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[Solved] MacOS X - ApplePiBaker works on older Macs that cannot run OS X beyond 10.11.4,
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September 5, 2020 9:14 PM
I have discovered that the ApplePiBaker app works just fine with old or latest Mac OS X operating systems and has more restore options then BalencaEtcher.
I am a new member. My son purchased a 1GB RasPi2 for me 5 years ago, I played with it for a while then lost interest because I have always used Apple Macs (got my first Mac in 1984). My Grand Daughter is now 7 so I wanted to show her some simple things the RasPi2 could do. But that got me into the RasPi environment again. My scope of interest has grown so I purchased a 4GB RasPi4 and an 8GB RasPi4. I set each of the computer up several ways with the original 7inch touch screen, then a 24inch HDMI monitor, Keyboard and Mouse, as well as a 3.5inchLCD touch screen. Finally I have set up a 4WD_Car to see what the python language could do for various I/O like (infrared detection, drive motor control, Ultrasonic distance detection, camera motion detection, LED control, etc.).
Sorry for the rambling, but I have discovered a few things that no one on the internet seems to have discovered. I bought some 16GB, SanDisk MicroSD Ultra cards to maintain backups and distribution copies. I discovered that BalencaEtcher would work with SAMSUNG EVO microSD cards but kept errorring out when trying to restore a downloaded Raspberry lP OS to the SanDisk microSD Ultra cards. Over the past 2 years, others have noticed the same problem, but no one has come back with an solution. I started looking for a reason for the restore errors, when I discovered that the Samsung SD's provided in the RasPi Kits are Speed Type U3 (100mbps read, 90mpbs write) but the SanDisk Ultra SD's I purchased were only Speed Type U1, i.e. (100/10). The BalencaEtcher must have a write speed timeout that is triggering when the write doesn't occur fast enough. I tried the new RaspBerry Pi Imager (1.4) but discovered that it doesn't work in your Mac OS X operating system isn't at least 10.14. So all us folks with Macs that cannot be upgraded beyond 10.11.6 are out of luck. But the ApplePiBaker app works just fine with old or latest Mac OS X operating systems and has more restore options then BalencaEtcher.
This topic was modified 4 years ago by
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September 6, 2020 4:22 AM
Hi avfc50,
thank you for sharing your experiences with ApplePi-Baker (I assume you're working with v2?) 😁
I'm super happy to hear that it works great, even on older macOS versions (I have limited access to older versions so I'm not always able to test those).
Thanks for the comparison with BalencaEtcher and RaspBerry Pi Imager (I had not even heard of that last one) 👍
In the end I just created ApplePi-Baker for the fun of it (and for my own personal use - like you, I did lose interest in RPI for a while as well).
Thanks again - it is very much appreciated! 😊
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September 21, 2020 12:01 AM
@hans, ApplePi-Baker no longer works on my 2009 MacBook Pro (OS X 10.11.6).
When I launch the App(2.0 version for Mac), It shows me that a Flash Drive has been inserted in the SD Port, but I will not let me choose a .zip file to restore to the micro SD drive. What should I do?
Famed Member Admin
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September 21, 2020 4:27 AM
@avfc50 - What is the exact version you're using?
(open the about info, right click the version info, a popup will allow you to copy the version info to the clipboard)
Note: I do not have the means to test with macOS 10.11 ... I'm willing to take a look though.
If you cannot select a zip file, then check if the SD card doesn't slide to read-only when inserting (happens on my old MBP every now and then as well). If the disk is read only, you won't be able to select a file to restore as the SD is seen as read-only.