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Rename My TV Series...
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[Solved] Rename My TV Series Issue

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Let's take an example.  Let's say I start with a file name like this:


I add it to Rename My TV Series, and it converts to look like this (attached).  All looks good so far.

I am using this for the output filename format:  %N - %Sx%E2[x%E2] - %T

So, my thinking is that it would go into a folder named Chicago P.D.  But, what happens is that it goes into a folder named CKRTFK~H.  

Why?  What do I need to do to fix that?  I do have it setup in auto-detect, but I don't see why that would be related.



Famed Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2822

Hi Mystik1,

By default, files do not get placed in a folder, or moved, you'd need to enable that option.
What are your settings for the "Move to folder" field?

Of course the folder name "CKRTFK~H" is rather odd, and I have no idea where that may be coming from.
Can you post a screenshot of Settings - Renaming Rules?
