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[Solved] Setting the partition size when etching an image

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Hi all, firstly thanks for the use of this application.

I have an SBC with a removable eMMC of 14.5GB. The difficulty is that the mass storage state of this board is very difficult to achieve (I’ve been unable to achieve it) so I use dd to copy working systems from the SD. I am unable to use a 16GB SD as that is too large for the eMMC.

Can anyone tell me is it possible to specify the target SD’s partition size to say 14GB so I can make use of the eMMC’s capacity?

Thanks in advance for any input.

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What kind of filesystem / partitionscheme is used on the SD card?

So do I understand this correct: you want to copy a 16Gb SD card to your 14.5 Gb eMMC?

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Posted by: @hans

What kind of filesystem / partitionscheme is used on the SD card?

So do I understand this correct: you want to copy a 16Gb SD card to your 14.5 Gb eMMC?

The images supplied by the board manufacturer are BTRFS with a FAT partition for the bootloader (it’s a Libre board without the hardcoded bootloader of the Pi boards).

My problem is that the eMMC’s capacity limits the SD card size I can copy from and that this limit is then set to the eMMC also (I end up with an 8GB eMMC system capacity).

What I’d like to be able to do is copy a system via ApplePi Baker that can specify the size of the partition on the SD card I’m copying to ie specify I want the system partition to be 14GB which then enables me to copy 14GB to the eMMC and use most of the capacity available.

I have 8GB and 64GB SD cards. The 8GB card allows me to copy via dd but I end up with an 8GB capacity on the eMMC


This post was modified 1 year ago 3 times by Anonymous

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Probably the best approach would be finding out how to expand the 8Gb disk so it utilizes the full 14 Gb when its running on your eMMC.
Advantage would be that it would actually use every last byte of space 😊

I know most Raspberry Pi distros have a build in option for this, which is obviously not what you're working with right now.
I have no experience otherwise with this, but I did find this Stack Exchange post that talks about PartEd and GrowPart - maybe this is useful for you.

Alternatively, you could grab the larger image and mounting it on a Linux system.
There you can use PartEd to select one or more partitions to resize.

As for mounting an IMG file under Linux; I have never tried this, I usually work on a Mac and macOS handles mounting an IMG file automatically.
I did find this article though, explaining it like so (/mnt/disk being the mount directory you'd like to use):

mount -o loop disk1.img /mnt/disk

I hope any of this is helpful.


APB only supports resizing an Ext partition on a standard (old school) partition table set up.
Eg. MBR with standard partitions (4). So no BTRFS/GUID/Extended Partitions, etc.

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Thank you for your time Hans, I appreciate it.

I will work through those references and see what I can learn.

Best regards, Oscar 

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