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[Solved] Name My TV Series 1.7.x discussion

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Okay so haven't actually tested yet, but had to jump back on here to say how blown away I am (and point out to others reading the thread) that you actually did add those 3 new option checkboxes (pretty major features) for:

1. Touch Parent folder

2. Use x264 instead of H26x

3. Allow multiple files for same episode

Not many developers would agree to add features so quickly, and then actually come up with the working codebase.  I've been in I.T. almost 30 yrs and just wanted to say - I'm very impressed!

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Okay Hans, I was able to not only reproduce the template naming bug, but also video recorded the entire reproduction so you can see how it happens.  I've posted it to this URL for you to view:

I'll work on trying to capture the other bug we discussed as well and I'm still behind and working on testing the new build a bit more!

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Have to get to bed, but here is a new bug, or should I say half of that leading zero CSV import/export.  The video is at:

And you'll see I tested enough to narrow down to the import code not matching the export code.  So once the import code is updated to not have to expect that non-standard leading zero in column #2, the bug will be gone.

Hope these video caps help!

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Hi Collin,
the past 2 days have been very busy, I'll try to respond to your findings by the end of the day ... 

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Hi Collin,

first off; thank you for the very nice complement. 
I love coding for fun, and I believe the tools should support the user and not the other way around. In my normal daytime job, I used to do exactly that. Wish I could come up with a smart way to make working on my website and apps a full time job ... pretty soon I'll have to start working fulltime again, which will take away time from doing stuff like this - and I'm not looking forward to that aspect of things. 

- Bug: Renaming same name

That makes sense, I might have overlooked the extra files. What Windows version are you using, since I cannot reproduce the original in Windows 10 (64 bit, NTFS). Maybe I'll rename the files first to "x.x" and right after that to the new name it should have, or try the function call you had mentioned earlier.

Have to run now, but I'll look at your recordings (excellent!) when I get back later today. 

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Found the bug with CSV - booboo on my end... fixed it.
Thank you for the very clear video explanation! Awesome! 

Your PERIOD issue now makes sense as well - thanks for the clarification.
Seems that character replacement isn't working correctly (replace SPACE with PERIOD).
I'll look into that right away.

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OK, fixed the PERIOD bug as well - that was some very old code that I had done very well (it was relying on the grid in the preferences window instead of the object I had created for that, and that grid is empty when starting the app). So ... Fixed it 

I'll try to post a new version today. Thank you so much or all the effort in testing the new features ... 
If you find more, feel free to post them here ...

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p.s. love you gravatar picture! 

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Just added a little fix with the renaming as well, seems some information in the TVDB end with a space, ie. "My Episode Title " instead of "My Episode Title". So I've added code to remove trailing spaces as well.

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Just finished uploading the new version for Mac and Windows:

MacOS X Name My TV Series

Windows Name My TV Series

These versions address the CSV import bug and the "not honoring the template" bug. 

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Thanks my avatar is me and Nikolai one of my little guys who had been sick and now it's daddy that's really sick so I'm trying to catch up here.  I also haven't forgotten to contribute I honestly have been pretty dead to the world here since I quickly took those last screen captures so I need to get on that soon as well.  Totally hear you about the coding that's also happened to me, my pet hobby type coding projects I get in deep then have to totally sideline them due to work etc......but it does feel good knowing ones like this one of yours is such a success with the community it does then make it all worthwhile!  With this app, others may hate me for saying it, but I honestly think you probably have a wider user-base than I've had on some of mine, and with that said, once you hit a certain user-base threshold I'm guessing it becomes much more realistic to possibly add an AD-based model to help monetize usage.......guess I'm just thinking out loud on what I might consider if in your shoes and adding more and more features/functionality and rather than the more drastic move to the old shareware or crippled vs. commercial model.  Perhaps you've already thought about it but I only bring it up because with this app in particular it's pretty easy to envision a small bar at the top to hold small rotating ADs.  Personally, I'd have absolutely no issue with it and depending on the number of users, maybe it would be viable to keep it worth your ongoing efforts.

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No worries Collin - take care of yourself and your son first ... definitely more important 

Monetizing apps or websites is not easy, that's for sure. Especially when you will have to get a little lucky with apps being accepted by users.
Unfortunately, a regular job pays much better, so far anyway. At least the ads right now cover the hosting costs ... that's at least a start.
I'd hate to cripple or commercialize my apps, I really like making something others like and the interaction with users that comes with it. 

As for the latest version; I just realized I for to include the renaming "procedure" to rename a file to the same name. I'll try to get that done today.
Please take your time to get better, it's more important for sure. 

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Just finished uploading the new version for Mac and Windows (beta 3), which should address the renaming issue when old- and new-filename are the same.

For example renaming "MyEpisode.avi" to "MyEpisode.avi", or "myepisode.avi" to "MyEpisode.avi".

In essence what it does, is rename the file twice (ditto for extra files like srt, jpg, etc.):
myepisode.avi -> myepisode.avi.nmtv_old -> MyEpisode.avi

This will be safe for all operating systems.

MacOS X Name My TV Series

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OK, I just released the latest version as v1.8.0 (to avoid confusion with the 1.7.x numbers) .... 

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Awesome!  I'm runniing it now and looks GREAT!  Still having really rough time with one of my little ones but trying to catch up.  Thanks for your kinnd words as well!

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