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For example “MacOS X – Your question“, or “MS Word – Your Tip or Trick“.
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You may be familiar with some of the shortcuts to quickly open een specific page in the Window Settings (Control Panel) by using the Windows+R combination and pasting a short text.
For example: Press the Windows Key + R, and type this in the upcoming window "ms-settings:themes" to open the Theme settings.
Here a long list of items that work the same way (for Windows 10, 1809 and newer):
Accounts Access work or school: ms-settings:workplace Email & app accounts: ms-settings:emailandaccounts Family & other people: ms-settings:otherusers Set up a kiosk: ms-settings:assignedaccess Sign-in options: ms-settings:signinoptions Sync your settings: ms-settings:sync Windows Hello setup Face: ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfaceenrollment Windows Hello setup Fingerprint: ms-settings:signinoptions-launchfingerprintenrollment Your info: ms-settings:yourinfo
Gaming Broadcasting: ms-settings:gaming-broadcasting Game bar: ms-settings:gaming-gamebar Game DVR: ms-settings:gaming-gamedvr Game Mode: ms-settings:gaming-gamemode Playing a game full screen: ms-settings:quietmomentsgame Xbox Networking: ms-settings:gaming-xboxnetworking
Home page Settings home page: ms-settings:
Network & internet Airplane mode: ms-settings:network-airplanemode: ms-settings:proximity Cellular & SIM: ms-settings:network-cellular Data usage: ms-settings:datausage Dial-up: ms-settings:network-dialup DirectAccess: ms-settings:network-directaccess (only available if enabled) Ethernet: ms-settings:network-ethernet Manage known networks: ms-settings:network-wifisettings Mobile hotspot: ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot NFC: ms-settings:nfctransactions Proxy: ms-settings:network-proxy Status: ms-settings:network-status: -settings:network VPN: ms-settings:network-vpn Wi-Fi: ms-settings:network-wifi (only available if wifi adapter is available/installed) Wi-Fi Calling: ms-settings:network-wificalling (only available if Wi-Fi calling is enabled)
Surface Hub Accounts: ms-settings:surfacehub-accounts Session cleanup: ms-settings:surfacehub-sessioncleanup Team Conferencing: ms-settings:surfacehub-calling Team device management: ms-settings:surfacehub-devicemanagenent Welcome screen: ms-settings:surfacehub-welcome
System About: ms-settings:about Advanced display settings: ms-settings:display-advanced Battery Saver: ms-settings:batterysaver Battery Saver settings: ms-settings:batterysaver-settings Battery use: ms-settings:batterysaver-usagedetails Clipboard: ms-settings:clipboard Display: ms-settings:display Default Save Locations: ms-settings:savelocations Display: ms-settings:screenrotation Duplicating my display: ms-settings:quietmomentspresentation During these hours: ms-settings:quietmomentsscheduled Encryption: ms-settings:deviceencryption Focus assist: ms-settings:quiethours: ms-settings:quietmomentshome Graphics Settings: ms-settings:display-advancedgraphics Messaging: ms-settings:messaging Multitasking: ms-settings:multitasking Night light settings: ms-settings:nightlight Phone: ms-settings:phone-defaultapps Projecting to this PC: ms-settings:project Shared experiences: ms-settings:crossdevice Tablet mode: ms-settings:tabletmode Taskbar: ms-settings:taskbar Notifications & actions: ms-settings:notifications Remote Desktop: ms-settings:remotedesktop Power & sleep: ms-settings:powersleep Sounds: ms-settings:sounds Storage: ms-settings:storagesense Storage Sense: ms-settings:storagepolicies
Time and language Date & time: ms-settings:dateandtime Japan IME settings: ms-settings:regionlanguage-jpnime Language: ms-settings:keyboard Pinyin IME settings: ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-pinyin Speech: ms-settings:speech Wubi IME settings: ms-settings:regionlanguage-chsime-wubi (available if Microsoft Wubi is installed)
Update & security Activation: ms-settings:activation Backup: ms-settings:backup Delivery Optimization: ms-settings:delivery-optimization Find My Device: ms-settings:findmydevice For developers: ms-settings:developers Recovery: ms-settings:recovery Troubleshoot: ms-settings:troubleshoot Windows Security: -settings:windowsdefender Windows Insider Program: ms-settings:windowsinsider: ms-settings:windowsinsider-optin Windows Update: ms-settings:windowsupdate: ms-settings:windowsupdate-action Windows Update-Advanced options: ms-settings:windowsupdate-options Windows Update-Restart options: ms-settings:windowsupdate-restartoptions Windows Update-View update history: ms-settings:windowsupdate-history
User Accounts Provisioning: ms-settings:workplace-provisioning Provisioning: ms-settings:provisioning Windows Anywhere: ms-settings:windowsanywhere
Animizer Animizer.net provides complete online toolbox for animations (GIF and APNG) - Edit, Assemble, Split or Convert, it's all there.
HandBrake Great tool for ripping DVD's and converting video.
Security Awareness Tip of the Day Great resource to make you online-life more secure - definitely some great tips here and a recommended read.
Hex Fiend Free Open Source Hex viewer and editor for MacOS X.
Robots.txt Analyzer Very simple and effective tool for online checking of your robots.txt file without having to use Google Webmaster Tools.
SpeedOf.me Test the speed of your Internet connection
Links Page These and more of our favorite links can be found on the Links Page.
New Downloads
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-x86-64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3.5 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Intel version which works on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-arm64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Apple Silicon version (not suitable for Intel).
MiniWOL2 MacOS (64 bits Apple Silicon)Date: 2023-08-01 - Size: 1.2 MBminiWol is a simple, but effective application to send Wake On LAN to network devices. This is the signed 64 bit MacOS ARM (Apple Silicon) version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.3-Windows-32bit-setup.exeDate: 2023-04-12 - Size: 18.6 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 32 bit Windows version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-GTK-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.2 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for GTK.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-QT5-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.1 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for QT5.
Downloads Page Find these and more Downloads on the Downloads Page, where you will also find articles references, operating system requirements and categories.
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