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Windows 10/11 - We ...
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[Solved] Windows 10/11 - We can't create a recovery drive on this PC

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Joined: 11 years ago
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So this happened today ... I wasn't able to create a recovery disk of my PC (virtual machine in this case) that was running Windows 11.
This may also be needed when you're trying to reset your PC and Windows is complaining that it's missing files.


 And this is how I fixed it with REAgent (Windows Recovery Environment Agent) in a DOS box:

cd c:\Windows
reagentc /disable
mkdir c:\Windows\System32\Recovery
reagentc /enable


You only need to create the directory if it is missing of course.
The content should look something like this:

C:\Windows>dir c:\Windows\System32\Recovery
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 28BF-AD86

 Directory of c:\Windows\System32\Recovery

02/10/2022  01:19 PM    <DIR>          .
02/12/2022  01:26 PM    <DIR>          ..
02/13/2022  12:09 PM             1,106 ReAgent.xml
               1 File(s)          1,106 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  36,786,868,224 bytes free


After doing this, I was able to create a recovery disk (you'll need an 8Gb or bigger USB stick).
Make sure to keep "Back up system files to the recovery drive" if you'd like to have the means available to fix system files and/or reset a PC to factory settings.
