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Make RMTV ignore me...
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[Solved] Make RMTV ignore meta data and file extensions

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Hey been a bit hope all is good with you.


I would like to know if it is possible to add an option for RMTV to simply look at the file name and ignore everything else? I ask cause a couple of days ago I downloaded a show which for some reason was missing an episode. I managed to download it from one of the streaming sites. The site could not play the file for some reason, but the downloaded file works perfectly except when I try to drag it into RMTV. It simply cannot be dragged and dropped onto RMTV. I had to manually name it. No big deal cause it was just one file, but in my book that would not have happened if RMTV was just looking at the file names and not the metainfo or the file type.   

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Hey again 😊 

Hope you're doing good as well ....

As for your question: RMTV actually only looks at file extensions (see list below).

What was the filename/file extension of the file you tried to rename?

{ Allowed video file extensions }


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As I stated above I do not remember the name of the file or it's file extension, only that it played without issue in SMPlayer after being downloaded. That said the file extension should not matter, this is a file renamer and the only thing RMTV should care about is the file name before the period and file extension, NOT what's under that files hood or the file extension. By this I mean If for some reason I decide to toss say "The Curse S01E01.txt" and 9 other text files named for the next 9 episodes RMTV should except them without question and rename them appropriately, like so "The Curse (2020) S01E01 Alone.txt" and so fourth.  I can tell you the format used by the streaming site had never been an issue before, the only difference this time is that trying to stream it the site said the file could not be played. There must be a way to have RMTV only look at the name and nothing eise.  Thanks

This post was modified 5 years ago by Locutus

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The reason why the extension is observed is so that similar named files can be renamed when renaming a video file (eg. nfo, srt, jpg, etc).

Think of this scenario:

A user has a directory with one or more video files, and a few similar named files (for example subtitles).
This same user has the option "rename similar named files" enabled, and drops the entire directory on it.
So under the current approach, only video files will be added, and during the rename process, RMTV will look for similar named files and rename them as well.

If I would disable the filtering of non video files (allow any file), all the extra files will now be listed as well in RMTV.
If the user would then rename files, with the option "rename similar named files" enabled, you can already imagine the chaos that may follow.


Also note that I wrote RMTV just to rename TV Shows, and not just any files.

That said: I could implement the option to "accept any file". If that option is selected, "rename similar named files" will then be disabled and vice versa. 😊 
This shouldn't be too hard, but I am worried about other use cases. (you wouldn't believe the different ways people use RMTV) 

I've added it to my "to-do" list. We will see how good or bad this option will be in the future.

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Yea I see your point. I tend to forget cause I won't keep all the JUNK some will. All my TV series are just the episodes and nothing more. If I need subtitles I will merge them into the video file they belong to using MKVToolNix. Now I hope your solution will address video files with a correct file extension that play fine in one's video player of choice but for some reason can't currently be dragged to RMTV. 

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I have been thinking of making the supported file extension editable ... but I keep running into not enough space in the Settings haha 😋 

Locutus reacted
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I see what you mean. Short of adding another tab you would be hard-pressed to add anything. 

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Posted by: @hans

I have been thinking of making the supported file extension editable ... but I keep running into not enough space in the Settings haha 😋 

 Hi Hans (and AgentX),

Wouldn't it be possible for the settings tabs to be scrollable with one of those thing right there ?



Locutus reacted
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Yes that would be an option of course.
I'm not a big fan of this though - as a user I would prefer to see everything right away, without overlooking things because I forgot to scroll.
On that note though: the amount of settings is getting quite extensive, so this may be the only option left if and when I decided to revamp the settings window (it will be a bit of work).
I hope that makes sense 😉 

If I'd start using a scrollbar like that one, then I'd be inclined to place all settings one page, and divide that page in sections/chapters.
This way all settings can be seen on one single page.

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How many pages can you have in the settings? Are you limited to just the two? I mean you already have the currents setting in 3 tabs.

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I'm not really limited to any number.
I would however prefer to try to keep related settings together.

Making one scrollable page is not a bed idea though ...
I think I'll do an experiment one of these days, just to see how good or bad the user experience may be.
Considering the amount of settings, this may even be better than the tabs that I'm using right now ... 😊 

Locutus reacted
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Off topic have you consider the flatpak, snap, or appimage option instead of what is a confusing read me txt for installing? My copy was fine as long as I was using my old username, but under a new username I have to try to figure out how to install all over again. Right now I used Wine to install the Windows version.

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I'd like to use something like flatpak, if this has become a more commonly accepted distribution method for all common Linux distros. However for any of the distribution methods out there, it can be quite a lot of work to figure out the details, especially when one isn't a Linux user.

Maybe it is just me of course ... but when looking at a first build instruction, I already loose motivation to even get started. 😜 
It would be cool and very helpful, if there would be something like InnoSetup for Linux.

I'm open to suggestion though ... 😊 
Maybe I'll look at FlatPak again ...

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your product is already in the AUR maybe contact the person hosting it their and keep them up to date on the code. I mean it can't be that hard to email them the code so they can always up date the version for download through the terminal or software manager of choice by the end user.  I just added a comment to the AUR page.

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Thanks AgentX!

I've spend a few evenings now trying to see what the best option would be ... but I will honestly admit that I just gave up.
It's quite a chaos out there and/or I'm overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work it would take. 😞 

I'll do another attempt in the near future though 😊 

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