This version is outdated – There is a newer and better version available …
With the arrival of Catalina, and all the extra requirements around it, I’ve created a completely new version of ConnectMeNow.
Please visit this article where you can download the latest version.
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Quickly connect Network shares on a Mac
So there it is … my network application, fully written in Lazarus Pascal. So far I have been very impressed with lazarus Pascal and until now Objective-C and SWIFT have not been able to get close to the conveniences it offers. I have to admit that my experiences with Apple’s prefered languages are somewhat limited, and each attempt I do I just get more and more confused and annoyed … anyone willing to coach me, please contact me … 
Anyhow, ConnectMeNow is a small application to quickly connect Network Shares on your Mac.
Again … Yes, your Mac can natively already connect to network shares, but it’s rather cumbersome if you ask me.
ConnectMeNow “lives” in the Mac’s menu bar – you know, the one you always see on the top of your [primary] screen – and shows a little drop down list where you can pick the predefined share you quickly wish to open.
It can start with your Login Items, you can define multiple shares, it can mount selected shares at startup, or on demand, use login credentials if so needed, supports several protocols (SMB, AFP, CIFS, FTP, SSH, WebDAV), and it won’t bother you when you’re not using it.
Without too much fuzz … you can download it here, straight from Tweaking4All, it’s FREE …
If you’d like to support me in these kind of small apps, which is VERY MUCH appreciated, then please feel free to look at the donation options on the top left of this page. The easiest and cheapest way to support me is by shopping at Amazon by using this link – it won’t cost you a cent.
Upgrading from a version prior to version 1.5 …
Version 1.5 introduces a new format to store username and password in an encrypted way. The old way occasionally would cause errors.
As of version 1.5, ConnectMeNow will try to automatically update your config to the new format, which in 99% of the cases will work very well.
However … if you run into an error message, close ConnectMeNow, delete the config file (~/.config/ConnectMeNow.cfg), and restart ConnectMeNow.
Unfortunately, in this case, you will have to re-enter your servers. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Retina support
For users with Retina a monitor or display, you can execute the following in Terminal to make ConnectMeNow look better. You’ll have to close ConnectMeNow, execute the following line, and start ConnectMeNow again:
defaults write com.tweaking4all.ConnectMeNow AppleMagnifiedMode -bool no
The Manual of ConnectMeNow
(included with the application, click “Help and About…” to read it)

The new ConnectMeNow Icon
ConnectMeNow offers a menu bar item, supporting the regular Mac OS X theme and the so called “Dark Theme”, to quickly open your favorite servers or server shares and supports SMB, AFP, FTP, SSH and CIFS. Note that CIFS is outdated and obsolete, and it’s better to use SMB instead, but some users still insist on using it and your Mac supports it (although I have noticed that CIFS mounts automatically revert to SMB).

ConnectMeNow in your MenuBar
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Install ConnectMeNow
Simply open the DMG file and drag the application to your “Applications” folder and double click it from the “Applications” folder to get started.
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Starting ConnectMeNow for the First Time
Starting ConnectMeNow for the first time is easy; simply double click the ConnectMeNow icon in your “Applications” folder. Select the “Preferences” option from the drop down menu to get the following screen (I have already added some shares):

ConnectMeNow – Preferences Window
There are a few basic functions you’ll find here, the following 2 options I’d recommend to have them checked, but it’s completely up to your preferences:
• “Start ConnectMeNow at computer startup“, will add ConnectMeNow to your Login Items (if checked), or remove it from your Login Items (when unchecked), so it can start when you turn your computer on or when you log in.
• “Mount volume(s) quietly“, makes it that ConnectMeNow, if checked, will not show any messages when mounting a share (volume), unless an error occurs.
• “Force un-mount on Quit or Shutdown“, if checked, will unmount all volumes on your Mac (except your root/harddisk of course) when you close ConnectMeNow (or shutdown your computer).
• “Detect network presence before mounting“, is useful for laptop users that are on the road often. This will detect the existence of a Network Connection before anything gets mounted or connected to.
– “Wait for X seconds after 1st fail“, will wait for X (default: 3) seconds to try to detect a network again, for networks that not up and running right away.
– “No error message when detecton fails“, will not show an error message when a Network Connection cannot be found.
The button “Quit” will terminate ConnectMeNow,
and “Close Window” will hide the preferences window but ConnectMeNow remains available in the menubar.
Clicking the “Tweaking4All” logo will open our web page …
When you click the ConnectMeNow icon in the menu bar of your Mac, two possible menu’s might appear:

ConnectMeNow – Regular
In this menu example, the first 6 items are defined shares or volumes. Here you can also access “Preferences“, “Help and About…” (you’re reading it) and “Quit ConnectMeNow“.

ConnectMeNow – Preferences is Open
When the Preferences window is opened, you will see a menu like displayed below.
The reason for this is that the menu has to (potentially) be rebuild when you make changes to your list of defined shares.
Click “Close Preferences” to close the Preferences window (changes are saved automatically). Click the menubar icon again and the regular menu will appear.
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Defining Servers or Shares
To define a “server” or “share” for ConnectMeNow, simply press the “Add” button.
The details for the selected item in the “Defined Shares” list will appear on the right, where you can review or edit your item.
Note that you can test a share right away by clicking “Open“, note that the lack of a “Apply” or “Save” button is because ConnectMeNow will save your changes instantly.
The button “Remove” removes the selected item, and the button “Clear” will remove all items in the list.
The “Sort” button will try to alphabetically sort your shares, based on menu name.
Here we optionally can define an alternative name as it will be shown in the menu.
When “Automatic Naming” is enabled, ConnectMeNow will try to use the Server Address and last directory of the Server Path.
Uncheck this option if you want to type something else.
Next to that you will see the “Add Server Type” option – which adds the protocol abbreviation before the menu name. You might find that practical to identify which connection type you’re looking at. The icons in the menu indicate this as well, but maybe you prefer to see this as text.
• Server Type (required)
ConnectMeNow supports the these basic server types:
SMB (default)
SMB, also known as “Samba” or “Windows share”, is the most commonly used type. Most NAS and Server models utilize this protocol. This is also the protocol when you share a directory on your Windows PC.
Also known as the Apple File Protocol, is a typical Apple protocol – which even Apple seems to be abandoning – and is not used very often on servers unless you have a share made on your Mac or MacOS X Server.
This is the outdated and obsolete “Windows Share” variant, replaced by the newer SMB protocol.
Only use this if you think you have a need for it. Typically SMB sill perform better and be more compatible.
This is used for FTP connections, for example to your webserver. If you don’t know what FTP is, then you probably won’t need it.
NFS, or Network File System, is commonly used with Unix/Lunix like systems, which can include your NAS.
If you don’t know what NFS is then this is probably not for you. Keep in mind that pretty much any NAS defaults to SMB, so the use of NFS is only needed if you specifically set your NAS to use this protocol.
WebDAV, or Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning, allows you to access shares over http or https (both are supported). WebDAV, provides a framework for users to create, change and move documents on a server, typically a web server or web share. When accessing a WebDAV share the first time, especially when using HTTPS, you might get a certificate warning. This is common when selfsigned or outdated SSL certificates are being used. If you trust the source, then just click “Continue” and this question will not be asked again.
Although technically not a “share” or “volume”, I’ve added SSH anyway. I use this quite often myself to access my webserver or NAS through the Terminal. With this one too: if you don’t know what SSH is, you will not need this option.
Please keep in mind that we use a script to automatically login, which might reveal your password even though the script only exists for a fraction of a second. So please only use in an environment that you trust.
• Server Name or IP (required)
With Server Name or IP we mean just the server network name or IP address of the server, without the share path.
• Shared Path (optional – only for SMB, CIFS, FTP, WebDAV and AFP)
With a Shared Path we mean the path of a share defined on a given server.
With most servers you define a shared directory which is accessed, versus just the server. For this to work you will need to enter the path of your shared directory.
If no Server Path has been defined, it will trigger a dialog, asking you what share to open on the server instead of directly opening a given share. This can be convenient if you have a server with multiple shares that you only occasionally open.
The path for “//
” is “myshare
” (“/myshare
” and “/myshare/
” work as well), and the Server Name (IP in this case) is “
The path for “//myserver/path/to/my/share
” is “path/to/my/share/
” (“/path/to/my/share
” works as well), and the Server Name would be “myserver
When the selected protocol is SSH, then the Shared Path will be replaced with SSH Port, the IP Port number used for your SSH connection. Default this is port 22.
• Connect when ConnectMeNow starts (optional)
If checked for this particular share, ConnectMeNow will automatically and quietly try to mount this share as soon as ConnectMeNow starts.
• Connect with Credentials (optional)
Some shares are available to all, some just to particular users. If your share is protected with a username and password, then this option is needed.
Enter username and password so ConnectMeNow can connect with your login credentials.
Note : ConnectMeNow will store your password encrypted, you can verify this by opening “~/.config/ConnectMeNow.cfg” with a Text editor.
• Wake On Lan (optional)
WOL, or Wake On LAN, is used to “wake up” a NAS or server by sending a so called “magic packet”. Your server or NAS must have Wake On LAN enabled for this to work!
In this case, a Wake On LAN signal can be send before ConnectMeNow tries to mount a share.
Unfortunately, Wake On LAN needs the MAC Address of the network connection of your server or NAS.
With a little trickery, the MAC address can be retrieved based on the IP address or network name of your server, but this works only if the server is in your own (home or business) network, connected and running. Click “Find MAC address” to see if ConnectMeNow can find the proper MAC address. If this fails, you could try again, or manually enter the MAC address.
Additionally you can enter the UDP port that should be used for sending the WOL signal – default this is port 9.
You can click “Test Wake On Lan” to see if it works.
After sending a Wake On LAN signal, ConnectMeNow will wait 0 or more seconds for the server to actually wake up, before it tries to connect to the server.
It will use a PING to see if the server is awake. The wait time is a “time out”, so it will wait a maximum of X seconds.
If the server can be connected to earlier, then ConnectMeNow might mount earlier than the set wait time.
Opening a Share or Volume
Now that we know how to start ConnectMeNow and how to define our share(s) or volume(s), opening a share is easy. Simply click the ConnectMeNow icon in the menu bar of your Mac and select the volume or share you wish to mount.
If the chosen share was already mounted: no worries – nothing will happen.
If there is a problem with the share you wish to access, an error message will appear. Typically this is related to being unable to connect to the server or a typo in the Server Path. When defining a share, use the “Open” button to test your share.
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Known Issues
Every program has it’s weaknesses and/or flaws.
- Preferences Window with multiple desktops (Spaces)
Right now, it’s a known issue that when you uses “Spaces” on your Mac and you have multiple desktops (Spaces) defined, that ConnectMeNow will keep opening it’s preferences window on the screen where you opened the preferences for the first time in this session. So at times, when using multiple desktops, you might have to go find that preferences window.
Another issue might be the icon update for those who switch theme (regular theme, versus “Dark” theme) while ConnectMeNow is running. The icon will not update until you either open “Preferences” or restart ConnectMeNow.
Uninstalling ConnectMeNow
Uninstalling ConnectMeNow is easy as well. Simply drag the ConnectMeNow application into the trashcan.
If you’d like to remove the preferences as well, then locate the file “/Users/<username>/.config/ConnectMeNow.cfg
” and move it to the trash as well.
Note that the “.config” directory is by default hidden.
A quick trick in Terminal will remove the preferences as well:
rm ~/.config/ConnectMeNow.cfg
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Change Log
v1.0 – Initial release
v1.1 – Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug when passwords had special characters.
v1.2 – Added Features
- Added support for FTP
- Added support for SSH (only use on computers you trust, temporary script might reveal your password)
- Added menu icons to identify server type (protocol)
- Added force unmount on closing ConnectMeNow
- Added option to add server protocol in Auto Naming
- Added option to sort list of shares
v1.3 – Minor cosmetic changes
v1.4 – Added Feature
- Detect network and optional delay added (thanks Wolfgang for testing!)
v1.5 – New Config File Format, Optimized binary size
- New INI format that properly stores encrypted data
- Binary has been reduced by about 40%
v1.51 – Refined the Detect Network feature
- Network Detection will optionally not show an error message when a network cannot be found.
v1.6 – Added WebDAV support, improved protection when revealing passwords, and a new app icon
- By request (and support of) of Whistle Master, I added support for WebDAV (HTTP and HTTPS).
- When trying to reveal a password of a connection, a admin confirmation based on an admin account of your Mac (sudo etc) will be requested.
- New ConnectMeNow icon
- Server alias name entry bug fixed
v1.7 – Added Wake On LAN and NFS support
- Added support for NFS.
- Added support for Wake ON LAN.
- Added function to retrieve MAC Address (might not always work) for Wake On LAN.
- Minor cosmetic changes.
- Minor code changes, making it easier to add support for other protocols in the future.
- New icon for SSH (better visual)
- Added ConnectMeNow version number in the menu
There are 312 comments. You can read them below.
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UPDATE (v1.1):
Wilfred tipped me on a small issue when usernames and/or password have special characters.
This version 1.1 should resolve this issue.
Perfect. Thanks Hans for another great piece of software!
Thanks Wolfgang, for taking the effort to post a “thank you”!
That is very much appreciated and makes it worthwhile writing little apps like this …
Looks like at great little tool.
Could you maybe make it possible to choose between SMB 2 and 3?
I also have a problem with Macs not being able to shut down because SMB-connections hang. Could you maybe make a force-dismount option?
Best regards, Asger
Hi Asger!
Thanks for the compliment.
As for choosing between SMB2 and 3, I doubt Apple provides the means for that, unless I’d integrate something like SMBUp, which basically replaces Apple’s SMB implementation with the latest Samba implementation. Seems like a lot of work though and some serious OS changes.
As for force-unmount ,… well, that might be something to look into.
I could make that an option, but the only way I know how to unmount a volume is with:
Does that “force” the unmount enough for the problematic volumes?
Also: problems with unmounting could be related to open files/apps. Not sure if you have anything running that might cause that?
You could also try:
Which should force (-f) all Volumes (-A) except the root drive.
Let me know if any of these work, if so, then I could try to implement that on the “OnClose” event of my app.
If “umount -fA” worked for you (do it just before you shutdown your computer), then please let me know and I’ll implement it.
I’ll let you know, but it it is a bit difficult for me replicate the error, as it only happens from time to time…
Trying hard to pinpoint when it it is happening.
Maybe it’s an idea to run “unmount -fA” each time you shutdown your computer and over time see if the problem did reoccur or not …? Just a though – I know it can be difficult to “debug” such a problem.
Unfortunately the script doesn’t help…
We have used it now for weeks without success :-(
But thanks for your input.
Hi Asger,
Did you try the latest version, with the auto unmount option?
I also suffer this problem! I think I narrowed it down to: any time you connect to an smb:// share on another Mac running ElCapitan, then your client machine will hang with endless “spinning wheel of death” during restart or shutdown. Even if you disconnect the share before restarting. If you connect with cifs:// instead (which forces SMB1 protocol) you will not experience the hang. I am trying to narrow this bug down myself but as of now it seems it’s just a bug in Apple’s SMB protocol. I even updated to the beta-4 of 10.11.2 (15C47a) and the bug still exists.
Luke H
Thanks Luke!!
CIFS proofs useful after all haha … awesome find!
Thanks for sharing!
Sure- also, I have filed a bugreport with Apple #23684301 (https://bugreport.apple.com) – I suggest you do the same, since the more people who report it the greater chance it will be fixed.
Luke H
Awesome! I’ll do the same!
I’m using zsh, your application use just default terminal application. Ist it posible make optional this ? or get it from system
Thank you
Hi FreeMan35!
I didn’t think folks would use a different shell – doh!
Are there any other shells out there, commonly used on the Mac, that you’re aware of?
I could add this as an option in a next version, would be nice to have a relatively complete list then.
I’m assuming you’re referring to SSH connections, right?
Yes, I’m test just ssh connection. and I think I missunderstood,sorry. Your application not “mount” ssh connection. just quick connection. I thinked work like shfs.
Just let you know, I perfer zsh with “.oh-my-zsh” I added profile for ssh and I defined shortcut.
suggestion to lazy (like me :) ) mc (midnight commander [from brew]) is support ssh connection, can easyly copy/move site to site
$> echo $0
$>echo $shell
commands give shell name in terminal
thank you
Thanks Freeman35,
Yep, no mounting for SSH, just an attempt to quickly login.
Thanks for pointing out SHFS, I had not heard of that yet. It seems available under MacOS X, but requires a few “extras” like “Fuse for OSX“. In the near future I’ll play with it, but it not likely become part of ConnectMeNow – I like to keep these kind of apps as compact as possible, and I always like to avoid 3rd party apps.
Thanks for the Shell tip too!
please let me know about play result :) I have fuse for osx, just for test I tried only one time, and my result is not mount it :( but not try much, ‘cos not I have much time. on El Capitan
Yes, your app. “ConnectMe Now” so helpfull. A few improvement been much better ofcourse. usually unix experts wantto use terminal, yes this good and best way, but if need a copy(s) file, why have to write many keyboards types? any tools (my choose is Double commander on osx) do this via just “F5” key.
Thank you for answer, and I waiting good new from you ;)
I’d like to improve the SSH shell opening, and maybe in the future support Fuse.
For now, Fuse/SHFS support might have to wait as it’s not very common.
What is the mount line for SHFS? (with /usr/bin/osascript and with /usr/bin/open)
Not even sure if there is an easy way to detect SHFS (if it’s on the system or not)?
I found new links
this links give more info for you I think ‘cos its has a source code
I wrote I’m not exprience on this, I only one try then remove it, ‘cos not work on my el capitan.
Sorry I forget add.
El capitan Platform Policy is:
“/ bin” , “/usr” , “/sbin” this folder permissions is 755 and
can not change that.
“[~]/Library” , “/usr/local” , “/Applications” are available to
and “which appname” command returns the pathnames of the files (or links) which would be executed in the current environment. can be more one lines, this mean 2 same file can be different search path.
“find” command is give as well, but not fallow any environment, looking for all (gived) path
One of the reason why I have been weary about using SHFS/MacFusion is because
1) I’m already using Paragon tools for NTFS and Ext3
2) These tools are pretty invasive to your system
3) SHFS depends on HomeBrew, which is often a few steps behind
(even though I love the HomeBrew initiative)
Implementing the code myself is a bit beyond of what I’m trying to accomplish with ConnectMeNow though.
I did look around for alternatives, but there is no “easy” way to implement this.
If there is a specific mount line for it, then I could make it available if ConnectMeNow detects that SHFS is available. You know what I mean?
Since I’m rebuilding ConnectMeNow (v2 in alpha test phase), I was wondering if you upgraded FUSE to the latest version (seems it might work under Sierra). If so, what would be the mount statement for this?
(FUSE conflicts with Paragon Ext/NTFS so I have not installed it yet)
See also my other commend from today…
As an example, mounting a Samba share is done with ‘/sbin/mount_smbfs’ and the command line parameters would look like this:
The following parameter variables are available: $domain, $username, $password, $server, $path, $port, $mountpoint
I’ve been looking a bit at my code, and I’m not quite sure where and when you’d like to use zsh.
Hello Hans, I am seeing problems with El Capitan. When the networks are not present, I get an error message and even when the networks are present (but no yet connected) it will fail to connect.
Any suggestion what I should try? I am using AFP with the first two General Options checked. Thanks!
Thanks Wolfgang for reporting.
That’s interesting, I’ve developed it under El Capitan, but then again, I’m not an AFP user.
Can you post the error message?
Do you use a username and password?
In the meanwhile I’ll try to setup an AFP share on my NAS and see what problems I run into.
Hello Hans,
yes, I use username and password. The error message at start-up when it should connect the servers is (translated from German) “During the connection with Server “Tathros” an error ocurred. Possibly, the server is not present or currently unavailbale. Check the server name or the IP address ot the network connection and try again.”
I am not using SMB, so I wouldn’t know.
and: if I open finder and look under networks, it’s there and I can connect manually.
Does this happen every time when you try to open the share through ConnetMeNow, or does it only happen when ConnectMeNow tries to connect during boot of your Mac?
I’ve had issues (not ConnectMeNow specific) that my network connection sometimes is to slow and not yet connected when ConnectMeNow starts. A few seconds later it simply works because at that time the network is up and running.
If that is the case, then I should probably add a delay at startup, waiting for a network to appear before trying to connect.
If it happens all the time, then I’ll try to create a debug version so we can trace where it goes wrong.
Strangeley enough, it does happen every time even if the network drives are already connected.
Can you trying to use the IP address instead of the servername? (as a test)
Ok, we are getting to the root of the problem! Changing the server name to the IP works fine when everything is running and I start CMN. No error messages anymore. However, when I have it activated at start up, it gives an error message for the first one but connects to the second one fine. So, the idea of having a short delay would possibly fix this.
Ah, that’s kind-a what I run into in my setup occasionally as well.
Sometimes the network is not “up” yet or it cannot find a DNS entry for “myserver” but works perfectly fine with an IP address.
I’ll have to do some digging, see if I can come up with a way to detect if any kind of network is already up and running.
Maybe add a check that a server name is found in the DNS as well.
This will take a little bit though,…
But I like it …!
Hi Wolfgang!
I’ve added the option to check for any existing networks (better said: existing nameserver so it can resolve the server name).
If that fails, it will wait by default 3 seconds, and try again. This value (3) can be changed in the preferences.
If it fails again, then an error will notify you about that.
Please give it a try, you can find it here.
Is this helpful or resolving the issue?
It works! Thanks Hans!
Thanks for testing, it’s very much appreciated!
p.s. thank you very much Wolfgang for your help in testing this – it’s very much appreciated!
Thanks Hans!
p.s. are SMB shares working OK?
UPDATE v1.4:
This is a minor update, for those experiencing connection issues (thanks again to Wolfgang for his testing efforts!).
It is now possible to add a minor delay when mounting a share, which is practical when your network is not right away available.
Hello Hans,
Great tool! I noticed a glitch when I tried to login (AFP) to my Qnap share as admin. It works the first time, but when I quit ConnectMeNow and restart (or when I restart my Mac), the tool won’t open.
Error message says: Stream read error. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press Cancel to kill the program.
I have to delete the config file and start from scratch. This all doesn’t happen when I login as another user on my Qnap.
Any idea?
Hi Rogier,
Thanks for the compliment, and thanks for taking the time to post an issue
that’s … ehm … interesting.
Are you using any special characters in your username and/or password?
Yes, in passwords. But also in the user password. The only differrence seems to be the admin login on the Qnap
I’ll try to find out what the problem could be.
Sounds like it’s problem with reading the encrypted password from the config file.
Not sure yet how to resolve that.
But I’ll do a little digging.
p.s. The config file is plain text, if you remove the lines “Username: and “Password” (including the encryted “garbage”), and save it, you’d only loose username and password.
Hi Rogier,
I’ve created a 1.5 beta version (you can download it here).
It’s a ZIP file and this version will try (but probably fail in your case) to convert the old config to the new format. It seems INI files do not like encrypted gobbledygook … so I converted it to “normal” characters.
If at first start you get an error message: delete the config file, and restart the application.
Please let me know if it resolves the issue …
You’re right! It does run fine now, when I login as admin. Had to delete the config-file though. Strange that the error only happens on admin login…
Hi Rogier,
thanks for testing this version!
What appears to happen (in rare occasions) is that the encrypted password or username will generate an illegal character in the INI file, which pretty much makes it unreadable, or better said: The encrypted data is not being read right which causes an error (stream error) when trying to decrypt.
I’m glad it’s resolved. I will post a new release today.
UPDATE v1.5:
First of all: Thank you Rogier for finding the bug and testing the new version.
This new version uses a better way to store encrypted data, and the binary has been reduced in size by about 40%.
Based on an idea of Wolfgang; if Network Detection fails (ie. laptop users that are not connected to a network), ConnectMeNow can optionally be set to be quiet about it, so you will not see an error message when it fails to find a network.
Works fine so far. Haven’t detected a problem yet. Thanks Hans!
Thanks for the feedback Wolfgang! And … thanks for helping out.
Any chance for Kerberos authentication? :-)
Hi Asger,
I most certainly can look into that – but I’ll admit that I have never used it myself.
Any suggestions where I can find more info/details?
I know it’s a method of authentication, but that’s as far as I’ve ever looked into it.
The cool thing about Kerberos is that if you change your Active Domain password, you won’t have to update every related apps’ passwords.
I’ll see if I kan dig up some useful info.
Yeah, I’d have to know a bit more about Kerberos, and I’d need to setup a test “server” to test connecting to it.
Like I said: my experience with Kerberos is about zero
For connecting to servers, see if you can find how it’s done with the command line statements like “open” or “osascript” (AppleScript). For example, with the “open” statement (in Terminal):
I’d be very happy to implement Kerberos once I know how it’s done
I did find this article, but I’ll be te first to admit that I have no clue how this all works ….
The MacOS X Man page that goed with kinit didn’t really tell me much more.
I am trying to connect to a SMB server. Connect me know goes to the server but I receive the following comment.
“The folder “public” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents.”
The thing that is weird is that from a windows I can access with the same credentials… I have the new version of Yosemite and I get a little desperate…
Please help me,
Hi Stéph!
First thing, before connecting with ConnectMeNow, is trying to connect to the SMB server through Finder. See if that work with the credentials you have in mind.
ConnectMeNow uses Apple tools to connect, so if a connection fails (especially with SMB), then this would be a problem with authentication done by Apple’s implementation of SMB. Well, unless you’ve made a typo in ConnectMeNow of course, but I’m sure you’ve tried entering the password/username a few time already to make sure.
If connecting through Finder works, then ConnectMeNow should work with the same credentials as well.
Hi Hans,
Thanks for the quick answer, well it doesn’t work with my finder either… It is a bit of a mess with this new Yosemite.
Anyway, thanks a lot,
Hi Stéph!
You’re most welcome!
Apple’s SMB implementation has it’s flaws (to say it nicely haha).
I have had users report that using CIFS instead of SMB seems to actually work better at times. So when trying to connect through Finder, you could try “Finder” -> “Go” -> “Connect to Server” and then enter the path (UNC) something like this:
Or with username and password:
(it’s early in the morning here, so I apologize upfront for typos
There are some command line alternatives (see also this article).
As an alternative you could consider using SBMUp, which uses the official Samba implementation, but does come with some extra work to get the settings right.
In the end, I assume anyway, we’d all like Apple to go back and support Samba again, natively … but it seems that Apple, the Samba team, or both, are not really willing to resolve or set aside their issues … so … we the consumer suffer the consequences.
This really is a cool little nifty tool. Much appreciated!!! It works way better than other programs that I have previously used. I do have two questions about it. 1) Can the program be set to force an un-mount when there is a network change and the share is not available. 2) The passwords for the network shares are encrypted. However, when you click “Reveal Password” it does not require an administrative password. It just shows it. My problem with that is if you let someone borrow your computer, they can see the password with out further authentication.
Hi Mark,
thank you for the compliment and suggestions – those are always appreciated!
As for your suggestions:
1) Your Mac should show a message when a certain network disappears, or shares are no longer available.
2) That’s an excellent point, I did not think about that!
I’ll add it to the “To Do” list! I’ll have to find a good way to do this, but for security reasons, I completely agree.
Hi Mark,
I implemented your request to ask for admin password before revealing a password – enjoy
Really nice utility !
I’m just missing the WebDav protocol with http(s) and it will be perfect :-D
Whistle Master
Thanks Whistle Master!
I’d love to explore working with WebDav, just do not have access to a WebDav share … (tried setting it up a long time ago on my webserver, but gave up pretty quick).
Thanks again for helping out (providing WebDAV access and testing)
Added the Terminal statement to get ConnectMeNow to look better on Retina screens:
Version 1.6 available!
– WebDAV support added
– Bug fix for Alias entry
– Better protection for revealing passwords
– SSH timeout increased
– New Icon
The tool is great!!!
A dream for me is, when there is an “wake on LAN” (wol) option with an additional waiting option.
If have a NAS and the most time it sleeps… When I want to connect, I have to wake it with a another tool, must wait about 20 seconds and then I can connect to the share. :)
Hi Comec!
Oh I like the idea of adding WOL!
I had totally forgotten about that option – since my NAS runs 24/7.
I have to do a little research and testing (need to setup a PC to accept WOL, but already found code to send WOL!!!
),… but I love the idea, so I will see what I can do and how fast I can implement this.
Sounds soooo great!!! Thank you very much and greetings from Frankfurt Germany! :)
Haha, yeah, I do like the idea very much – just have to give me a little time to implement this (have to setup something that responds to WOL, and maybe find code to determine the MAC address given a certain IP address, I hate entering MAC addresses).
Already found a trick for finding the Mac Address:
The ping is sometimes needed to avoid getting this with Arp:
I have a beta version available for testing with Wake On LAN build in …
I can email it to you if you’d like, please let me know
Never mind email;
I’ve uploaded the 1.7 beta and you can download it from here.
Changes: Wake On LAN and NFS support added.
Can you plz support NFS.
Thx :-)
Hi Werwer,
I can try to implement that, I would have to figure out how to connect to an NFS share (ie. I’d need to setup a NFS share and figure out how to connect to it).
Any suggestions how to help with this would be most welcome.
Could you test the following for your NFS share (in Terminal)?
(obviously, you’ll have to replace “//server/path/to”, “yourusername” and “yourpassword”)
Hi Werwer,
I have no means of testing NFS, but I did build in support in a beta version (1.7) if you’d like to test this.
Please let me know so I can email it or make it here available for download.
(other NFS users are more than welcome to test as well)
I just uploaded the new beta (1.7), keep in mind that it’s beta, please test the NFS mounting (if you’d like, you can test Wake On LAN as well).
Download it from here.
Is anybody willing to test the new version 1.7?
I’ve added NFS support and WOL (Wake On LAN) support, but unfortunately, I do not have a NFS share available to test, and I do not use WOL for any of my machines.
You can download the test version here.
many thanks for your hard work! But the WOL don’t work… :(
Based on your request, and the coincidence that my Brother in Law was looking for a simple WOL application, I created miniWOL.
It’s not released yet, but the code I use for WOL, is what I’d using in ConnectMeNow as well.
Could you test this one? You can download the test version here.
Hi Comec!
On it! I noticed the same thing – too bad I have nothing using WOL here, so I had to go to my brother-in-law to test and found a little bug.
I’ll try to upload a new version today.
As for the bug;
– The last byte of the magic packet wasn’t done right
– Most machines do not seem to respond to a WOL on port “7”, where as other require port “7”.
Still trying to find more details, but so far I’ve narrow it down to:
– Most machines use default port 9
– Some machines use port 7, since port 9 actually seems to shutdown the machine instead
Released v1.7 with new SSH icon, NFS support (please test!!) and Wake On Lan support.
After a few days all my shares get lost, vanish like a hot wind from the preferences window. Total emptiness.
Happens with previous versions 1.6 for example and Yosemite and El Capitan.
Did not find it under known bugs.
best regards,
Hi Ernie!
Wow, that’s not good to hear – I use ConnectMeNow daily and have not ran into this issue (El Capitan).
The config file can be found in /Users/<username>/.config/ConnectMeNow.cfg.
So after making a new config, make a backup of that file – just in case.
When it disappears, check if the file is still there or not.
The “.config” directory is hidden en used by several other 3rd party applications as well.
Since nobody else has reported this, could it be that you have an application running that might “clean up” things?
(just guessing right now, since I have no idea where to look for)
I will look into and we’ll see what happens in the config folder. As of now there are only 2 things stored
ConnectMeNow.cfg, Name My TV Series Folder
WOL isn’t fully working. My DS216+ wakes up nicely on Port 9 but always at about 70 seconds (time you can ping the DS on start) the Prog tries to mount the shares no matter what delay time i add for the full boot time
Hi Ernie!
I just got another report from a German user who ran into the same issue. Strange. I can’t reproduce the problem here but I’ll see what I can think of. Please let me knwo what happens to the config file when it happens again!
As for the WOL; awesome feedback!
I do not have much to test with here, so I’m glad someone does
What happens is that a WOL is being send out (which works), and after that it will (during the wait time) ping the “server”. As soon as it gets a reply, it will try to mount. Maybe that’s to early or I goofed up (I’ll double check today).
Created a fix for the WOL issue … you can download a test version here.
The difference:
Before, while waiting for the mount delay, ConnectMeNow would be looking for the server to be available with PING. If found online, before finishing the wait time, it would stop waiting and try to mount. So the wait time effectively could be shorter than the time set.
That, in hindsight, seemed not such a good idea after all. So now it will wait the set delay time, no matter what. After that it will ping and see if the server is there and mount.
I think I might have found a possible cause of loosing the config.
It seems there is a bug with Lazarus Pascal, which does not give the proper location for the config files, according to Apple Guidelines. Maybe that interferes, even though it has worked for me just fine with this and other applications.
I will see if I can rewrite the config save/load procedure to a location that is more appropriate.
happened again real fast,
yesterday evening config file looked that way
today after computer restart
Hope that helps..now i’m gonna test the testversion für WOL
report back in
FYO, I just uploaded a beta (1.7.2) again, this time it stores the configuration file in the Apple dictated location.
You can download it from here.
Woops, just looked at your post …
Let me check that out, since “ServerCount” seems to reset to zero … so it’s not related to the file location.
Oh well, … I’ll check it out right away!
tested the WOL again with theses settings
Alias=SMB: DS216plus (home)
for the first 3 times in a row WOL was sent, and at about 30 seconds i got the connection error and now something is angry a me
and i don’t longer get a WOL sent and an immediate conncetion error.
gonna test it using AFP and see whats happening
Just uploaded yet another version …
I modified the WOL mount delay again, hopefully better this time.
I also made some modifications, in an attempt to prevent “ServerCount” to go to zero.
Make sure it’s showing v1.7.3.
Thanks Ernie for testing – it’s much appreciated since I cannot test it here.
didn’t work at all (no reaction from the DS on WOL), then it WORKED one time exactly like it is supposed to work with unchanged settings
but now i’m back to a sitting duck
Really? Wow. That’s disappointing
You’ve tested 1.7.3, DS in standby obviously. First time WOL worked, never ever after that again.
Did you get an error message? Something like:
Or any other messages?
yep, messages like that
OK, so things go sideways before trying to mount (ie. during WOL).
I just had friend test the WOL code (which I use in miniWOL as well), and he can repeatedly use it without any issue.
So that’s at least good news. Well, he’s running Windows and his NAS is a QNAP.
My brother-in-law uses it with a Windows server, works fine too.
So there must be something going weird right after the WOL …
(maybe a good idea to test miniWOL with your DS – which port are you using?)
I can add some debug messages if you’d like to test that.
miniwol test imac2011 ,osx 10.11.4 ,Port 9, Router FritzBox 7490, DS216+
1. turned DS216+ off -> entered mac adress manually and /or copy&paste = no joy
2. turned DS216+ on -> let miniwol retrieve mac adress -> turned DS off = joy (WOL tested more than 5 times in a row after this)
3. after mac restart -> you probably can guess what happened or in this case did not happen
Did a few test rounds all with the same result as described above.
I’m gonna test this again with Yosemite. That should be interesting
That sounds like WOL, for some goofy reason, is not working well.
Do you use any other application to send WOL packets to the DS?
If so, I assume this uses port 9 as well? (some devices prefer port 7)
The MAC Address should not change … so that would be a very weird thing if that would actually happen.
When you try the auto-find option for the MAC address, does this result in the same MAC Address?
If you’re using another WOL tool that works well, do you have a link to it, so I can sniff packets and see what is different?
Is it possible to add auto-connect to printers in a future version? :)
Hi Nicx,
Ehm, that is an interesting question.
I always assumed Mac OS X connects to network printers automatically … mine does anyway (Dell printer and Epson printer).
Can you describe what you mean with this? Or are you referring to a share on the printer (my Dell for example has a SMB share for internal memory and USB drive)?
I have a bunch of printers on a windows printserver, actually I add them logon-script-based with commands like:
I love your tool and I just wondered if I could add printers automatically with this tool too. At the end it would be great if I could export the config of ConnectMeNow and give it to a colleague.
Hi Nick,
I have a test version of v2 ready, which allows the execution of a shell script or application after a mount – ie. Your printer mounts could be executed like that. I’m debating if I should make a printer a “Server Type” but so far lpadmin works a little different than the usual suspects.
If you’d like test v2, feel free to let me know and I can email it.
great news, I would love to test the new version and give feedback :)
I’ve made a test version available: link
Please note that it will not use the old config file (I’m still debating if I want to create code to import the old config or not – not sure how critical it would be). Please make a backup of the config first …
A few notes on the changes can be found below, short version:
Mounting can be done the old way (in /Volumes) but that might trigger a dialog for username and password, or you can use the “new” way which creates a mount point in ~/MountPoints (both will be seen by Finder, Path Finder, etc).
Additionally, besides the previous functions, volumes can be auto mounted based in the WiFi you’re connected to and a script can be run after a mount event.
Oh and I improved Wake on LAN and the general look of the application, like buttons and such and move the preferences to a separate window. Currently a debug window is available as well, if need be.
Let me know what you think
Well, right now ConnectMeNow doesn’t support that, obviously.
I’ll do some research and check how generic this script would be, and which parameters are variable (for other users).
As for sharing the config, that already is pretty easy.
For ConnectMeNow v1.7.2 and newer:
Copy this directory:
For ConnectMeNow version 1.7.1 and earlier:
Copy this file:
Both obviously to the same location on the Mac of your colleague, with a different username in the path of course.
Since I’m working on v2 … let’s see if we can define this for printers in a generic format – any help/insight would be appreciated since I have never played with this hahah …
See also my other commend from today…
As an example, mounting a Samba share is done with ‘/sbin/mount_smbfs’ and the command line parameters would look like this:
The following parameter variables are available: $domain, $username, $password, $server, $path, $port, $mountpoint
Considering your previous code, we could go 2 routes;
1) Implement printer support straight,
2) Run a script after successfully mounting a drive, which then triggers the “mounting” of printers.
MAC Address stays the same. Big difference is between entering manually or Auto-find option. Auto-find works until the next system reboot.
I’m using 2 other apps for WOL, No.1 DS Finder iOS, No.2 my Router (only when i am not at home).
Am i the only one with this strange behavior? Cause i’m running a clean install of El Capitan only for about a week.
I’ll report back once i tested this with Yosemite.
Hi Ernie!
Ehm, what do you mean with “Auto-find works until next system reboot”?
Auto find is supposed to find the Mac Address, place it in the Mac Address field, and store it. You wouldn’t need it after that.
Well, that is, if you Mac Address stays the same, which it should.
I see if I can test DS Finder for iOS, see what they do differently.
Oh, I’m pretty sure that you’re not the only one with this behavior. Something must be “off” or not as robust as I’d hoped with sending the WOL signal. I doubt El Capitan or Yosemite will make a difference.
Thanks again for hanging in there while I try to fix this.
“Auto-find works until next system reboot”? Well it means…
DS off -> enter MAC Address manually/copy&paste -> WOL doesn’t work
DS on -> enter MAC Address with Auto-find -> WOL does work -> Computer reboot -> WOL doesn’t work again (MAC Address still in the prefs window and yes it is the same Address)
Hanging in there.
Ah OK, that makes more sense.
If you open the config file, and look for the entry for the DS, what does it display on the Mac Address line?
Maybe it’s an idea to start a forum topic about this, I started one here.
Otherwise there will be way too many posts under this article
unable to reply to this topic as a registered user on the forum…you really hate me that much by now?
Send me an email to splaxxxxx… and i will send you the config file(s)
Haha, no I am actually quite happy with users like you who report issues and help fixing the issues
I am however traveling at the moment (just arrived in Houston, Texas) so I can’t test anything at the moment, but can build new versions.
B.t.w. did the forum now work again?
Is it possible to connect time based to NAS, for example every day 7.00 PM?
Hi Siggit,
thank you for the suggestion/idea.
Right now, this is not an option. I will consider this for a next version … if there is enough interest in it.
[…] OS X-Freeware ConnectMeNow richtet sich an Mac-Anwender, die häufiger auf Netzwerkspeicher und entfernte Server zugreifen […]
thank you for the great Application.
It is possible to add a function, that run´s applications after mount a network drive?
For example: My Volume “News” is mounted and than “Indesign” run´s automatically.
Hi Reke!
I like that idea! Maybe I’ll add the option to start an application or script.
I’m currently working on v2.0, so I will most certainly consider adding this option.
That sounds good. I would be glad! :)
Hi Hans,
i have an other idea :D
Maybe it is possible to add a function, that realize a fallback solution.
For Example: We have 2 Servers. One Server for the production and one Server for Backup.
Our Team connect to Server 1.
If Server 1 doesn´t run because of a crash or any other reason than should connectmenow automatically connect to Server 2.
Hi Reke,
Actually not a bad idea.
I will add it to the idea list for v2. However, since this fallback option might be used rarely, I might not implement it.
Depends a little on how complex and/or convoluted the interface becomes after all the good ideas
I had to revamp the entire look to make space for a lot of new these functions.
After upgrading to Sierra, upon startup its asking me for passwords for share drives, that are already in my settings!!
Anthony Clarke
Hi Anthony,
this is a known bug with Sierra. Unfortunately, Apple has yet again changed things in the name of “security”.
I’m working on ConnectMeNow v2.0, however I’m in the middle of moving to another country, so it will take a few weeks before I get to have time to work on that.
I apologize for the delay and inconvenience.
Hallo Hans,
I’m very impressed about this real Lazarus on a Mac project. I was familiar with Delphi and since I switched
to mac I have just tried to make some software development using Xcode. I succeeded a little bit but the effort -compared to Delphi- seems to be much more higher. Anyway, I believe, that Lazarus on the Mac platform is still (very) buggy: Frames around typical controls like static fields, panels, bevels are not really possible (Carbon), Some attempts with cocoa widgetset were annoying: Speedbutton lost his frame, DBGrid scrollbars without any slider in it, scrolling behavior within the grid was like a hazard jump… So my conclusion is, designing a user interface is not really possible, you should walk around the bugs and not present properties compared with those in the windows world.
What are your experience? What will really work and what should never be tried.?
My tries with the database components (SQLite) were very positive, they behave as expected; user interfacing is more a mess.
Hi Bodo,
First of all: Thank you for the compliment.
I agree with you on XCode: it’s cumbersome and a pain to work with or get used to. Not just how the IDE works, which is a big pain in my opinion, but also the forced languages. I know C etc, but I don’t like working with it. Not to mention Objective C. And not liking a language makes getting used to things even a bigger hurdle.
I really love working with Lazarus, but I have to agree that Lazarus seems a little more complex to work with than Delphi when you start using it the first time – but I also found that some of the issues are based on what you’re used to and what not. Certain Delphi specific things can be quite cumbersome as well when you’re new to Delphi. It’s a matter of getting used to I suppose.
Of course Lazarus has it’s limitations as well …
As for Mac specific use, I notice that indeed the widget sets aren’t perfect. Certain items do not behave as expected, other are simply not available or look odd. In part I’ll have to blame the Mac users for that. Whenever I report a bug in the Lazarus forum, very very very few Mac users assist – if any assist at all. For example, when seeking confirmation of a bug, then it might happen that nobody is responding (unlike Windows and Linux issues). Even though it’s very clearly a bug.
On that matter as well; Most [current] Mac users do not even report bugs.
So I’d blame the Mac users for not actively participating … a Mac user does not need to be an expert (I’m definitely not an expert). But I have found that the kind developers are willing to think and work with you if you actually do participate. It’s definitely a learning curve … it has been for me.
But I have reported bugs and I have actually posted a bug fix in their bug reporting tool.
The second problem (thank you Apple!) is that Apple has dropped GDB (debugger) support. They switched to another debugger which is not compatible with Lazarus, which makes it challenging to work with Lazarus and a Debugger. I wish either Apple or the Lazarus team would included a signed GDB with either XCode or Lazarus.
The third problem is (again: Thank you Apple) that Apple is abandoning Carbon and only actively works with Cocoa. Lazarus however does not yet have a fully functional Cocoa widget-set. Again something where help is needed from Mac developers in both coding and reporting bugs. Coding for Cocoa is way over my head, it would assume knowledge of Cocoa and objective C.
So far I have been able to get things to work I’d want them too. Well, at least for 99%.
There is the occasional issue, which is caused by widget set limitations, or lack of good documentation. For example, getting an icon in the menubar proved more complicated than I had expected, only to find out that I had to use a not documenten function to refresh the dropdown menu with this icon.
I would say that building a GUI is most certainly do-able. Sometimes it takes a few efforts to get it right though.
As you can see, I have build a few applications using Lazarus. It’s very do-able. The more you work with it, the easier it becomes.
Other (non-XCode) IDE’s show similar limitations as well and most of the time are even more limited.
I even tried the latest Delphi version for Mac development. I definitely works.
However, the widget set is not behaving like the native components, and the executable becomes ginormous. Not to mention that cross platform development only works for Windows and Mac (and Android and iOS), but not for Linux.
Don’t even talk about the cost of Delphi. I develop for fun, I simply do not have the budget to buy Delphi XE10.
So I’d play more with the GUI to find possibilities and limitations, and participate where you can in the Lazarus Forum to report and/or confirm bugs on the Mac. Without bug reporting, devs will not know what to fix either.
Sorry for the long reply … if you’d like to continue the Lazarus on a Mac topic; let’s start a topic in the forum so we do not go too much off topic here – I’d be happy to chat with someone like me who wants to work with Lazarus on a Mac!
look at this link http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=28800
and see message (0086388)Zeljan Rikalo : Work fine here.
he talk about linux. I was asked osx. and this is not first answer like this. mattias has a same answer on mail list, different topic. And when clik to compile button, show compiler message, In delphi still continue. mattias remove it and in mail list him answered for this “On 13-08-2014 13:00, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> I never use it. Maybe this dialog can be removed.” this answer after removed.
So I wrote dentist click application, it was finished. I worked as long as 3(three) years just with this project. finally, I delete lazarus, fpc and ALL MY PROJECT that project never trustable. that project is just home work, and can be just hobby. So no need to talk about them. I lost three years, if I were you, you don’t wanna loose 1 second about them.
Since we both like this topic, but since it’s not directly ConnectMeNow related, I started a topic in the forum for that:
Hi, another idea for V2: Would it be possible to define existing VPN connections for a share, so if a VPN connection is needed ConnectMeNow will automatically start the given VPN.
Hi Nick,
I have not worked with VPN’s on my Mac (not a big VPN fan), but I will add this to the “wishlist” – I might be able to squeeze that in if I find out how to detect VPN’s …
Will you be updating this for OSX Sierra to deal with apple’s stupid lockdown of the /volumes folder that forces the password dialog to always come up, even if you’ve saved it to keychain? https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/51045
Arlo Miller
Hi Arlo,
I most certainly will! I created the application for my own use and it’s bugging me as well haha …
Unfortunately, I just moved from Europe to the US and that has taken quite a bit of my time.
The idea is to start building v2 in the next few days …
Apple seem to have addressed the password request in macOS Sierra … (link)
1) Make sure you’re running macOS Sierra 10.12.2
2) Open Terminal, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
Enter the following command, then enter your administrator name and password when prompted:
To return to the previous, more secure behavior (recommended), enter:
This however is not stopping me from further developing v2.0 … but for some this might be a helpful fix for the moment.
In the Apple KB article, they made a mistake – it has the word “write” in the second line (to go back to the old situation).
I have corrected this here (and reported it to Apple).
Hi all!
As some of you know, I’ve been working on a new version of ConnectMeNow for which I’ve started completely from scratch – which is not only reflected in code, but the general GUI is now more MacOS like.
I’ve already implemented a few of the requests;
1) Mounting can be done in 2 ways now …
By mounting into /Volumes/ or by mounting into a specific mount directory (as of macOS Sierra, I can no longer create directories in /Volumes/). The method that mounts in /Volumes/ can potentially ask for username/password (as seen with one of the Sierra updates), whereas the new method will not.
2) Automount volumes based on WiFi SSID’s being available.
So when at home, it sees that I connect to my home WiFi and therefor mounts to my NAS shares automatically. When I am at work, it sees the work WiFi and mounts the work shares instead.
3) Optionally run a script or start an application after a succefull mount.
4) Improved Wake on LAN – hopefully working with Synology NAS devices better.
By rebuilding everything, I decided to implement a more flexible way to add protocols.
As an example, mounting a Samba share is done with ‘/sbin/mount_smbfs’ and the command line parameters would look like this:
With this information, and a small dump of the ‘mount’ statement (in Terminal) would help me implement a new protocol without having the protocol available on my computers.
The following parameter variables are available: $domain, $username, $password, $server, $path, $port, $mountpoint
My request for those with exotic protocols; please let me know what this would look like for your protocol, and any additional information you can provide. For example, if case 3rd party applications/drivers are needed, where to get them etc.
I’ve made a test version available, for those interested – download it here.
This version will not use the settings from previous ConnectMeNow versions and SSHFS has not been tested, so backup your old config first – just in case.
Please post feedback!
Hello Hans,
thank you for developing another Version of Connectmenow. I want to test the beta Version, but if connect to a Share or want to test it, Connectmenow crashed and i can open or close it anymore. My OS is Mac OS Sierra 10.12.2. My Java Version is Java 8-Update 121.
Hi Reke,
I’m sorry to hear your running into issues with the Beta (you’re the first one to report their findings, so thank you for that!).
ConnectMeNow doesn’t use Java, so that would not be related to any issues.
Does ConnectMeNow show an error message?
Optionally you can enable ‘Debug Mode” in the preferences window, and click the “Show Debug Window” button – this should open a text window showing messages as things happen. Maybe we can catch where it “explodes”
Hi Hans,
i used the debug modus, but if i want to connect every window crashed and i can´t close it. If i want close the App, it comes the Apple Beach Ball.
Hmmm, that’s strange – thank you for testing! I will have to go and see what’s going on that might cause this.
So to reproduce: start the application, mount a volume, app stuck?
yes i mount a share or test it and the app crashed. So i must make a restart to open the app again.
Thank you.
Could you tell me what kind of share this is?
And if it is using /Volumes or the new mount method (second tab for a given share)?
I use a apple share also afp and with the Volume function.
Would you mind trying it without the Volume function? This might help me pinpoint the issue.
Can you also check if there is a directory in your home directory called MountPoints?
I think I found what might have caused this issue …
Please try (when you get to it) beta-2, you can download it here (same link, just the updated version).
Hi Hans,
Thank You for your invest. But the problems doesn´t solved. So if i want to connect without Volumes, with Volumes, new Beta Version, the app stuck too.
Maybe we could do a meeting with TeamViewer? Maybe i make a mistake
Hi Reke!
Hmm, that’s strange, especially since the method with “/Volumes/” is identical to the one used in the previous ConnectMeNow version – that versions works OK on your computer right?
sorry for my Late Reply. I installed the Beta Version today on an another iMac and now it works. Maybe my System is broken. I try to instal the Beta Version now on my own System and i hope it works.
So i like the new Version very well, because of the Script Function. But it is possible to implement a function for checking if a Server is running and if not the Volume should shared from another Server?
For Example:
Two Mac Server with IP: Mac Server 1 Mac Server 2
I have two shares on both Servers like: Folder1 and Folder2
If Server 1 is running i want to mount Share Folder1 and Folder2 from Server1
If Server 1 is not running the Shares should mount from Server 2 (automatically).
Or can use a script for that Function?
Hi Reke,
You could do this in a script, but I doubt it would be efficient/easy.
Having mounts occur in that way, may make things a little complex to implement.
I’d have to make a condition for a mount to no mount when another mount occured. This could potentially end up in a loop.
I think I would not want to implement this, since it might be confusing to other users.
I did check into seeing if a server is available and mount only then. Having played (and implemented) the automount for WiFi, I noticed that checks like that can be resource hungry. But it still is something I’m toying with.
Beta test version for those that are interested;
I have just made v2.0.0 beta available for those who would like to test, you can download it here: ConnectMeNow v2.0.0.beta.dmg
Please note that this is a completely from the ground up rebuild application and (if I did it all correctly) the DMG and application have been signed.
Also note: the configuration of old ConnectMeNow versions will not be imported – sorry.
Hi Hans,
so i figured it out, that if i don´t check “Mount in Volumens”, connectmenow crashed and i can´t restart the app only with the task manager.
Hmm,… could you try Applications -> Utilities -> Console, click “Clear” when the application starts, and then mount one of the shares (of which you did not check “Mount in Volumes” – so it crashes) and see if anything strange is happening?
Also; which version of macOS are you using?
I’m just ran the beta on macOS 10.12.4 (Sierra) on a MacBook Pro (15″ 2015 Retina) – worked as expected with or without tagging “Mount in Volumes”.
Tested it during lunch at home on my new MacBook Pro (also running Sierre, 15″ 2016 Retina w/Touchbar) – worked as expected as well.
Short version: I cannot reproduce the issue.
Can you verify if the path “/Users/<yourusername>/MountPoints” has been created?
Hallo Hans, Using Connectme now for quite a while now. After the upgrade to High Sierra, it still seem to work but there is no display anymore. I have tried the latest version and also the Beta 2.0. Iz this a common problem?
Hi Art,
I have not yet upgraded tot High Sierra … I’ll try today or tomorrow to do that and see what happens.
Hi Hans,
Seeing if you had any updates on High Sierra.
Paris Lewbel
Hans Don’t know if you have tried it yet. I’m still using 1.7.9 and I have noticed this morning that everything is working again.
I created a beta for the new v2 of ConnectMeNow and so far it has been working great on my Macs.
You can download it here and give it try.
Hi Hans,
Still not working for me. It does connect the volumes on start up but I can’t open the app. Nothing is happening when I click on the icon. As I stated earlier it was working for one day like normal. I didm’t do any cjhanges to my system
Hi Art,
Well, seems like you bumped into something for sure … my biggest challenge now is how to debug this.
Did you try both versions and are experiencing the same issues?
Hallo Hans , Yes I have tried both versions and the same problem. But the funny thing is that is was working for a couple of times as well
Could it be that after the update to the latest MacOS version (High Sierra 10.13.1) the security settings is blocking ConnectMeNow?
I’m running it on 3 Mac’s and version 2.0 is preforming just fine. (MacBook Pro 15″ 2015, MacBook Pro 13″ 2013, and MacBook Pro 15″ 2016)
Do you get a specific error message? or does it simply not mount?
You can start “Console) found in the “Utilities” folder of your applications, and see what it is showing.
(please do not post the log here since there might be private info in it – feel free to email it to webmaster at tweaking4all dot com)
Hey Hans,
I’ve been running into some problems with ConnectMeNow and High Sierra. I’ve tried both the 2.0.0 beta and 1.7.9 version.
The program works for a while, but then at some point when clicking on the menu bar icon, the drop-down menu will not open.
The only way to get it to work again is by Force Quitting the application via Activity Monitor and then restarting it.
I turned on the debug log, but it clears out when I force quit the application. I don’t know what causes this to happen.
Any ideas? Suggestions?
Hi Paris,
I’ve been running 2.0 for quite a while now without any hickups. I did however read this forum post suggesting that the tray icon (the icon in the menu bar) is having a memory leak issue – which might be related to what you’re experiencing.
Just a few questions to see if I can reproduce the issue;
– Do you open the menu often? (I have to use it only a very few times a day)
– In Activity monitor (under Utilities) do you see an increase in memory use consistently (find ConnectMeNow in the list and double click it).
In the meanwhile I’ll do some more tests and see what happens as well.
In my Console, I’ve been noticing that the process is showing “Month 13 is out of bounds”
Hi Paris,
Can you paste that line here? Doesn’t sound like anything ConnectMeNow related (since it doesn’t use dates or anything like that).
I see the error multiple times immediately after mounting a network share.
error 09:41:01.886703 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.886809 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.888003 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.888066 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.888814 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.888869 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.889638 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.889692 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.891883 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
error 09:41:01.891934 -0500 connectmenow Month 13 is out of bounds
I’m not sure this is a ConnectMeNow issue.
I just created a simple Hello World project in XCode on my Mac and even that one seems to be creating this error (even though the program doesn’t do anything, and doesn’t even have buttons);
Doing some Google searches, this seems a not uncommon message in High Sierra – It seems a bug in MacOS 10.13 (see the Apple Developers Forum – but you might not hav access to it). Observed side effects; excessive logging and high CPU loads. I would assume Apple will address this in the near future.
For what it’s worth; I see these messages as well, yet my ConnectMeNow (v2 beta) does not seem affected by it at all. Are you seeing other messages?
Hi Hans,
This is another one that came up tonight after it stopped working. Maybe it will help?
Loading Preferences From User CFPrefsD For Search List21:26:17.190187 -0500 connectmenow Loading Preferences From User CFPrefsD For Search List
I saw another error under Console’s Debug mode. This “Volatile” error occurs when I click the ConnectMeNow icon in the menu bar and the menu doesn’t appear.
The error doesn’t appear when the menu appears (after force quit and reload of the application).
Screenshot at the link: https://imgur.com/a/o3eOB
Hi Paris,
first of all; thank you for hanging in there. I would really like to resolve this issue for you (and possibly others).
Both messages unfortunately do no tell me much. I 2nd one, since it has no info, might be related to a memory leak that has been observed for the particular development language I am using for this.
Hi Hans,
I recently came across your ConnectmeNow app. seems very handy. Especially for my collegues who are a bit confused by all the servers and way of connecting. Like you explained in your own story.
I wanted to try at home first to see how it works.
But. I cannot get any connection with my own servers at home. I have 2 synology NAS’es. DS508 an DS713+. Both are not connecting. I am (mostly) working on Macbook air with El Capitan. I tried every combination with with path and server names. Reinstalled de app also. Reread the help files. I normally use smb with apple+k which works perfect in de Finder. I made those server favorites in the sidebar of Finderwindow. But frequently the Finder loses those favorites servers. That where your app would by very handy….
I dont see what else i can try. I have a router next to my internet/provider router.
Do you have some thoughts on this? I read there is a version 2.0 beta. Might try that …
Hi Ray,
If you’re using SMB then getting connected should be straight forward.
Can you tell me more about your setup? For example; are you using Wake On LAN? or are the devices on 24/7?
You might want to try v2.0 beta, since I’ve rebuild that one from scratch.
But do keep in mind that your MacOS is a little outdated and if possible I’d recommend upgrading (it’s free) to High Sierra or at least Sierra.
Hi Hans,
DS713+. this NAS works on dsm 6.0 This one does wake on lan. DS508 is an older NAS is only on dsm 4.1 And is always on. I have also tried the 2.0 beta. But still nothing. The older version of ConnectmeNow should work oke with the older MacOS. But noted.
Maybe you can advice on the way the info about the servers input is the best way. Is there only one way? The read me gave more options and therefore i think it cannot be the problem. But its also the first thing that most be checked…
for example
DS713+ is only used for video. i use the standard ‘video’ share. internal ip What would de shared path be? via finder this works always smb://
it should be as simple as this…not?
Hi Ray,
that does sound like a very straight forward setup indeed. In v2 beta, you’d only need to enter:
Server Address:
SharePath: video
I’d add a login, try using the admin login first (username and password). In the past I encounter some funny stuff with my QNAP as well by using the regular account, which I discovered by testing the admin account instead.
On the “Advanced Settings” tab, make sure everything is unchecked and test this with your DS508.
No luck yet,
I already use always my admin account for both NAS drives. Tried also Version 2.0.
How would the connection to the network show up? Under shared? I wil try on my imac or at work.
In Finder it should appear under “Shared” as the server name.
I myself use PathFinder and there it shows under “Devices” (much nicer to work with than Finder).
Also, in v2, it will by default mount as a directory under /Users/<username>/MountPoints
Hope this helps investigating what is happening.
When I get back from work, I’ll try to post the mount instructions for a manual mount.
wonderful product been using it for years with samba/windows shares
tried to use it today with a webdav shre and for some reason when i click connect, firefox keeps opening to the web url?
shouldnt OSX map the web url as a share?
i can map a share manually fine… finder->go->connect to server->enter url and boom!
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
Thanks for the compliment and I’m sorry to hear you’re running into an issue.
I myself do not use WebDAV – for no particular reason – so testing can be challenging at times.
What version are you using? Did you give the v2 beta a try?
Hi, i didnt realise the was a very 2 in the works! a download link would be wonderful :)
Simon Smith
Hi, i should of looked closer, didnt see the beta link above in comments
have tried v2 but still no look
i have enabled the debug window and it appears you are running the WRONG command if i select webdav secure
you appear to be running /sbin/mount_webdav user:pass@drive.xxx.co.uk/remote.php/webdav/ “/Users/Simon/MountPoints/remote.php%20(drive.xxx.co.uk)”
when infact you need to be /sbin/mount_webdav https://user:pass@drive.xxx.co.uk/remote.php/webdav/ “/Users/Simon/MountPoints/remote.php%20(drive.xxx.co.uk)”
however i am still trying to get my head around the mount_webdav cmd as it doesnt even work if i do it normally by command line, BUT if i use the connect to server in finder, it works without any issue?
Simon Smith
Thanks Simon for helping to debug this! Nice!
And you’re correct, per man page:
I do not have the means to test any WebDav connection. Would you be able to provide me one for testing?
To figure out why Finder mounted it just fine, run the “mount” command in Terminal after Finder mounted the drive and see what it used to mount. For example:
In this example you’ll see “smfs” – so it’s accessing a Windows share.
I’d assume to see something identifiable with your WebDav mount as well.
I’d love to figure this one out as well
I can’t provide a webdav one sadly as they are all private ones we manage
However u can create one free using nextcloud and a webserver
I have noticed also if i tick the box saying mount in volumes folder then it works fine without any issue however it doesnt work if it’s unticked
Simon Smith
No worries Simon!
I tried creating one on my webserver, but it’s not working as expected. I’ll try some more at a later time … (it’s close to new year in Europe)
It makes sense that one method might work and the other not. They are using different methods of mounting. The method to mount in Volumes comes with limitations, so that’s why I create a second method. Does mouting in Volumes show you messages and login requests?
What did you find in Terminal with the “mount” command?
please email me to help you debug webdav in the new version 2 as the logs might fill up the comments window
[email removed]
Simon Smith
With the mess that High Sierra has created with connecting to SMB shares you might be getting a few new installs.
I see you already know about – (CIFS mounts automatically revert to SMB).
Is this something that can be fixed or you might work on?
Hi Craig,
I still have to really finish v2 – but in all honesty, I have been using the current v2 beta for quite a while now without issues. But I cannot test everything (like SSHFS and such). To “fix” certain issues, I implemented 2 mounting methods; one using the /Volumes folder and one in my own mount folder. Both use a different approach.
Apple has been making a mess out things the past months – all in the name of security. But I’m wondering if it’s truly only about security. it most certainly takes the motivation out of developing apps for fun.
So if there is anything specific you’d like me to look at: feel free to ask. I can’t guarantee a solution, but I’d be happy to look into it.
Just discovered this app and gave it a shot. i’ve tried mac os built-in methods as well as other 3rd party apps such as Drive Mounter.
this one by far is the fastest and so far has been reliable, going thru multiple reboots into mac os to see if it starts up, mounts the shares, etc.
very good app, thank you for making this free – and you are being supported by me !
Chris S
Thanks Chris!
That’s kind-a why I created the app for my own use. Just got tired with the limitations.
Did you try v2 (beta) as well?
no problem … glad to contribute.
a few points on this tho …. i have noticed that it sometimes does not successfully mount one of the 2 shares that are on the same nas. i have a feeling that it has to do with timing, that some OS process has not been started when the tool starts to initiate the mounting of the shares. that’s my theory, could be wrong …. idk.
another point, are you planning a 64-bit version ? i’d like to continue to use this app even when apple discontinues support for 32 bit apps on it’s os.
thanks !
Chris S
sorry, i forgot to answer, I am using 1.7.9.
Chris S
Hi Chris,
well let me start by saying that I’m working on 64 bit applications for all the tools I have created over time.
This comes with a few challenges since my main development tool (Lazarus Pascal) is still in a test phase when it comes to 64 bit (64 bit requires to use the Cocoa widgetset instead of the older Carbin widgetset).
I have been using my own v2 beta (download here) for quite a while now and have not noticed any issues with High Sierra (I’m currently running 10.13.2). Keep in mind that it’s a test version and you may have to re-enter your settings (so you might want to make a backup of your settings, incase you want to go back to the older version).
thanks for posting that, i switched over to v2 beta, but will keep an eye on this site for a 64 bit version.
wish you the best with your move and new life in europe !
Chris S
Thanks Chris!
is the any update on V2 yet?
im still having issue with 1.7/9 and v2 beta (30th may 2017) not mapping to webdav over https correctly :(
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
no progress yet – I’ve been busy getting ready moving from Houston to Europe.
As soon as I get there, I’ll spend time finishing the WedDAV … sorry for the delay.
hello Hans,
hope that your move went as expected …..
was wondering if there is a 64-bit version of connect me now ? i’ve got a small list of 32-bit apps i have my eye on, looking to alternatives or updates before considering the next major macos update.
Chris S
Hi Chris,
well the good news is that Apple has stated that 32 bit apps will remain working. They do not even have their own work done to move to 64 bit only.
In the meanwhile I am working on ApplePi-Baker to move to 64bit and Cocoa, which gave me a lot of new things to learn that will be useful for ConnectMeNow.
If this takes to long, then I will consider doing a “simple” conversion to 64 bit for version 2.x (the beta you can find here which is also 32bit at the moment).
thanks Hans …. looks like i have 2.0.0 installed on my machine …. it’s showing up as 32-bit.
before trying this beta in the link, do i need to backup my settings in the current version i have installed ?
Chris S
Hi Chris,
that is correct, the current test version is 32 bit, but the final version will be a 64 bit signed application.
I would indeed backup the settings of the old version, since I have not (yet) implemented an import function for that.
With recent changes (private/work/Apple), I’m under a little time pressure to get everything done – while having to deal with moving, finding a new job, etc. But … I will get a 64 bit version out before it is too late
thanks for responding with news Hans, im not in a hurry … just checking in.
by the time apple enforces 64 bit apps, i’ll be sure to check back,
thank you
Chris S
No worries …
Hi Hans, is the any update on a final release or a new version yet?
i wanted to check which link is the correct one for the latest beta version
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
I have 2 other projects that I need to finish first. As soon as I’m done with that, I’ll start with finishing the new version of ConnectMeNow. unfortunately, I do have other obligations as well (like work for an income)
…. (no pun intended).
Finally managed to get over most of the 64 bit hurdles (the Lazarus team is awesome!).
[…] things first, head over to the ConnectMeNow download page, scroll down a bit and download the App by clicking the large green Download Now button (see […]
Hi Hans ….
i have a need to add a private share to the list in connectmenow.
do you have any tips ?
for instance, the public shares that are being used are connecting auto upon startup, using SMB, with my admin credentials.
should i do the same for the private share (substituting the appropriate credentials), and use SMB ? i have tried this momentarily, but instead of SMB i chose AFP and the application froze after mounting the public shares.
here is what the configuration looks like:
Chris S
Hi Chris!
I’m not quite sure what you mean with a private share – you mean; you have one for everybody and just one for you alone?
Every share (usually) wants to see credentials to login, so you could use that. Please elaborate.
Personally I do not use AFP as I ran in too many issues with AFP, and it seems Apple is even going away from that as well it’s marked “depreciated” (source) which doesn’t mean it stops working of course, but it does tell us that SMB is preferred.
Good morning Hans,
I’ve had the time to work with this great Tool.
Everything seems to work but WOL. Which broadcast – adresse is used ?
Thank you sharing all this, software is like making love – best when it’s free.
Best regards
Hi Stefan,
you may want to give the beta a try (you can download it here).
Since it’s been a while that I worked on this, I may completely rebuild the application (64 bit, API call changes, etc). But for now this beta works pretty good (I use it daily).
Yeah, I always build applications for personal use, and then make it available to others for free. As a user, I always enjoyed small applicatiosn made by others, so this is my way of returning the favor and saying thank-you – wish I could do this for a living.
Good morning Hans.
It works like charme, thank you.
best regards
Hi Stefan!
Good to hear that you’re enjoying the application. Let me know if you have any suggestions
Hi Hans,
any update on the new version 2 and 64bit?
macOS Mojave is due for release tomorrow!
Simon Smith
ConnectMeNow will work just fine in Mojave (I assume, since Apple is not yet dropping 32bit).
On that not though; I’ve almost finished one of my other project (Rename My TV Series) in which I had to deal with a ton of Cocoa (widget-set/controls Apple is now using over the older Carbon) issues, and hope this will help speed up developing a new version for ApplePi-Baker , ConnectMeNow and other applications …
Good to hear though that folks are eager to get their hands on the new version.
Hi Hans ….
thought i’d chime in here …. i’ve been using the newer 2.0 version but i had not noticed right away …. over time my system started beach balling randomly. it got to the point where it would lock up the entire computer more and more frequently.
i did some experimenting to try to find the issue and unfortunately ConnectMeNow was causing it (final proof was when i experienced this issue on a clean slate fresh copy of mojave with no other software installed except for ConnectMeNow.
just thought i’d bring this to your attention.
for now i am just using native functionality to mount my volumes. have not had any lockups yet and have since reinstalled all my other software but i’m not putting ConnectMeNow back on until you might have an updated version that i can test out.
Chris S
Thanks Chris!
What may happen is that ConnectMeNow is “polling” too often for network availability.
I’m planning to create a new version which uses a different mechanism where macOS tells the application if something changes.
I do not notice this on my machine though (I run the same version constantly), but maybe my CPU is powerful enough to handle this. What kind of setup do you have? I tested this on a 13″ MBP (i7, 2013), a 15″ MBP (i7 4-core, 2013 and 2015), a 15″ MBP (i7 4-core, 2016) and a Mac Pro (2013).
i am using a late 2013 15”, 2GHz.
i like connectmenow because it allowed me to mount any share i want with individual credentials unlike the built-in tools which pose issues when automounting more than one share using the same credentials by default when the same network protocol is used (smb).
also liked that it mounts the shares silently and doesnt give me a finder window whenever i boot into masoc.
could you please inform which terminal command i can use to suppress the initial finder windows that appear when servers are mounted on startup ?
we know that the hide feature in login items doesnt do anything for mounting volumes at startup.
thanks again !
Chris S
I read about this program recently and I think it’s a great idea. Given that connecting to Samba shares from Linux can be a bit hit-and-miss I think a Linux version would prove to be very popular once people became aware of it. Have you thought about a Linux version?
Also, would the current Mac version work on an old Mac with a PowerPC processor?
Mark B
Hi Mark,
As for a Linux version; I suppose that would not be impossible, however some of the commands and API calls I use will not be available under Linux. I’m not a Linux expert so this may come with a few challenges, for example all the different distro’s etc. have given me quite a few headaches with other applications.
I have considered a Linux and even Windows version, but for now I mostly saw benefits for macOS.
The current version will not work on a PowerPC Mac, unfortunately. Some of the commands and/or API calls do not exists under the MacOS X versions that still support PowerPC. Additionally, compiling a PowerPC binary would be complicated and I would not be able to test the executables as I do not have a PowerPC based Mac.
Hi Hans,
connecting the shares is working on macOS Mojave 10.14.1 on an iMac and a MacBook Pro. But unfortunately Wake-On-Lan does not work for me. If I send the magic packet via ConnectMeNow, my Linux server (Ubuntu 18.10) is not starting. Firewalls are off. On the other hand, I have no problem starting the server via the application WakeOnLan by ReadPixel and via the python tool ‘awake’ like so (Applescript):
set status to do shell script “ping -c 1 -t 2”
on error
do shell script “/usr/local/bin/awake -b 01:23:45:67:89:AB”
delay 10
end try
mount volume “smb://myserver/myshare”
end try
To install the tool ‘awake’, just type ‘sudo easy_install awake’ in terminal.
I hope you can fix it, since it is a great little tool.
Hi Winhoff,
I will do some tests, which is kind-a tricky for me since I have zero WOL devices in my network.
I’m working on an update for my other application (miniWOL), which uses the same mechanism (are you using the v2 beta of ConnectMeNow?).
Good time to test WOL again and if that works correctly, I can implement the same procedure in ConnectMeNow.
Since I will be revamping ConnectMeNow in the next few months; feel free to make suggestions for changes or missing functionality.
Thanks for the test script!
Hi Hans,
v2 of ConnectMeNow works partly:
1. WOL works if I press “Execute Auto Mount” manually. The server starts and my shares get connected.
2. But it does not work, if I set “Auto mount at ConnectMeNow Startup”. Then the server does not start. However, if the server is already running, all shares get connected. Maybe there is no magic packet sent?
Before sending a WOL package and wait a couple of seconds on every share, just ping every server once to see, if it’s online. Only if a server is not answering, send a WOL package and wait the specified delay until the server comes online.
Thanks for investigating and testing! Definitely something I’ll triple check when I get started on finishing that version.
Right now, as far as I recall, I already do a simple ping to a device before calling WOL – but I could be wrong. I’ll have to verify.
If a server is already online, WOL will do nothing (the server will ignore it since it’s already awake).
I hope to get updating this app soon … may take a few weeks though since I have a few other projects lined up as well for the same “64 bit and signed” situation for macOS.
Take your time. Right now, I’m using my script, which works fast and reliable with just one click.
Another suggestion:
Make it possible to mount all shares just by left or right clicking the icon in the menu bar. Or at least put the “Execute Auto Mount” command to the top of the drop down menu. In v2 beta, “Execute Auto Mount” is hidden under Preferences.
Thanks Winhoff!
I was already wondering if anyone would use that option – glad to hear I’m not the only one haha.
In the final v2 version I’ll add it in the top menu for quicker access. I’m actually not a fan of using a submenu anyway
Hi Hans,
please continue to develop this very handy and nice little tool as I’m using it with pleasure und very often.
thanks a lot!
Thanks Greg!
Always good to hear something nice – and no worries; I’ll continue develop ConnectMeNow.
(I use it a lot myself as well)
Hi Hans,
I agree with Greg, your are doing a gread job for us all.
Please continue.
Thanks Stefan!
I very much appreciate your positive feedback and I most certainly will continue working on it!
hello Hans,
further running without connectmenow on mojave, i’ve come to realize the app wasnt causing my system freezing/beachballing.
wanted to apologize for making that assumption.
ppl in apple forums mostly point to 3rd party apps as the source of issues when a complaint is raised.
Chris S
No worries Chris!
Happens to most of us, no need to apologize – but I do appreciate it
Hi Hans,
is the any update on v2?
my mojave10.14.2 is complaining 24/7 now about connectmenow v2 beta not being 64bit
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
no update yet – I just got back from a 2 month work trip.
As far as I know … Mojave should complain only once every 30 days (according to what I’ve found online)?
Maybe I’ll try compiling v2 in 64 bit and release this in the meanwhile.
that would be amazing thank you! :)
Simon Smith
Seems v2 compiled OK with the latest Lazarus version. I’ll do some testing, and sign the application, so I can make it available to bridge the time between now and the final v2.
really excited and cant wait! :)
Simon Smith
Ok, so I bluntly recompiled it 64 bit and signed it and did only some simple testing.
There is a minor bug that I should fix first. Should be available in about an hour … I hope
Alright, not tested very thoroughly, but it works on my system.
The application is 64bit and signed … at start up it may ask special permission (once).
You can download the beta here.
Let me know if you run into issue (for example: the “about and help” is not yet available).
Dark/Light system mode is not yet working correctly :)
I’ll admit that I have not tested this haha … it was a quick compile
Adding it to “the list”
seems to work here without any issues
hoping for a release soon, saves reading all comments to find the beta link
Simon Smith
Yeah, the beta wasn’t really intended for public release, it still has a few things that need my attention.
Thanks for testing though and keep me posted in case you run into issues.
After I lost all settings and even a restore didn’t work I had to go back from beta to 1.7.9.
I have no clue what happened.
But still waiting for the new public release!
Thanks reg for the feedback – sorry to hear you ran into issues.
Did you store the settings in the default location or a specific location (I always store mine on Dropbox so my other Macs have access as well)?
Note: v2 will not read the settings of older versions.
im having an issue with the new 10.14.4 update, it just keeps crashing on the beta version 2
im also randomly getting ‘connectmenow – file not found – press ok to ignore and risk data corruption OR press abort to kill the program’
after i click OK, the app then doesnt work, and is missing information, and the layout goes wack???
and after clicking abort, its just force quitting the connectmenow app
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
thanks for the info! I’m running the 32bit and the 64nit version (of the v2 beta) under 10.14.4. without issues.
Since I’m not using all features, I may be overlooking what may be causing this of course.
Do you get any information when the application crashes, besides the “risk data corruption” message?
Where do you store your setting? (default location, Dropbox, or another location)
What type of remote devices do you use (protocol)?
Have you tried removing the config file? (move it temporary to your desktop, so it has to create a new config file)
Usually, an error like this (since it’s nice and vague) point to an access violation, which can be a lot of things.
I’d love to be able to reproduce the issue, so whatever info you can provide is most welcome (if you prefer, you can email me at webmaster at tweaking4all dot com).
My Mac recently started complaining that this version of ConnectMeNow will not be compatible with future releases of OS X. Are there any plans to release a newer version which will be compatible with OS X updates in the future?
Jay Sellers
Hi Jay,
yes, a 64 bit version is planned in the near future.
As mentioned above, I already had a v2 beta ready (32 bit at the time) and I did do a simple 64 bit recompile of that beta. You can find it here.
Keep in mind though that this is a v2 beta, and it is not compatible with v1.x settings/preferences.
On my machine it works great though – but I can imagine there may be minor issues remaining.
If you’d rather not work a beta, and prefer to wait for the final version (v2, 64bit), then I’d fully understand that, especially since the message right now is just a warning and the application will work just fine. Apple is rumored to drop 64 bit support in 10.15, of which this June only a demo will be shown. So I’m not sure of we can expect this in October or next year.
In the meanwhile; I’m working on finishing another project. As soon as I completed that project, I’ll focus on ConnectMeNow
OK, since I’m starting rebuilding ConnectMeNow, I was wondering if anyone had specific wishes and if certain functions are important or can be dropped.
With this I’m thinking I can drop CIFS support, since SMB covers this already.
I’m wondering if WiFi polling (found in the v2 beta) is something that really has any use?
Looking forward to feedback.
Hi Hans,
i use connectmenow every day and i would say that i have no problems with 2.0 on Mac Mojave.
Do you implement more features in the newer Version?
Yours sincerely
Hi Reke,
I’m on vacation at the moment, but once I’ll get back I’ll pick up where I left off with ConnectMeNow.
As for new functions, I’m looking in what functions I should or should not keep in ConnectMeNow.
As you can see in the beta; there are some extensive functions in it. Since I’ve not gotten much feedback, I’m thinking of removing some of those (like polling the WiFi network). The simpler the application, the less chance of running into issue of course.
Hi Hans,
i wish you nice holiday and quiet days to come down ;)
The Polling Function i didn´t use because our Network runs most with Ethernet and we didn´t need mounts with specialy WiFi Network. I don´t know if other People need this.
On 6. Sep 2016 i wrote an idea:
Maybe this is a solution to be realized?
The polling function sounded pretty good in the beginning (mount a drive when getting into a particular WiFi network), but like you said; a lot of people will actually use ethernet and I haven’t been able to find a trick yet to apply it for that as well.
So unless folks want this function, I’m thinking of removing it.
The fallback option is indeed a good idea, I had forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder. I’ll add it to the list and will see how easy this can be implemented.
Hello Hans,
i tried your latest Beta of V2.x
Worked with V1.7.9 without any problems and would change regarding 32/64bit. I downloaded it and installed it. But everytime i start V2 and tried to add a share ConnectMeNow brings up the rotating umbrella-icon and nothing happens… I have to kill the process manually, cause it never ends working, if i don´t kill it.
Like i read in the threads above no one has problems with that, but i have and i don´t know why…
What can i do to investigate the problem?
Hi Rolf,
Sorry to hear you’re running into issue.
I couldn’t find a reason why you’d get the beachball when adding a share.
Just for testing; Quit ConnectMeNow, make a backup of the settings, and after that delete all settings and finally restart ConnectMeNow.
Typically in:
and if you used DropBox, additionally in:
Just to verify that the settings are not corrupted.
I’m considering rebuilding the entire app from scratch to make it leaner and faster and hope to have that available pretty soon.
When do you add a new share, do you activate the checkbox at Advanced Settings “Mount in /Volumes/”?
If i don´t checked it, than connectmenow crashed too.
Thanks for jumping in Reke!
That’s good info for me as well to debug!
Hej Reke,
thanks for your Hint… I agree… activating the Checkbox in the advanced Settings fixed my issue immediately….
Hej Rene+Hans,
thanks for your hints… I will try that in the evening…
Hello, I’m new on this Forum. Just downloaded Version 2.0.1 of ConnectMeNow and transferred the Information from Version 1.7.9 manually and it works!
The Wifi polling – I don’t know what it means – but at my workplace in school where I’m teaching, I’m accessing everything by Wifi. Also the servers. Maybe a good feature to keep?
Thank you for your work, Hans
Thanks Kurt!
Alright, I’ll see if I can find a better way to do the WiFi polling (wish I had something like this for Ethernet as well).
You’re one of the very few people that provided feedback, so I’ll show my appreciation by trying to keep this function.
(I’m experimenting with a new – from scratch – build of ConnectmeNow, possible more streamlined approach)
There is now an official v2 beta available for Catalina users.
Very Nice.
Thank you Hans. I´m really looking forward to the new version.
Wish you a nice weekend and if i can do something for you, tell me.
Best regards
Hi Reke,
you’re most welcome!
Feel free to let me know if you run into issues. I’m currently swamped in other projects (everything seems to come at the same time), but any good input is always appreciated and considered.
Have a good rest of the week as well
Hi, Where can we download it from?
Simon Smith
ignore me, didnt see the link at the top of the page
however i cant connect to a guest windows 7 share? have looked in debug window and its showing this
and after running manually in terminal i get the following
Simon Smith
Haha, I wanted to ignore you
Glad you found the link, not sure what to say about the error.
Have you tried disabling the “Login” option?
Never mind me now – I see there is a silly bug in the login part. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
Found the bug, will upload a new version in the next hour or so.
For Catalina users, I’ve just uploaded beta 2.1.2
I’m still having the same problem as above, however im using Mojave 10.14.6
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
did you uncheck the “Login” option for this share?
Just asking since the debug shows username “guest” and password “guest” – these (I assume) should be blank.
Sorry for delay been away all weekend
sadly you need to use guest:guest to login with a guest account on windows from mac i have found
if i untick the Login box and then try logging in, i get ‘Exit Status = 77’
and when i run it manually from the command line like the output in debug window says, i just see ‘Password for ‘ and if i hit enter i then get ‘mount_smbfs: server rejected the connection: Authentication error’
so it doesnt appear to work with guest authentication
maybe a tick box next to the Login saying ‘GUEST’ and it automatically use the guest:guest to login?
Simon Smith
oops sorry i meant to say the way i found to login is to use the user as Guest and a BLANK password like ‘ Guest: ‘
Simon Smith
No worries
Hmm, not sure if this helps, but if you look under the “Advanced Settings” tab for this share;
You could try checking the “Mount in /Volumes/” options.
Also: does this work (added the parameter “-N”)?
(just wondering – I do not have any shares that allow anonymous access)
sorry for delay again,
1. if i tick the ‘Mount In /Volumes/’ option, it pops up with the login box, and if i click Login, it works
2. if i try with -N option it still generates the ‘Invalid argument’ error
3. if i enter a password into the password field, and use the ‘Mount In /Volumes/’ option, the pop up login box doesn’t have the password box filled in, only the user
I’m happy to help debug this issue by email, saves the comments box getting longer and longer
Simon Smith
I’ll send you an email later today!
I’m VERY excited about the new Catalina compatible version in next time! :)
Addendum: I remembered that it would be a nice feature to be able to set whether the currently selected “drive” (i.e. the one I want to mount) is also opened in the Finder?
Thanks Pro
All suggestions are welcome!
Did you mean browsing for the share you’d like to mount or a specific folder to mount the share on?
Or did you mean: reveal in Finder after mounting?
i am getting the following error with 2.1.2:
File not found.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Abort to kill the program.
Hi Alex,
Here I see that working with 2 the almost the same projects at the same time is never a good plan
I forgot to check if a file exists when trying to read the configuration file.
I’ve updated the beta to 2.1.3, which should resolve this issue.
Thanks for reporting!
Hello Hans,
don’t know why, but still get the same error.
I found another spot where I overlooked this – apologies for the inconvenience.
I’ve upload v2.1.4. Please give it a try
so I downloaded the new file and then also copied it into programs. After I have set up the connection data again, I got the error again.
I’m sorry to hear that Alex.
Do you still get the exact same error?
As I understand you’re able to start the application and enter the share info.
At what point does it produce an error?
good question. Let’s get to the root of the matter.
The logo is in the menu bar.
There I click then on the preset connection and then comes the error
Hi Alex,
if you’d like we can discuss this by email – seems much easier and we’d be able to share files/screenshots – if that’s OK with you.
Simply reply to this notification, or email webmaster at tweaking4all dot com.
I’ll take a look what may be causing this error. What kind of share did you create?
so after hours of changing this and that, and trying this and that, i have finally come to the conclusion…you cant connect to GUEST shares from the command line via mount_smbfs OR mount -t smbfsi tried 10.13, 10.14 and 10.15 all get the same errors,i have even gone to the extreme of creating a fresh windows 7 and windows 10 VMs,creating shares with data in, enabling the everyone and guest access, and disabling the password protect featureand all the macbooks can connect via the finder without issues, but WONT connect from the command lineHOWEVER ive been able to get some information from my windows 10 VM, the events log DOES show an error when trying to connect from my macbook, but its not really helpful enough, only says ‘SMB Session Authentication Failure: an invalid parameter was passed to a service or function’so its time for a server upgraded i think, or user/passwords for the moment
Simon Smith
Hi Simon,
Don’t you just hate it when so much work needs to be done for something that seems simple enough?
I did some searching as well and found something you could try:
Note the “:@” part! I don’t have a Windows share available (of all days, today VMWare Fusion decided to quit working somehome), but this worked on my NAS.
I did see a variation on this, but this didn’t work on my setup:
Never mind – finally got my VMWare Fusion running again and anonymous login failed with that as well.
Well, if I created the share correctly (right click folder, share, user: Everyone) – it’s been a while that I worked with sharing folders under Windows.
You also need to go into the networking sharing centre and then disable password protected shares
Simon Smith
Been tinkering for a bit now and haven’t seen a working solution either – I think I did see your post on Reddit (from about 5 days ago)?
Samba used to have a related regression bug (link), but I’d assume this may no longer be relevant as it’s old and I do believe I read somewhere that Apple isn’t using Samba anymore, and instead is using its own SMB implementation (see als SMBUp using the actual Samba distribution – however, this no longer compatible with Catalina though, as it’s 32bits, and it’s not developed or maintained by me).
An alternative option would be to install Samba 4.1.x on your Mac manually, but I’d recommend against that. I found it very cumbersome considering all the steps one has to do to install and then finally configure things.
i think i MIGHT have found the problem,
after a help from this link – https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/Windows/en-US/a9e68884-180f-483e-aeac-996ba83d2918/connecting-mac-to-smb-share-event-id-551?forum=win10itpronetworking
i ran a tcpdump and it appears the client device is sending the user name as \GUEST and totally forgetting the computer name
Session Setup Request, NTLMSSP_AUTH, User: \GUEST
after it send this the server is then responding with the invalid parameter error
Session Setup Response, Error: STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
im still looking into it but its progress!
Simon Smith
Interesting find. Sounds like a bug in Apple’s implementation of SMB. (bugs can be reported here)
Looks A LOT like the Samba bug that I had found.
UPDATE: Looking for Beta testers for V3
I have been working on and off on version 2 for the past 2 years, but I never was really satisfied with how it worked.
As some of you know, the beta 64 bit release version of this v2 was a rough recompile of the application mostly to assist Catalina users.
For the past few months, I have been working on a completely new version, build from scratch, and to avoid confusion, I’ll call that version 3.
(my bad for making v2 release numbering a little messy – apologies for that)
Version 3 comes with some major changes and some of the few key improvements are;
– MacOS API use instead of command-line tools for mounting/unmounting,
– Network change detection through proper Apple event notification APIs,
– Improved SSH support (automatically entering the password),
– Support for SSHFS (requires OSXFuse & SSHFS),
– SSH Key support (generating and installing SSH keys, which is more secure and a password would no longer be needed),
– Optional Automount on network change (when Ethernet and/or WiFi changes) if the server was found,
– Improved Wake On LAN support,
– Catalina support (64 bit, signed and notarized),
– Dark Theme support,
– Mount, Unmount and Reveal in Finder straight from the menu,
– Grouping in menu (with or without label),
– Indication if a share is mounted in the menu (showing active SSH connections as well)
and a few other changes you may like.
Since this version was build from scratch, one could expect new or different bugs, and to find those I’m looking for beta testers.
If you’re interested, please email me at webmaster at tweaking4all dot com.
Hello Hans,
I’m having a little issue with the 64-bit beta of ConnectMeNow (2.1.4): When I’m connecting to a WebDAVs share on my Raspberry Pi, ConnectMeNow freezes.
When using the old 1.7.9 version of ConnectMeNow, the share is mounted immediately.
The certificate securing the WebDAVs share is a self-signed one I’ve manually trusted using the macOS keyring.
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Hi Klaus,
Unfortunately, the v2 beta is a quick recompile to 64 bit, so maybe there in lays the problem.
Not to mention that I do not use WebDav myself, so testing is rather limited as well.
Since v2 has become a little messy – trying to help out Catalina users, I had to take a few shortcuts – I decided to start from scratch and call the new version v3.
I haven’t made this a public announcement, and it is still work in progress, but feel free to give the beta of that new version a try (download here).
Note: v3 will NOT copy the settings of v1 or v2, and it has been redesigned and rebuild from the ground up. And as a beta, it is subject to change (although I doubt there will be changes to the config files).
Please give it a try (make a backup of your v2 config to be sure) – I tested it a few times with WebDav, and it seems to work.
Hi Hans,
thank you for the new Beta Version. I like it very well.
Sometimes i get Messages that “/private/tmp/KSInstallAction.z1GAUUGnpE/m” is unmounted. Do you know what this is?
System: Mac OS Mojave
Thank you in advance and have a nice day
Hi Reke!
Thanks for the feedback!
These weird mount messages are reported by macOS to ConnectMeNow.
There are a few scenarios where macOS mounts something in the background. For example to install or update an application, or to run an application in a confined environment (not signed and/or not started from your Applications directory).
I’m trying to filter those out, since nobody really has a use for them, and those that would know what to do with it, will know through other means.
As far as I know, the message you’re seeing could be from the Google auto updater, or something like that. But I have to admit that I had to Google it as well
Thanks for the heads up! I’ve added “/private/” to the exceptions (to NOT display a [un]mount notification).
Thank you Hans for the fast answer.
I think that comes from google too, i must google it too ;)
But maybe you can develop an advanced mode, where you can check all folders? In my opinion that notification is usefull for safe mac?!
Best regards and sorry for my bad english
Hi Reke,
no worries about your English – you’re doing great!
As for such an advanced mode: I honestly wouldn’t know if such a mount would be normal or dangerous.
So it’s probably not the best thing to advertise as safe or not safe.
Maybe I can add an option in the future to show all messages vs filter them.
For now, I’m ready to release v3.0.0 to the public, and I’d hate to have to rewrite the application and the article
Note: you can still see the mount messages in the debug/log window.
Yes I’ve hidden that one, since it’s mostly for my own debugging purposes.
You can see it when you open Preferences, and pressing the Control+Option+Command (on a Windows keyboard: CTRL+ALT+Windows).
This will reveal the “Show Debug Log” button at the bottom of the screen, next to the “About” button.
While keeping the keys press, click that button and you will see a log with quite a few events being logged.
ok, i understand that point. The Filter Option may be a good way.
If you need help to rewrite your article, i would support you how i can.
Thanks Reke!
I very much appreciate the offer. As you may have noticed, I’ve just released v3.
In the next few days my dedicated webserver will be migrated to new hardware, so for now I’ll focus on that.
I have added the idea to my To-Do list though – I do like the idea and maybe want to expand on this.
If you like v3, please click “like” at AlternativeTo.net – I have only one like so far
[…] this reason I created ConnectMeNow – initially just for personal use. But the arrival of the 64 bit requirement, mandatory […]
Today I have released a totally new version of ConnectMeNow!
It’s been rebuild from the ground up, small, and support SMB, AFP, FTP, WebDav, NFS, SSHFS and allows you to setup SSH connections (auto fill-in of passwords or SSH keys – including tools to make and install SSH keys).