Did some initial checking on TVMaze's API, and so far it looks do-able, but it comes with some structural changes and an "interpreter" for the received data.
I do however, have 3 other projects that I need to finish first before doing this.
To give you an idea, the data pulls the correct MacGyver data;
"name":"Lidar + Rogues + Duty",
"summary":"<p>The Phoenix must recover the body of a pilot whose plane crashed while testing an experimental laser mapping system that MacGyver designed. Also, Riley tries to identify the hacker who tricked a SWAT team into arresting her and Elwood.</p>",
"name":"Seeds + Permafrost + Feather",
"summary":"<p>MacGyver and team are asked to solve a locked-door mystery when a man working inside a remote, ultra-secure international seed vault disappears.</p>",
"name":"Murdoc + Helman + Hit",