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I was just renaming episodes of Diagnosis Murder and I noticed it was sorting some episodes out of order. This screenshot was taken after pressing the "Sort files" button. Notice that episode 13 is out of order and at the end. Episode 13 was in order before I pressed the "sort files" button. Just thought I'd let you know about it in case you didn't already know about it.
So the "sort files" button does an attempt to sort files based on a best effort to determine season and episode number. Considering some odd naming styles and show/episode names that could contain numbers as well, this can go sideways at times.
I'd love to double check though, after all, it is not impossible that I goofed up somehow 😉
Do you have a list of the actual filenames? Or are these the actual filenames already?
I have the same problem, I'm unable to show an example because I'm not allowed to upload any images it seems I had it with the previous version, the new one, and even the Beta. On my side, I messed up several series, which is annoying because I have to start over with download or ripping my own series.
I've placed your image ... the forum will not allow new users to post images. Unfortunately, this was needed due to folks misbehaving and spamming the forum 😥
I tried reproducing this with "Diagnosis Murder" episodes 3x07 to 3x18 ... but for some reason I cannot reproduce this (tried sorting episode and sorting dummy files).
Do either of you have the name of an example show and filenames? If not comfortable with posting this in the forum: send me a reply to the notification email ... I'll keep an eye open for it.
ForkLift Great tool for FTP, SFTP, remote editing of text files (through SSH) and even a great Finder replacement - Not free, but keep an eye on special offerings (I got my copy for $5)
Google Fonts Very large collection of high quality and free TrueType/OpenType fonts.
Ulvenhout.com My home town ... Ulvenhout in the Netherlands (Noord Brabant)
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine Ever wondered what a current or disappeared website used to look like? Check it! Go back in time ...
Hex Fiend Free Open Source Hex viewer and editor for MacOS X.
NCH Software - WavePad Awesome Audio editor (from audio and even video files!), free for home use, available for Windows, MacOS X, iOS and Android.
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ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-x86-64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3.5 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Intel version which works on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-arm64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Apple Silicon version (not suitable for Intel).
MiniWOL2 MacOS (64 bits Apple Silicon)Date: 2023-08-01 - Size: 1.2 MBminiWol is a simple, but effective application to send Wake On LAN to network devices. This is the signed 64 bit MacOS ARM (Apple Silicon) version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.3-Windows-32bit-setup.exeDate: 2023-04-12 - Size: 18.6 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 32 bit Windows version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-GTK-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.2 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for GTK.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-QT5-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.1 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for QT5.
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