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File Copy Over Netw...
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[Solved] File Copy Over Network

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I've been trying to make a program that copies files through network.
I don't know why but String source = L"E:\\Outputs\\083\\jpERP.exe";          //==> OK! is working but the other didn't work.
there are no error, not copied. so it's hard to find the problem.
is there any ideas i can solve this problem?
bool __fastcall TdlgMain::ft_Copy_CopyFile(void)
   // need username, password ????
   String source = L"\\\\rs-fs1\\jpDataXE\\jpERP.exe";     // ==> No error, Not copied
//   String source = L"E:\\Outputs\\083\\jpERP.exe";          //==> OK!
//   String source = L"Z:\\jpERP.exe";          //==> Not copied !
   String destin = L"C:\\RS Programs\\jpERP.exe";
   int result;

       ShowMessage(L"Found: " + source);
           result = CopyFile(source.w_str(), destin.w_str(), true);
           ShowMessage(L"CopyFile  - error");
       ShowMessage(L"No file found...");
       return false;

   return true;

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
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Hi Tjsah18,

what language and development environment are you working with? (looks like a C variant, C# maybe??)
I presume you're running something under Windows (drive letters are only used under Windows).

There can be a lot of reasons why this doesn't work.
Does the server need some kind of authentication?
As far as I remember, most do need some sort of authentication - to avoid this, map the network share as a drive (I could be wrong of course).

Note: I've ran into the same issue with different programming languages.

p.s. I created a new sub-forum for questions like yours, so I moved it there since that seemed more appropriate.

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@hans Hello Hans,

Thank you for your replying!

i'm working with

Language : c++

OS : window 10

development environment : Rad studio

we have a network drive and need an authentication.

I'm trying to copy the file from network drives to local drive.

 thank you,


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 2791

I very much suspect that authorization fails, and that's why I doesn't work.
As I understand, you cannot add username/password in the URI (under Windows), so that won't be a solution either.

I haven't done any C++/C# programming under Windows in the passed years. So I can only ask our friend Google.

I did find this post, maybe it helps.

As I understand this sets your current "user" to the user you need to be able to access the file (credentials not the same as your current user account):


WindowsIdentity idnt = new WindowsIdentity(username, password);

WindowsImpersonationContext context = idnt.Impersonate();

File.Copy(@"\\\temp", @"D:\WorkDir\TempDir\test.txt", true);

