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Porting to GTK4
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[Solved] Porting to GTK4

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Good day,


I had a couple of questions about future versions of RMTV. I was wondering if you plan to port it from GTK2 to GTK4 now that it's been released? I'm asking cause I suspect by the end of the year KDE will end support for GTK2. My second question is I was wondering what would be involved in creating an installer like DuckieTV has for their Linux desktop app? You just extract DTV, open a terminal in it's folder, and run sudo ./setup and that's it.  Other than these questions I hope everything is good with you.



If I'm reading your one post below correctly if I use the Amazon link in it and shop you get points / credit? If that's the case I'd be more that happy to make that my default Amazon link.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Locutus

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Hi AgentX!

Support for GTK4 depends on GTK4 support within Lazarus Pascal (the development tool that I use).
I know there have been talks about GTK3 but even that hasn't been completed yet (eg. stable).
I did see a forum post the other day asking about this exact issue (source).

Which tells me basically: dedicated dev needs to jump in and pick it up asap, but I'm not sure how fast they are willing to move.
There appear to be binding for GTK4 for Free Pascal, so they do have a headstart.

As soon as it becomes available, I will port to GTK4 of course.
But in all honesty, I think this may take a few months or even worse.

In the meanwhile, there is a QT5 version ... maybe that will do it for the time being?

As for your Amazon question: Yes, on certain products I'll get a small commission. It's not a ton, but every little bit helps, and the cool part: it will not cost you any extra and I have no idea what you're buying (or even if you're buying anything).

So ... it would be greatly appreciated 😊 

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Forgot to address the installer question;

I've been looking for a good and universal method for Linux.
But since Linux isn't my daily-driver, I'm not the most experienced user 😞 

I did find a lot of tools (no clue what Duck-TV uses) and methods online, but none of them are really "easy" to use.
If you become aware of a good option, I'd be happy to explore ... 😊 

Locutus reacted
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For a brief moment I considered this tool "VMware InstallBuilder" and then I noticed the price ... yikes.
There is an option to apply for a free license. I guess I'll download it first and give it a try ...

Locutus reacted
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Posted by: @hans

Forgot to address the installer question;

I've been looking for a good and universal method for Linux.
But since Linux isn't my daily-driver, I'm not the most experienced user 😞 

I did find a lot of tools (no clue what Duck-TV uses) and methods online, but none of them are really "easy" to use.
If you become aware of a good option, I'd be happy to explore ... 😊 

Ever thought about just turning what you have into a flatpak or appimahe? Just a thought.

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Posted by: @agentx

flatpak or appimahe

I've spend the last half hour trying to read all the details, but man that's a lot of reading ... I'll explore more tomorrow.
Something like InnoSetup for Windows would have been great. Took me less than 5 minutes to get started 😁 

p.s. suggestions and ideas are always welcome 😊 

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