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Visual basic
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[Solved] Visual basic

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Hello, i have question about visual basic.


Basicly i have this excel file:

It's like student grade list in every subject.


What i have to do is make a macro which reads it, and if student has more than 3 grades under 4 , it makes macro to do something.

Im not sure what to use in this situation, mayby somebody could give some tips?



Famed Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2822

I'm not sure a macro is needed.

I'd create a formula to handle this. The COUNTIF function should do the trick, for example:


So this says: count all cells from B2 to G2 where the value is less than 4.

Next you'd like to see those that have more than 3 results that are less than 4, so we can combine that with an IF function to something like this:

=IF( COUNTIF(B3:G3,"<4")>3, "FAIL", "ALL GOOD")

No visual basic needed.

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@hans tnx for the reply.

But i need to d it with visual basic :(

Mayby any suggestions with htat?

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2822

I'm sorry, but my Visual Basic days are very far behind me ... it would take quite a bit of time for me to figure that out and get familiar with VBA again.

I'm pretty sure though that you can access these functions in VBA as well.

What I would do is probably a for loop in a for loop. In pseudo code something like this:

for each row (each student)
  negativeResults = 0

for each column (each of the courses)
  if column<4 then negativeResults = negativeResults +1

if negativeResults>3 then "FAIL" else "ALL GOOD"


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Oke, ill try to make it ;)

Thank you very much!
