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RE: QNAP - Send WakeOnLAN from your QNAP to wake up another network device
By Hans, 2 days ago
The binaries are unfortunately for Intel processors. You could compile it on your own (using the Makefile) but I can understand that this may not be easy to know how if you're never done it.Second iss... |
RE: QNAP - Send WakeOnLAN from your QNAP to wake up another network device
By heytil, 2 days ago
Can I use this on a Qnap with MArvell processor?If so, how to run it?
If not, do you know other options? |
RE: Rename My TV Series beta bug current version on Windows.
By Hans, 1 week ago
@sirolf Ik heb net RenameMyTVSeries v2.1.8 op een (virtuele) Windows machine gezet.
Ik kan het probleem niet reproduceren.
Wat ik getest heb:
In RMTV " Don't Hurt Me, My Healer " gezocht, episodes ges... |
RE: Rename My TV Series beta bug current version on Windows.
By Hans, 1 week ago
Dank je wel! |
RE: Rename My TV Series beta bug current version on Windows.
By Anonymous, 2 weeks ago
@hans Gecondoleerd.
Gebruikte de laatste bèta versie van toen ik het bericht stuurde, idem dito met Windows.
Het werkte wel goed in the stable versie van je applicatie. |
RE: Orphaned mount points in Volumes (eg. name-1, name-2 etc)
By Hans, 2 weeks ago
Hi Rekesize,
apologies for the late reply - my mom passed away a few weeks ago and made it that I had hardly any time to reply.
Just wondering:Do you have multiple users on your Mac? I have seen one u... |
RE: Rename My TV Series beta bug current version on Windows.
By Hans, 2 weeks ago
Apologies for the delayed response - ran into family issues (my mom passed away) which prevented me from making time to reply.
May I ask what version of RenameMyTVSeries you're using? And what OS?
If ... |
RE: Does not recognize sd card as a source on Mac OS 15.1
By Hans, 2 weeks ago
Sincere apologies for the super late response. Family issues prevented me from making time for my website. My mom unfortunately passed away so I had my hands full 😞
And thank you for the comp... |
RE: QNAP - SSH - Manually rebuild "inactive volume" (some useful commands)
By Hans, 2 weeks ago
Apologies for the very late response ... 😞
Sounds like your QNAP is already actively doing something (rebuild the array maybe?).I would highly recommend contacting QNAP support - as most, I'm... |
hOcO First Automated Raspberry Pi
By Anonymous, 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, the intention of the project is to simplify interaction with a Raspberry Pi, eliminating the need to connect it to a keyboard, monitor, and mouse to interact with it or having to interact... |
RE: Orphaned mount points in Volumes (eg. name-1, name-2 etc)
By Anonymous, 2 weeks ago
Hi Hans,
if have not a solution now, but i think this problems will only come with CMN Version 4. With CMN Version 3 this bugs did not appear.
Maybe it's just a stupid coincidence.
Best regards and go... |
Rename My TV Series beta bug current version on Windows.
By Anonymous, 3 weeks ago
If you look up:
Don't Hurt Me, My Healer
Then try to add the episodes you get an error:
SQLite3Connection : near "What": syntax error. |
RE: Does not recognize sd card as a source on Mac OS 15.1
By Anonymous, 3 weeks ago
Updated it to 15.2 and after the restart it works.
Attachment : image.png |
RE: Does not recognize sd card as a source on Mac OS 15.1
By Anonymous, 3 weeks ago
Just found out other image applications like "RaspberryPi Imager" and "BalenaEtcher" are behaving the same. So it must be something from the OS. |
Does not recognize sd card as a source on Mac OS 15.1
By Anonymous, 3 weeks ago
Fisrt of all, great tool!
I've just used it on Intel MBP with Mac OS 12 Monterey and works great.
However when I tried it on a newer MBP with the latest 15.1 OS Sequoia, it does not recognize ... |