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[Solved] Is RMTVS still actively maintained?
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May 20, 2023 7:11 AM
I haven't had the chance to drop by here in a good while due to my partner having health issues that seem to be finally under control. I noticed that since version 2.18 there doesn't seem to be any newer releases. I'm asking if RMTVS is still actively maintained because I thought there was more that you wanted to add to it? Other than that I hope all is well with you.
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May 20, 2023 2:01 PM
Truly sorry to hear about your partner having health issue. Wishing you partner well. 👍
As for RMTV: yes it is still being maintained if needed. I'm in the process to make some big under the hood changes in the user interface, while trying to get my own life in order again (long story). 😊
Instead of working on an old version, and working on a new version, in parallel, I'd rather focus on one version.
Was there any feature you were looking for in particular? (apologies if I forgot - all requests are on my to-do list, but I have not tagged them with usernames, just links to related comments or requests). 😊
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May 21, 2023 8:08 AM
No no particular feature, was just really curious cause I know you had what seem important request from others. My concern was you maybe starting a fresh app and leaving the current one unsupported.
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May 22, 2023 8:32 AM
I very much appreciate the interest! 👍 😊
Unfortunately, life has been not so great for me lately, so I'm struggling a little bit, which makes me also less tolerant for requests that sound demanding. For me this is a hobby after all, but it feels less and less like something I'm enjoying. 😞
Having said that; I've seen some request come by and I think I responded to most of them, if not all of them - please let me know if I didn't. I always try to listen to user feedback. However, I need to finish the big GUI change first, which has quite a big impact behind the scenes. I'd hate to have to do things twice or merge previously made changes again.
If you did see any life threatening issues, then please feel free to let me know. 😊
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May 27, 2023 3:30 PM
LOL if anyone thinks a issue with the program is life threatening I have a few numbers for mental wards they may want to book a extended stay at I can pass along. 😜 😜 😜
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October 9, 2023 12:55 PM
Having said that; I've seen some request come by and I think I responded to most of them, if not all of them - please let me know if I didn't. I always try to listen to user feedback. However, I need to finish the big GUI change first, which has quite a big impact behind the scenes. I'd hate to have to do things twice or merge previously made changes again.
If you did see any life threatening issues, then please feel free to let me know. 😊
Thought I'd drop by and see how you are doing, and see if there is anything new that might interest me. I hope this finds you good.
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October 10, 2023 7:26 AM
Hi Locutus,
Yes RMTV is still actively being developed ... or at least not abandoned 😉
Life can take some weird turns at times, so I haven't had much time to add new cool things to it or implement some of the requests/wishes.