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[Solved] RenameMyTVseries - Keeping Hard Link list tidy

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Hi Hans,

After a couple of years and a lots of booze, I finally figured out the Hard Link general concept.

I am guessing the tidier it is kept the better.

I spotted a dupe, and when I select either and hit remove, I get this error that hopefully means something to you;

Famed Member Admin
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Hi MfU!

Woops, that sounds like a boo-boo on my end with the SQL statement ...
Thanks for reporting!

I found where this goes wrong - I suspect this may depend on the SQLite version. Or better said: how the SQLite version has been compiled.
I've fixed it in my dev environment, so in a next release this will be fixed 😊 

Let me first see if there are other things that need fixing (it take quite a bit of work to prepare 6 releases - Win, 2xLinux GTK, 2xLinux QT, and macOS).

Again: thanks for reporting!

mfu reacted
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As a temporary workaround (if needed), you can edit the data in the database with a SQLite editor - DB Browser for SQLite is probably the easiest.

The database file can be found here:

c:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Rename My TV Series\LocalData.sqlite3


Make sure RMTV is closed while doing this.
It's also a good idea to make a backup of the file (LocalData.sqlite3).

In DB Browser for SQLite, go to the table "autodetect_link", click "Browse Data".
Now locate the row you want removed, right click the row number and from the popup menu select "Delete Record".

You can now close DB Browser for SQLite, it will probably ask if you want to save the changes, which you have to confirm.

Start RMTV again, and the row should be gone.

mfu reacted
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Thanks, my first experience with the sqlite program;  

Unwanted row and half the house gone




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Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2822

But at least that single row is gone ... hahah
