Looks like the device you've selected from the menu isn't matching up with the device that you have connected.
Either that or some kind of config file has been corrupted (specifically for the atmega328bb).
I'd probably start by looking to make sure you have the latest Arduino IDE installed.
If that doesn't work, consider these options (tested none of these - just what I found online):
So the first part is just a warning, which can be ignored or fixed by doing this (source):
In the file hardware\breadboard\avr\boards.txt add the following line:
Alternative; here they suggest using another board defintion file
Use MCUDude's miniCore - It supports the atmega328p and pb, as well as the smaller flash versions of those chips, with all the common clock options....
GitHub - MCUdude/MiniCore: Arduino hardware package for ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 and ATmega328PB
Not sure if either will fix this - but considering the "Yikes" message, I'd think using a proper board definition may resolve the warning and the yikes message.
The Yikes message can also point to your connection, the selected port, and/or the need for a driver for the USB controller on your Arduino. I presume this is maybe not an original Arduino, rather a clone?