounds good! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and I’ll just look forward to any fixes you come up with! Thanks again.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving as well Steve!
Thanks Steve!
Well, Thanksgiving did not work out as planned … a terrible toothache and sinus infection prevented me from completing my projects … I hope to get something done this week though.
I’m looking at updating Rename My TV Series, miniWOL, ConnectMeNow and ApplePi-Baker. Time is running a little low, but I’ll do what I can to get all of this accomplished as soon as possible. The good thing about a full time job is that the money can be good, but man it takes up a lot of my spare time hahah …
Thank you! It sounds like the holiday was much kinder to me than it was to you. I am sorry about that! Here’s hoping that the Christmas season ushers in much happier times for you! …and sorry about that full time job; you should do something about that! haha
Hahah, yeah quitting my job is probably not an option … any billionaires around that are willing to sponsor hahaha — Just kidding, such is life …
I hope to find some time this weekend.
Hi , is it possible to use 4 digits in the season number?
I like to scrape season 2013
Greetz Raoul
Hi Raoul,
At the moment only 3 digits are supported. I will add it to my to-do list though!
Thanks for your program. Trying it today for the first time. When I try to change preferences to something different, my system does not record and save the changes. I am using the linux 64 bit version.
Mike H
Hi Mike,
I think you’re one of the first Linux users to comment here – that’s good news, since I honestly wasn’t sure if I should keep building a lInux version .
As for not storing the preferences …
Normally, the preferences are stored in “~/.config/Name My TV Series/” in a file called “reg.xml” – please verify that you have access rights to it (ie. make sure you’re the owner and such).
I’ve tested my application only on a few Ubuntu variants (32 and 64 bit) and I repeated this test just now on a fresh virtual machine running 64 bit Xubuntu and file and path were freshly created as it should and the preferences did get saved.
My actual configuration is Linux Mint Mate 17.3 (codename Rosa). I have it working fairly well. Let me give you an example of my useage. I have a folder: /home/Mike/Listener, The. I highlight, rt click, and choose open with. I choose NameMyTVSeries and the program opens right up. I search for The Listener, and it finds the correct information and episodes since this is the only show with that name. I can drag a single season, or the entire folder with subfolders for each season. Again, this is perfect, just what I wanted. But here is where a problem comes in. I had already named season 1 and I want it removed from the Original Filename List. BUT, I cannot mark a range to be deleted using the arrows. I have to highlight each of the 12 episodes one by one. I can however, by paying attention to the first name, add chosen episodes to make the list match from original filename to the new filename. And then of course use the rename button. PERFECT! And kudos for a good bit of programming. I can post more if you are interested in hearing about my experiences.
Mike H
Hi Mike,
sorry for the late reply …
I had not even tested the “right click, and open with NameMyTVSeries” haha … did not know that would actually work. Awesome!
Please feel free to post more experiences. Like I said; you’re probably the first Linux user providing feedback!
And; thanks for the compliments.This program started as a test to see how difficult it would be to develop cross platform with Lazarus Pascal.
Some more notes. I have been using your program and -love- it! It works well, but I cannot seem to get the preferences to work. I open the program, choose Alt-P for preferences and that window hangs. I can use OK, Cancel, or the X and the only way preferences goes away is to use ALT-TAB to change to a different focus. Yes, I know about the text config file, but it does not seem to work quite right either.
After retrieving the database info, would it be possible to save the series graphic and the text listing into a word doc? I have been using the listings from epguides, but this is an extra step and your program already has the data. I can send you an example to see, or you can welcome my FTP site.
Mike H
Thanks Mike,
aal input and suggestions are most welcome …
I’ll check the preferences (Linux right?), and as for your suggestion; maybe I could dumb the picture and an .nfo file with the text? Would that work?
Some more notes. I have a second machine on a table across the room. It is my FTP server for TV-Shows which I share with friends. I have SLEDs on which I mount what shows I want to share. I also have those mounts shared on my home network. Tonight I was working on the show Alice. I made the folder, started copying episodes from the CD where they were burned. I had a browser window open to epguides, and had writer open to list the shows. I paste from epguides to writer and save the list of episodes as 00 Alice.doc. I decided to try NMTVS (Name My TV Series) across the network. I found I could no longer drag the entire folder into the rt panel, but it worked to drag the folder contents. All the spaces in the filenames were replaced by %20, and when I tried to rename, I got an error “unable to rename smb://mike-s1200btl/sled-3~~~~~” Was that due to the spaces replaced by %20, or by a problem with smb shares?
Mike H
Hi Mike,
under normal circumstances NMTV should work over the network as well. However … I have found a few times that not setting the proper access rights (in my case on my QNAP NAS) that this can cause issues. Try setting the access rights to full access (ie. under Linux: 777).
Hi Hans
Have been using this great little program for a few months on my Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.3 Rosa 64bit with no problems until yesterday.
Whilst I can select the show and episodes ok, and can load and sort my files, I am unable to add, or double click to add to the episode/new filename list. I use 1.80.0 64bit. (I tried re-download and also 32bit.
Can you list any dependencies required so I may find the answer? Mint no longer comes with ffmpeg for instance, although this is easy to remedy. (My youtubedownload DOES extract mp3 automatically from mp4 files)
Strangely, my laptop, Mint 17.3 32bit is still able to run the software perfectly, so I know this is my rig. Grateful for any ideas.
Hi Dave,
Oh boy, well, let me start with saying that I’m not a Linux expert.
One thing you could try on the command line is “ldd” (LDD).
Basic format:
As an example (truncated the output):
As far as ffmpeg goes; I thought I had included a precompiled ffmpeg with the archive you can download here?
Adding files can be done by clicking the (less convenient) “Add” button (right side of the episode renaming overview).
Not sure if this is what you’re looking for … but I hope it helps
I have the same problem on Linux too. (I can’t add files for renaming into the Episode List). This appears to be a problem with the preferences screen – if I go into preferences and change the Format String to anything; it doesn’t appear to save it.
Then adding the filenames in doesn’t work. Exiting preferences and gong back in results in the default selection being blank.
David Hobley
Thanks David for the feedback and some steps to test and hopefully reproduce the issue.
I’ll add it to the to-do list!
Hi Hans
Thank you for your prompt response. Although I have dabbled with Linux distros for many years, I don’t consider myself an expert either.
ldd… A lot of cross checking there! I will take a look though for experience. Not suggesting a problem with ffmpeg, just an example. I use a few third party repositories, so I did an apt-get update and upgrade, and set all back to package maintainers versions. Also tried installing Kodi, but no change. Perhaps it’s time for me to try out Mint 18.1.
Not used windows at home since XP was a boy. (Still have a nostalgia XP games hard-drive though!) Doubt I’ll ever go back!
Please keep compiling for Linux. The data collecting alternatives, (phones included) are now becoming offensively intrusive to an old guy.
BTW Thanks for the program. I have ripped most of my series’ from DVD to NAS and re-named with it for Media-center use.
Hi David,
Thank you for asking to keep going with Linux version, and I’m glad to hear that it saved you some work as well. I haven’t had much response from Linux users, mostly Windows users that seem to use this application. Although there seems to be a good group of Mac users as well.
I’m not a big Windows fan either, more of a fan of macOS – even though I’m not sure what the future of that will be.
Can you add multi lingual character sets so that Things like: “Ü, Ö, Ä” will not be replaced by a question mark and fail at writing to the disk?
Hi Peter,
this should have been resolved in previous version. Which Operating System are you using (most likely: Windows)?
If I drag&drop the files it works but selecting a folder does replace the characters.
Hi Peter!
Thanks for catching that – this will be helpful in fixing the issue!
I do have one other project that I have to finish (ConnectMeNow 2.0) but I’ll address your issue right after that!
Hi !
I really like your application and use it for some time now.
But there is an annoying bug. If the files are in a folder with a special caracter (é for example), which is common for me since I’m french, the application refuse to rename the files. Could you address that ?
For info I’m running the french version of windows 7 x64 with all updates.
Hi Tweety,
thank you for reporting this bug – I’m in the process of updating one of my other applications. Once I have completed that, I will work on NMTV to address this bug. Also … thumbs up for reporting your OS, most folks seem to forget that
Hi Hans!
First I’d like to say that this is easily one of my favorite pieces of software, thank you so much for making and maintaining it!
I was wondering however if there was an option for being able to rename more than just video files (when I put in anything else, e.g. a .lnk windows shortcut, it isn’t recognized), or if it isn’t possible, such a tweak could be added as an option in the preferences? (I’m using Windows 10 64-bit)
Thanks all the same for what you do!
Hi George,
thank you very much for the compliment.
In Preferences, under “Overall Settings“, you can check the option “Rename similar-named files“.
This will rename all related files that start with the same filename but different extension. So for example renaming “MyFile.avi” would also rename “”, “MyFile.txt”, “MyFile.doc”, “MyFile.jpg”, etc. basically anything that starts with “MyFile.*”.
I would think that Windows shortcuts will rename as well, however;
Keep in mind that when the target file is being renamed, the shortcut would no longer work. Windows unfortunately does not update those, so it would link to a none existing file. Is this maybe the issue you’re running into?
Oh crap, its at it again. I reinstalled Linux Mint and went back to 17.3 because the ver 18 is really junk. And in Mint-17 RMTVS has worked perfect. Then along came several updates and it is back to where it was when I thought I had the Video Driver problem. I simply will not add the data in the line when the add button is used. A blank line appears and of course the software states it cannot rename the item because there is nothing in the line that it added. I have 17 shows, mostly Chicago PD or Fire to rename and it no longer works. Same problem as we had a month or two ago when I removed the video driver and it appeared to work. This time the video driver is the one that worked. But I do not thing that is the problem. Very frustrating as I really need these done. I see there are others that have had the same problem. Any Ideas ??????
Jack Sprat
Oh dear, how is this for a problem? I tinkered with the settings. I deleted all replace with dialog one by one and cleared the list. (just trying something) set it up to rename the files the way I always have had them and it placed the new names in the left column as it should. Great, I may have found a way to make it work. It appeared with 7 shows ready to be renamed. I clicked “rename” and the proper name appeared in the right column so the files had been renamed properly, or so I thought. 1 second later the files in the right column and the left column disappeared. Oh boy it worked. The files (7) were in a directory on my desktop. So I opened the directory to see how and it it worked. All 7 files were gone, no where to be found. Somehow, the software had deleted all 7 files. I did a search of the entire drive for Chicago PD and they are gone. Eight hours of downloading them and in 1 second there gone. I began going thru the settings and then I found out that all setting had been reset with half of them missing. Not only that, but the software will not retain the settings I make. I set it to rename a certain way, go to the window where I load files and then back to setting and they are all missing. Do a reset to default, they are back, close the software or go to main page and all settings are gone (all) The last few updates over the last few weeks have created total failure of the software. I have the software in a directory on my desktop. I open the director, click to open the software and all settings are gone. Am I doing something wrong. It has worked this way for months, suddenly its a mess. Just thought I would let you know this additional info. Thanks Hans for listening. This is really strange,
PS, where can I download the older versions, they worked with 17.x just great but I cannot find them. The single file versions
Jack Sprat
I just lost an entire season of Legion, downloaded over a metered wifi connection :(
But this was on Ubuntu 16.04 not Linux Mint.
Hi Amya,
I’m sorry to hear that, I know how much of a pain it can be to endlessly wait for downloads to complete, especially metered, and then end up with nothing.
I will look into this, but NMTV does not delete anything, it just renames. So the only thing I can think of, is that it’s either in an unexpected location, or something is wrong with the rename string or function.
@Jack and @Amya;
Would either of you be able to create dummy files, name them similar as the files that got lost, and rename them again with NMTV? Just to see if we can reproduce this?
To make a dummy file, is in a Terminal window and type the following and press ENTER:
Type the “>” as well!
This will create an empty file called test.mp4. The same way you can make a couple and try to rename those with NMTV.
I will try and find some time but I can tell you that the files are no where to be found. I had it happen again to 2 small TV series that I had come across. They were not really important files like the others I had disappear, so I simply hit rename and they were gone. I was a little frustrated at them being gone, so I done an exhaustive search. I have no idea where they went but I could not find them. What the programming difference is between 1.6 and 1.8 says trouble in capitol letters. I have a big problem at home as the 80 MPH winds blew down my 25 year old fence (100 FT.) a week ago and I have that project on top of my list. After dark I will work on it but the problem is time. OH, I also came up with an older version for windows if you would like it to put online. (1.4 or something like that, not on windows right now) Send me a direct mail and I will try and get it to you asap. May I suggest testing Mint on a HDD install as apposed to a virtual machine. When I have tried testing items on a VM, there always is a problem because of pre-loaded system drivers.I bought a $20 2.5 inch HDD online and installed Mint on it. When I boot, I simply hit delete key and boot from that HDD. Better picture of Mint without the overhead of system base files. I also have 4 other systems that dual boot separate HDD’s, some are very intense. ( It should be obvious that I am retired and have lots of free time, and a degree in computers never hurts) Good luck with this crazy problem. If I can help in any way, let me know
Jack Sprat
Hi Jack,
All my computers are Mac … so I’ll have to do some research on booting from a HDD. I know it is possible, I just have never done it. The difference between 1.6 and 1.8 is to address the capitalization issue. For this I rename the original file twice by changing it’s extension.
So for example: myfile.avi -> myfile.nmtv_old -> MyFile.avi
This way on all operating systems, the capitalization changes to what we want.
Under Windows for example, if I’d rename myfile.avi to MyFile.avi, the name would actually not change and the file remains myfile.avi. But … it this is not needed, or even damaging under Linux (I’m not experiencing any issues under macOS) then I can change that to behave differently under Linux.
I envy you, having time available … I had a short break of 3 years having plenty of time on my hands, which made me work on my website and other projects. Unfortunately, I had to go back to a day time job so now I’m constantly running out of time and rarely get to finish my projects / ideas. Oh well …
Hi Jack,
I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems again.
As far as I can see only one other person reported Linux issues like yours, also using Linux Munt.
The strange thing is that the application doesn’t have any delete function, so somehow the rename is horribly faling.
I can upload an older version for you. The 2 file version only adds a separate tool to detect resolution, in the next version I plan to detect that extra tool first, and if not found, resolutions will be ignored. Not sure if and how that could be related to the problem though.
I’ll also setup a virtual machine Linux Mint (17.3 right?) to do some testing.
I know how frustrating it feels when hours of work disappear in a fraction of a second.
OK, I just looked in my backups, but cannot find an older version without ffprobe … is anyone out there still having such an older version for Linux? Please let me know so I can make it available again.
I have no idea what came over me to delete the old versions …
I’ll try to see if they are still available on one of the VM’s I use for compiling, but doubt it since I like to keep the VMs as small as possible.
I have several NAS servers with removable HDD’s Just open the door, slide in the HDD, and you are done. Each year I replace them if they are 80% and I found last replacement HDD. I did a search for rename.* and came up with a copy of version 1.6. I placed it on the Linux Mint 17.3 that is giving me all the problems. I have tried to get it to fail for the last 2 hours by throwing everything I can find to rename and even changed the name of files with large numbers of gibberish. And my results are that it works without any problem. It renames files with all kind of special characters and anything I have given it. I also tried removing the probe file from the latest version. Of course it gives me “cannot find xxx” message but then works part of the time. Send me an email with a upload link and you will have 1.6………don’t fix it if its not broke, perhaps the probe file is the culprit. 1.6 is great so far.
Thanks, Jack
Jack Sprat
Hi Jack!
That is great news … I’ll add it as a download.
ffProbe was added to be able to represent resolutions in filenames. I don’t use it myself, so in the next version, I will make it optional …
I just replied to the notification email, not sure if your email address works though. If not, email me at webmaster at tweaking4all dot com …
Hello, I know this is just a little thing but I want to knoe if there’s a way do add a dot in the middle of a series name.
Example: Name My Tv Series names Doctor Who (2005).S01E02.The End Of The World
I would like it to name it: Doctor.Who.(2005).S01E02.The.End.Of.The.World
Can I do this?
Hi Gustavo,
Yes you can; go to “Preferences” – “Filename settings” and under “Replace Special Character” add one row to replace every space with a period. Check the first checkbox and uncheck the second checkbox. Make sure to type a space in the first field.
Hope this helps
Dear Hans – just got back to the program after 6 months of waiting – and I am delighted! The German version for all my series is working perfectly AND the setting to fit PLEX works great. THANK you for your phantastic work. Will use it all the time from now on.
Heinz H. Voje
Hi Heinz!
Glad to hear that!
I hope to find time soon to work on a completely new version, making it look nicer, maybe improve functionality and work flow, but most importantly: implement the new TheTVDB API. So if you (or others) have suggestions; then please post them here!
I would like to thank you for creating such an amazing program! I got tired of having to name ALL of my TV shows manually, and this program is a lifesaver! However, I would like to point out a bug, and I am sorry if it has been pointed out before, but 400 comments is a lot to sift through haha!
I am currently using Linux Mint 18.1 (Serena) “Cinnamon 64-bit”. I was using the 64 bit program, I was able to add my files, and search for a Series by its title just fine. The problem was trying to add the selected files under “Aired Episodes” to the Episodes column under “Rename Scheme”. I tried double clicking, using the add button, and using the option under “Selected Files” at the top of the program, and none of them would work. However, the 32 bit (x86) application works just fine, so I was able to still rename my files flawlessly! Figured I would give the awesome creator of this program a heads up! Thanks for all your hard work and saving me hours of mindless work!!!
Hi Duff,
thanks for the compliment and for reporting issues.
Linux Mint has been reported before to be problematic, potentially related to the video drivers.
I totally understand that running through 400+ comments is a pain – see also the comments by Jack.
For a next version I’d like to find out what I can do to prevent this from being a problem … so I will install Linux Mint, but it will be a virtual machine, which comes with it’s own video drivers, which will not be the same as yours. Which video driver does your setup use (if you happen to know)?
Hi Hans,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. However, after reading your post, I tried a different video driver. Originally I was using the open source xserver-xorg-video-nouveau Version 1:1.0.12-1build2. I tried switching to my nvidia driver for my GTX 660. The video driver was version 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1. However, I was still experiencing the issues with the 64bit application, while the 32bit still worked!
Hopefully this answers your question!
Tried an older Nvidia driver and the 64bit program started working. The only issue (more of an annoyance now), is that everytime I click on something, a pop-up appears thats says,
“In ‘stream:’ (line 1 pos 1): Illegal at document level.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program”
I just click OK every time and it seems to work just fine.
Hi Duff,
thank you for doing the experiment. Unfortunately, I have to depend on a virtual machine (VMWare Fusion) when testing, and I never encounter this issue.
I will see what the popup message might mean … not sure if I will fix it, since I’m trying to get started on a v2 of the application – using the new API of TheTVDB, which comes with a lot of changes. I’m thinking of taking that as an opportunity to fine tune the workflow and such.
So for you, and other users: feel free to post suggestions – I started a forum topic for this so folks can post drawings/screenshots etc …
Your input is appreciated;
I’m trying to get started on a v2 of the application – using the new API of TheTVDB, which comes with a lot of changes. I’m thinking of taking that as an opportunity to fine tune the workflow and such.
Feel free to post suggestions – I started a forum topic for this so folks can post drawings/screenshots etc …
You can find the forum topic here …
Hey dude
With the new season of Doctor Who starting I decided to go through and update the names of all my current seasons.
When I search and find “Doctor Who (2005)” I try to select the item & bring up the episodes and get the following error:-
“In ‘stream:’ (line 9590 pos 3): Unmatching element and tag (expected “</Episode> “).
then the usual OK to ignore or cancel to kill the program line beneath that
Any ideas?
Running the latest windows version fyi (my system running latest win10 pro)
Hi Carl,
I have to look at that when I get home. Sounds like the data coming from TheTVDB is not quite formatted as expected.
Dr.Who started again eh? Coooool!
I get the same error here (just a quick test at work) – this suggests that the data received from TheTVDB is malformed (ie. there is an open tag <episode> for one episode, but no closing tag). Alternatively it could be the XML parser. I’ll look at it as soon as possible.
Cheers dude, much appreciated.
Yeah season 10 started again on UK BBC 15th April :-
Doctor Who season 10
Hi Carl,
I just tried it again, and … Doctor Who (2005) now loads just fine. Maybe the good guys at TheTVDB have fixed the issue.
I first pulled it from the dropdown (as it remembers previously called shows) and that worked.
Then I tried by using the search function, and that worked as well.
Give it a try … I can’t wait to watch the new episodes!
Hey Hans
Yep obviously an issue their end, sorry to trouble you about that.
Well the first episode was great and looking forward to the rest myself
Thanks again for the quick response and creating such a damn useful piece of software :)
Hi Carl,
Thanks for the compliment – it’s much appreciated!
No worries – I’d rather double check, so thanks for reporting!
I watched the first episode last night, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this show
I’m having similar issues with both 12 Monkeys (3rd season) and Twin Peaks (3rd season, aka The return).
Whenever I get errors from Name my TV series, they invariably originate from TVdb, must be the case again…
I hope to find the time soon to move NMT to the new TheTVDB API … it will take quite a bit of work, but I love doing it …
For you, and others; feel free to post suggestions …
Hi Hans,
in the last week, I am getting a similar errors many of my searches,
eg: 12 Monkeys, Twin Peaks, Fargo, Britain’s Got More Talent, Veep, Outcast, Wentworth, The Originals, VICE, Fear the Walking Dead.
In your last response, you mentioned eventually moving to a new API, but is there anything that can be done until then?
I realize the problem is on tvdb, but I don’t know what and how to tell them so they fix their end of it.
Thanks for your effort
I have no quick fix for this issue – it seems that the data (in XML format) is malformed, and so far I have not found a consistent issue (otherwise I could create a work-around). It seems that the new API is the way to go, but it will take quite a bit of work to do this.
On top of it, my full time job is preventing me from putting the time in it that I’d love to spend on it.
But … I hope to be able to do something very soon.
I’m happy to report all those shows that were causing issues to the fine Name my TV Series application seemed to have been fixed on tvdb’s side.
They break it, they fix it!
Thanks MfU for the update!
It’s not the first time this happened, so my guess is that API v2.0 is where their priorities are (which I fully understand).
Obviously, I will still work on a new release of Name My TV Series, using API 2.0.
I am however looking for feedback from users – what should be changed, what should stay the same, etc.
I’m definitely thinking about making the interface more modern.
So any suggestions are most welcome.
If I can be so bold, I do have a special request.
Once in a while, a season opener or a season finale will be a double length episode. Unless I’m mistaken, we have to name those manually.
It would be nice to have a “combine 2 (or more) episodes into 1” feature.
Thanks again for your great work!
Hi MfU,
you can ask anything you want, and I will most certainly consider your suggestion!
That doesn’t mean I will or can implement everything, but if I can find a good work flow for merging 2 or more episodes into 1, then I’d most certainly would like to add this.
Since some mentioned that the general work flow of Name My TV Shows is not “standard”, I’d be very open to alternatives.
Steps to replicate:
Bug occurs when folder name contain any character other than normal alphanumeric characters, like: ê, ü, ô; â; etc.
Hi William,
thank you for reporting and for giving steps on how to reproduce!
I assume you’re running Windows? The special characters bug seems to resurface every now and then with Windows user.
I will see what I can do about these two bugs you found. If it does not take too much time, I will fix them – I am thinking of a v2 using the new API of TheTVDB, so if you have suggestions (look, workflow, etc(), then please feel free to post those as well.
Column Auto Resizing Bug Discovered
– Application saves Window size but not split ratio.
Note: v1.6 does not have this bug.
As soon as you resize the window manually the “Episodes in List:” & “Files in list:” columns adjust themselves automatically.
OS: Win 7 Pro 64bit SP1
Oh haha, had not seen the Win 7 Pro line in this bug – so yep, you’re running Windows
Hi, Good Afternoon, I would like to know if its possible for you to add subtitles like (srt,ass) to the support list for renaming?
Or is it possible to change the subtitles but in different way?
Hi Rashed,
subtitles located in the same directory as the file you’re trying to rename can be automatically renamed as well.
Under “Preferences” – “Overall Settings” check the option “Rename similar-named files”.
Any file with the same name will then be renamed as well – so any subtitle format, nfo files, text files, jpegs, etc.
For example if you want to rename myfile.avi to myshow.s01e01.mytitle.avi, then files that start with “myfile” will be renamed as well.
Hi, Can subtitle be renamed without it being in the same directory as the videos, adding this option would make renaming much easier!
Hi ThDarker,
unfortunately, there is no mechanism that will do that.
I will take it in consideration with the next version, however it will come with some complex issues like how to select the files and such.
Almost forgot to ask;
Can you post an example what this structure would look like?
Usually with TV shows, the subtitles are stored in the same directory. I have seen it with movies where they use a subtitle directory, but with TV show this would not work. So I’m a little bit at a loss where those subtitles should be.
For Example, I have anime named Hunter x hunter, I have downloaded the subtitles and they are saved in the download folder, I want to rename them using nametvseries, Because plex have issue reading subtitles if they are not named through their rules, And unfortunately, Even If i put the subtitles And the Videos in the same directory the videos are named differently from subtitles so i cant change them, I ve tried also using other software But the order of the series are totally missed up.
Although I found that if i renamed the extension of the subtitles from Ex( .srt to .mkv) then using the nametvseries software to rename, It doesn’t have any issue at all reading the files and sorting them accordingly, after renaming i changed change the extension to .srt
I use this in command prompt to change the extension (rename *.srt *.mkv)
So you’re trying to just rename subtitles? Is that the functionality you’re looking for?
I guess your approach would do the trick hahaha …
I do not use Plex – I’m not a fan. So I don’t know what the Plex requirements are.
But if you really only want to rename “other” files (so just subtitles for example), then I could most certainly do something with that.
Yes, I just want to rename the subtitles, Thats the only feature i would like for you to add
OK, I’ve added this to the “To Do” list for the next version.
I’m thinking of allowing users to add file extensions in the preferences, so they can add whatever they would like.
I need some help!!
I made a mistake renaming my tv series, but I have this “txt-backup file”, to undo the renaming, but I don’t know how to use it, can anyone help me? thank you!!!
I forgot to mention I’m mac user
Hi Jer,
congratulations, you’re the first person actually referring to that option – and I had almost forgotten about it as well.
Oh and right away: I’m truly sorry that things didn’t go as planned.
To your question;
I assume you have found the “undo” file, and when you open it, you will see something like this – probably multiple lines:
You will probably recognize the file names.
Each line can be execute on the computer it was created on, but we can also run the entire file at once.
Now there are several ways to handle the “undo”;
1) You find the lines that are applicable for what went wrong and copy them one at a time into Terminal (Application -> Utilities -> Terminal).
2) You execute the entire file by doing the follwing:
– Copy the “undo” file to a location that can be easily found, for example the desktop,
– Open Terminal (Application -> Utilities -> Terminal),
– cd to the directory where you placed the undo file,
– make the file executable (chmod),
– Execute the file
Now, let’s say you copied the file to your desktop, and the undo file is called “undo.txt” (rename the original name to something like this, to save you some complicated typing), then things in Terminal would look something like this:
Hope this helps – I know how bad it can be if things go haywire …
Thank you so much Hans!!!!!!!! It worked for me!! It’s a great function to fix the mistakes, Thank’s again!
Hi Jer,
that’s awesome news! Glad it resolved the issue for you …
Problem with Data_LastUsedLanguage is really annoying
Most of us using a non-english language get this error every X runs of the program.
In fact the problem comes with local characters, like spanish Ñ or french Ç
Finally, after 15 usages, application crashes with message “Failed to set data for value “Data_LastUsedLanguage “
This bug is easily reproducible.
Please, could you investigate? Thanks!
Hi Egrueda!
Thank you for posting a good reproducible bug.
You are most likely running the application under Windows?
I’ve had numerous issues with Windows when it comes to special characters.
I’m adding this to the todo list – maybe today I’ll take a quick look and see if I can find a quick fix.
I’ve also been trying to find time to create a new version, utilizing the net TVDB API as well, and maybe integrate subtitle retrieval. Suggestions are most welcome, since I’m considering revamping the user interface.
Unfortunately, my day-time job and the recent Hurricane Harvey, have kept me otherwise occupied. (I live in Houston – all OK here, just some water in the living room)
Hi Egrueda,
would you mind giving this build a try: download test version.
Make sure to remove this registry key before testing (as you already indicated) – just to make sure old “garbage” is removed:
The name will still look odd in the registry, but this is caused by the registry not being to store UTF8 (that’s what I get from the data source). The registry only supports UTF16 and ANSI strings. So in this test code I’m converting UTF8 back and forth. Not pretty but it should work.
Please let me know if the issue is fixed with this build. I did some testing here and “Español (es)” (tried some other languages as well) remained consistent.
Thanks very much for the answer.
I’ve just downloaded and made some test. Bug seems to be fixed!
It doesn’t get stored as “Español (es)” but as UTF8 ” Español (es)” and it gets correctly updated after each usage.
Thank you for taking a time to fix this error, hope you can also fix those “water issues” as soon as possible :-/
Best regards from Spain
Hi Egrueda,
glad to hear this fixed it – I did see ” Español (es)” as well yes. Not sure why the world of strings had to become this complicated with ASCII, ANSI, UTF8, UTF16, unicode etc … haha.
If you have any requests/suggestions for a major new version, feel free to post them here.
As for the water issue, well, nothing bad – I honestly got very lucky compared to a lot of other people these past weeks with hurricanes and earthquakes.
The Windows version (v1.8.4) has been updated to address an issue with storing the last used language.
Thanks Egrueda for finding and reporting the bug and testing the fix.
Hey Hans, I would like to point out that the new Windows (v1.8.4) is lacking the FFProbe file, so it will not rename the files. Been using your program for awhile now on Linux, but just installed Win10. Cool to see you’re still updating the programs! Thanks!
Disregard that last message, the program just crashed. It will still name the tv shows without FFProbe, however, the program constantly brings up a box that says:
“Error: Cannot find FFProbe !
Please reinstall Name My TV Series or FFProbe”
Adding files to the program seems to trigger the box the most. If you add 300+ episodes like I did, you have to close the box 300 times haha!
Updated the test download and the full download (green box on top) to include ffprobe.
Nice catch!
Thank you so much.. This is easier than sh/sed/Perl. I have a pure Linux/Unix environment. This was like buttering a slice of bread. This is a task that I had not wanted to do.
Thanks, again.
Cris H
Hi Chris,
thanks for the compliment and I’m glad to hear it works well in your Linux environment
This program is awesome bud. Its saved me a lot of time. Thanks for the great work!
Thanks Wayne!
Very much appreciate you taking the time to post a thank-you note!
Hi Hans
Just updated to the latest version (windows) and it appears that the FFProbe file is missing.
Went to rename a series and getting the error message stating:-
“Error: Cannot find FFProbe !
Please reinstall Name My TV Series or FFProbe”
This popup happen each time a new episode is added, I’m pretty sure you had the FFProbe file with previous version of the software so was wondering if you could add that to the downloadable file to prevent this error from occuring?
Hi Carl,
good catch!
I’ve updated the test download and the full download to include ffprobe. Sorry about that!
No worries dude.
Been using your software for a few years now and it’s my go to tool for my media server needs :)
Thanks for the quick response and fix as always dude
Thanks Carl!
You’re most welcome.
Hi – just found a wrong name for a series. After downloading “Morgan Freeman-Mysterien des Weltalls” , the season, episodes and episode title are found perfectly. However when adding it to be compared and renamed it changes the episode name to “Outer Limits” – which is just wrong. it should be called “Morgan Freeman” or the likes but not Outer Limits. Anything you can do about it?
Thanks – I love and I really use the program almost daily :-)
Heinz H. Voje
Hi Heinz,
well first of all, great to hear you use this tool almost daily.
As for the series naming issue;
I tested this on MacOS (10.12 Sierra) and Windows 10 by setting the language to “Deutsch (de)” and searching for “Morgan Freeman”. In both tests the files did get renamed correctly.
Two empty files got renamed correctly to
“Morgan Freeman – Mysterien des Weltalls – 01×07 – Bausteine des Lebens.mp4” and
“Morgan Freeman – Mysterien des Weltalls – 01×01 – Gibt es einen Schöpfer.mp4”.
I’m not sure how to reproduce the issue. Not sure if you’re running Windows/Mac/Linux, but the Windows version (usually the most problematic one) just got updated. Maybe you can give that one a try? If it fails, could you post the exact steps so I can try to reproduce the issue?
Hans – what a quick reaction. I am really pleased :-)
Well, I was kind of dumb. Under Filename Settings I used the real name from my other series (Outer Limits) rather than substitute the series name with %N. With this correction – all is well. Looking forward to continue using your great program. May you be around for a very long time :-)
Heinz H. Voje
Thanks Heinz!
Oh and don’t worry – I’d rather see too many bug reports than none at all, and … we all goof up at times, me included
I have used your program on Linux for some months. Excellent! I had been sick and not using it for a few weeks and now I find it to be broken. It is not a single show, I tried changing permissions to 777, and I even tried your brand new version. I find the show I want, it finds the correct names for me to use, but I cannot insert anything into the left side of the screen. No matter what I do, I can not get any episodes into the left panel and use the rename function. Can you please help?
Mike H
Hi Mike,
sounds like the same issue reported by Jack (see this comment).
I don’t recall us (Jack and myself) finding a solution for this, except for reverting back to an older OS version.
I suspect this is related to the implementation of GTK2 on your OS.
Can you describe in detail what is and what is not working?
For example: Select show, click episode in the list, double click the episode, clicking the “Add” button after selecting an episode, etc.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue here, so it’s pretty difficult for me to try to find the bug (if any).
I run Linux 64 bit, Mint 18.2. I am using NMTVS 1.8.0. Was renaming the series Lassie. I had 13 episodes from Season 11 and they showed numbers 0-12 in the left panel. I had several episodes with bad names and clicked at the top of the right panel to sort them into the correct order. The numbers in the left panel remained 0-12 like before. When I selected episodes 11×04 – 11×08 and tried to insert them, the numbers changed from 0-12 to 1-2-3-4-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. Note the 4 repeating and note the initial 0 changing to 1. It tried to write something into the episode field, but failed. Checking the permissions of the Lassie shows, they were 644 and I tried changing them to 777 but the rename still failed. I then downloading another copy of the 64-bit zip and placed ffprobe and the NMTVS executable inside the Lassie folder I was working with. The rename still failed. I next tried the 32 bit version, again with failed results.
Mike H
Thanks Mike for the detailed description. Awesome!
I’ll try to create a virtual machine with Mint 18.2 and see if I can reproduce the issues.
p.s. I’m on vacation, so I might not get to it right away, but I’ll do my best …
Today, I did further testing with Linux. As you know, you can boot and run live, or you can install the system. I confirmed NMTVS runs fine on live boots from Puppy Precise, Puppy Fat Dog, and Linux Lite. Live boots fail on Mint 18.1 and 17.3. I did a fresh install of Mint 17.3 and the NMTVS works once I changed permissions to allow run and execute. 17.3 works both before and after system updates. I repeated with a fresh install of Mint 18.2, and again NMTVS works both before and after system updates.
I concede my systems seem to have something broke causing them not to work Do you have any ideas on what I can check next?
Mike H
Excellent experiment!
I’d check the versions of GTK, the drivers for your video card, and which Windows Manager is being used and compare that with the setup that failed. I suspect the GTP version or a different or updated Windows Manager.
Thanks for testing!! I’m not a heavy Linux user, but I do like to produce apps for all 3 major platforms. Nothing more annoying to see only “Mac:, or only “Windows”.
hi,is it possie to rename other extension files with the new version(srt,ass)?
The Darker
Yes this is possible indeed.
You’ll have to check the option to rename similar named files in the Preferences. Then all files that start the same way (no matter what extension) will be renamed as well.
Is it not possible to just rename the subtitle files without having the similar video files?
The Darker
Hi The Darker,
unfortunately not. Everything is driven by renaming a video file.
I do have plans to make a new release, so I most certainly can consider that to be an option in a new version.
Unfortunately, I have not gotten much feedback on my requests for input, and on top of that the past few months have been challenging when it comes to my daytime job.
Suggest are most welcome and I will add this is a feature request.
Hi – your software seems awesome but i have a problem. When i try to Rename Files i always have an Error saying : Name My TV Series – Error : Could not rename file.
File SKipped. I was unable to rename: *path*
Am I the only one with this problem ?
Hi Lyzherg,
I’d be happy to try to help. Could you post some more details?
– which Operating System and what version (for example: Windows 10 64bit)
– where you have the files stored (local harddisk, NAS, external USB drive)
– what version of Name My TV series are you using
– are you able to manually rename the files
– can you give a path example and/or the TV show you’re looking at?
Thanks a lot for the answer. The Files stored in a external HDD with the NAmeMyTvSeries programm. And the HDD is probably in Read only. So i try a lot of thing
– Operating System : Windows 7, 64 bit
– Version of NameMyTvSeries used : Name-My-TV-Series-v1.8.4-Windows-x86
– Yes i m able to manually rename the files.
– I tried with a couple of series, all have the same problem, it found the series perfectly but can’t rename.
I tried different things :
– When Files are in the HDD
With *add video files from selected folder*, all are added but can’t be rename.
If i tried to *add video file directly* i have a difference between files that i tried to rename with the programm : is in Read-Only and files never used : Can be add but can’t rename too.
When the files are not in the HDD but on the computer, *files from folder can be add*. The name is successfully changed in the program with no error message but on the folder, nothing happens, the name is not changed. If i retry to take the files from this folder, the programm see the good rename as it was changed.
From *Add file*, same see the name but say the files is in read-only
Hi Lyzherg,
indeed renaming on a read-only would not work. When copying it to your computer harddisk, it should work unless the files remain read-only on your computer after you copied them there (look at the properties of the files).
What I usually do to test: create a bunch of empty text files, for example create an empty text file with Notepad and copy it a few times. Then rename the files from .txt to for example .avi or .mp4. Then try to rename the files with NMTV.
I just test from harddisk with files without read-only (in fact, no one of my files was read-only before to be used) and with empty text files rename in .avi and .mp4 and i have still the same message :
Renaming completed
Renamed : 1 epsiode (typo report here :p)
Renamed : 0 additional files
Skipped : 0 files
Failed : 0 files
But the name doesn t change in the folder. If i try again on the same file, i have File skipped. I was unable to rename.
Well i try on other computer, and work perfectly, i have really no idea what’s going wrong with my main computer.
In the programm when i click to add a file,i can see in the Add Existing Files window the file correctly renamed, i can right click/property and the name is ok. But in real the name is not changed. And if delete the file, i still see the file in the Add Existing Files window as he was still in the folder.
If i try to delete it from the window : element not found.
To conclude, the program see the name changed but never change for real. And he will still see files even if i delete or move them in other folder.
PS : if you want check by yourself maybe i can give you an access with teamviewer by pm.
Well, it does sound like some user permission issues. I once had similar issues with my NAS after I started mixing users by accident. Are the files stored on a FAT or an NTFS partition? (FAT might be less prone to these kind of user permission issues)
Then again, you said you had tried by copying to your computer as well, so I assume the user permissions should match with your current user. Interesting problem.
As for the listed “new” name, this is not linked to the actual file, it’s just a visual confirmation that the file renaming has taken place. In your case of course, this reflects something that actually didn’t happen (making a note in my to-do list to change this).
I’ll dig into the return values of a rename attempt to see if I can get better info. I know the rename function just basically returns yes (rename worked) or no (rename failed). Maybe there is a function to retrieve the actual error messages (ie. can’t rename because it’s read-only, does not exist,. etc etc).
The files are only stored on an NTFS partition. I tried to rename with command Line and VBS and its work. Really, i’ve no more idea …
NTFS would explain some access rights issues. FAT (FAT32/exFAT) do not support this or are at least much less complicated.
Then again; on your other computer you didn’t have these issues.
I’d look at the properties -> security of some of the files that failed and compare that with your other computer.
Hi there,
Awesome program; been using it for well over 2 years now. Just ran into this error for the first time when booting the program:
Data retrieval failed!
I was unable to retrieve the languages list from TheTvDB. I will use the default language list instead.
Note: An internet connection is needed.
Now, my internet is working fine. Then when I try to search for a show, it says:
Data retrieval failed!
I was unable to retrieve data from TheTvDB.
Any thoughts on the source of this error?
Hi Ashbinder!
Thanks for the great feedback – much appreciated.
As for the error messages;
This happens when for some reason cannot be reached or when the connection times out.
Several reason can be:
– No Internet (not the case)
– or their API is down (has happened once or twice in the past years – but rare)
– is somehow blocked for example by your ISP (very unlikely)
– Firewall on your PC is blocking traffic from/to the application.
What OS are you running?
Oh yeah, awesome. And not too complicated either; I don’t often rename so when I know I need to do it, I just want something simple like your software. Others seem to want to set up monitoring folders, etc…way too much to just do a simple rename on a new batch!
Hmm…I can reach TVDB over a browser and Emby is still able to pull from it, so it’s not blocked and I think Emby uses an API as well. I also tried manually to add the app to the Windows Firewall as an exception, but no change. I’m on Windows 10.
I assume you don’t have any issue with 1.8.4 when you try and use it? Never good when it’s just me! haha
yeah when it’s just you then it feels like something is just wrong hahaha.
I tried it here on my Mac (same version) without any issue. I will try it later today on my Windows 10 but then I have to find a Windows laptop first haha (I’m traveling).
Not that expect this to work, and you might have already done these silly/lame steps:
– Reboot PC
– Reinstall the application
– Make sure ffprobe is there as well (although it is not related to this issue)
Yup, did the reboot thing and ffprobe is in the same folder as the exe. However, is there a proper way to install? I just extracted it to a folder on the desktop, as the version I downloaded didn’t have a formal installer or anything for Windows.
I probably should take the time to make a proper installer, now that ffprobe.exe needs to be included.
The best way is to have ffprobe in the same directory as the application.
You could probably place it in a directory that can be found in the PATH of your PC, but that takes a little time to figure out and other applications that might use ffprobe might or might not work with it after that.
You’re welcome!
Hi Hans!
How are you? I stumbled across this software yesterday and it solved all my problems in batch renaming on Mac (v10.11.6). So thank you so much, it’s been fantastic!
However today when I open the application, I am getting this error.
“In ‘stream:’ (line 84 pos 60): Unmatching element end tag (expected “<Value>”).
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program.’
I pressed continue and tried to rename a season of something I had backed up and when I clicked ‘rename files’, the season disappeared from the finder completely. It was not moved to the trash, it has just disappeared completely.
I have uninstalled it with finder and with Clean My Mac, tried re-installing it and done a reboot too all to no avail.
As I said I am on Mac and using v1.8.0 straight from the website.
Can you help me?
Hope to hear from you soon, thank you! :)
Hi Evan!
First off: thanks for the compliment and for taking the time to post! It’s very much appreciated!
I just tried the show you’re looking for and it worked just fine on my Mac (High Sierra 10.13.1) and it worked just fine.
In your screenshot I noticed that there was no language set? Might want to try that.
Another reason maybe that TVDB is experiencing issue, but if they occur they are usually very quick in fixing it.
Please let me know if you’re still experiencing issues.
I’m trying to rename The Muppet Show episodes to order of production rather than order of airing. I can’t import a CSV. Mine looks like:
and so on. I get this result.
Jon Fleming
Hi Jon,
I have to admit that you’re probably the first one, that I know of, that uses the import function – I had almost forgotten about its existence.
When I copy/paste your example into a csv file, I did get the same weird effect.
Next I tried this:
Which worked OK.
Which failed as well.
The following failed as well:
Finally I tried this with a random date:
And that did work correctly. So my best guess (I’m unable to look at the source code right now) is that this all takes a nosedive when the date is not there or incorrect.
I will have to look at the code once I get back home again
Hi Hans,
I already use NameMyTVSeries on Linux for a while, and I love it.
But now I am trying to get it to run on my new Arch Linux server. The application launches without errors, but in the GUI, all charcters are squares instead.
Maybe I’m missing a font or something? But wouln’t know which one. Or could it be related to something else?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Haha, fixed it myself. Installed package: xorg-fonts-type1 :-) (obvious!)
Hi Patrick!
Sorry you ran into this problem … but: awesome that you found the fix and did post the fix here!
I do not use Linux all that often myself, I only create a binary so all platforms can work with my tools (when possible).
Happy holidays!
Wondering if its just me, when I enter “The Frankenstein Chronicles” I’m not getting a return, although the serie shows up on
Hi Mfu!
Interesting problem … when I try it in German, it works. If I just enter “frankenstein chronicles” with out then “the” in front of it, it works as well.
This might be an issue with TheTVDB’s data in the database? Strange since their webpage lists it correctly when doing a search (maybe the filter generic words like “the” before doing a search?
Under different circumstances I’d dig into the code to figure this one out.
Unfortunately, I’d rather spend time on implementing the new TheTVDB API – which is on the list of things-to-do.
I might have some more time on my hands early next year – depending on how my work develops.
First off I want to thank you for this program, I use it all the time! It’s simple to use, smooth interface and it allows me to rename an entire season very quickly. However lately I’ve been getting a message when I try to use the program and so it’s not working for me. A box comes up and it says:
Name My TV Series in ‘stream:’ (line 22 pos3): unmatching element end tag (expected “</meta>”).
Could you please advise how to fix this problem? Thanks so so much!
Hi Sarah,
first off; thanks for the compliment and I’m glad to hear the application is of good use to you.
As for the error message, this is most likely an issue on (in the data, certain info is place between <meta> and </meta> but the </meta) tag seems to be missing.
For this purpose I hope to find the time soon to rebuild the application to accommodate the API (v2) is using.
The old API (v1) is still functional, but it would not surprise me if they drop that at some point.
(suggestions are welcome!)
First thing I’d try; select a different language – seems that occasionally specific languages show issues.
Not sure when you ran into this issue, but yesterday I noticed that was down for a while as well.
I’ve been using your program for years now and I must say I absolutely love it.
As of yesterday though it’s not working. Sort of. There’s no error message.
I can drag and drop with no problems. I can click “rename” without any issue either but the files rename in the program but the ACTUAL files aren’t renaming. They are completely unaffected. I’m going to delete and reinstall and hopefully that fixes it. Just wanted to give a heads up in case there is anything you might need to look into.
Tried a reinstall. That didn’t work. Same issue persists.
Hi Xander,
Just in case the preferences did get corrupted somehow, you can delete the preferences by removing (or renaming) the following file:
Hope this helps
Totally forgot to ask what OS you’re using. The file I mentioned is for MacOS X.
It is save to remove the preferences since the application will recreate it.
For Linux this will be a similar file:
And for Windows it will be the registry key (use regedit.exe to remove it):
Another issue maybe access rights settings for your files, especially when it’s stored on a share on a NAS.
Hi !
Thank you to share this software it is very useful !
But I have few problems and i need your help : [Windows 10 (32Bits)]
#1 – The Apostrophe (‘)
In any language the apostrophe doesn’t work when i rename files.
For exemple i suppose to get “L’Omelette de T’Challa est au sol” and i get this : “LOmelette de TChalla est au sol”
I check in the “Preferences” but I do not understand much, my english is limited…
#2 – This soft don’t rename the title
Indeed when i do “Propieties > Details” the original title still the same!
Like for exemple “Supernatural.S05E04.VOSTFR.DVDRiP.XViD” so the renaming is not really complete :/
Do you will make un update for this or there is a settings for it?
A French guy
Hi Sinatox,
Thanks for liking the application and thanks for reporting issues!
I’m Dutch and mostly speak English, so the special characters is not something I have been tested on a daily basis. Especially Windows seems to be a pain when it comes to this.
The Apostrophe; In the preference window you can select a character to replace the apostrophe – granted, I could have done in a better way. Renaming with a single quote (Apostrophe) or double quote comes with it’s challenges under Windows. You could set it to replace ” ‘ ” with ” ` ” (the tick that looks like an apostrophe).
What may work, is using a so called escape character. This is done by placing the backslash (“\” in front of the character). So ” ‘ ” becomes ” \’ “, but I’ll admit that I haven’t tested that yet.
What show did you find the Omelet title with – seems like a good episode to test with
What The Fuck! I just put the apostrophe to replace the apostrophe in the “Replace Special Character” and.. it’s work!Just like that (screen shot) : So no need for a substitute anymore, great!—The Omelette episode was just an example, doesn’t exist unfortunately^^—You didn’t awnser about the second issue.How can i rename the name AND the title both automatically whit your software ?
The episode have still the original title inside : And it’s boring me because mostly of the video player show the title name when you open the file and not the name files.
What most likely happened is that I’m initially am filtering the apostrophe out of names, but because you’re adding it to the exception and/or replacing, it overrides effectively the hard coded rules.
Awesome that this worked …
Sorry that I overlooked the second question – I still had to get my first coffee (and there was no omelette either ).
The title, unlike the filename, is most likely stored in the meta data of the video file.
I’ve written it down on my to-do list for v2 but … having played with meta data before, I do recall that this will be a slow process. Basically the file has to be rewritten with the modified meta data in it. So for a 200 Mb file this will not be super bad (yet will take several seconds), but with larger files and a larger quantity of files, this may take a while.
Of course then I have to make sure that all kinds of other file formats (AVI, MP4, MKV, etc) are supported as well, where possible. Anyhoo – I’ve added it to the to-do list and I’ll explore what can be done
Oh i see. Is that a problem common to all OS or it’s only Windows ?
Maybe you can try to create a function like CTRL+F to lead your soft directly where you want to modify. I think if this is possible you will need to make one search function for each formats. (to avoid errors)
When do you think the v2 will come out ?
I have been struggling on and off with Windows only.
MacOS and Linux behave just fine.
I have no timeline for v2 yet. I did a few attempts in the past month, but the new TVDB API is not working all that great (ie. much slower than the old API). The new API is the reason why I wanted to build a v2. Obviously some improvements can/will be added.
Based on your message from yesterday, I started testing with the new API again and noticed it still being slow. I also noticed a comment (link) that the old API will be functional for a bit and that the end of life of API v1 has been extended since other developers expressed some concerns. Not sure what those concerns may be, but speed would be one of my concerns. (ie. retrieving the list of available languages took 5 seconds)
Fantastic work man. You’re my hero. My only suggestion is to be able to set a default starting path for files in the settings. It gets annoying having to start from the bottom or drag and drop each time.
Hi James,
Thank you very much for the compliments! It’s much appreciated!
That is a good suggestion – I will add it to the “to do” list for the new version I’ll be working on!
I understand you correctly, in settings, set the default “start” directory where to find TV shows right?
Sounds like a great program, but after choosing the show and selecting the episodes, I get an “Access violation” error. So I figured it was some funny business with Windows 10, and ran the program as an administrator, but the same exact thing happened. I’m working with a laptop and an internal hard drive, so it’s not some funny NT permissions shenanigans — the old, “you don’t have permission to access these files” stuff you see when playing with drives from other computers. And, that’s about the end of my expertise! Oh, I’m running Windows 10, the 1803 update, 64 bit Home Edition, if that matters any. And a Core i7 (dual core) with 12GB RAM.
Hi Nathan,
Do you get the Access Violation when you start the program? When exactly does this message show?
Are you using the latest version?
Just checking, so I can try to debug this …
Hi there! I just had this issue when trying to rename TV episodes from the show “Nathan for You”, and I believe the issue appears to be the forward slashes in the episode names “/” – as any episodes without slashes rename ok, but any episodes without the slashes do not.
The slashes are in the official episode names that it’s trying to rename them to – not in the original file names.
There could potentially be other problematic characters as well, but forward slash seems to be a big culprit in my case!
Hi Justin!
Check in settings if the forward slash is being replaced with something else or not. Default RMTV should replace \ and / (both will be replaced with nothing, eg. removed).
Hi there,
Just wanted to say thank you so much for this program. To be honest I looked for a program like this for a few hours and had no luck trying multiple different programs. I decided to create my own simple version that would do a very limited amount of what you are doing. Only thing I was trying to do with mine is auto guess the season, episode, series, and name without connecting to anything. Was having a little trouble and to see what others did I stumbled across your program and it does right on point what I need! Have multiple series that I want re-named to certain standard and yours does it very well. Just wanted to say thanks!
Hi Cide,
thank you very much for the nice thank-you / compliment! It’s very much appreciated!
Glad to hear the app is useful to you.
The “auto guess” part can be a little challenging, from a programmers perspective
Hi, just to mention that the Linux version (1.8.0 x86_64) seems to need some little improvements:
when testing it today under Linux Mint 17, the software renames all the 24 episodes of “My Name is Earl” s01 into one single file, named “.avi” (i.e. no name at all, just the extension), despite the fact that the process window showed 24 files renamed, 0 skipped and 0 error.
However, the single “.avi” file left by the rename process does contain only one episode (I think it is the last one from the list).
Does anyone else have trouble with the same Linux version? And is there a solution to use it without such untimely result?
Hi Cosmok,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re running into a problem like this
It almost looks like there is an issue with the naming. When looking at the grid (new vs old name), what does it show on the left side? Are there any quotes in it or something like that? Or maybe something weird in the original name?
p.s. what I always do for testing: Create a few simple (empty) text files and rename them to something silly. Ie. earl1e1.avi, earl1e2.avi, … , earl1e10.avi.
Name My TV Series should handle them just fine. This way you will not have to copy a bunch of large files and/or loose a couple of files.
Hi Hans and thanks for your answer,
For obvious reasons, I didn’t take screenshots before launching the renaming process, but here is what I remember for sure:
. I had many difficulties with the “Add selected episodes” buttons, both on right and left panels, since nothing visible was happening. So eventually I had to populated manually the list by double-clicking on each proposed episode.
. after that, the left side of the grid was correctly displaying the filenames facing the episode names added manually. Filenames were something like “My name is Earl s01e01.avi”.
. then I pushed the “Rename Files” button, and at the end of the process the left part of the grid (filenames) appeared empty, only showing the right part (episodes’ names).
And I now understand that I should first test the app with some copy rather than original files… I will try that and then let you know about the results.
Hi Cosmok,
thanks for the feedback – points to some less than intuitive UI. I’ll try to improve on that in a next version!
Adding selected episode button;
Episodes section: You’ll have to select one or more episodes in the left column (Aired Episodes) before clicking the “Add” buttons (on the left under the episode list, or on the left under the “Rename Scheme” table).
Files section: You can either drag and drop files on the application, or click the “Add” button on the right (“Rename Scheme” section).
Sounds like you didn’t select any episodes, so the renaming ended up in blank names. I probably should have caught that in the code (if no episodes selected, then do not rename). This is most likely what happened.
As for trying empty files; it’s just what I use when testing, others can of course use this as well.
Helpful even for renaming just one series—thanks!
Would love to see this open-sourced so I can contribute.
A couple of tiny things that could use improvement:
Thanks for your nice work.
Norman Ramsey
Hi Norman,
I’m a little code shy, so Open Source is probably not going to happen anytime soon. I’ll take it in consideration though.
Contributions are most welcome of course.
As for HiDPI screens; Windows and Linux are not the best at handeling that it seems. Although I have to admit that my experience with Linux and HiDPI screens is limited (I run Windows and Linux in VMWare which handles the HiDPI issues on my Mac with Retina screen).
There actually used to be a log and even an undo function. In the passed 5 years, nobody used it, so eventually I removed it.
If you’re a Lazarus Pascal developer, and interested in contributing to the next version of NMTV, then please let me know – maybe we can work together
(I have to implement the new API, make the application 64 bit / Cocoa, and sign the application)
Something gone wrong(For most of the things it’s ok)
I’m searching : Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
In french : New York unité spéciale
What’s happening it’s the soft as found 40 seasons and 872 episodesBut as today there is only 20 seasons I have checked in the “select episodes” box what’s wrong and i’ve seen that the name of each episodes is repeat twice1 –> 20 then again 1 –> 20 = 40 seasons
Can you check this ?
Hi Astuceman,
can you describe the steps you took to get duplicates?
What I just tested:
1) switch language to French
2) Enter “Law & Order – Special Victims Unit” and click the search button
3) It auto loads all episodes (since there was only one result)
When checking the episode list, I do not see any duplicates. To make sure I tested this a few times, but cannot reproduce the issue.
The issue resolve by itself
I’ve done the thing like in the first post but this time i have checked “DVD Sort”
I’ve got some error then i’ve redone a second time without “DVD Sort” and have 20 seasons at the end … quite strange
Don’t know what happened exactly
Hi Astuceman!
I managed once to reproduce the problem. Right now I’m working on a new version (v2) using the new API of TheTVDB – this is taking more time than expected (need to make a living as well), so I will not address this issue in this version. I have added it to the “To Do” list so I won’t forget to verify that in the new version.
[…] Il programma che uso personalmente è Name my TV Series, che pesa un paio di mega ma è molto efficace. Per poter utilizzare questo programma dovrete innanzitutto scaricarlo a questo link qui. […]
+1 for the srt renaming feature. Now that theRenamer is out of the picture, I have found this great software.
Some tings I miss :)
– srt renaming (even if the filename is not the same as the movie filename) Manually renaming the srt file to mkv works, but it’s not really user friendly :)
– move renamed files to a specific folder
Thanks for the great software!
Hi Huoc!
Thanks for the input!
I’ll add improved srt renaming (and others) in the new version, but I want to be very carefull with not similar named files (to avoid erors when renaming multiple files).
Moving files to another folder is something I’ll add to the wish list – main reason I do not do that in the current version is that it slows down things significantly.
Any suggestions for the workflow are most welcome!
p.s. thanks for the compliment!
It’s me again
I want more something like a feature or an improvement :
Some caracters are missing
Example :
Default : Bob léponge – 01×41 – Le retour de lHomme Sirène
Improved : Bob léponge – 01×41 – Le retour de l’Homme Sirène
I’ve added : ‘
Can we have this little improvement because it’s very strange to read the default title without it
As today the specification doesn’t allow this string of caracters in name (windows) : ” * : < > ? / \ |
Hey there!
Welcome back
If you go into settings, you can remove the single quote exception. click the line and click the “remove” button. Under MacOS and Linux I have had zero issues with that. Works just fine.
In the next version I will include an easier way to customize this and start with an easier set of characters that get replaced (since more modern OS’es can handle the funny characters just fine).
Since I’m working on v2, I’m looking for anyone who can provide me examples of filenames of DVD and BluRay rips, so I can incorporate that into the sort mechanism.
If you have examples of files that do not sort right, please let me know as well.
Suggestions or features that have not been listed yet are most welcome as well.
Please post as a reply to this comment or email it to webmaster at tweaking4all dot com.
For windows version, the undo.txt file format of the ‘rename’ command appears to be wrong. Example:
rename “R:\UnBurned\TvSeries\tmp\1\Lucifer S03 [FOX]\Lucifer.S03E01.WebDL – Theyre Back Again, Arent They.mp4” “R:\UnBurned\TvSeries\tmp\1\Lucifer S03 [FOX]\Lucifer.S03E01.HDTV.x264-LOL#x1.mp4”
should be:
rename “R:\UnBurned\TvSeries\tmp\1\Lucifer S03 [FOX]\Lucifer.S03E01.WebDL – Theyre Back Again, Arent They.mp4” “Lucifer.S03E01.HDTV.x264-LOL#x1.mp4”
The path should not be on the target (new) name of the file, only on the source.
Maybe perhaps a checkbox option somewhere to create the undo as a .txt or .bat type file.
Hi Lee,
I was not aware that a full path would not work with rename.
Since 2013 you’re the 2nd person to ask for the undo option and the first one to report an issue with the rename function.
There used to be a .sh (Linux/Mac) and .bat (Windows) file creation option – just nobody used it.
I’m currently working on v2, today I’m actually considering starting over again. I’ll add your request to the todo list.
With the new version I want to implement a file move as well, so I’m sure this will require extra attention for Windows as well …
Hi, I look forward to the new version and see what it brings. One suggestion that Filebot used (ages since I used it though, but think it still does) is auto detection of the TV-series and episode name instead or addition to manual select it.
Also, an option to select font colour would be nice, or some auto detection what background colour is used. I use dark theme for my Linux distro, and the text is somewhat impossible to see here (dark blue/black on dark grey doesn’t play well).
Anyway, I really like the application and look forward to the next version.
Hi Zynex!
Thanks for the input!
Detecting TV-Show;
I have found that to be surprisingly difficult, sorting files by season and episode has proven to be a challenge, and it’s not matching the workflow I had in mind with this application. I will however consider it as an option … but it won’t be with the first release of v2, since I have a few other projects that require my attention as well
Oh wow, I had no idea that it would have this impact on a dark theme. The application takes standard form and font colors – by the best of my knowledge. Which Linux version and which theme are you using? I could setup a virtual machine and test this. I may have to do something like this for macOS as well (regular theme vs Dark Theme – the latter getting more and more popular).
If you have more suggestion – please let me know.
p.s. could you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing (with the colors)? You can contact me through webmaster at tweaking4all dot com.
Thanks for your response, figured it isn’t just that easy to detect the series and episode
I’ll will take a screen shot and send to you next time I use it (I will try to remember it anyway). Not sure if there’s a good way to detect desktop colours without involving the framework (qt, gtk etc).
Forgot to mention that I use a distro called KaOS, that use Qt/KDE framework. Think I use Midna dark (or maybe some similar theme, I’ll check). I will send some more details when I send you the screen shot.
I’ll give KaOS a try on a VM. I never heard of KaOS, so I’ve looked it up and it looks nice – I’m always looking for a Linux Distro that is neat (and preferably small).
Hi again.
I have just sent to a e-mail with a screen shot of how it looks here. KaOS is a very nice distro, and very focused on KDE/Qt/64bit. Have used it for some years now, and never looked back for something else :)
Hi Zynex,
so I gave KaOS a try, set the theme to Midna Dark (Look and Feel, Desktop theme, splash Screen), even rebooted, Download the (64 bit) application and … can’t reproduce the problem you’re running into. The application has a black title bar, but the rest is an off-white with black characters on it. Are there any other settings I should look at?
By the way; I do like the look of KaOS, just wasn’t able to install VMWare Tools (yet).
Hmm, that’s a bit odd, I just changed the look and feel to Midna dark (use the Materia Dark colour theme though, but that shuldn’t make a difference). Your application fetch the colours, except that the text colour is a bit off, as you will see in the screen shot i sent you.
I just saw your email; man that’s odd and inconvenient.
I will do some more playing to see if I can mimic this – so at least I can do some testing with the new version (making great progress).
I’ll send a reply to your email tomorrow
Brilliant software, cant wait for your next release!
keep up the amazing work.
Jimmy Donny
Thanks Jimmy!
If you have any ideas/suggestion that I can incorporate in the next release, feel free to let me know, I’ll see what I can do.
Thanks for taking the time to post a thank-you note!
I have a beta available for testing of the new v2 of Rename My TV Series and am looking for beta testers.
I have a version available for macOS (64bit and signed), Windows (32bit for now) and Linux (64bit/GTK/2).
Feel free to reply to this message if there is an interest.
Some of the new features;
– New and cleaner interface (supports Dark Theme under macOS and Linux)
– For macOS: 64bit and signed application
– Using the v2 API of TheTVDB
– Better support and use of the latest FFprobe version
I am working on some more features … but I figured; get started with this.
It would be interesting to find out if there still is a need for 32bit applications.
Right now I’m sticking with;
– 32bit for Windows, since it will work on any Windows version,
– 64bit Linux GTK2, as this seems to be most common,
– 64bit for macOS, as most Intel machines will run High Sierra or Mohave anyway.
Please let me know if I’m wrong
First of all let me thank you for such a GREAT software!!!
I’m VERY interested in a new version even if it’s still in beta.
Hi Omri,
I’ll send you an email once I have a beta available. The previous beta is currently being redone so it will include SQLite to help caching data (ie. faster retrieval of episodes and such). This proved a bit of a challenge, but I’m making very good progress.
If you could let me know what OS your computer is running (you can reply to this notification email).
Fantastic software! Please count me in as a beta tester when available. Thanks!
Mike Skultety
Great software, it worked where 3 others I tried failed. I could only find a certain old Australian TV series on a Russian site and they have Russian filenames and none of the other file renamers that I tried had an option to manually add the show name, so I was stuck – until I tried your app. Very intuitive and easy to use. Many thanks for sharing this software with everyone. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks Tony!
Great to hear that the application was useful to you – pretty soon I hope to release a new version, which will hopefully be even more intuitive
I’ve been using it all day but now whenever I search for a series, it says “In ‘stream:’ (line 2 pos 1): Illegal at document level.
Hi Laesnenieal,
Under what operating system are you running the application?
I just tested the application, and under Windows, macOS and Linux it still works.
Does this happen with a specific show? Or all of them?
I’m using the latest MacOSX but it was doing it for all the shows. I haven’t seen it happen today yet though so it may have just been a glitch on my system for that day.
OK, hope this was a one-time glitch.
If you like you can try the beta for the new version (scroll a little down).
It utilizes the new TVDB API, is 64 bit and signed …
Also, Is there a way to merge two episodes? In the TVDB it would say E04 and E05 but my file is E04E05 or 04/05. I tried to import but no characters besides numbers are allowed under episodes.
Hi again
In the next version, episode merging will be possible. The current version does not yet allow this.
I’m making great progress with the new version, and hope to release a beta real soon.
For those interested, the second beta round just started, and can be downloaded through these links:
MacOS – 64 bit and signed, runs on Mojave, FFprobe included, supports Dark Theme (SQLite and OpenSSL are already on your system).
Windows – 32 bit (all current Windows platforms can run this), including SQLite libraries, OpenSSL libraries and FFprobe.
Linux – 64 bit, including FFprobe (SQLite and OpenSSL are typically already on your system).
Feel free to poke at it.
Great to see a new version of the software.
I’m running the windows version and tested it repeatedly with different files, locations and file opening permissions. However the program keeps reporting that it’s unable to actually rename the file/s in question.
More than happy to produce and error report or any other info you might need if that option would help at all.
Great new look to everything btw. can’t wait to see the finished product
Carl Robinson
Hi Carl,
thank you for testing!
You’re running into an interesting problem that I and other Windows testers have not yet encountered.
Please feel free to reply to this notification by email so we can walk through the steps in order for me to reproduce the errors.
Hi again Hans
Well I can quickly run you through the issues if you’d like. I’ve added my email address on the comment for you if you like to get in touch.
I’ve noticed there’s 3 new .dll files associated with the program. Do these need to be run / registered prior to opening the program or (as I’m currently doing) simply leaving them in the same root folder as the main executable file?
This is different than your previous releases which simply came with main executable and the ffprobe.exe file.
Really more than happy to help out as I love your previous releases (still using it) and really like the new look / GUI interface of this incarnation
Hi Carl,
Glad you like the new look
I assume your answer on the extra dll’s is answered with the setup I’ve created.
Just in case: the dll’s and both exe’s (ffprobe and renamemytvseries) need to be placed in the same folder – no registration needed.
For clarification: under Windows SQLite (sqlite3.dll) and OpenSSL (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) are not standard installed. By copying these files, a user would not need go through the process of installing both additionally.
Small update for the Windows version (same link).
Instead of popup messages that need to be confirmed, notifications have been added.
Since Microsoft is not supporting Win32/Desktop applications to send “normal” notifications, I’ve tried to mimic these kind of notifications. When such a notification appears, the user does not need to click OK and after 5 seconds the message disappears on it’s own. Feedback on this is appreciated.
For those who wish to test the setup for Windows (allowing install and uninstall): link
Hey Hans
Like the new install-able version. Seems to be working pretty well
Though it’s struggling with special characters in episode names such as “!” or “?” for example and thus failing to rename them
Hi Carl,
Cool to see you’re active with this! Thanks!
I presume you’re using Windows, notoriously know for these kind of issue.
I’ll contact you by email
Hi Carl,
we all have a busy life, so no problem if you had not gotten to it yet. I just wanted to make sure you received my email. If not, feel free to email me at webmaster at tweaking4all dot com.
Opening beta 2 produced this error:
RenameMyTvSeries is damaged and cannot be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
Mike Skultety
Hi Mike,
Thanks for offering testing!
What Operating System are you running? Your may have caught me uploading the files earlier today.
Can you please try the release version here.
New version is available: Rename My TV Series 2
The old version will remain functional for now, until TheTVDB drops support for their old API.
What a wonderful and simple app. Thank you for your work. Works great.
Thanks Rigo!
I very much appreciate you taking the effort to send a Thank-You note!
Dear Sir;
You have no idea what just you have done!
And as an archive’r of movies and t v serials by downloading, as exactly you sai9d one of my MAIN PROBLEMS was about arranging and rewriting all names, episodes and seasons numbers, name of every episode (well if I was able to find them)
and… many other things which your simple software especially with variable adjusting s and personalizing the way we like to arrange writing data’s and/…and… all are mind-blowing, and I was looking for such a simple and yet complete software for a long time
and I’m happy out of my mind for such a unique software which does all our main needs in the best simple way without twisting
Is there any similar software for movies and more important than that for huge mp3 music archives?
I have worked with “Tag Scanner” and although is good but it isn’t anything near your software and beside limited sources it doesn’t work like your software to arrange all episodes just by few clicks
so I would be glad if you help me find same soft wares for categorizing movies and mp3 musics.
thx a lot and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Rimartic,
that’s awesome to hear! Glad you like the application that much!
So thanks for posting a comment like this – it’s much appreciated!
So for managing your movies, you could take a look at Tiny Media Manager (available for Windows, Linux and MacOS). It offers some nice features to manage your movie collection.
For MP3/Music; I have no idea what “today” would be a good tool for this. I’ve dabbled with Media Monkey in the past. Not sure where they are at these days.
Hope this helps
Hi Gents,
Wow, where to start. Great program. Saved me hours of renaming manually.
Great Job!!!!!
Just a silly question, is there a way to export the list of the series I renamed, reason being is that one of my NAS’ “Fell Over”
And now I need to re archive. Working of a list would be perfect. But if not then no biggie.
Keep up the great work….
Kind regards,
Hi Kombat1978!
Thank you for the compliments – it’s very much appreciated!
At the moment, there is no way to export all the renamed series/files.
They are simply not logged. You could use the rename log option and save those log files somewhere – but I cannot imagine this to be a convenient way to do it.
I guess I’d need more detail on what you’re looking for, so I can maybe implement this in a next version.
Hi Hans,
Shot for the speedy reply. I would of like the export list to work off as I have to replace my series.
NAS fell over and I lost it all. But the long way works too.
Thank you for the awesome work. Keep it up.
Hi Kombat1978,
if you want to find out which series you’ve looked for in the past, you could open the database with one or the other SQLite tool. However this would only work for the new Rename My TV Series (v2). The old one doesn’t cache any data.
Sorry to hear that your NAS fell over …
Hey Hans
Trying this now, it seems its still a bit manual as you need to search for the series first, then add the episodes u want renamed and choose it from the list that was searched?
I am loving it though, and it makes our lives so much easier. Wish you could write the next “theRenamer”. Fantastic app as well that automated fetching files from a watched folder, renamed all with lookup from tvdb as well, then copied or moved to a different location as needed. Unfortunately Windows 10 1803 update killed it :(
And it also did movies.
Thank you for writing this, and sharing with the community. It really is an awesome app.
Hi Ashraf!
Thanks for the compliments and feedback – it’s much appreciated
In all honesty, RMTV was never intended as a TheRenamer replacement, but I will most certainly consider your suggestions.
I have a few other projects that I have to move to 64 bit for MacOS, which I’d like to finish first. After completing those projects, I’ll see what I can find and/or do to add more functionality.
Since TheRenamer no longer works on the latest Windows 10, do you know if they made the sources available?
On that note; Sonarr may be a tool that may prove handy for your setup. It has some features RMTV does not offer, more fitting to what you may be looking for.
Getting error: In ‘stream:’ (line 6 pos 3): Unmatching element end tag expected (expected “</hr>”).
Seems like it’s just after TVDB v3 update?
Usually this links back to an issue at TVDB.
I’m not sure if you tested the new Rename My TV Series v2 yet?
I am also getting the error message:
In ‘stream:’ (line 6 pos 3): Unmatching element end tag expected (expected “</hr>”).
Any update on this??
Hi Jay,
I can reproduce the issue, however this seems to be a TVDB issue and XML.
I would recommend downloading the latest version (here), which is a full new version build from scratch, usin