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Hi! I love this program, it's an absolute lifesaver.
I was renaming my Monk episodes and the first episode is listed as "Mr. Monk Meets the Candidate". But the official name of the episode is "Mr. Monk and the Candidate".
Thank you for the compliment and great to hear you're liking my application. 👍
As for your feedback: Unfortunately, I have no control over the data since the data for the episode titles is pulled from TVDB, TheMovieDB or TVMaze. (assuming you use the beta version)
I did see that TVDB and TheMovieDB both provide the seemingly incorrect title:
So my recommendation would be to use the beta version of RMTV (which has quite a few more options), so you can use TVMaze.
Or if you are a TVDB user, go to the TVDB website or Forum (tvdb.com), and request a title change or correct the title of that episode if they let you. That would take quite a bit of work I'd assume, and you're probably end up arguing with one or the other person, about what the real correct title it (which I do not know).
RegExr Awesome website to play and experiment with regular expression!
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ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-x86-64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3.5 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Intel version which works on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-arm64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Apple Silicon version (not suitable for Intel).
MiniWOL2 MacOS (64 bits Apple Silicon)Date: 2023-08-01 - Size: 1.2 MBminiWol is a simple, but effective application to send Wake On LAN to network devices. This is the signed 64 bit MacOS ARM (Apple Silicon) version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.3-Windows-32bit-setup.exeDate: 2023-04-12 - Size: 18.6 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 32 bit Windows version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-GTK-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.2 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for GTK.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-QT5-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.1 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for QT5.
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