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[Solved] Lazarus Pascal - A quick and easy way to add a search function to a TMemo
Delphi, Lazarus, Free Pascal
Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 2796
Topic starter
September 25, 2022 4:37 AM
I just wanted a quick and easy search function for a TMemo (Memo1) - with the option to jump from one result to another and highlighting the [active] result.
This is based on this example in the Lazarus Wiki - just posting it here with minor modifications and for my own reference.
So for this I added a TEdit (Edit1, enter search criteria) and a TButton (Button1) to my form.
Uses ... , StrUtils, LazUTF8;
function TForm1.FindInMemo(AString: String; StartPos: Integer): Integer;
Result := PosEx(AString, Memo1.Text, StartPos);
if Result > 0 then
Memo1.SelStart := UTF8Length(PChar(Memo1.Text), Result - 1);
Memo1.SelLength := Length(AString);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
SearchStart : Integer = 0;
SearchStr : string = '';
if SearchStr <> Edit1.Text then
SearchStart := 0;
SearchStr := Edit1.Text;
SearchStart := FindInMemo(SearchStr, SearchStart + 1);
if SearchStart = 0 then beep;
Obviously the onClick event of the button needs to be tied to the Button1Click() procedure.
Next thing I did was create a popup menu for the TMemo so I could tie a key combination to finding the next result (Mac: Command+G, Windows/Linux: F3).