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[Solved] Icon not showing connection status

30 Posts
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Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
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This is so weird. Everything looks perfectly normal - I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

And when you see this output, the log still shows that line saying there is no network (when doing a refresh)?

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Dear both I chime in here since I have exactly the same behavior like described by @Anonymous. Will spend some time on the debugging mentioned by @Hans. I will also try to reproduce the behavior on an older machine from my wife. Let's see if this helps to narrow down the root cause. My gut feeling tells me it is something in Ventura. I gave CMN already full hard disk access and notification allowance. No change.


Here my system config for reference:

Version: 4.0.12 (Build 52)

OS: macOS Ventura

Version 13.5.1 (Build 22G90)

ARM (64 bits) application


Best bensen9

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Hi Bensen9 😊 

I very much appreciate your assistance in trying to debug this.

Key for CMN to detect if a share is mounted is based on

  • notifications message from macOS (the log would show if such a message was triggered - and for now I assume it does)
  • The "mount" (terminal) output should match
    - server name or IP address (depending on what was entered in CMN)
    - path on the server
    - username
    - protocol (smb for a Windows/Samba share for example)

On that note: other applications may mount a share as well, for whatever reason, and this can potentially include Finder. The output from "mount" (in terminal) should reveal differences, which means we can either modify the parameters in CMN or I may have to change something in the detection method.

Lets see what we can find.😊 

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p.s. initially you may not be able to post screenshots or upload files. It takes 4 or 5 posts to be manually approved by me, before you can do this. It's a silly spam protection build into the forum.

bensen9 reacted
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@hans I’ll double check tonight

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Just tested on the system of my wife. Same problem. Here the specs of her system.

Version: 4.0.12 (Build 52)
OS: macOS Big Sur
Version 11.7.10 (Build 20G1427)
Intel x86-64 (64 bits) application

I checked the "mount" command in Terminal and entries seem to match for server, source path and user.

I further studied the Log and it clearly is a matching problem.

Will check with my server later.





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A few more observations. I tried connecting to my FTP and WebDav Server. Mounts worked but CMN did not match the mount after the mount the same as for SMB.

The only way I could get a green symbol and match in the Log is with a SSH connection to my server.

Maybe this helps.

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Hi Bensen9!

Thank you for sharing the observation and thank your for your patience and help trying to resolve this issue 😊 

I'll set up some virtual machines to test again. I cannot seem to reproduce this on my Macs that run on Sonoma. 
This may indeed be Ventura specific (I haven't used Ventura very long).

Note (in case I had not mentioned it):

In the Log window, you can click the "Tools" button. In the upcoming menu you can check (toggle) the "Raw status dumps in log" option, so the raw data will be displayed. After that you can trigger a "scan" by selecting the "Force one time status update".

Optionally you can check the "Reveal Usernames and Passwords" as well - so you can see the username.

The output will add something like this:

06:19:18 │ -- STATUS UPDATE - THREAD CALLBACK ------------------------------------------------
06:19:18 │ - RAW DUMP: 
         │  -> Server     : (//admin@
         │     Port       : (default)
         │     Path       : /Media
         │     User       : admin
         │     Mountpoint : /Volumes/Media
         │     MountType  : SMB (smbfs - 24)
         │   RAW mntfromname : //admin@
         │   RAW mountpoint  : /Volumes/Media
         │   RAW fstypename  : smbfs
06:19:18 │ Update type
         │  - Initial read     : -
         │  - Timed Interval   : -
         │  - Get Network info : -
         │  - Forced Update    : YES
         │ Status Interval     : 10000 milliseconds
         │ Interval Interrupts : 500 milliseconds
         │ Failed mount after  : 30000 milliseconds
         │ Default gateway     : (MAC: F6:D4:88:D5:B2:66)
06:19:18 │ - Mount Status Updated: Counted 1 active share(s)
06:19:18 │ - Looking for a match for:
         │     Share type : stSMB
         │     Server     :
         │     Port       : 
         │     Full path  : 
         │     Path       : /Media
         │     User       : admin
         │     Mountpoint : /Volumes/Media
         │     PID        : 0
06:19:18 │ - Active share: SMB Media ( /Volumes/Media)
06:19:18 │ - Matched 1 Network shares. (matched all)
06:19:18 │ 
         │ -- STATUS UPDATE - COMPLETED ------------------------------------------------------
06:19:18 │ - Updating "Mount onAppear" list

06:19:18 │ Updating Tray Menu

Maybe this reveals something.

If you're comfortable with it: feel free to post the CMN parameters you've set for a given share, and what the Terminal "mount" output and the log window show.
Maybe you see right away where the difference may be.

p.s. if you're using the network name of your server/NAS/share, consider testing with the IP address.


Posted by: @Anonymous
I tried connecting to my FTP and WebDav Server. Mounts worked but CMN did not match the mount after the mount the same as for SMB.

It sounds like there is something goofy going on with the matching indeed.
Please let me known if you notice something in the raw data in the log window.
In the meanwhile I'll build a Ventura Virtual Machine. Big Sur won't run on my Apple Silicon Mac, and Virtual Machines on Intel devices are just terrible to work with (I'll keep that as a backup pan 😉 ).

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Did some testing under Ventura (virtual machine) and it's not showing this issue.
The log output above is from my testing.

Would really love to see what is triggering this.

Odd question: are you running macOS in English or another language? (pretty sure it has nothing to do with this, but one never knows)

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Hey Hans,

Thanks for your help and support and I knew about Raw status dump and already played with it. Updated to Sonoma by now but no change in behaviour.

I was just about to establish a VM as well just see what happens with a fresh machine. BTW if you have trouble with M1/2 chips and VM I recommend UTM virtualisation (works well and is free compared to the other alternatives). But before doing so I played with some other SMB shares in my network (a Pi and a FritzBox) and realised that the path can be selected via drop down when UN and PW are entered (your note when hovering over the textfield made me aware) ...

Man, I think I found it !!! 😀 😎 😀 

With the drop down your UI always puts a slash ("/") in front of the path ... I never did so because I assumed your UI would take care of it during concatenation.

Tahtah ... with the dash in front the matching works and CMN is aware of the share and can mount / unmount and track it.

I almost knew it must be such a stupid little thing. Glad we found it and you might be able to include a fail save in your code.

@Anonymous, does this work for you as well?


Cheers, Ben

PS: I found some more bugs regarding shares that contain parenthesis or spaces, but I think you are aware of that? Glad to help debug if needed.


This makes the error as described:

This solves it:


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 11 years ago
Posts: 2728

Woooohooo!!!! 👍 
Excellent find!!!! Nice!!!!

Well done! Wow, I probably would have never found that bug.
I will add a fix for this in the next release (maybe even today).
As for Anonymous: I think he left the forum, unfortunately. 😞 

As for other bugs you may have seen: please share!
I only made ConnectMeNow for my own purposes, which is SMB and SSH, which I use daily.
All other options, exotic paths, and exotic protocols are therefor tested only minimally.
So please share! I'd love to hear what you've found.


Posted by: @Anonymous
I was just about to establish a VM as well just see what happens with a fresh machine. BTW if you have trouble with M1/2 chips and VM I recommend UTM virtualisation (works well and is free compared to the other alternatives).

Thanks for the tip - love sharing the knowledge!!! (you may see that I post things in the forum all the time)

I've played with UTM as well, it uses the Hypervisor that comes with macOS, which is used by Parallels as well. This performs so very well compared to a macOS VM on an Intel Mac. I'm still using my old Parallels Desktop v18 (it seems to run faster than UTM), but I just stopped paying for it.
I actually used VMWare Fusion for years now, which is free these days, but it seems VMWare does not care all that much anymore and they are lagging behind terribly.

Just a tip, you may already know:
Did you know you can create a VM very quick with IPSW files?
(see one of my posts on Parallels Desktop and UTM)

bensen9 reacted
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Just uploaded a new version that should address this.
Check it out and let me know if this worked 😊 

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Thanks for the tip on the IPSW files. They are only available for macOS right, or can I find Linux distros somewhere?


Back to topic. Thanks for the update version. It is better but I can still produce the error state. I followed top down the text fields and was still able to enter my share name w/o a dash. Only after having inserted UN and PW in the text fields below auto correction happened when I wrote into the share name field.

I like the idea of auto correction, makes things transparent. I suggest you take a look to do this even w/o having entered PW and UN.

For now I am happy since the tool runs as expected and I am so glad that my shares are now auto reconnected after long OS sleep.




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Yeah the IPSW files only exist for Apple Silicon Macs. You'll have to download one specific for your Mac (as far as I understand).
Unfortunately, no Linux or Windows version and it can only be used to restore your system, UTM and Parallels Desktop (VMWare Fusion does not support this and I have not tried others).

Posted by: @Anonymous
It is better but I can still produce the error state. I followed top down the text fields and was still able to enter my share name w/o a dash

How did you manage that? 😱 
Just tried it, by making a new share, set it to SMB, enter server IP, and type a random path ... it adds a "/" no matter what I try.
Let me know how to reproduce this, since I'm unable to ... always good to make things better 😊 

This is what happens on my Mac (see attached screen recording).
No matter how I start, the "/" is added. With all attempts I do not type the "/", and its just added.

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p.s. glad to hear CMN now works for you as well 😊 

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