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[Solved] TVBD API

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started having problems again today and figured it had to be the tvdb's api cause i tried other apps and all failed to pull from the tvdb. was wondering if you saw the below.

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Yep, I have seen noticed and read the message.

As far as I understand it is working again, but since I noticed an error on their API page as well (CDN error), and since they claim to have placed a temporary fix, I'm not sure if this issue will come back or not.

This morning I'll investigate the options and see what I can find, since HTTPS requests on Windows/MacOS/Linux are handled automatically by either the system (MacOS) or OpenSSL (Linux and Windows). And with none of them I have to indicate the method that should be used for SSL. 

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yea looks like they got it up and running / fixed. i had to reset the settings to default in rmtv to get it to behave without error, but all's good now.  hopefully this is the last on the tvdb's end for awhile.

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I'm glad to hear it is working again, bummer that you had to reset to default settings 

I'm afraid this is not the last we'll hear concerning issues with TheTVDB.
I could be wrong, but the way they implement changes seems to come with poor change-management.

Pretty soon I hope to have a test version of RMTV v2.1.x available, supporting TVMaze and TheMovieDB.
The selection in TVMaze is limited to English, and only a post is available, but it is much faster.
TheMovieDB has a better selection, but their translations appear limited and they do not offer banners.

In 2.1 I'll try to get missing images from TheTVDB.

Unfortunately, the TVRage API appears dead ... and AnimDB is using a rather odd method to retrieve Shows (you'll have to download a huge file with all show titles before you can actually search anything).

Anyhoo ... I'll post the beta as soon as it is available.

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 the settings no biggy cause it's under a min to set it back up. 
oh i know the tvfb is going to have more and more issues, there
management is a true joke. as for your program you really need to fix
the issue of the program crashing on launch when the tvdb isn't
available. yours is the only one that does that, all the rest at least
launch and only give an error message when you try to access the tvdb
through them.  that said if i were you on launch i'd have it set in this
order the tvdb, the moviedb, tvmaze. i would have it tell me cannot
access the tvdb trying the moviedb and so fourth. as for banners for
those who care
dan forum acticting up again. still no edit button and now i can't place links in a post without the forum refusing to post it. i have lings that i think would work better for you.

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 the settings no biggy cause it's under a min to set it back up. 
oh i know the tvfb is going to have more and more issues, there
management is a true joke. as for your program you really need to fix
the issue of the program crashing on launch when the tvdb isn't
available. yours is the only one that does that, all the rest at least
launch and only give an error message when you try to access the tvdb
through them.  that said if i were you on launch i'd have it set in this
order the tvdb, the moviedb, tvmaze. i would have it tell me cannot
access the tvdb trying the moviedb and so fourth. as for banners for
those who care


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damn forum acting
up again. still no edit button and now i can't place links in a post
without the forum refusing to post it. i have links that i think would
work better for you. hate to say it but you do have the forum from hell, just look at how it formatted my post.

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The new version should not do that anymore - I used to load the list of available languages, but I dropped that (in the past 4 years, the list never changed).
So the languages are now right away in the database when the database gets created.

Since it wouldn't rely on TVDB anymore, authentication will only take place when needed.
So far it fails quietly ... but I'm thinking of adding some sorts of message.

Moving to other data source had a serious impact on the design.
Now I've done it in such a way that adding a (decent) source, should not take me too much time (still some work of course, since they all use a different way of accessing data).

As for the forum; yeah I'm not exactly happy with it either, but I haven't found a better alternative yet.
It sure does screw up formatting when using the edit button 

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didn't realize that you would have to rework the gui for some databases.

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Well, first of all, I'd need to provide users a choice - which of the providers they'd like to use.
As you can see; the Preferences window is already quite full, so that didn't fit.

Additionally; only TheTVDB offers Banners, Fanart and Posters.
TVMaze offers only a poster, and TheMovieDB does not offer Banners.
So I needed to add an option to download the missing images from TheTVDB.

I did implement an option on how to handle a file move as well.
It appears that in rare situations, a file move did not go as hoped.
So I've added the options to minimize that problem.

Another option I have added, is forcing a TV Show to use the first aired date of Episode 1 of Season 1 as the "Start Year" of a show.
For silly reasons TheTVDB uses the first episode ever, and they even include Episode 1 of Season 0 (Specials) with that as well.
With certain shows (Stargate SG-1, Game of Thrones) this results in the wrong start year.
For example: The movie Stargate SG-1 (1994) is used as the base for the a start year.
With Game of Thrones, the initial announcement is used (which was in the year before the show started).

So all-in-all I ran out of space, and I didn't want to make the window even bigger. So this called for some big changes as well ... 

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With serious impact of the design; I was actually mostly referring to the underlying logic as well.

TheTVDB, TVMaze and TheMovieDB use different methods and different formats when it comes to searching and retrieving information and images.

So getting data and parsing the data requires some changes.

Additionally; the database structure was designed with TheTVDB in mind ... obviously that wouldn't work anymore, since show info can come from different sources.

All this also meant I had to approach the data with a different parser (for JSON).

So yeah there are some big implications,... but no worries; I've got most of it working already 😊 

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considering what updating this put on your plate you sure moved fast on it. kudo on how much it soulds like you already got done, HUGE kudos. now the below? would i be correct in that that has to do with the banners?

"I did implement an option on how to handle a file move as well.

It appears that in rare situations, a file move did not go as hoped.

So I’ve added the options to minimize that problem."

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Thanks - the kudo's are much appreciated and yes it is a lot of work! 

As for the file move issue; 

I had one user who had mentioned that when a video file got moved, on occasion this would go sideways resulting in a new and empty file, and a deleted original file.
The request was to move the "original" to the Recycle Bin.

Now, moving to a Trashcan is potentially as (un)reliable as just moving a file to another directory, but I did see the advantages of implementing something like this, and some variations of that as well. It may help undoing things when a user goofed up (it has happened to myself hahah).

So no, it would not relate to banners.
Those (if the option was set to do so) will be copied from the image cache (the cache is stored in a subdirectory of the directory where the database file is).
I haven't heard any issues with that (yet).

Or is that not what you meant?

Also: Banners and Fanart (aka Backdrop) are now included as well, and when images are missing RMTV will try to pick them up from TheTVDB.

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ok i'm at a complete loss then. cause i see nothing about moving anything. 

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Haha, no problem.

If you go to settings, look under "Renaming Files". At the bottom of that section you'll see "Move to folder".
This option allows a video file to be moved to any directory after renaming.
For example to a directory on your NAS.

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