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MySQL Export and Import Data: How to backup databases

MySQL Export and Import Data: How to backup databases

MySQL is one of the most commonly used database engines, not just because it’s free but mostly because it’s fast, reliable and widely supported. That doesn’t mean you should not make backups …

Backups of your MySQL setup can be needed for several reason. You want a backup for safe keeping, you want to move a database to another server, just before you make some major changes, or you just want to wipe your server clean and setup everything from scratch without loosing your data.

Making a one time backup of your database(s) can be a bit unclear, so in this article a description of 3 possible methods to make a backup of one or more databases and how to import them at a later time (to the same or another MySQL server).

WordPress – Increase Maximum Upload Size for Media Library File

WordPress – Increase Maximum Upload Size for Media Library File

My latest issue with WordPress has been the limited maximum Media Library Upload Size when I tried uploading a few videos for an Arduino article.

In this article I’ll show you several methods to increase the Maximum Upload Size for the WordPress Media Library, either by modifying php.ini, functions.php or the .htaccess file. WordPress MU/Multisite/MS use will be addressed as well.

WordPress – Open links in comments in a new Window or Tab

WordPress – Open links in comments in a new Window or Tab

WordPress is a great Content Management System, not just for bloggers …

One of the downsides I have run into is that links in comments automatically get reformatted and the HTML “target=_blank” gets stripped away so a link in a comment will always open in the same window as you website. Personally I prefer such a link to open in a new window …

So in this article a simple piece of code to make links in WordPress comments automatically open in a new window or a new tab by automatically adding “target=_blank” to links in comments.

WordPress – Upload banned File Types to Media Library

WordPress – Upload banned File Types to Media Library

WordPress handles media files through it’s Media Library and in it’s default installation only certain file types, or better said: MIME-types, are allowed to be uploaded.

The current selection of allowed file types (ie.the file types that are not banned) can be rather limiting specially when you’re using bbPress as a forum wiht your WordPress setup. I’m not sure about the need for additional formats for all bbPress forums, but in the Tweaking4All forum I most certainly would like to be able to upload RAR, 7z, GZIP, XML and CSV files (amongst others).

Unfortunately WordPress does not offer a straight forward interface in the Admin Pages to modify the allowed Files Types.
In this article a short piece of code to allow you to add other file types or so called mime-types.

ASCII HTML Table – DOS ASCII versus HTML Characters

ASCII HTML Table – DOS ASCII versus HTML Characters

I used to have a Microsoft DOS 6.0 manual laying on my desk for the sole purpose of having an ASCII reference table. I mean literally only for that purpose.

As I started dabbling in HTML, back in the day, I created a small table on the old WeetHet website for HTML codes, only to find that I every now and then run into the limitations of that table when I’m coding …

So here, for those who care for it, a table showing all 256 ASCII (DOS) characters and their HTML counter parts … including the decimal value, hexadecimal value, HTML numerical code, HTML alpha code, display as HTML character, display as DOS character, and te descriptions that go with it …

WordPress – Adding Custom Columns in the Posts Admin page

WordPress – Adding Custom Columns in the Posts Admin page

Not every WordPress admin uses them, but as some of you might know: you can add custom fields to your posts (amongst others). Here at Tweaking4All we use if to enter a shorter title, a shorter description and for example to indicate the difficulty level for the individual posts.

The problem I found however is that sometimes I forget to enter those custom fields for my new post and it would be helpful to see those values in the overview of all posts in the admin pages, so I can see right away if I forgot one or not.

It appears that adding and removing columns is actually really not all that difficult, so I’ll explain what I did to get it to work.

How to speed up your website

How to speed up your website

While revamping and Tweaking4All I mostly focused on looks and functionality – obviously great points for the user experience. But even more important is the speed of your website. Not just because it gives a better user experience, but also because it has an impact on your search engine ranking.

Since I had to do some optimizing myself, for Tweaking4All, here an article with my first hand experience in how to make your website faster …

WordPress – How to create a sitemap Page …

WordPress – How to create a sitemap Page …

In this short article, I’ll show you how I made my sitemap (not to be confused with sitemap.xml) of my website.

For Tweaking4All I just wanted a list of all pages, and all categories with the posts listed underneath it. The reason why I wrote my own code is pretty simple: Everything I could find out there on the Internet only showed first level posts and categories, or made a flat list out of it, or skipped duplicates. This list however maintains the actual hierarchy, and if a post occurs in multiple categories then this will reflect this as such.

With a simple tiny bit of code and your own customized CSS, things can be pretty easy.

How to create a FavIcon for your website

How to create a FavIcon for your website

You see it with most websites: the so called favicon. A little icon presented on the tabs of your browser or next to your bookmarks, right next to the title of the page.

This all started with Internet Explorer 4 – way back in the day – using a .ICO file.

New browsers and new standards however bring more to the table than just this old little icon.
In this article I’ll show you a few variations and how to do it and I’ll even explain some of the functions introduced by Apple (like Retina support).

WordPress – Enable Link Manager without Plugin

WordPress – Enable Link Manager without Plugin

WordPress, as awesome as it may be, has it’s funny streaks – with all due respect to the developers who have done some very respectable work. As of version 3.5, the “Link Manager” no longer appears on new installs, and that of course just after I decided to use “Link Manager” for my Links Page.

It can be brought back with a plugin, but why install yet another plugin when the code appears to still exist in the WordPress distribution?

A simple one-liner fixes this problem …

Copy or Move WordPress to another server

Copy or Move WordPress to another server

Whenever creating a website, I typically first play at home on a testserver. Once I’m satisfied, I transfer the content to a production server.

In the past this was rather straight forward since I had developed the website from scratch. But when I started playing with WordPress this seemed a bit more cumbersome.

In this article I’ll show you a simple guide on how to copy or move your WordPress site to another server or to another domain in 5 steps.

Custom Shortcodes for WordPress

Custom Shortcodes for WordPress

A short description how to add your own ShortCodes to your WordPress based website.

One of the reason why WordPress is so popular is the ability to customize. This can be done with the enormous amount of (often free) plugins, or by writing custom code utilizing the WordPress powerful backend.

One of those customizable things are the so called “Shortcodes” where a simple tag (like a macro) handles a complex task or repetitive work.

I’ll show you in this article what Shortcodes are and to how to create your own custom ones with a simple example.

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