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Linux Renamemytvser...
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[Solved] Linux Renamemytvseries2 unable to create SQLite database

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Als ik RMTV2 opstart krijg ik een foutmelding, Unable to create SQLite database. 

Ik heb het programma al een keer verwijderd en opnieuw geïnstalleerd maar dat micht niet baten.

Ik heb ook de map ~\.config\rename.. al een keer verwijderd maar ook dat hielp niet.

Iemand nog een idee?


Groet tom 

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ik heb even wat verder gezocht en de oplossing gevonden. Er bleek een lib te ontbreken. Na het commando "sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev", werkt het weer.


grt tom 

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Hi Tom!

mooi om te horen dat je de oplossing hebt gevonden.
Excuses voor de late reactie.



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Not sure if I should reply on this thread or create my own, but I'm having the same issue.  I confirmed the sqlite3-devel package is installed (I'm on OpenSUSE 15.5) but I still get the error.  Recently I updated from 15.4 to 15.5, which seems to have broken Rename My TV Series.

Can you help me fix this?




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Hi Jim,

starting a dedicated topic for OpenSUSE 15 would have been better - this way user with this specific question can find it much easier.

First thing I'd try is running RMTV from Terminal to see any specific messages (if you haven't done that already of course). What is the error message you get?

Now if there is a file creation error, then you could try running it with sudo as a last resort, in case there are any security changes (I haven't touched OpenSUSE in at least a decade so I'm not aware of where they're at with security limitations and such).

Maybe comparing the SQLite library version for OpenSuse 15.4 and 15.5 could give us a hint.

(at the moment it's not easy for me to run most [Intel/x86] Linux versions as a virtual machine, since I'm working on ARM hardware at the moment)

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Hi @hans,

Thanks for the response!  Next time I'll be sure to start my own thread.  😎 

When I run RMTV from the Terminal I get the following error messages after closing error message window:

Exception at 0000000000000000: EAccessViolation:
Access violation.
Exception at 0000000000000000: EAccessViolation:
Access violation.
Exception at 00000000004570FE: EAccessViolation:
Access violation.
Exception at 0000000000000000: EAccessViolation:
Access violation.

Not very helpful to me.  Does this make sense to you?

I don't think it's a creation rights issue on the file system.  When I run RMTV, it does create a "~/.config/Rename My TV Series/" directory as it pops up the error message window.  When I close the error message window that directory is removed.

The libsqlite3 versions are as follows:

  • OpenSUSE 15.4:  libsqlite3-0-3.44.0-150000.3.23.1.x86_64
  • OpenSUSE 15.5:  libsqlite3-0-3.44.0-150000.3.23.1.x86_64

They appear to be identical.  Are there any other libraries RMTV is dependant on?




Hans reacted
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Just wondering, since I am really not a Linux expert, but could it be that 15.5 uses a different window manager? or different GTK version?

Also, did you install "libsqlite3-dev" (sometimes this seems needed - as mentioned in the Dutch text)

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Hi @hans,

My apologies for the slow response...been a very busy couple of weeks at work.

I've confirmed the GTK version is the same between suse 15.4 and 15.5.  I also have the "libsqlite3-dev" package (called "sqlite3-devel" on suse) installed.  Do you have a list of required libraries?  I did an "objdump" against the executable and the following were listed:


Is this list accurate and are there any others required?




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Hi there 😊 

No worries, no apologies needed, I had a busy few weeks here as well.

To be honest, I'm not a Linux expert, and I'm not even a frequent Linux user.
I've only compiled a Linux version since I really like my apps to be platform independent, and test them on a virtual machine with Debian, or Mint, or something like that.

I think we already ruled out SQLite as the trouble maker, and the Access Violation errors to be quite useless.
You could try running the Qt version of RMVT. That would possible point to GTK to be an issue or not.
I personally prefer GTK for it's looks, but Qt has proven to be much more consistent and reliable.
Give it a go and see if that works.

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Do you have a download link for the Qt version of RMTV 2.0.10?  The only Qt version listed in your downloads section is for the 2.1.8 Beta version.




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I guess you found the missing link ... meaning: I goofed up I guess.
Not sure why, but it seems I haven't compiled or posted a Qt version in quite a while - not sure why. 😞 

Apologies for that, and a little concerning that in the last 5 years nobody even noticed it missing.

I'll try to build a Qt version one of these days.
Been rather busy lately (long story) and have to fire up my Intel Mac, to see if I still have an operational virtual machine running Linux 😊 

I'll place a reminder in my calendar, just in case I forget.
I'll keep you updated here, but it may take at least a week before I get it 😞 

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@jimgravelle Did you test the beta Qt version?

Reason I'm asking: if that version does not work either, then a new build would fail as well.
If that is the case then I'd rather put my efforts in the upcoming new release (been working on that one, on and of, for a very long time now).
