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RMTVS Windows shift...
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[Solved] RMTVS Windows shift behavior

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Hi Hans,

 multi select episodes under Episodes works as expected, using only Shift + arrow Up / Down.


However, multi select episodes under Selected Episodes doesn't. The blue selection sticks to the same one . 

Workaround involve using the mouse + click hold. 


I've included a screen grab of this, hoping it will play on your end; here, it gives an error. 


Trusted Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 39
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Doesn't like mkv, here it is in mp4.

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 2728

Hey there! 😊 

Yeah, that is a bug for sure ... not sure if I kept it a bug intentionally or not - got to keep my users on their toes right? 😉 
Just kidding. I guess I have to add this to my "to fix" list ... yikes - thanks for reporting incl. screen recording. That is always very helpful 👍 
