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[Solved] Rename My TV Series 2.x - Application Log?

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Storing Debug log request:

While trying to implement your request, I suddenly realized why I had not done this before.
Some work flows include files from different directories and to different locations, making it impossible to choose.
Well, unless I make a log per renamed file, which is probably not be desirable either.

For now I will leave it as-is. But I'll keep it in my "to-do" list.

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Posted by: @hans


Double click episode crash: Can you send me what steps to do to reproduce? I did a quick test and RMTV did not crash.

Sorry, I should of said, 'double click on the same episode twice'.  Or add the same episode twice either individually or as a group, as long as one of the episode has already been added to the Selected Episodes list.

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w/r/t Search Episodes/Selected Episodes/Selected Files; I have never used it; I only found the bug because I was trying to break the program. :-) 

Issue: Maximize window. Open Settings.  Click Reset Window Sizes. Close Settings. Main window size reset except that it think it is still maximized so it is immovable.  Until the Min/Max button is clicked.

Comment: Copy TVMAZE ID in main dialog.  Unfortunately, it looks like TVMaze doesn't search by the ID (TVMAZE:xxxx or xxxx).  So, I am not sure how useful it is, however, I guess, it doesn't hurt anything it being there.  The only exception is if someone try to search by ID for the first time and find out that it doesn't work.....(it's not RMTS fault but TVMAZE website search).

Enhancement Request: A way to quickly copy the TV Show Name to clipboard.

Enhancement Request: A way to apply formatting to the TV Show Name copied to clipboard.

Comment: In the About dialog, the actually goes to , which is a duplicate of the Website button on the main dialog.



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Double click episode crash: I managed to reproduce that in Windows WOW, and only in Windows 🤨 

I've added it to my to-do list, no clue what it would correctly under macOS and Linux and crash in Windows, but I'll try to find out, hopefully today.

-> Trying to break the program is a good thing!

Copying the TVMAZE ID may indeed not be the most useful thing.
This function was more intended for use in other applications like Sonarr, or in RMTV.
The one from TVDB will most likely be the most useful.

Copying the TV Show name is something I can add for sure (added to the to-do list).
I'll look into formatting it the way it has been set in Settings.

Maximize Windows vs Reset Window Size, this appears to be a Windows oddity.
I'll look and see what I can do with that.

Link in About dialog: I could remove the 'Website" button on the main window, the idea was that folks have quick access to the website.
The About dialog is something that is not used often, and to click the link there would take an extra step.
Let me think about that.

Excellent work again! 👍 

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Found the reason why RMTV crashes on duplicate episodes.
For some odd reason "beep" crashed the whole thing.
I've fixed it and updated it for the next version.

Thanks again for catching that! 👍 

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Posted by: @hans

Link in About dialog: I could remove the 'Website" button on the main window, the idea was that folks have quick access to the website.

The About dialog is something that is not used often, and to click the link there would take an extra step.
Let me think about that.

I was thinking about this too.  The main RMTS page ( ) has a ton of comments.  I am not sure if that is good or bad.  On the one hand, everything in one central location.  On the other hand, there is no sorting of any kind (comments listed from oldest to newest).  Also, it is a big page to load. 

Search is by using browser's find feature.   Rather than depend on the website's index/searching.  Again, good or bad for end-user = unknown.  Good for webserver because of less load on searches.

I guess as webmaster, you decide the purpose of the comments section in the blog post vs forum.  :-)

Instead of removing one of the link, one option is make one of the link point to the forum instead.  Additionally, I don't know if you want to name one of the link Help or Support.  Why should you not name Help and in particular, Support?  It is freeware, one shouldn't expect "support" or "help".  :)    

I think most applications have their real help under a menu (like Help, Settings, About) and less on the main dialog page.  However, there is no reason that you have to follow that trend.  Human factors 101: Less click/steps to do something = good design.


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Posted by: @kilimar

it is a big page to load.

I agree with that one haha. I have considered using pagination here, but found that WordPress is really bad at handling that, especially when a user links to a specific comment.
I hope to find a better/good solution for this, but in the past years I have kept searching for it, but never found anything that worked reliable. 😫 

The entire UI has become a little too busy for my taste, and most of that is related to folks using different workflows.
So I do agree that commonly used design practices could be used, and on the other hand a "quick click" access.

Personally, I do not think my "help" or "support" is the best out there, but like you said: it is freeware and a one person show 😉 
I'm trying to keep up, but it is quite a challenge and very much time consuming. Considering that you (👍 ) are one of the very rare users that do some very good testing and reporting, it sometimes makes me wonder if I should continue investing time in this project. For now I'll just keep going, but one of these days family and/or work may take precendence.

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Posted by: @hans
Posted by: @kilimar

it is a big page to load.

I agree with that one haha. I have considered using pagination here, but found that WordPress is really bad at handling that, especially when a user links to a specific comment.

Oh, please, please, please, DO NOT do pagination without a way to search that specific blog.  Also, please please, please, DO NOT do dynamic page loads (additional data loads are you scroll) as that completely kills the browser's search unless one sits there and has to physically scroll the complete text before one can search the entire content.


As a matter of fact, I kind of wished the forum had some settings options like posts per page, sorting (I like newest first; normally the same thing for the comments in the blog).  And of course, thread search along with the forum search.   Toggles for Page theme (dark vs light), turning off some graphics like avatar, forums statistics, etc.

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Typo;  Generic & AutoDetect Settings; The text in blue (bottom right).  "TheVBD" should be "TheTVDB"

Wrong tooltip (OBE? already resolved from the last tooltip fix [" I found that I accidentally entered a tooltip for the entire panel, which I have corrected!"?):

  • Generic & AutoDetect Settings; 
    • "The Display summary after renaming files"
    • Show Notifications
    • Always overwrite...
    • Treat ...
    • others.
  • Show & Episode Info
    • Enhanced Search Results
    • by Air Date
    • TV Show Start Year
    • others
  • Renaming Rules
    • Enable Inline Filename
    • No Leading Zeros
    • Update or Add Meta Data
    • others

Comment: Reset All Settings to Default; One could misinterpret the button to limit it to just the current tab.  If you look carefully, can you can see that it outside of the tab and in the main dialog and implies that it applies to all tabs.  However, you can clarify it by adding "Tabs" as in "Reset All Tabs, All Settings to Default" or "Reset All Tabs to Default Settings" or something similar.

Suggestion: Have some of the Renaming Option(s) reflect in the example(s), ex. Capitalization

Question: What happened to the .bat file that used to be generated?   It has come in handy multiple times in the past.  Granted, .bat was OS specific, but probably not too difficult to generate different batch/script depending the OS (or just checkbox/drop down list for which one(s)to generate).   

Enhancement Request: On the same subject as the question above.  Undo button?  On occasion, immediately after a Rename... I have done "ooppps" and have had to revert renames and then fix what I did wrong...   A similar option and maybe even more useful is to read in a log file and perform a reverse rename.

Enhancement Request: Ability to disable/enable recursion of sub directories when adding directories to Selected Files.

Enhancement Request: Display "Move To Folder" with ability of inline edit of "Move to folder" name.

Question: How fast is the Update/Add MetaData?  I have never used it.  Any statistics?  video files per second?  What is used to write the MetaData, is it FFprobe?

Question: How fast is FFprobe?  Again, never used it.  Any statistics?  video files per second?  Not really that important, just curious.

Enhancement Suggestion: If FFprobe is enabled and is already pulling metadata, display the all metadata including Title via the hover popup which currently has the AutoDetect information.

Comment: I wonder how useful is it to have horizontal scroll bars for the various panels on the main dialog?  Or maybe instead a popup that display the complete show title/episode?

Comment: Include option for the export text to be formatted like the rename format.  I what people use the export option for?

Typo: Main dialog, the First Aired: has a closing tag of </string> instead of </strong>

Comment: I guess First Aired and Status combined on a single line is too long to fit?

Final Comment before off to bed: RMTV or RMTS ? or RMTVS?  Which is the the official one?

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Posted by: @kilimar

Oh, please, please, please, DO NOT do pagination without a way to search that specific blog.  Also, please please, please, DO NOT do dynamic page loads (additional data loads are you scroll) as that completely kills the browser's search unless one sits there and has to physically scroll the complete text before one can search the entire content.

Don't worry, I won't haha. Like you, I don't like the alternatives, and I can't stand dynamic loading pages. 😉 

Posted by: @kilimar

I kind of wished the forum had some settings options like posts per page, sorting (I like newest first; normally the same thing for the comments in the blog).  And of course, thread search along with the forum search.   Toggles for Page theme (dark vs light), turning off some graphics like avatar, forums statistics, etc.

Unfortunately, for the forum I'm stuck with what the forum has to offer.
Theme toggle is something I'd have to build for the entire website. The forum uses the WordPress theme, which is something I've build myself from scratch - I've not yet had the time or courage to implement a dark theme option (preferably based on the new dark theme support in browsers, so it detects if the user uses a dark theme on their PC/Mac).

I'll reply to your next post once I have my IDE up and running again (this way I can walk through your suggestions, find them and resolve them).
This is hopefully in less than an hour haha. I was rebuilding the developers environment earlier this morning and that went horribly sideways.

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Posted by: @kilimar

Typo;  Generic & AutoDetect Settings; The text in blue (bottom right).  "TheVBD" should be "TheTVDB"

Found it, and fixed it! Thanks for catching that! 👍 

Posted by: @kilimar

Wrong tooltip

I went through the entire preferences and I think I caught all that did not have a tooltip. Thanks for pointing that out! 👍 

Posted by: @kilimar

Comment: Reset All Settings to Default

Fixed it, makes perfect sense! 👍

Posted by: @kilimar

Issue: Maximize window.

Found a fix for that. Still have to test it in Linux (to see if it doesn't misbehave there). 👍 
I complete redid the reset window procedure.

Posted by: @kilimar

Suggestion: Have some of the Renaming Option(s) reflect in the example(s), ex. Capitalization

I'm probably not looking at the right option. Capitalization and such already gets reflected in the "Selected Episodes" list? 

Posted by: @kilimar

Question: What happened to the .bat file that used to be generated?

I removed this for these reasons:
1) Nobody seemed to be using it
2) It did more bad than good
3) Adding the moving of files, made generatinng a .bat file a lot of work

Instead I've created the log option, so folks can see what happened and restore what is needed manually.
Granted: not as practical as an "undo" .bat file.

An "undo" option would be nice indeed. I did find however that in some scenarios this type of function will make more of a mess.
I'll add it to the "to explore" list though 😉 

Posted by: @kilimar

Enhancement Request: Display "Move To Folder" with ability of inline edit of "Move to folder" name.

For space reasons, I don't think I'll implement that.
The idea is good, but the UI is already cramped as it is. Adding a folder name to it would potentially make it very hard to see what is going on with the filenames.

Posted by: @kilimar

How fast is the Update/Add MetaData?  I have never used it.  Any statistics?

Depending on your computer, and the complexity of the video container (MP4, MKV, etc), this can be done relatively quick.
It of course still slows down renaming significantly.
Timing-wise I'd say it is about as fast as copying the video file.

Posted by: @kilimar

How fast is FFprobe? 

ffProbe is pretty fast, considering what it is doing. However, I never use it either for a few reasons:

1) it slows down renaming too much for my taste
2) I have no purpose for video/audio codec info in the filename (my media server handles this anyway).

Depending on the used video container this will be fast, but worse case up to the time to read a full file.
Maybe the time to measure would be "up to the time needed to copy a file".

Posted by: @kilimar

If FFprobe is enabled and is already pulling metadata, display the all metadata including Title via the hover popup which currently has the AutoDetect information.

Good idea, but the info is already reflected in the "Selected Episodes" list (if the chosen format includes any of this info).
I'll add it to my "to explore" list though. I suspect it may be more useful for those not using ffProbe, but then again; those users disabled ffProbe for a good reason.

Posted by: @kilimar

I wonder how useful is it to have horizontal scroll bars for the various panels on the main dialog?

Did you mean the vertical sliders or scrollbars? I don't see any horizontal ones?

Posted by: @kilimar

Include option for the export text to be formatted like the rename format.

I'll add this to the "to do" list, but it will have a low priority.

Posted by: @kilimar

the First Aired: has a closing tag of </string> instead of </strong>

This is how the title was handed to RMTV by the data provider (most likely TheTVDB).
It is not normal to have HTML tags of any kind in the title.
Where exactly did you see this? In the TV Show Details?
Just want to make sure I'm looking at the same thing 😉 

Posted by: @kilimar

I guess First Aired and Status combined on a single line is too long to fit?

Under normal circumstances, combine the two would work great.
However, the data providers do not always seem consistent in the status of a show.
If I'd be designing the original database then I'd have a numeric value (normalizing) for the status.
For example: 0 = to be released, 1 = running, 2 = Ended, 3 = cancelled. Or something like that.
This is not the format that is being used. Instead plain text (whatever the maintainer chose to type) is passed on.
Ideally I'd like to convert that to some sorts of icon, to indicate one of these 4 states.

I'll add it to the "to do" list, maybe I can come up with a smart idea to convert this 😉 

Posted by: @kilimar

RMTV or RMTS ? or RMTVS?  Which is the the official one?

I always use RMTV, unless I make a typo ... the "S" makes sense though, so I understand where you're coming from.

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Posted by: @kilimar

First Aired and Status combined

As a try-out, I've added the status behind the first aired date.
To avoid chaos, I've used the following rules:

if the status text contains "end" -> "(Ended)"
else if the status text contains "cont" -> "(Running)"
else "(Unknown)".

Still debating if "(Running)" is the right verbage. Maybe use "(On-Air)" or "(Continuing)" or "(Active)", what do you think?


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Posted by: @hans

if the status text contains "end" -> "(Ended)"
else if the status text contains "cont" -> "(Running)"
else "(Unknown)".

Changed "Unknown" to just <blank> (not showing anything).

Also: the fix for maximizing the window works well under Windows, Linux and MacOS.

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So I have two files that seems when the option to 'Update or add metadata in video file' is enabled, it does not rename the file.  I am guessing the ffmpeg API/DLL fails for one reason or another, but no warning or error dialog. 


Also, is the only way to update the metadata is to completely rewrite the file?  Does an option to exist to update the file in-place?  I don't know anything about video metadata formats or how it is stored in the video file.


Add more keyboard shortcuts?  Like for Remove, Clear, select all, and invert selection. I see Remove and Clear all, I'm talking about Remove and Clear for selected.

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Looks like when "Update or add metadata in video file" is enabled, it stripped one (or more) of the audio streams from the video file. I had a files with two audio streams and when the rename was complete, only one audio stream was shown in VLC/MediaInfo.

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