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The Umbrella Academ...
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[Solved] The Umbrella Academy Is Missing

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good morning though you might want to know "the Umbrella Academy" is not found by renamemytvseries. i don't know how it polls for new shows, but i do know that the umbrella academy is correct on the tvdb cause if it wasn't it wouldn't be listed on trakt or in duckietv.  o.k. just thought to enter "Umbrella" ny itself and the show was listed. no idea why it's not finding it by the full title.

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Hi MrGrimm,

I just tried "Umbrella Academy" and "the umbrella academy" and both show up - I tried English and German.
I'm guessing this may or may not be a TheTVDB issue, or a matter of timing (between website and API calls).

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p.s. this was a sneak preview of v2.0.4 that I hope te release today  (nothing was changed when it comes to searching)

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i doubt the tvdb cause it shows up fine on trakt which gets it data from the tvdb and shows fine in dvt which gets it's data from tract. maybe it was a temporary glitch alone the line somewhere. now that said in 2.0.4 are we going to get better control over the size of the app window? i mean in both linux and windows the smallest you can shrink the window still takes up a huge chuck of the desktop. all in all i'd say 40% of the screen. 

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I do not know how much of the Trakt data actually comes from TheTVDB. I did read that they intermittently update from TheTVDB - so only snapshots. 
But I do know TheTVDB is a "living" database, so things do change (and not always for the best). I have seen it where a good looking show, suddenly became useless and a day later things were OK again. It all depends on theTVDB users I guess.

As for size, well, I hate to disappoint you, but the only thing I have changed in 2.0.4 is that you can change the size of the Selected Episode and Files lists (splitter).
If I'd allow for a smaller size, then vertical the show details would get lost. Horizontal the Selected Files and Episodes may get too narrow, not to mention the buttons that may get lost below a certain size. The entire form is build to resize properly, keeping everything visible. So right now I'm keeping the window this size to make sure the user experience would be good.

Now having said that ... one thought I had, was to have the option to collapse the "TV Show" and "Episode" part of the screen - keeping only the Selected Episodes and file visible. Kind-a like I did with the version before v2. I do not think that would be a good user experience either though.

Suggestions are welcome though ... 

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don't know if it would be possible but how about cutting it in half?  by this i mean: TV Shows - Episodes and  selected episodes - selected files. have the second page open in place of the first page once done selecting episodes. 

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Interesting approach, but what if a user mixes TV Shows?
People use the application several ways.

One way is to follow to [originally] intended workflow: select show, select episodes and/or files, rename.
However, there are users, who repeat the "select show, select episodes and/or files" several times (mixing shows) and the finally click "Rename".

The second use-case would make it inconvenient if parts disappear and one would need to switch back and forth between the "views".

An alternative I've tried, is using a smaller font, but that did go at the expense of readability.
Making margins between lists smaller was an option I've looked into as well, but then the application becomes quite messy ("busy") and ugly.

I'm still open to suggestion though 

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i did think of another thing this morning and the only reason i didn't of it before is that i don't use the particular buttons. under "selected episodes" "selected files"  there are 4 options per column,those could be moved to a rightclick menu and then "selected episodes" "selected files"  could be narrowed by say 25%.  or as you pointed out about mixed shows, how about a toggle to pop open the second screen? then peeps that do say 6 shows at a time van leave it expanded and ones like myself who do one show at a time can keep it collapsed to done selecting episodes? i don't know,  maybe if we keep brainstorming we will hit on something.

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The idea to move the buttons (add/sort/remove/clear) to a right click popup menu isn't a bad one ... except for;

1) Adding an episode should be a button since one selects them in the episode list to then add them to the "selected episodes" list.
2) Right click doesn't feel like an intuitive solution, it takes extra effort, and functions are harder to find.

Now having said that; Clear, Remove, and Sort could be added to the popup menu (right click), but it wouldn't help making things smaller - after all the user would want to read the file and episode names (which is already pretty narrow).

One thing I can do; set the minimum size to as small as possible.
I did an attempt just now, but without moving some stuff to a popup menu, we wouldn't gain much (see screenshot).

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o.k. let's just drop this since we are not going to agree on anything. i say that cause when you claim a section is too narrow when none of them are too narrow it screams that you do not want to make any refinements. now that said once again macgyver popped up in it's friday timeslot, but filled in on the calendar on sunday. i don't know about you but this is getting old with the ttvdb, and yes it is them. both duckietv and renamemyseries have the next two macgyver episodes as 16 and 18, missing 17 which means the tvdb isn't policing it's members. as for what you said  abut trakt getting some information from the tvdb,  ALL tv shows for trakt are gotten from the tvdb, it's the artwork that is not.

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Sorry - didn't mean to sound negative on all suggestions, I don't want to reject all suggestion and do appreciate the dialog.
I've tinkered a lot with the design, doing an attempt to make it "easy" to use. Implementation of the splitter was actually based on a user suggestion, who indeed ran out of space to properly read it's episodes and/or filenames. Oh well. again apologies if I sounded negative.

Yeah, TheTVDB can have it's moments indeed - especially when someone is tinkering with the data.
I'm seeing the MacGyver issue as well. I guess that's why they keep calling for folks to help out, but I'll admit that I'm not the most active person on TheTVDB either 
In the past I used to scrape, which actually DOES provide the correct info for MacGyver.
The scraping mechanism I've used however, was pain to maintain, since EPGuides kept changing stuff around (probably to avoid that folks use scrapers).
Having said that, I suddenly find that TVMaze is their nice looking website, based on the same data AND they offer an API - I'll investigate that as an alternative for TheTVDB.

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Did some initial checking on TVMaze's API, and so far it looks do-able, but it comes with some structural changes and an "interpreter" for the received data.

I do however, have 3 other projects that I need to finish first before doing this.

To give you an idea, the data pulls the correct MacGyver data;

 "name":"Lidar + Rogues + Duty",
 "summary":"<p>The Phoenix must recover the body of a pilot whose plane crashed while testing an experimental laser mapping system that MacGyver designed. Also, Riley tries to identify the hacker who tricked a SWAT team into arresting her and Elwood.</p>",
 "name":"Seeds + Permafrost + Feather",

 "summary":"<p>MacGyver and team are asked to solve a locked-door mystery when a man working inside a remote, ultra-secure international seed vault disappears.</p>",
 "name":"Murdoc + Helman + Hit",


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og i wasn't looking for you to use an alternative or off a alternative to the tvbd base,just wanted to give peeps another heads up to keep an eye on their various shows regardless of what app they use to keep track their shows and or use to rename their shows.

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o.k. that does look promising. i'm assuming they don't rely on the tvdb then? 

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Oh I know you weren't haha, but ... I'd like to have more reliable data for the application anyway - you're not the only one observing annoyances with TheTVDB data.  

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