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[Solved] Bug report - Jim in Canada 😊

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Hi Hans,

I have been using the latest beta version since mid-February, and after much testing I am satisfied that what I am about to report are genuine bugs.

Rename My TV Series: 2.1.7 (Build 24)
SQLite library: v.3.25.2
OS: Windows (64 bit), Windows 10.0, i386 (32 bit application)

Bug #1 of 3 - When first character of episode details is a double-quote (") it gets omitted when the metadata is read from the source.

Series: Robot Chicken (2005) [TVDB]
Episode: S11E10 May Cause the Need for Speed

TVDB url for this episode:

If you look at the description on the web site, it says: "Robot Chicken" introduces Velma to a ...

If you select this episode in RMTVS, and right-click to "Show Episode Details", you will notice the first " is missing: Robot Chicken" introduces Velma to a ...

Of course, when you select "Update or Add MetaData in video file", what gets written is missing the initial ". But I think the problem is not so much in the 'writer' as it is in the 'reader'.

This only seems to happen when the first character in the TVDB description is a double-quote (").

Bug #2 of 3 - When there is a single-quote (') in the title and/or description of an episode, and the option to write metadata is selected, the title and/or the description shows \' wherever it should just show '.

Series: Everybody Loves Raymond
Episode: S07E19 Sleepover at Peggy's
Description: Ray takes Ally over to her friend's house for a sleepover and is mortified when the girl's mother pats his behind after he helps set up a tent for her. Ray finds out that the mother is the same one Ray had a nasty run-in with over some Frontier Girl cookies a year before.

TVDB url for this episode:

I go to "Settings" -> "Renaming Rules" and I make sure that the check box for "Update or Add MetaData in video file" is checked.

When file is re-written with the metadata, the title tag shows: Sleepover at Peggy\'s
And the description tags show: Ray takes Ally over to her friend\'s house for a sleepover and is mortified when the girl\'s mother pats his behind after he helps set up a tent for her. Ray finds out that the mother is the same one Ray had a nasty run-in with over some Frontier Girl cookies a year before.

This is painful to edit manually!

Bug #3 of 3 - When the option to write metadata is selected, it mostly works but ultimately reports "fail" and I have to manually clean up the folder.

Say I want to rename the file "Better Call Saul.S06E01.Wine and Roses.mkv" to something else, and at the same time write metadata.

I go to "Settings" -> "Renaming Rules" and I make sure that the check box for "Update or Add MetaData in video file" is checked.

When I rename, I get a "fail" message.

When I check the folder, I now see two files:

The original: Better Call Saul.S06E01.Wine and Roses.mkv
A new one: Better Call Saul.S06E01.Wine and

The new one has the correct title and description metadata and seems to be fine in all other ways except the name.

The application is not replacing the original file with the new file. I am just guessing, but is it because of the double-period (..) after "new", in the name? Is it expecting to find "" and instead finds "" and therefore the failure?

Renaming works fine if I do not use the "MetaData" option. Also, I mostly use .mkv files, I don't know if this bug is unique to that file extension or not.

Many thanks for your great work.

Jim in Canada

Joined: 1 second ago
Posts: 0

Re: Bug number 1 -- I found out that this also occurs when double-quote is the final character in the TVDB description.


Series: Round Planet

Episode: S01E10 Bears


Description: Bears, the largest land predators on Earth, live in the tropics as well as the Arctic and exude a general air of "bear-iness."

Result: The final " is missing in "Show Episode Details" and in metadata written during a 'rename files'.


Jim in Canada

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FYI: Not ignoring you - just a crazy week this week 😊 

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Hi Hans!


It has been about 5 months, and I know I have been busy in that time, I'm sure you have been too!

I am just checking in to see if you have been able to address my bug reports in a newer beta release. I am still struggling with the old version and my work-arounds.



Jim in Canada


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Hi Jim,

apologies for the radio silence.
Been struggling with life in general (Covid has indirectly caused a lot of damage).

Additionally, I've been working on and one of my other applications as well, not to mention the endless requests of Apple Silicon binaries for Mac application (without having that kind of hardware).

RMTV will be next on the list of things to work on (found a few other, albeit small, bugs that I'd like to resolve) - did some work on it a few months ago, just never completed it. Which also comes with the headache of dealing with the TVDB v4 API ... (which I'm debating if I should just skip that one)

Thank you for the reminder though!
I would have felt bad if I would have forgotten your excellent bug report.
