Hello all,
I had a fatal Raspberry Pi problem over the weekend which resulted in a bit of a nightmare of trying to restore previous configuration data, and, as Pi-Baker was the tool that I used in the past I tried to launch it to see how/if it could help me with the mess I had to deal with.
Unfortunately, as soon as I launch Pi-Baker, using the latest beta (2.2.7, apparently), I'm asked to provide my password to install the Helper. I do that, but, the panel for authentication re-appears and I have to enter my password a second time. I do that, but, Pi-Baker then reports:
Fatal Error:
Unable to Install, Update or Activate HelperTool.
The com.tweaking4all.ApplePiBakerHelper Helper is installed in the correct location (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools), and it has the time/date stamp of whenever I try to Launch Pi-Baker.
I have also ensured that Pi-Baker has Full Disk Access granted to it in the System Preferences.
Nothing in the logs/console is particularly clear about why this is failing, and launching Pi-Baker from the command line also doesn't give any indication as to what, precisely, is failing.
Is this Just Me, or is this a known issue with Big Sur and this version of Pi-Baker?