ApplePi-Baker has been updated again.
This version addresses a bug with the detection of SD cards, and the reduction of the file size of the application (about 30% smaller than previous versions).
Visit the ApplePi-Baker article to download the latest version and to leave comments.
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There are 20 comments. You can read them below.
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Thanks for making this.
I’m actually running into an issue with 1.81 while running on Mac OSX 10.10.5, where the baker hangs up after unmounting the disk and just says Baking IMG recipe… No progress, no ETA, no Abort. I tried downgrading to the 1.51 and running it, I got farther, but when it said it was done baking, there was nothing on the disk.
Hi Rob,
that doesn’t sound good.
v1.51 should definitely run just fine on 10.10.5, and as far as I have been able to test it, it should work under v1.81 as well.
From what you’re saying I’d say certain commands do not execute properly or do not complete properly.
In the past (v1.51) that would happen with a read-only SD card or USB drive. The latch of the card would often switch to read-only when inserting the card.
In v1.81 this should not happen, since I’ve added read-only detection.
I do use a few command line statements to retrieve data, and unfortunately Apple has changed the output a few times. Not sure if it might be related to that.
Since SD cards have proven to be not the most reliable storage devices: would you be able to test a USB drive or another SD-Card?
I took my SD to work an used my windows comp there to try it (see if the card was to blame) and it worked. So when I tried using a USB card reader as an intermediary between my SD and Mac (to test if it was the card reader slot) but no luck. So now I’m trying it with just a 8GB USB drive and it still hangs up at the same place.
I know the USB drive’s good, I use it regularly, so I’m kind of at a loss for what to do next. I’m currently trying to bake the retropie v 3.2.1 for rpi 2, if that makes any difference.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks Rob for taking the time and effort to test!
AH HA!! I’ve randomly figured it out. On a whim I decided to move the IMG to another location. That fixed it issue, it must not have like one of my folder names in the path.
Great to hear it works,… I’d be interested in knowing the path – just to see if it’s something I can fix.
It was a few folders deep
Documents / Rob’s Stuff / Rpi / retropie….img
I’m assuming it was the ‘Rob’s Stuff’ folder that caused the issues, with the space and apostrophe.
That could indeed cause a problem, even though I did try to catch that in the ApplePi-Baker code.
I’ll see if I can catch that in a different way. I think the single quote is doing it. Should not cause a problem though – so I’ll take a peek and see what can be done!
Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
I’ll post a reply here when a new version is available (I’m traveling, so I can’t really give an ETA, this might be in half an hour or in two day
I have modified the path handling for the next release (1.82), hopefully addressing the issue you’ve ran into.
If you’d like, you could try if this beta version of v1.82 works with the path you’ve used before.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Prachtig programma. Kan niet meer zonder!
Hoi Rene!
Hartelijk dank voor het compliment! Blij te horen dat het een handig programma voor je is – geeft ook wat motivatie om meer van dit soort projecten te starten
Hi, i just downloaded the latest ApplePi Baker 1.9.4 i have tried various ways of formatting the card, but im stuck on waiting for recipe when trying to use an image file. I am on MAc OsX 10.11.6, what could i be doing wrong ? Thanks
Hi Andy,
I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues.
Unfortunately, I can no longer test with MacOS X 10.11 … Both my Mac’s run 10.12.
I will try to find time in the next few days (Thanksgiving) to create a new version – possible with some logging features so we can try to trace and see what is going wrong.
Thank you for replying so quick. I also downloaded version 1.5.1 but it doesnt see my cards. I have tried two different cards both giving the same result. I have formatted using the mac disk utility and also the prep for noobs utility within ApplePi Bake. Also I have tried using a USB reader and the built in SD card reader of my macbook. Thanks for any help you can give.
Hi Andy,
1.5x is relatively old and might not be 100% compatible with 10.11 – I never updated it to the latest output Apple’s command-line statements produce.
With Thanksgiving I hope to have some time available to work on this. In the meanwhile you could try the following commands in Terminal:
This should list all your drives.
Now determine the /dev/disk for the SD cards and run (example: /dev/disk3):
and post the output. This way I can maybe debug some without having to have 10.11 running
Hi, this is before I run ApplePi
Device Identifier: disk1
Device Node: /dev/disk1
Whole: Yes
Part of Whole: disk1
Device / Media Name: Built In SDXC Reader
Volume Name: Not applicable (no file system)
Mounted: Not applicable (no file system)
File System: None
Content (IOContent): FDisk_partition_scheme
OS Can Be Installed: No
Media Type: Generic
Protocol: Secure Digital
SMART Status: Not Supported
Disk Size: 31.9 GB (31914983424 Bytes) (exactly 62333952 512-Byte-Units)
Device Block Size: 512 Bytes
Read-Only Media: No
Read-Only Volume: Not applicable (no file system)
Device Location: Internal
Removable Media: Removable
Media Removal: Software-Activated
Virtual: No
OS 9 Drivers: No
Low Level Format: Not supported
This is when i have started to recover the image Device Identifier: disk1
Device Node: /dev/disk1
Whole: Yes
Part of Whole: disk1
Device / Media Name: Built In SDXC Reader
Volume Name: Not applicable (no file system)
Mounted: Not applicable (no file system)
File System: None
Content (IOContent): FDisk_partition_scheme
OS Can Be Installed: No
Media Type: Generic
Protocol: Secure Digital
SMART Status: Not Supported
Disk Size: 31.9 GB (31914983424 Bytes) (exactly 62333952 512-Byte-Units)
Device Block Size: 512 Bytes
Read-Only Media: No
Read-Only Volume: Not applicable (no file system)
Device Location: Internal
Removable Media: Removable
Media Removal: Software-Activated
Virtual: No
OS 9 Drivers: No
Low Level Format: Not supported
Thanks Andy!
I’ll look at it, hopefully tomorrow! This is good info though!
How do you download your 1.9.4 app? The download link is only taking me back to the download page!
And login isn’t working ether. When logging in from an Apple ipad, ISO 10.2.1.
Tim Samuels
Hi Tim,
The latest version can be found on the main ApplePi-Baker page. Also note that you might not be able to download this with an iPad.
As for the login – I unfortunately do not have an iPad to test the login, but so far you’re the first encountering this problem, so I’d really like to test this when I get the chance.
Open invite to test 2.1.0 beta (download here).
Version 2.1.0 comes with some major changes;
– significant speed impact (while testing, backup almost 3 times as fast as before),
– optimized backup (parts of the disk that are not partitioned will be skipped),
– option the shrink or expand Linux partitions on your Mac.
Since I have a limited number of Macs to test with, I’d love to hear feedback from other Mac users.