So first question: Not mounting.
Are you using a domain controller?
Most likely not, and if that is the case: leave the "Domain" field empty and try again.
Second question: Name resolving.
Yep, I've seen that problem not just on Macs. That is why I prefer using IP addresses.
For proper resolving a local server, you'll need to type ".local" behind the server name.
So for your scenario, this will nog work (assuming "server" is the name of your Windows 10 machine):
ping server
But this will very likely work:
ping server.local
(I had to get used to that as well when I moved to macOS)
This is how I do it : For important devices (eg. your server) I make a DHCP reservation in my modem/router. So in the modem your ISP provided. Basically you're telling the DHCP to use a fixed IP address for the MAC address of your Windows machine. I always pick an easy to remember IP address, like or something like that. So now, when you Windows 10 machine starts, it will ask for an IP address and always will get the same IP address.
Third question: SMB version support.
SMB version support of course depends 100% on what macOS offers.
From what I could find, SMB is supported as of MacOSX 10.7 (Lion) and by default enabled as of 10.9 (Mavericks).
Maybe not relevant, but here is a post by Apple to force SMB 3 on your Mac, but I have not found any confirmation that Monterey (I would assume it does support SMB 3).
ConnectMeNow 100% relies on macOS supporting the needed protocol.
Fourth question: Slash forward or backwards
Well, my Finder uses the slash forward when using Go->Connect to Server (eg. smb:// ) and so does ConnectMeNow. When using backslashes in Finder (eg. server\path) it will fail to mount. (tried it just now on Sonoma and Ventura)
Slash forward is the common directory separator under macOS and Linux. Only Windows (as far as I know) uses the backslash notation.
I hope this help 😊 -- let me know how this worked out.