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Name My TV Series v1.5.0 available …

Name My TV Series v1.5.0 available …

As of today, version 1.5.0 of Name My TV Series has become available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux (32- and 64-bit).

This release adds a few new features and bug fixes.

– Bug fix for episodes >99 (bug 010 instead of 001)
– Added %E2 to auto grow leading zero’s when episode count >99
– Update TheTVDB logo
– Mac: Drag and Drop on Application works now as well.
– Bug fix: Drag and Drop RMVB files allowed
– Bug fix: Clear after rename now functional
– Registry data format changed to reflect new options
– Bug fix in Preferences: Update example string working again.
– Alternating Season colors in the complete episode list
– Alternating Season colors in Rename Scheme
– Bug fix: Windows storing temp images in application directory causes errors
– Bug Fix: German/French (non-Latin) Characters under Windows
– Bug Fix: Weird characters causing invalid integer error
– Bug fix: Shows that count with years now work properly
– Bug Fix: odd sorting, rewritten sorting routine from scratch
– Added %EC for using a total/sequential count of episodes.
– Default sort order is Airdate. Optional “DVD” sort order (check “DVD” and click “Get Episodes”)
– Broken Google search EPGuide fixed
– Handle 403 error from TheTVDB

I’m aware that more bugs/feature requests might be out there, feel free leave a comment at the Rename your TV Series Files article.

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