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I'm currently trying to build a 3d scanner with a garmin v3, sparkfun motors, a4988, and an Arduino Uno. However, currently, my sparkfun stepper motors, which are driven by A4988, switch directions every step. I'm not sure why this issue occurs, and sometimes the stepper motors steps properly, but 95% of the time, the stepper switches direction every step. I'm currently micro stepping by 1/16, but when the oscillation occurs, it appears to be taken over 1 step every oscillation cycle. Here is a link to a video of this issue:
LIDARLite myLidarLite; const int dirPinV = 2; // Direction const int stepPinV = 3; // Step const int dirPinH = 4; // Direction const int stepPinH = 5; // Step
// Motor steps per rotation
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); myLidarLite.begin(0, true); // Set configuration to default and I2C to 400 kHz myLidarLite.configure(0); // Change this number to try out alternate configurations
// Setup the pins as Outputs pinMode(stepPinV,OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinV,OUTPUT); pinMode(stepPinH,OUTPUT); pinMode(dirPinH,OUTPUT);
} void loop() { int maxStepV = 45*16; int stepV = 1;
int maxStepH = 60*16; int stepH = 1; for (int x = 0; x < maxStepH; x = x + stepH*2) { // Set motor direction clockwise digitalWrite(dirPinV,HIGH); // Spin vertical for(int v = 0; v <= maxStepV; v= v + stepV) { digitalWrite(stepPinV,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(500); digitalWrite(stepPinV,LOW); delayMicroseconds(500); Serial.println(myLidarLite.distance(false)); } // Pause for one second delay(1000);
// spin vertical digitalWrite(dirPinV,LOW); // Spin motor two rotations quickly for(int v = 0; v <= maxStepV; v= v + stepV) { digitalWrite(stepPinV,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(500); digitalWrite(stepPinV,LOW); delayMicroseconds(500); Serial.println(myLidarLite.distance(false)); } // Pause for one second delay(1000);
// Spin horizontal digitalWrite(dirPinH,HIGH); for(int hstep = 0; hstep <= stepH; hstep= hstep + stepH) { digitalWrite(stepPinH,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10000); digitalWrite(stepPinH,LOW); delayMicroseconds(10000); } myLidarLite.distance(true); // Pause for one second delay(1000); } }
This looks like a very cool project (I hope you don't mind I embedded your video)!
Unfortunately my experiences with stepper motors is pretty much zero - I know how they work, just never got around playing with them. Since this is a little over my head, I'd recommend (which you probably already did) reading this section Arduino Stepper Library on the Arduino website and start with some barebones experiments. I'd also start dumping the variables like stepH and such to the serial monitor to see if there is a mistake in the logic (happens to me at times as well haha).
Like I said: I'm pretty sure you've already done all that. But unfortunately, I do not know enough about stepper motors and such to be of any useful help 😞 .
Maybe one of the other users here can chime in ...
I don't have any experience with stepper motors but I am wondering if the issue is related to the pins you are using. Great idea to include a video.
You are using pins 11, 12 and 13. On the Arduino Uno these are for SPI commucation. Pin 11 is MOSI, 12 is MISO and 13 is SCK. I don't think you can override this function.
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