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I occasionally need to test a few things for macOS, for which I usually use one of my Mac's. However when needing a virtual machine to test an older macOS, I find a macOS Virtual Machine to run really slow on a Mac. Even a Mac Pro.
Since I have a nice gaming laptop at my disposal (Asus ROG G713, AMD 6900HZ CPU and Nvidia 3080 GPU), I just wanted to give it a try to install a macOS VM on my Windows computer.
5.Run the Apple install - takes about 15-25 minutes depending on your hardware.
At initial setup: Select "Disk Utility" first to select and erase the VMWare disk - mine was the first one listed under "Internal", called "VMware Virtual SATA Hard Drive Media". Select that disk, click "Erase", give it a name, but keep the other default values (APFS/GUID Partition map).
Once erased (use default values), close "Disk utility" and select "Install macOS Monterey" (or which ever version you are installing).
The initial image is very laggy during setup, which can be due to the number of cores or memory, but more likely because of the video driver (or lack thereof).
6.Install the VMWare Tools for your macOS VM (requires VM reboot)
Now by default, VMware Workstation Player will NOT come with the macOS VMware tools. So you will need to go find your own. If you have VMWare Fusion on a Mac, then you can find the ISO file here (recommended):
In VMware Workstation Player, open the "Player" - "Manage" - "Virtual Machine Settings" (CTRL+D).
Go tot he CD/DVD settings, and browse for the "darwin.iso".
Go back to your macOS VM, and if the "VMware tools" disk icon does not appear, from the menu "Player" - "Removable devices" - "CD/DVD" - "Connect". This should now show the VMware Tools - which you can now install.
I'm using the non commercial vmware player 17 but I cannot get Ventura to work. I am on an AMD 5750X as well.
The player will not process these two of the four lines above
smbios.reflectHost = "TRUE
board-id = "Mac-551B86E5744E2388”
It does allow for the other two. If keep those lines it says vmx file is corrupt.
I have tried literally everything I can find to get Ventura working on VMware Player 17 on AMD on Windows 11. I have Monterey working but I need xcode which requires Ventura/OS13.
When I do an upgrade inside a monterey machine, after reboot, it crashes almost immediately. "there is a problem with..." And it just boot loops until it gives the apple.com/support/startup (or something like that). If I do an install off of a downloaded from apple iso, it also crashes. Holding down shift just makes it freeze at the Apple logo and as soon as I lift up, it crashes.
Do you have any advice for this problem? I'm really stuck and I can't find any other tips.
I'm using the same VMWare Workstation version and installed Monterey this way (like you did).
I did some testing and ran into the same issue with Ventura - seems a known issue. See also Ventura related open issues for Auto-unlocker - even though this should probably not be seen as a Auto-unlocker issue, after all, Auto-unlocker after all only "unlocks" certain macOS versions as a target, but isn't made to work around hardware limitations like an AMD CPU.
Then I see that the "smbios" line misses a closing double quote. Maybe a copy/paste mistake, or maybe the reason why it says the file is corrupt?
I did find this description, suggesting the VMX text below would work, but that fail when upgrading from Monterey to Ventura. Haven't had time yet to create an ISO image to do a clean install ... downloading Ventura as we speak, and will try later today to install from scratch.
(found and ISO of Ventura here - but I really prefer an ISO extracted from an Apple install, so I know it's legit)
I'm very sure this is an issue combo of AMD CPU and macOS Ventura, and from what I found is that others experience the same issue with AMD/Ventura. 😞
As for getting an ISO file: I extract the ISO file from the app bundle Apple has in the App Store. I thought Apple had dropped ISO files, except for very old macOS version?
I'm using the same VMWare Workstation version and installed Monterey this way (like you did).
I did some testing and ran into the same issue with Ventura - seems a known issue. See also Ventura related open issues for Auto-unlocker - even though this should probably not be seen as a Auto-unlocker issue, after all, Auto-unlocker after all only "unlocks" certain macOS versions as a target, but isn't made to work around hardware limitations like an AMD CPU.
Then I see that the "smbios" line misses a closing double quote. Maybe a copy/paste mistake, or maybe the reason why it says the file is corrupt?
I'm a bit late to the party but the reason the vmx file gets corrupt is because the last quotation mark in
board-id = "Mac-551B86E5744E2388”
Is not a normal " but some kind of weirdo cursive kind, they are not the same. Just change that to a normal one and the vmx file will no longer be corrupt.
Posting this 6 months later in case it might help someone 😉
6 months later or not: still a good and contributing comment! 👍
I've updated the double quote, thanks for letting me know! Every now and the my computer decides to use "smart quotes", and not even consistently. Disabled that feature now 😊
I have a Ryzen 9 computer and need to use garageband to finish a record after my macbook ssd fried, but the appstore says I need 13.5 or later to run it- I was able to get 11 running fine, but 13 and 14 crash.
Apple won't let me have any older versions of Garageband- even if I replaced my SSD, it's an old intel mac and I don't think it will run anything past 10.15
ok, I have Garageband working, I was able to install the OS my old MacBook was running (10.5) and go to my download history in the App Store and find the old version of Garageband
No updates on my end ... sorry 😞 With Apple abandoning Intel hardware, this may get even more difficult in the future. Myabe there is an option to achieve this with OpenCore (did find this article, but have not fully read it yet).
@hans Hey man, big thanks on this, it helped me out install it on my amd rig, but I'm running into a problem that when I attempt to install something it says my disk hasn't enough space
There are the obvious things we could try like emptying the trashcan, optimize storage (I've never used this), fresh reboot, make sure ArchiCAD has full disk access (although this should not be needed), and oddly enough: remove all external drives (I've seen a bug in the past where a full external disk would trigger a "disk full" error incorrectly), etc.
Another thing that could play a role is if ArchiCAD has a bug determining disk space. For that you'd have to check and see if this is a known issue.
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ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-arm64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Apple Silicon version (not suitable for Intel).
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