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Orphaned mount points in Volumes (eg. name-1, name-2 etc)

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I'm opening this topic in order to try to find out how with certain older macOS versions, API based mounts appear to be creating multiple directories. 
Users have observed names like: /Volumes/Share-1, /Volumes/Share-2, /Volumes/Share-3, etc.

As at least one other user has confirmed: this seems related to API mounts in older macOS version, potentially before macOS Ventura (13.x), as it no longer seems to appear with newer macOS versions.

The goal being:
- determine how these are being created, so we know how to avoid or fix the situation
- what macOS versions may be affected
- if these orphaned directories are still actively being used (appear in "mount")

So for all that wish to chime in, please try to report

- macOS version
- ConnectMeNow version (if not already the latest)
- output from Terminal command "mount" (mask private info if any is visible, eg replace username with "username" and password with "password")
- possibly list other applications that may trigger a mount (eg. Forklift, PathFinder, self made scripts, startup items, etc)

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Hi Hans,

if have not a solution now, but i think this problems will only come with CMN Version 4. With CMN Version 3 this bugs did not appear.

Maybe it's just a stupid coincidence.

Best regards and good health


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
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Hi Rekesize,

apologies for the late reply - my mom passed away a few weeks ago and made it that I had hardly any time to reply.

Just wondering:
Do you have multiple users on your Mac? I have seen one user running into this when they switch users - the mount for the other user remains cative so when macOS does a mount, it will add a "-1", "-2" etc.

It's been a while that I tinkered with CMN v3, so it could be that v4 is now by default using the proper macOS API calls and v3 used Terminal commands - but lik I said: its been a while 😊 

Normally macOS cleans up these directories so there are no leftovers.
You could try the Quick Unmount options in Preferences - this may remove directories properly.

Let me know what your findings are 😊 
