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ConnectmeNow - NFS ...
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[Solved] ConnectmeNow - NFS doesn't allow -o options

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It seems that on Big Sur, nfs mounts need:

sudo mkdir /Volumes/mount_name
sudo mount -o vers=4,resvport -t nfs server:/export/fs /Volumes/mount_name


to properly mount .. But I can't access the NSF options.(-o) config.

Any suggestions?

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Hi Lax,

The options are disabled when you choose the "Default mount (mounts in /Volumes)".

To enable the options choose "Use custom Path instead of /Volumes/" ...

Hope this fixes the problem 😉 

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The option now shows, but I still can't mount an nfs server from Linux through the app. Only through the command line.

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What did you enter for the options?

I'm not very experienced with NFS, but I think you need to enter this for that option field:


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Posted by: @hans

What did you enter for the options?

I'm not very experienced with NFS, but I think you need to enter this for that option field:


Yes, that's what I used. No joy. Manually with sudo on a terminal it works.


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Apologies for the delayed response.
Not being a NFS expert I did need to do some tests (had to setup a NFS share first).

Indeed ... it seems the option resvport requires execution by sudo, and CMN does not support sudo commands (thanks to Apple's security precautions).
So I unfortunately do not have a work-around for that. 

The mount_nfs man page suggests you may not need resvport, but I see it depends on server requirements:


Use a reserved socket port number.  This is useful for mounting servers that require clients to use a reserved
port number on the mistaken belief that this makes NFS more secure. (For the rare case where the client has a trusted root account but untrustworthy users and the network cables are in secure areas this does help, but for  normal desktop clients this does not apply.)

Did you try it with these parameters? (again: not sure how critical the reserved socket port number is, it worked for my QNAP)



Obviously, the option has nothing to do with reserved port numbers. Not being a NFS expert, I for some reason keep using it 😜 


Convert name strings to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC) when sending them to the NFS server. This option may be used to improve interoperability with NFS clients and servers that typically use names in the NFC form.

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Almost forgot to mention this:

When the Preferences window is open, press and hold CTRL + Alt + Command to reveal the "Show debug log" button.
The debug log will show the command line statement for "custom path" mounts, which may be helpful debugging those parameters (even though not all system error messages are useful).

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Posted by: @hans

Did you try it with these parameters? (again: not sure how critical the reserved socket port number is, it worked for my QNAP)

Actually , my QNAP .. I use Apple's built-in AFP and works great!. I did try with nfc and no joy. For linux, I, have "insecure" in order not to need rsrvport

EDITED: These settings worked today!!!!. In the Linux /etc/exports file, this is the setting


Joy! .

Will try the log. That's neat!

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by lax

Hans reacted
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For anybody else following this:

In your Linux /etc/exports file, give these permissions to the export

/path/nfs_mount   <localnetwork>/24(sec=sys:krb5:krb5i:krb5p,rw,insecure,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,no_subtree_check)


Then create a mount point in your system ex:

mkdir ~/Mountpoints/nfs_mount_name


And so in the ConnectmeNow for type NFS, use custom path (use above) and NFS options -d (vers=4,resrvport). Obviously adapt to your network and server names!

I also changed my iptables firewall settings on the server to allow TCP/UDP 2049 from the local network. Didn't test without it

Seems to have finally worked for me

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by lax

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The nfs mount point name that is chosen seems to include the server name

CMD: mount_nfs -o vers=4,resvport "<server_dns_name>:/raid_storage/nfs" "/Users/<user>/Mountpoints/nfs (<server_dns_name>)"


What i *really* need is just the name and NOT the full path with the server!

Can we change the CMD to just use the Menu Label ?>

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Thanks Lax for the extensive info! Awesome 👍  🙂 

As for your question on the mount path;

Under advanced settings of a share, there is the option "Use custom path as absolute oath (entered directory will be the mountpoint)".
Granted, it is well hidden ... just to avoid that less advanced users make a potential mess of things.

When this option is enabled, the "Use custom path instead of /Volumes/" path will be the exact path of your mount.

So you can type any path you'd like and any directory name you'd like.

Note: I hope this comes across right, since I find it hard to capture this in words 😉 

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Thanks works ..

ALSO, I mistyped the reserved port setting on mount_nfs



option (it's not rsrvport!!). Sorry can't edit it. Should have just copied and pasted and not worry about my internal domain names.

This post was modified 3 years ago by lax

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Posted by: @lax

Sorry can't edit it.

Corrected it for you 😉

Question: You couldn't edit it, because you didn't have the "Edit" button under the message, or because you couldn't select the code in the message?
(the latter: double click the code opens up a code editor)

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Posted by: @hans
Posted by: @lax

Sorry can't edit it.

Corrected it for you 😉

Question: You couldn't edit it, because you didn't have the "Edit" button under the message, or because you couldn't select the code in the message?
(the latter: double click the code opens up a code editor)

I think in most of these board apps, a post can be edited for a short amount of time by the author, after that, it's locked. Happens on most boards.


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The saga continues ..

I had an update to MacOSX and rebooted .. and things would not work anymore.

I went back to needing "sudo" to even mount manually in terminal

If I created the directory by hand (mkdir /Users/<name>/Mountpoints/<mount>

then it would work with ....



This is infuriating. It's clearly a MacOSX issue (even in terminal). But seems to change all the time.

Working for now .. until ugh

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