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ConnectMeNow SMB Mo...
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ConnectMeNow SMB Mount not working but Connect to Server does

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We have about 1/2 dozen folders to mount on a server for a user. Most work except for 1 from within ConnectMeNow however I can connect to and mount the same folder from within Finder. I've tried clearing the preferences files for ConnectMeNow, uninstalling, copy existing working connections, creating brand new. The mount fails from ConnectMeNow but I can then turn around and connect through finder with no issue. The Mac is a brand new M3Max Sonoma Macbook Pro. Any help would be appreciated. Like I said the user can connect through Finder but it would be nice to have all this working through ConnectMeNow for auto mounting.

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Hi Rawales2,

sorry to hear you're running into issue.

Can you provide more info on the type of connection, the settings you've used, etc?
It would be helpful to see the difference compared to those that do work.
Also, the output of the "mount" command in Terminal may be helpful when the user mounted the share manually 😊 

Note: modify the info if needed. Eg. change username/password if somehow displayed.

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Thanks. It is an SMB connection from the Mac to a Windows 2022 share. Literally no difference between the connections that work and the one that does not. The only thing I am doing is changing the name of the shared folder. So in one that works the share name is "Design Art" which connects and I change that to "Art Staff" which does not. Again, I can open finder and connect to server and connect to and mount "Art Staff". All of these are a part of a domain (which the Macbook is not but authenticates through Nomad). 


The same exact setup on another Mac works just fine. It's very odd.

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That most certainly is odd ...

Can you mount the one that works with ConnectMeNow, and the one that doesn't work manually, and then run "mount" in Terminal and show it's output?

You should see lines like this one

//username@ on /Volumes/SomeSharename (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by hans)

I'd be interested in seeing the difference - maybe that can reveal what the issue may be.

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It won't let me copy/paste this into the code but here is a screen shot. Last line is the one we're having an issue with.

[removed picture and obscurified some details]

//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Production%20Art on /Volumes/Production Art (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh) 
//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Design%20Art on /Volumes/Design Art (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)
//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Recent%20Downloads on /Volumes/Recent Downloads (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)
//username@io.somelocalserver.local/Sales on /Volumes/Sales (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)
//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Accurio on /Volumes/Accurio (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, read-only, mounted by josh)
//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Art%20Staff on /Volumes/Art Staff (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)
This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by Hans

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(I just removed your picture and replaced it with text, hiding some sensitive details 😉 )

So we're looking at these two, and the first one is mounted with ConnectMeNow and the second one manually (in this example here)?

//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Design%20Art on /Volumes/Design Art (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)

//username@minerva.somelocalserver.local/Art%20Staff on /Volumes/Art Staff (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by josh)

Same server, samer user ... yet "Art Staff" doesn't mount.


Just an idea, to test and see if we missed something in ConnectMeNow:

1. Disable the share that doesn't work (Art Staff)

2. Find the one that work (Design Art) in the list of shares and select it (in ConnectMeNow).

3. Click the "Copy" button

4. in the copied version -only- change the path to "Art Staff" (without the quotes)

Try again if this one works.

If this works then something is "off" with the one you had defined before.
If this does not work, then something is "off" possibly on the server.

Let me know if this works, I'd be more than happy to see if we can get to the bottom of this 😊 

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Jeez... thanks... 


Ok. I tried to do this and it still won't mount.

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Hmm,... bummer 😞 

So by copying it, it uses the exact same settings as the one that works, and I hoped we had overlooked something.
I guess that its not that simple a fix 😞

Can you see anything in the log of ConnectMeNow?
(I know: lots of info there, maybe even hard to see what is happening)

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Crazy thought:

Can you try using the "Command Line" option in the advanced settings of that share?

Or are you already using this for the other share(s) as well?

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p.s. in case I do not reply right away: I'm about to try to make dinner (8 PM here). So please do not think I'm ignoring you 😊 
