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[Solved] Best breadboard for electronics tinkering?
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Posts: 1
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January 15, 2018 12:00 PM
Hey hey!
So, here's the deal: i'm only just now getting started / making a start with electronics (New Year's resolutons and all that). I'd say it's because I need a creative outlet but I already have *looks at desk* too many hobbies. But hell, what's another one! I've been reading a bunch of guides (for example) recently which mention that a breadboard is usually the best way to get started on some electronic projects without the fears or risks of blowing something up or messing up expensive parts. I've had my eye on the Arduino for a while, but this feels like a safer first step.
So, I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations as to which models / types of breadboards I should be looking for, as well as common extra components / bits and pieces I should be looking to pick up with it to get started? Ideally I'd love to throw a bunch of stuff in my cart, check out, and have a ready-to-mess-with pack show up on my doorstep.
Any advice welcome!
Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
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January 21, 2018 9:44 AM
Hi Vinylunicode!
Well, I found that it doesn't really matter which one you pick. I have tried several and they are all very comparable. The only thing that matters is the size. I tend to pick large ones so I have plenty playground.
I usually get mine from Amazon - see this link.
There are some starter bundles out there and I'll admit to have purchased a few of those as well - just like you said: to have it all together and being able to get started. I have bought this one twice: Arduino Starter kit and it comes with pretty much anything you need and a small starters guide.
Hope this helps