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Rename My TV Series...
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[Solved] Rename My TV Series 2 - Episodes not showing

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Famed Member Admin
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I'm unable to test uner Mojave, but it should just work (since the old one worked as well).
What MAY be a problem is that SQLite on your Mac is a little older and certain features do not exist in that one.

I'll try to build a virtual machine with Mojave and will check to see if I can find what is going wrong.

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The Beta RenameMyTVSeries-2.1.0-beta-macOS-64bit didn´t create a new Database here - not sure why not. Do I have to update my SQLite?

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I wouldn't tamper with SQLite on your system - it may cause issues with other applications, which we'd like to avoid.

I did manage to find a Mojave virtual machine laying around though, which seems to have the same SQLite library as seen on your machine. And indeed, I could not start RMTV (beta) on that one either (different error message though). But I did notice though that Mojave seemed to have problems finding the SQLite library.

This version now works on my Virtual Machine.

Note: it is still a good idea to remove the database directory entirely before testing (just in case some "junk" was left behind).

No guarantee this will fix the issue, but I do see that my Virtual Machine is using the same SQLite library as you have.

I've signed, notarized and uploaded this new beta, you can download it here.
In the "About" it should say build "57" - give it a try.

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I have installed this version and it works.
All episodes are now displayed correctly as they were added.
Are there now different databases in the new version?
Thanks for the help so far. I am glad that everything is working now.
One last question for now :-)
I cannot change the size of the application. it is not possible to display the application completely on the screen. i have to move the application every time

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Awesome , thank you, ... and you're most welcome! 

Glad to hear this fixed it - unintentionally you've helped debugging a beta! 

Yes, the database has changed a lot. As you can see here, there are a lot of new features.
Most important ones are the support for TVMaze and TheMovieDB, and the new function to AutoDetect.

As for resizing; apologies for the inconvenience - I've locked it to a certain minimum size.
This was done intentionally (in previous versions as well), to avoid that lists get way too short and controls (buttons etc) start sliding over each other. I have not (yet) found an elegant way around that 

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Thank you for informing me.
I don't really need much, but I always have to move it to the left or to the right.
Maybe I'll find a solution to this at some point.
Talk to you later :-)

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You're welcome!

If you know what "minimum" size you had in mind, then I can look at it more targeted towards your needs.
If it is not too small of course 

Enjoy your weekend !

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My Macbook has

13,3-Zoll (2560 x 1600) and RMTV 2 is a little bit too large - don´t know what size is the best for me :-)

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Haha, yeah that will be tricky since it is a Retina screen and your Display Settings (in system preferences) may be set to somesorts of scaling.

You could measure it by making a screenshot by pressing the keys COMMAND+CONTROL+SHIFT+4 once.

Move the mouse to the upper left corner, then press the mouse button and keep it pressed, and now drag the mouse to the right bottom of the screen.

It will show some numbers where the mouse is. These are "width, height" in absolute pixels. Those are the numbers we'd need.

Best is even to select the area of the screen that you can work in (so between the Apple menu bar and the doc).

No need to send me the screenshot, I just need those numbers to get an idea what I can work with.

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1280 x 800 pixels are what you mean :-)

Hope, you can work with that.

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Yep, that's it! 

Well, I've managed to get the main window smaller (down to 628 x 1247), so that one should fit.
Unfortunately, now the Settings window has some problems (text falling of the window.
I'll see what I can do with that.

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OK, so you let me know when its possible to change the size a little bit?

Thanks for all.

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I think I've got something that may work.

I did have to sacrifice a little bit on the text, but I think this may work.
Would you like to test this version? You can download it here (I've just uploaded the modified version).

Database and such will not be affected by this - you may have to size the window smaller, since it may take the sizes that were stored in the database from the previous version.
You can also do this to go into "Settings" and clicking the "Reset All Settings to Default" button - but you may lose some of your settings.

Please let me know how this worked for your screen. 

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I just installed the version and set the default size in the menue.


Now it fits to my screen. Thanks for solving it. Thanks Thanks Thanks

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Another question:

When I search for Chez Krömer or Chez Kroemer - nothing RMTV 2 will nothing found. When I search for Chez then its in the list of all with "Chez" named Chez Krömer

Why doesn´t RMTV 2 find the TV Show with the complete name?

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