When developing an application, sometimes it can be useful to offer the user a way to add this application to the LoginItems (Mac) or Autorun items (Windows), so that the application starts when MacOS X or Windows starts.
Since I have developed a couple applications for which this would be helpful, and as of lately even one for both platforms, I figured, why not place this in a unit so the code can be resused easily and quickly. Sharing the code would make life easier for others as well.
So here we are – feel free to post improvements – a unit that Adds, Removes and Checks if an application build with Lazarus Pascal, from the Loginitem/Autorun items.
Functions to Add, Remove or Check Autorun items
The idea is to add or remove an application in a userinterface to the items that start when the Operating System (Windows or Mac) starts.
With that comes the need to check if such an item already exists, so the user interface can reflect that this has been set, or not.
Adding, Checking and Removing items is done based on the project Title (application.Title) as set in the “Project Options”, in Lazarus Pascal, of your project.
The path is derived from where you started your application from.
Apple App Store – This no longer works for Sandboxed Mac Apps
Please be aware that the method described below will not work for applications submitted to the App Store, as these Applications need to be Sandboxed.
Applications distributed outside of the App Store, will still work with the method.
These functions have been written to work for Windows and MacOS X.
For Windows we use the registry to add, remove or check startup items.
For MacOS X we use “osascript” to add, remove or check login items.
In both cases it’s for the current user only!
As you can see, I’ve used a lot of {$IFDEF} statements to encapsulate what is needed, depending on the platform you’re using.
If anyone knows of a valid, one-fits-all method for Linux: please let me know!
To keep things simple, none of the functions require a parameter.
Don’t forget: The name is taken from “Project Options” “Title”, and the path is taken from where the program was exceuted.
Simply copy the file t4a_loginitems.pas into your project directory and add it to the “Uses” clause.
Function: CheckLoginItem : boolean
This function checks if your application is already in the list of items that should start automatically.
The result will be a boolean, so you can use it right away to assign this to a TCheckBox.
Function: AddLoginItem : boolean
With “AddLoginItem” you can add the application to the auto start items.
Application name and Application path are determined automatically.
The result will be TRUE if the adding succeeded.
Function: RemoveLoginItem : boolean
This function removes you application from the startup items, and returns TRUE if it succeeded.
Example of use
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| // Assign to TCheckBox if item is in AutoRun
cbItemInAutostart.checked := CheckLoginItem;
// Add or Remove your application from AutoRun
if cbItemInAutostart.checked then
RemoveLoginItem; |
You can download the source or copy it from below …
Download - Lazarus Pascal LoginitemsUnit
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| {
Unit : t4a_loginitems
Version: 1.1
Author : Hans Luijten, Tweaking4All.com
Purpose: This unit provides 3 simple functions, that work for MacOS X and Windows,
to add, check or remove your application for Login Items (MacOSX) or
the registry (Windows), for auto startup when the OS starts.
Copyright Hans Luijten, Tweaking4All.com, you're free to use this code as long
as you keep this copyright statement in tact.
unit t4a_loginitems;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils {$IFDEF Darwin}, process{$ENDIF} , Forms {$IFDEF Windows}, registry {$ENDIF};
function CheckLoginItem :Boolean;
function AddLoginItem :Boolean;
function RemoveLoginItem :Boolean;
Returns TRUE if your application already exists in the MacOSX LoginItems or Windows Registry (Current User).
Application name is derived from the Title in project options.
Example: if not CheckLoginItems then AddLoginItem;
function CheckLoginItem:Boolean;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
var s:ansistring;
{$IFDEF Windows}
var tmpRegistry:TRegistry;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
['-e','tell application "System Events" to get the path of every login item'],s);
CheckLoginItem := (Pos(Application.Title,s)>0);
{$IFDEF Windows}
CheckLoginItem := false;
if (Application.Title<>'') and (Application.ExeName<>'') then
tmpRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; //Current User settings are stored Here
if tmpRegistry.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\', False) then
CheckLoginItem := tmpRegistry.ReadString(Application.Title)<>'';
Adds your application as a login item for MacOSX or registry entry fot Windows and returns the appName as seen in the LoginItems/Registry.
Application name is derived from the Title in project options.
Example: AppName := AddLoginItem;
function AddLoginItem:boolean;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
var s:ansistring;
{$IFDEF Windows}
var tmpRegistry:TRegistry;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
appName := Copy(Application.ExeName,0,pos('.app/',Application.ExeName)+3);
if not CheckLoginItem then
'tell app "System Events" to make login item at end with properties {name: "'+Application.title+
'", path:"'+appName+'", hidden:true}'],s);
AddLoginItem:= CheckLoginItem;
{$IFDEF Windows}
tmpRegistry := TRegistry.Create;
AddLoginItem := CheckLoginItem;
if (not AddLoginItem) and (Application.Title<>'') and (Application.ExeName<>'') then
tmpRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; //Current User only
if tmpRegistry.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\', False) then
AddLoginItem := tmpRegistry.ReadString(Application.Title)=Application.ExeName;
Removes your application as a login item for MacOSX or registry entry for Windows.
Application name is derived from the Title in project options (Windows) or .app package (MacOSX).
Example: RemoveLoginItem;
function RemoveLoginItem:boolean;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
var s:ansistring;
{$IFDEF Windows}
var tmpRegistry:TRegistry;
{$IFDEF Darwin}
'tell app "System Events" to delete login item "'+Application.Title+'"'],s);
RemoveLoginItem := (s='');
{$IFDEF Windows}
RemoveLoginItem := false;
if Application.Title<>'' then
tmpRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; //Current User settings are stored Here
if tmpRegistry.OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\', False) then
end. |
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