Very nice! Thanks for a excellent debug log / feedback! It is very much appreciated.
It also gives me the feeling that someone cares and is willing to do some work for it! 😋
In response:
Debug: There is a debug flag for the compiler but this is intended for runtime debugging during development. If I'd keep this flag set for distribution, it would not do anyone any good since it would require a debugger like GDB or LLDB. Not to mention the tools and frameworks.
Double Click: The programming language used is very irrelevant these days. The same libraries used for all C variants are the same ones used by Pascal and other languages.
I actually like to think that Pascal should be one of the first languages one should learn. It is VERY similar to C, so the transition to one of the C variants (C, C++, C#, Objective C, Java, JavaScript, Swift, etc) should be easy, however Pascal is much more strict when it comes to what you can and cannot do. So it forces you to program more correct and more clean (you still can make a mess of it of course). Pascal is by the way still very much alive. Look at Embarcadero Delphi, Lazarus Pascal, and there are a couple more like that (the other ones are just not as good in cross platform development).
I always find the "most popular programming language" statistics amusing, as they are based on people asking questions about it.
I think these stats should be called what they are "languages triggering the most questions" haha .. maybe it is more of an indication that in those languages developers run into more issues (in part of course).
As for catching the double click: The control (a button for example) triggers a OnClick event. Some implementations have a OnDoubleClick event, but cross platform this proved to be not so reliable. Keep in mind: This project started as an experiment to serve Windows, macOS and Linux users, and I'd like to keep it that way. The chosen Platform should not be a limitation for software availability. That is why quite a few application out there are written in for example Java (which comes with a potential bundle of issues).
The list for found TV shows works differently than the list for episodes, the conflict I'm running into is with the functionality of recalling a previously used show (from the menu).
Beta flag for config directory: That is actually not a bad idea. I will keep that in mind in future versions. 👍
SQL Error: this one we should keep an eye on. It has to do with the SQlite version, and I've tried as good as I can to make the queries as version independent as possible. I'll go through the queries quickly to see if I can find specific queries with "LIMIT" in it. I use this to limit the return rows to "1", so I do not get useless extra rows.
AutoSort vs AutoDetect: With RMTV people have all kinds of work flows. Some do one directory at ones, others just keep adding files over and over again. In that last case, AutoSort would ruin this functionality for those adding files with multiple drag and drops. It becomes increasingly more difficult to accommodate everybody's needs, so I'm slowly but surely trying to minimize the customizations.
Keep in mind: I just develop this little app for the fun of it, and do not get paid for it (the ads can barely keep up with the costs for webserver, domain names, software licenses, certificates for signing, etc).
Micro text bug: Yep I was able to reproduce that! It seems Windows specific, but I think I can fix that in the next build. 👍
It always amazes me that tons of people download my applications, but testing and bug reporting is a whole different story 😔
Thanks for catching that! You're the first one to report this. probably an indication that people do not use this option, or are lazy in reporting 🤨
MetaData Example: Good idea, however the data will match the data you'll see when looking at episode details (right click episode in 'Found Episodes').
Since most people will not sue this, and since this is a new feature in 2.1.x, for now I will not put too much effort in it.
Tabs for Main/Settings: I originally used tabs as you describe it. However the tabs take quite a bit of real estate space, and make the main window a little convoluted.
Users do not use (in my experiences) Settings all that often, once they are done configuring RMTV to their liking.
I have considered making a "cover sheet" which goes over the main window (in the main window when clicking "Settings") but this is not common practice for UI design, so for now I'll leave it as is until I find a better solution for this.
Double click episode crash: Can you send me what steps to do to reproduce? I did a quick test and RMTV did not crash.
Weird (Spacing disappears between Episode Number and Episode Title): Thanks, I was able to reproduce this. The episode list becomes weird. I should clear the found-episodes list when clearing the search. Excellent catch! 👍
Naming Cleaning Cleanup Search results: you're right! I'll change that! "Cleanup" explains it better than "enhanced" anyway. 👍
As for being burried in the menu: the idea behind that is that users will rarely need it, but it is still accessible from the main window.
I thought about adding a clickable text (like AutoSort and AutoDetect), but I'm just running out of space, and I do try my best to keep the main window clean.
So in short: I agree, but haven't found a good alternative yet.
Favorite languages: This is a good idea as well. I'd have to change how the menu works, but ideally, the previously used languages should appear at the top of the list. I'll look into that, but I will not give it the highest priority unless I find a brilliant quick fix. 👍