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LED Effects: Runnin...
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[Solved] LED Effects: Running lights with 3 colors (Red, White and Blue!)

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While tinkering on something similar, I was able to change my code easily to support 3 colors, showing red, white and blue.
You can select you own colors of course and the speed.

This sketch relies on FastLed.
Set the proper NUM_LEDS and the proper PIN used on your Arduino.

#include "FastLED.h"
#define NUM_LEDS 60
#define PIN 6

void setup()
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );

void loop() {
RunningLights(0x00, 0x00, 0xff, // blue
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // white
0xff, 0x00, 0x00, // red

void RunningLights(byte red1, byte green1, byte blue1,
byte red2, byte green2, byte blue2,
byte red3, byte green3, byte blue3, int WaveDelay) {

float b1 = 0.05; // brightness LEDs 1 and 5
float b2 = 0.2; // brightness LEDs 2 and 4

int Col1Pos = 0;

for(int start=0; start<15; start++) /// "strip" is 10 leds: 2x5 leds
for (int i=-15; i < NUM_LEDS+15; i=i+15) {
Col1Pos = i+start;

setMyPixel(Col1Pos, b1*red1, b1*green1, b1*blue1); //turn every third pixel on
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+1, b2*red1, b2*green1, b2*blue1);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+2, red1, green1, blue1);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+3, b2*red1, b2*green1, b2*blue1);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+4, b1*red1, b1*green1, b1*blue1);

setMyPixel(Col1Pos+5, b1*red2, b1*green2, b1*blue2); //turn every third pixel on
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+6, b2*red2, b2*green2, b2*blue2);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+7, red2, green2, blue2);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+8, b2*red2, b2*green2, b2*blue2);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+9, b1*red2, b1*green2, b1*blue2);

setMyPixel(Col1Pos+10, b1*red3, b1*green3, b1*blue3); //turn every third pixel on
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+11, b2*red3, b2*green3, b2*blue3);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+12, red3, green3, blue3);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+13, b2*red3, b2*green3, b2*blue3);
setMyPixel(Col1Pos+14, b1*red3, b1*green3, b1*blue3);


void setMyPixel(int Pixel, byte red, byte green, byte blue) {
if( (Pixel>=0) && (Pixel<=NUM_LEDS) )
leds[Pixel] = CRGB( red, green, blue);


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@hans Hello :) Thank You for all these wonderful effects!

Do you have an idea how I could modify this sketch, so that I have a variable for each color to set the amount of pixles for each color?

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Hi Braincurd!

Thank you for the compliment!
Took me a second before I understood what you're asking (In think).

So you basically want to be able to define colors, and for each color the number of LEDs?

In that case, we'd better tart from scratch, as this sketch was not really intended to support this.
We'd have to figure a way to capture this in a formula, so we can determine values for (in the original code) b1 and b2, and that based on the number of LEDs that color "segment" may have.

I'd probably go even one step further, and even use a way to shift all LEDs.
If we'd go that route, we may even be able to use a predefined array of colors.
Not sure how many LEDs you have in mind?

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Hello @hans, thank you a lot for your reply! I'm sorry for the imprecise description of my project! But I think you got what I wanted to achieve. My goal is that I want to adjust the code so that each color is a segment of pixels and the number of pixels for each segment (color) is defined by a global variable. All colors together should always be 20 pixels. I hope you got a better understanding of what I am trying to do. I already tried to adjust the code by using an Array for the Pixels, but it was not working. Do you have any idea how I could do this?

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Are you thinking of a fixed number of LEDs and colors, that just keep cycling?

1. We set all LEDs to the initial colors we like to see.
2. We copy the color of the last LED (= LED NUM_LEDS-1).
3. We shift all LEDs one position (so the last one drops off).
4. We copy that last LED color from step 2, to the 1st LED (= LED 0).

If that would be the case, then it would be good to define an array with all the colors.

The simplest, but not very efficient way, would be:

leds[0] = CRGB(r,g,b);
leds[1] = CRGB(r,g,b);
leds[NUM_LEDS-1] = CRGB(r,g,b);

Where "CRGB(r,g,b)" is a color of your choosing.
Note: keep in mind that the LEDs count from 0 to NUM_LEDS-1.
Note: Smarter ways would be if we can somehow calculate the colors with a formula, or when chunks repeating patterns can be copied.


Next we would want a loop that keeps repeating steps 2, 3 and 4.

Something like

LastLED = leds[NUM_LEDS-1];

Shifting can be done with a for-loop, or with the much faster memmove8 function, which looks like this:

memmove8( destination, source, amount_of_data );

so for our LEDs:

memmove8( &leds[1], &leds[0], (NUM_LEDS-1) * sizeof(CRGB) );

And of course we need to put that last LED back:

leds[0] = LastLED;

All combined something like this (untested):

void loop() 

    LastLED = leds[NUM_LEDS-1];
    memmove8( &leds[1], &leds[0], (NUM_LEDS-1) * sizeof(CRGB) );
    leds[0] = LastLED;
    // possibly a delay here if this goes too fast



Hope this helps.
