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[Solved] QNAP - Linux Station tunnel trough QVPN
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July 21, 2018 6:00 PM
Hi. I have a TS-251 with QVPN connected to a VPN Service. I also have Linux Station running on this QNAP. I would like to tunnel the internet traffic of the Linux Station through the QVPN to my VPN Service. How can I set this up, if at all possible? Please use simple language as I am not really computer smart... 
Thank you for helping out!
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July 21, 2018 10:46 PM
Hi Mankann,
I've been exploring a similar options, to find that I won't be using my QNAP for this (since the CPU of the QNAP can only handle so much - which translates in a slower than I'd like connection over VPN).
Having said that; this is totally possible. I'll admit that I have not tested this. (see also attached picture - I got this from this QNAP Forum thread).
1) Setup your VPN client in QVPN Service and connect (see picture)
2) Open App Center and config Download Station to Connect to the VPN Client
Hope this helps, I'm curious at the results ...
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July 22, 2018 1:07 AM
Thank you for the answer, but this context menu only comes up for Download Station, not Linux Station.. Or is there a possibility to enhance the Linux Station menu?
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July 22, 2018 2:06 AM
Woops - my bad. Somehow I read Download Station, but that's indeed not what you're looking for.
Well, haven't tried it myself, but what about installing a VPN client on Linux Station? Just as if it's a normal Linux computer?
A quick search with Google showed me some older posts that folks ran into issues and had to do a little fix (see this link).
I guess it's worth a try. The trick will be how to monitor that traffic indeed is going through VPN ...?
That's why I prefer having my router handle this - so I can force traffic from a given IP address through the VPN.
But I'll admit; I'm just starting with VPN myself, so I'm most certainly no expert either.
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July 22, 2018 7:59 PM
The reason I wanted to tunnel through QVPN was to use just one of my credentials for the VPN Service.
But now I am just going to get a VPN Router and use just one of my credentials to login all of my devices to the VPN Service. With the help of the VPN Server on the router I will even have access to my home network from away.
How blissful the short time between fantasy of how IT should work until the reality of how IT does work. You have to cherish these moments...
Thanks for your help!
PS Which router do you use and do you know if it is possible to selectively pass DHCP clients through the VPN or not?
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July 22, 2018 9:10 PM
I'm using a Netgear R7000 Nighthawk and I flashed it with Asus-WRT-Merlin (xWRT) - the flashed firmware is as capable as DD-WRT, just a way better user interface. Do not get fooled by the "asus" part in the title. xWRT is a port of the open source Asus WRT firmware to this specific Netgear model.
Now ... finding this model may or may not be easy, since it's been around for a while already.
If you want you could also look at Asus routers - the Asus RT-AC88U seems a good choice (I found this article, which would give you a good start).
For VPN use you have to keep in mind that it needs CPU power (on the router or on your PC).
It is said that OpenVPN uses only one core of a CPU, so a dual core CPU in a router is what I would recommend (so the 2nd core can handle the other tasks/traffic).
Having said that: router CPU's are not very fast, so your VPN will not be able to use your full bandwidth (not just because of the VPN overhead, but mostly because it can go only so fast for encrypting/decrypting VPN traffic).
I found that mine works OK for VPN, up to about 50Mbps (mega bit) - and so does for example. If you want to use it for serious downloads, then you may have to look for dedicated hardware. For example an old PC running something complicated like pfsense - but it will be complicated to setup (I'm looking into this myself right now - but more so to get high speed for when I remotely access my computer when I'm not home).
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July 22, 2018 9:24 PM
Hans, I just ordered the ASUS RT-AC58U (quad-core). I will let you and the community know how well it works. I will test it with NordVPN and hide.me
Router Specs
Should hear from me by the end of the week.
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July 22, 2018 9:38 PM
Cool ... I'm curious to see the results 
I see it has a 710 Mhz quad core CPU ... the Netgear has a 1 GHz dual core ... (not that this means anything, since each generation CPU is different in performance anyway)
In the meanwhile I'm looking into a tiny PC to do the OpenVPN traffic, see what I can find out
With a NordVPN trial, I capped out at a 5 MBps (5 Mega byte, so about 40 Mbps), and considering my 1 Gbps connection (Fiber), I'd like to get a little more out of it 
When I tried from outside to get to my NAS at home, using point to point openVPN, I capped out at 5 MBps as well, so I know NordVPN was not the limiting factor.
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July 29, 2018 5:33 AM
So, I finally bought the RT-AC68U (instead of the 58). I installed asuswrt-merlin and am very happy with it so far. I am a long time client of hide.me but gave nordvpn a go, liked it, but cancelled it after a week.
As to the announced test and review, it will have to wait a while because I am moving and I don't really have the leisure to dedicate any time to it.
In case you are interested in hide.me let me refer you in case you don't have someone to refer you already. Hope this is not against forum rules...
Sponsoring you by buying from amazon only works on amazon.com US or are the localised shops also included?
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July 29, 2018 7:29 AM
Well, at the moment only purchases through Amazon US helps, but I'm planning on adding Amazon Germany as well - it comes with a few changes that I have to make to the website. And like you; I've recently finished a move (US -> EU) so I know how little time is left in a day
I have no problem mentioning hide.me here - how is your experience with them?