So this topic is a continued conversation on how to use miniWOL to wake up a Mac from sleep started by Ryan.
Since the infor is getting a little out of hand, I (Hans) have started this forum topic.
So some observations I did while testing and searching for an answer;
1) Port numbers ...
I didn't get any smarter here, except that (see end of this post) that Port 4343 seems to do something.
I've tested the default port (9), which didn't work, and the common alternative port (7), which didn't work either (same as on your setup).
In an old post I did read someone using port 4343 for WOL which did trigger did show up in the power management log:
pmset -g everything | grep Magic
You can see that the WOL packets (over port 4343) indeed arrive at the Mac.
2020-12-03 22:19:25 +0100 WakeDetails DriverReason:Enet.MagicPacket - DriverDetails:Magic packet received
(even though nothing happened - my Mac remained dark)
Note: port 9 WOL also do appear in the power management log.
2) I wonder when a Mac really goes to sleep.
When looking at the power management event with the code below, you'll see a lot of "sleep preventers".
pmset -g log | grep sleep | tail -n 10
Since I'm not very knowledgeable on the "pmset" details, there could be conflicts with different kind of sleep modes the Mac may be using.
I did disable Power Nap on my Mac for that reason, but in the end it didn't make much of a difference.
Maybe we have to wait longer.
All-in-all I wouldn't expect this to matter. At least I'd assume that a WOL magic packet should tell the Mac to "wake up", even if it's not entirely asleep.
Another thing that makes me wonder about WOL on a Mac, is the explanation of "Wake for network access":
"Even in sleep mode, wakes to provide access to shared resources, such as shared printers or Music playlists."
Granted this is a help page, and when have those ever been helpful, but it doesn't mention WOL, which you'd assume would be needed for this to work.
On the other hand the man page of "pmset" states:
"womp - wake on ethernet magic packet (value = 0/1). Same as "Wake for network access" in the Energy Saver preferences."
Confusing to say the least 😉
3) How I'm testing
So to get an idea what may be the issue, which I still haven't found, I use this Terminal statement:
date; pmset sleepnow; date; pmset -g everything | grep Magic
Which prints the date and time, puts the Mac to sleep.
Once the Mac wakes up again, it continues by printing the date and time again (soI can find those in the log) and show the "Magic packets" from the power management log.
This is what happens on my Mac Pro:
At sleep (0 seconds), the screen goes OFF, and the cooling fan keeps spinning for a few more seconds.
Sleeping for 10 seconds - Cooling fans stop.
Sleeping for 17 seconds - USB devices are turned OFF (LEDs on my keyboard go OFF).
Sleeping for 45 seconds - USB devices are powered ON again and my external disk starts spinning (I assume some Time Machine activity).
Sleeping for 97 seconds - All OFF -- USB devices go OFF again, external disk spins down, LEDs on keyboard OFF, fans OFF.
After that, when I send the WOL magic packet (port 9 and port 4343 have the same effect, so I'd stick with port 9):
USB devices are powered ON again (LEDs on keyboard ON), but the monitor remains black.
Moving the mouse doesn't do anything - screen remains black until I touch a key on the keyboard or a mouse button.
So, maybe this gets us further. Maybe you can test this on your Mac.
Once your Mac went through all these steps, and the USB devices are finally on again, maybe moving the mouse to the other screen (even though you can't see it) may turn the monitor ON again?
Still not the solution we're looking for of course, but it may get us close.