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MasOS - shares are ...
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[Solved] MasOS - shares are unsearchable

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This is a tough one - I am mouting drives from a Synology NAS that has indexing enabled so MacOS can actually search the shares and it works fine; searches are quite fast.

But - only when I mount manually or with AutoMounter that I have used so far (but I was looking for an alternative as shares often do not automount and they also drop out and do not remount)

When I mount with ConnectMeNow - searches do not work. Nothing shows as found.

I can unmount via the app - mount manually. Search is immediate and fast. Unmount that, mount via ConnectMeNow. Nothing.

I really do like the program - it (generally - see my other topic just raised on v4 Apple Silicon) works quite fine, thanks!

But this one is a showstopper, sadly. I really hope there is an explanation that is not too hard to find.

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Hi Madseno42!

Well, first of all, I'm sorry to hear you're running into issues, and happy to hear you like the application.

I do have a question though, since indexing my shares never worked on my Mac, no matter how I mount my shares (Finder, Terminal, CMN etc).
So my question would be: how do you manually mount a share and get it indexed? I mean this as a serious question: since it's something I run into often as well.

Having said that: CMN mounts either with the official Apple API (which Finder would use as well), or in Commandline mode (if you set it like so, which would be the manual mount method one would use in Terminal).

I guess the best way to see if there is something different, we could comparing the "mount" output in Terminal. Maybe that could give away a hint on what may be going on.

1. Mount your share manual, as you described, and post the "mount" out here. (feel free to copy only the relevant line)
2. Unmount the share, and now mount it with Automounter, and see what the "mount" output is.
3. Unmount again, and now mount it with CMN, and see what the "mount" output is.

The output lines you're looking for:

//username@servername/pathname on /path/where/itsmounted (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by username)


As far as I know, indexing network shares is a little iffy since (if I recall correctly) macOS Monterey (or earlier).
You can tell Spotlight to index a volume, but for me this never worked in a reliable way. You can force Spotlight to index a drive like shown below. If this works for you, than I can maybe add this as a CMN option 😊 

Enable indexing in a share (where /Volumes/MyNASShare is the directory where the share is mounted);

sudo mdutil /Volumes/MyNASShare -i on

Please let me know if this helps as well, as it could be a helpful function to add to CMN. I'm running another test on my NAS as we speak, but it takes a while to finish indexing.

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Thanks for getting back!!

Indexing is achieved via a service on Synology:

Mount info:

//OleM@LVNas._smb._tcp.local/photo on /Volumes/photo (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by olemadsen)

Mounted manually:
//OleM@LVNas._smb._tcp.local/photo on /Volumes/photo (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by olemadsen)

ConnectMeNow (not execute auto mount but clicking the shares):
//OleM@LVNas/Photo on /Volumes/Photo (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by olemadsen)

So, there seems to be a difference.

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I see that the servername has been definied differently. LVNas vs LVNas._smb._tcp.local ...

Could you try the servername "LVNas._smb._tcp.local" in CMN?

Not sure where that servername came from (besides that its and SMB share over a local TCP/IP connection). 😉 
If I do a manual mount (in Finder), then only .local. is begin added (running macOS Sonoma 14.1.1).

Something like this (1st one is a normal [CNM] mount, 2nd one if a Finder mount);

//admin@ on /Volumes/MyShare (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by hans)

//admin@Marvin.local./MyShare on /Volumes/MyShare (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by hans)


Interesting find though, would be good to know why the "._smb._tcp" is added. An initial Google search didn't give any good info (yet).
(the ".local" is very common with servers in a local network, when one uses the name of the server, but I noticed Finder actually added ".local." instead of ".local")

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p.s. I do not have a Synology NAS available, and it seems my QNAP doesn't support this [yet] (or I haven't look well enough yet 😎 ).
