A new version of Name My TV Series is available, version 1.8.0, with quite a few new features.
For those who followed the comments and forum posts, you will have seen some new features popup. This is the main reason why I ended up skipping the 1.7.x version numbers – thank you Collin for taking the time to test and thank you CDRSteve for the motivational beers!
Some of the new features include folders, setting airdate for folders, detection of video resolution (720p, 1080p, etc), video codec, and audio codec, and history drop-downs for file-naming, directory naming, and previously loaded shows.
For the most recent version, go to the original Name My TV Series article, or our Download-page.
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Name My TV Series Changes in version 1.8.0
Since the list of changes is a bit extensive, here a more detailed overview.
Episodes in Folders
Episodes can now be placed in folders, for example Season 01, Episode 01 (720p), etc.
The folder name format can be of own your choosing and can contain all the “codes” used in the episode filenames.
When renaming a file again, and the file already is located in a folder with that exact new folder name, then the file will remain in it’s original folder and no new subfolder will be created. This is done to avoid that renaming after renaming will produce a season folder inside a season folder etc.
Note that this does not need to be a season folder! Depending on the parameters you use in the folder name, this could even be a specific folder for a specific episode in a very specific format (ie. 720p, 1080p).
When using this option (see Preferences – Filename Settings), additional files (subtitles and such) will be moved as well.
Additional Naming Parameters
Episode and directory names can now include:
– %VC = Video Codec (h264, xvid, etc)
– %VR = Video Resolution (480p, 720p, etc)
– %AC = Audio Codec (mp3, ac3, aac, etc)
– %CH = Audio Channels (2, 6 etc)
To be able to support this, ffprobe is being used at the moment you add a file to the list.
History dropdown
For each show that you’ve found and “opened”, and item will be placed in the drop down list of the edit box where you normally would type your series.
Say you would have “Stargate SG-1” in your drop down list, because you’ve actually used it once, and you’d click this item, the show will be loaded automatically.
In the Preference window, you an find a “Clear” button, to clear the history.
This dropdown can be found on the “Find TV Series” and “Select Episodes” tabs (on the left) for convenience.
Additional smaller changes
- I’ve added a counter-dialog so you can see that Name My TV Series is still working on files when adding files to your list.This is done now that reading will go a little slower than before (ffprobe examines the files when adding files to the list).
- UndoRename batch file now has a date and time included (NameMyTVSeries (YYYY-MM-DD HH.MM).txt)
- Clear All After Rename bug – fixed
- Bug fixed with Special Characters on application start up (didn’t work properly until preferences was opened).
- Optionally use x264 instead of H264 (same for all codecs that start with ‘H26’ which get changed to ‘x62’) when adding the video codec to your filename or directory name.
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Just used the Name My TV app on Win 7 – it’s brilliant!
So easy to use, so flexible – and so super fast.
No issues so far and all files have been renamed as required.
Thank you so much for this piece of software!
Thanks Neil!
It’s very much appreciated that you took the effort to post a thank-you note!